HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-10-05, Page 1„w ranru wd2 1 u 4v p ip M1J� a' •.j Established :I 00 OCTOBER 5 1 o CHESTER t.. SMITH, 1 uB1.13HIp.1g,� Z[J�RflCI-i, D�I"I(), Tf-][1.iIZSDe�'� nild�i�IVINC, $1.75 0 Year In Advmnde., ...- $2.00 in U S.A., in Adva ST. PETER'S Melon Theatr 'Evangelical Lutheran Church GRAND BEND'ZUR- ICH — ONTARIO Presents for Your. Enjoyment. 1 "tin EV. E. W. HEIIMRICH, PASTOR Following Attractions U aan.—Divine ,Servicee. Monday, Tuesday Oct. 8, 9' 1.1.15 a.m. ----SundaySchool. THE CONSPIRATOR 7.30 p.m. -Mvine Worship. (The ,Man She Loved was a Trait 4"vorybody Welwnte to all Servlaes, sworn to kill her. A Metro -Goldwyn -Mayer Picture Starring: Robert Taylor Elimbeth Tayl Robert Fleming ® News Heel; Shorts - Love that P Pete Smith in How Come? One ,Show 8 p.xn. • re You S� g& �°WM Friday, Saturday Oct. 13, 14 He adache�i7• DAKOTA LILL Color b Cineoolor ' aoo, Have your (-yes ®M, —,Star 'Me Latest Latest Methods and ZgWpmDnt at George Montgomery Marie Winds Rod Cameron, with A. I„ COI, R.O. John Emery Wallace Fo .1aak Lambert Larry Jon GT�'TOl'aI>ETR3IST Ak OPTICIAN Shorts—The Art Dix•ecUo�r; Tru GODII -•- OI Load of Troubles `,V?od Glasses at idsia irbla PAO Two Shows: 7.30 and 9.30' BOWLING e u Bowling Danes GRAND BEND Register For League Bowling Open Bowling Every 'Week -end LUNCH BAR A Nice Way' To Spend An Evening!' Spectators Welcome! 611 /0 VYA y C,,vofmamp t7ulnewa7 CV002nel lymaerat DLrector — Pr Lvate Car a7nb1b1C67b0e, Member of On.taxio Funeral Association Holder Of ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFICATE Porial>Jk OXYGEN. Equipment HOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT—INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN FRESH FLOWERS SUPD Fl?,+LM MITCHELL NURSERIES WE WERE ANYWHERE 24 Dour Service — Dashwood Tel. 70W. T HIEL'S Superior Store- MEN'S WEAR LADIES' LINGERIE INFANTS � BOYS' GIRLS' CLOTHING FRESH GROCERES FRUITS VEGETABLES . CURED, MEATS IF REQUESTVILE DELIVER GIVE � ISS A CALL FOR SERVICE! Phone 140 - C. H. THIEL -_ Zurich --COMING EVENTS.- C.W.L. VENTS-- C. .L. Dance Community Centre Hall I RAG RUGS and C' ARPE EN, On a New Modern Loom, Made WW uriah Order --- Seth 0. Amann, Zuri, P. Ont. Phone 128. or) For True ZURICH, on Our Next •Holiday carried a bouquet of cream roses the Galt club for seeral years. Friday, October i 3th. irl2oneday, October 9th has been proclaimed as the Save Costly y Watcla Repair He managed the Galt "Perrier club 1930-31 whichwon then Ontario MU�SIC BY THE SYNCO!PATORRS annual Thankcsgiv- ing Day throughout Canada, and two years in a row. Later he Kitchener With Regular Watch Care W. Flynn of the R.C.A.F., Cen- to Dancing 9 :p.m. ? will be .observed as a holidarA when tialla `was groomsman. Following• a dled � y or Modern. and Old Time Dances all places of business will be closed. parents the couple left for their new Froin �, ! Pants, Shirts and Work Socks. Also a Fine Admission 50.Cents Speciale recognition will be given in bride travelling in a light beige suit to the Galt Junior. Robin Hoods who stock of Fall and Winter Underwear. Everybody Welcome the val'lous churches.P. Spacial Thanksgiving Services tively The Voice of Temperance spo AICnIVED CARD OF THANKS Will be held at the Blake Amish mennoxiite church on Monday Octo- JUST that he involves others in his plight, the tral �4e th I would dike to thank all my fri- ber 96 at 10 a.m. and 1.30 p• m. he is a (bowler lie can be the :same had g FOOTS. ends for the lovely cards i received with Llre following a gues> speaker: Jahn 'O Jttntz1 of Oaden; Wenno Also a big variety' of Rubber Footwear for Mex, `w CHANGE NOW membol• of the H,L,T. of,.C. reserve Battalion but had to glv o up army while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Ze11r 'VIillballlc :�.,. GIVE US A CALL! Hospital.-3drs. Bryce Mack. of and Kenneth Breri- neman of Weillesley, Ont. You are YOUR WATCH NEEDS-PERYODIC To the Coal tiou can depend ,on tial& into the respectable community. We ".Dodo" Tlofrrnan is survived tiy, a invited to winter. Solve Iyiour heating problem or attend. S. Baechler, Pas- CLEANING OND OILING. IF YOU this easy way and 'change to the coal „� � � '9 LA IE Sri. �� "1 I 1` l ep M. Love AR�� tor. Had Charter Buss OWN A BULOVA OR ANY OTHER that will definitely assure you coo.. tinuous 7'• Little and Sorr frrnerat home in Galt from where the funeral Nvas E. Schwaruentruber, Frop� Phone 11-97 Valid excuse for any alit-socirll coil- held on Thursday at 121 o'clock with heat throughout the winter es interment in Mount View cemetery- Some thirty sportsmen of own and FINE WATCH BE SURE AND months. And remember — 13LUX PIANO AND THEORY TEACHER vicinity engaged a charter buss on HAVE IT CLEANED AND OILED COAL 'burns better and lasts longer,, Studio — L. Wagner's Residence Sunday for an outing to. Detroit.They attended the Cleveland Detroit AT LEAST ONCE A YEAR Opens September 23rd. vs Baseb jX game, took in the sights as Belle Isle, the( Zoo (32 Years Experience) LORNE E. HAY Appointments: Phone Zurich 99 r 7 and a -game of locker„ arriving back home when both bkie d-qy and �+ Offlee Ph. 10. House Ph. 073r4 A H ES Presentation :-most of the night were well spent. It was a granct out-' the weather s - Ii E N S A L t Jeweler Registered On :Friday evening members of the in, being ideal for the occasion. and Roe's Vitimized Feeds Optician. Maple Leaf Farm 1+losctm gathered at •Lions the Home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mer- Club News ner in honor of 41r and Mrs. Harald` Smith (nee Joan Merner) recent At the regular meeting in the Do- pip budal couple. A pleasant time was enjoyed play- j mxnicii House Monday evening Lion Dr.1VcMaste'i of Seafoath, was the ¢ j 1@t J ing euchre after which the Ib'x dal guest' peaker and was indeed very lea couple were presented with two Iov- intere ing, closing for his subject „ Progl;ess - el pieces of Revue ware aluminum. Y p of the last 25 ydars." In- ternat%nal. councillor of Lionism, � 0 Licensed Embalmer sand Funeral The presentation was made by Mrs. Hal 2 rein, •of Seaforth :Director William Davidson and the following was also pres- ent for a few remarks. The usual Private Car Ambulance Service address was read by ,Mrs. Theodore 'of ® Steinbach after which the rooaii ' g routing./business was gone over, tied t9i meeting broaght to a -close. Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent expressed fox bgtj les and the bride, thesiitieexe=t%azlks `,ico a rTiU$! ' every sza-;y ;, FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS VARY ness paid thein as well as for these Day and Night SerV1Ce two lovely gifts: C. A. "Dode` Hoffman, Popular Good evening, Joan and Harold. Principal of St. Andrew's School, Telepbone: lies. 89 'n -or 122, Zurscb We are gathexed .as you see Dies Suddenly To ,wish you health ;and happiness and all prosperitbv� (Galt Reporter) - Your marriage to each other we hope will be full of joy and pleasure Around your home abide peace and loe, the choicest of earth's treasure With all our 'hearats we wish you well in keeping your new home In the happiness of each other, you i will never want to roam And when you use the gifts, we bring you here to -night Remeniiber they're from people who wish iyour future (bright! The A'laple Leaf Farm Forum. : c HYMENEAL j Smith - Merner i The R,C.A.F. chapel. at Centralia r was the scene of a ceremony at which l Helen Barbara Joan, daughter of Mx t and Mrs J. Wesley 14lerner, Zurich, I became the 'bride of Patrick Harold 1 Sanith, son of Mrs. Smith and the c late Patrick .Smith. The Rev. Fr.' t W. Whyte officiated. c The bride, who entered the church F with 'her father, wore a white slip- a f per satin gown with a slight train., Her French illusion veil fell from a b satin trimmed headdress, and she es curling 'IMS vuiy kW6iVLLJy1 U411ACI UU.Aly' V\'"M and he had -been a memver of sraea' u � carried a bouquet of cream roses the Galt club for seeral years. and white •chrysantheurns• A'Iiss Ther- ease M. Dietrich, London, iirluesmaid chose a gown of'heavenly blue satin of He managed the Galt "Perrier club 1930-31 whichwon then Ontario " 6y '' Clo"hes 1 Men's with matching net headdress. championship two years in a row. Later he Kitchener W. Flynn of the R.C.A.F., Cen- to piloted •,-unions a championship. He had also han- tialla `was groomsman. Following• a dled ,other clubs and organized the We have a Good Supply of Men's Overalls, Work reception at the hone of the bride's school league% in baseball and hockey parents the couple left for their new Froin ,a teani coached by him at Vic- Pants, Shirts and Work Socks. Also a Fine ho,me in Greenwood, Nova Scotia,the toria school several boys ;graduated bride travelling in a light beige suit to the Galt Junior. Robin Hoods who stock of Fall and Winter Underwear. with wine accessories. also c- took Ontario honors, He was ac- tively The Voice of Temperance spo 1 s engaged in promoting school p AICnIVED The trouble with. the alcohlic is Mr. Hoffman was :first attached to JUST that he involves others in his plight, the tral istaff of Victoria school, than C.en- Incl later was appointed prine- MEN'S WORK SHOES AND RUBBER If 'he is a curler he lets the other three membersof his rink down. If ipal of St. Andrew's sellool, a post he he is a (bowler lie can be the :same had held until his death. He was FOOTS. sort of a nu%iance. 11-1 colnp.ally b,(,popular humiliates his family by his boudnesslfellow-teachers. both alllong his pupils and He at one time was Also a big variety' of Rubber Footwear for Mex, At a banquet he. is apt to be di�sgus- �a membol• of the H,L,T. of,.C. reserve Battalion but had to glv o up army Women and Children. ting. In a ;street cal` he, 11nposes oil the good nature of the other pat5se11_ life. GIVE US A CALL! gees. The alcholic just does not fit Besides his brother, Clare in Galt, into the respectable community. We ".Dodo" Tlofrrnan is survived tiy, a FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND may have andel^standing 'and :sump- brother, Lee, and a sister Mrs. `.eroy Qtth. for 1115 plight, but it iR t'.irrlr thit it wain gruel ribs acl.nowieci;•rd that. a O'Brien, both of Zurich. Large numbers of friends and „� � � '9 LA IE Sri. �� "1 I 1` man h<rs no right to encroach on t,lre i” -,.hoof children rvtrre ,riveived at the fovbearance others usL becarts 11e .is. intoxicated. Tntoxication is no 7'• Little and Sorr frrnerat home in Galt from where the funeral Nvas E. Schwaruentruber, Frop� Phone 11-97 Valid excuse for any alit-socirll coil- held on Thursday at 121 o'clock with gra ey duct. interment in Mount View cemetery- ! - ..