HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-09-28, Page 8ZURICH - ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD GEMS OF LOCAL (NTERFST d OV� Mr, and Mrs. R. F, Stade spent aInsurance 40Q clay at fort Iduron .and Marine City, 40G Mich., last week. . 1 WHAT EVERY FARMER •n•^ Mrs. Caroline IFrice .of London, is Qn�' speanding the week with friends here NEEDS! Fall '0`004� in town. d Mr :and Mrs. C. L. Smith were Sun- Blanket Farm Liability Policy t9 day visitors with relatives in New 0 40 Hamburg. $10,000 Inclusive Limits coverage. 4 � Miss Helmsa Sippel of Detroit, and Premium $9.00 per annum per farm VP who is camping at Bayfield, renewed 1 not exceeding 350 acres. NOW ARRIVING ALMOST DAILYold acquaintances in Zurten -one day tp'I last week. - What Does it Cover? Miss Florence Hiaberer of London, New all Wool and Esmond Blankets, New Dress 0 0 was a week -end visitor at the home Operation of unlicensed tractors and 0 0 Q of her parents, Mr and Mrs. Ted. farm machinery; Strayed Animals, Materials; Ladies and Girls Sweater Coats; Farm Premises Risk, Personal Acts D Haberer. and Activities. Several ladies of the local W.M.S. �D00 -of the Evangelical U. B. church of Optional Coverages Mens and Boys New Suits; Sweaters, Flannel town went -by charter ibus to Rodney l'Y�Y to attend a Convention ion 'Tuesday. Animal Collision $200. limit on any Work Shirts; Everything in Work Shirts, Over - Mr and Mxv. Graber of Tndianap- one animal Prem. $1.00. Products 4 0 olds, Ind., spent a week's vacation at Liability. Custom Farming and ails, Pants, Sox. Some of these lines are in short the hoarse of their cousins, .Mr, and Machinery rented to others. 4 0 Mrs. Seth Aanans, I Employers' Liability. supply, particularly Overalls and Pants made of Mr. 1vIervyn Stelck of Bradford Voluntary Compensation. Q 0 was a recent visitor at the home; of For Further particulars Apply - blue denims. So if in need do not delay. 4 G +1iis parents, Mr and .Mrs. Ed. Stetlek Q a D'ash�iz,nola-'' ,---•-•-.., J. W. HABERER - Phone 161 QD, Mr. Jack Couplaand of the Bank of Montreal together with Mrs. Coup- A 4Q0 land and daughter have returned ARTHUR ERASER 0 a 4Q• from their vacation and the former is buck to work again. -"�t4mr--Ndc9iolas 'Deichert of Detroit Income Tax Reports O�11�� E spent a few weeks visitingat the Bookkeeping Service, Etc.. T" �I Ivisited hiomle of his sister, Mr and Mrs. MADE QQQ Hariv, Yung'bdut and family. Also EXETER at Kitchener ,and New Ham- 3FFICE •—Corner Ann, Willism Sts. (burg. 0 Phone: Exeter 504. Mr and Mrs. Edward RoppeI, of Mr. MacKenzie will be with us again on MONDAY Detroit, brother of �the Rev. H. E. 4 Roppel, ,spent several days mere this ELMER D. BELL, B.A. week, visiting -at the hatter's home SEPTEMBER 25th with a complete . line of 4 here in Zurich. a • 0G _Mrs. Floyd Hope of Streetsville, BARRISTER - SOLICITOR a - Mrs. H. McKinleip of Toronto mator- Samples of Cambridge Clothes, Suits, Overcoats, 0 ed to the -former's parents' home, EXETER, ONT. 0 Mr and Mrs Thos. Meyers on Satur- Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m., at Zurich 0 0 G day. Mrs. 'David Meyers and daugh- , At (New Twnp. Office) D 0 G ter returned home with -them from Made to Measure. Also Ready to Wear for men oo Toronto.CEMENT 0 and boys. Remember the date, one day only. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McLachlan and 4 daughter Marlene of Kippen, Mr and 0G Q Mrs, Eric Switzer Land daughters MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25th. 0 Sharon Ann and Disann ofClinton ; KK �D 4 Mrs. Jack Baker of near H:ills�green�®C•iiS enjiolyed a pleasant anotor trip to VIP Tolbermory on 'Sunday. Immediate Delivery G as c. h 0 Bros e P Mr. and Mrs. Ross Johnston spent n 440 the week -end .at Rochester, N. Y. and HURON CONCRETE 4Ah0 TELEPHONE 59 ZURICH were acdonlpanied home by the for - T . rner's mother, Mrs. Well]. Johnston, PRODUCTS who lead been for three weeks with her daughter, Mr and -Mrs. Ernest Phone 684 Seaforth 1 Gemming .in Rochester.- ^~ • 1\ F � n" l . rs.' . C. Kalbfleisch left :last week for Detroit where they are -- r • getting things ready to move .their T h isdan ^e COTe. • effects t10 Zurich where they `will • be Storing most of it till then new home is ready, to occupy. That' are \ ` vacating theilr former home in the1101 The Store with the Best Variety of all Kinds Q city ,by October is `� �`��; ' �;n;rr�e�°NINE 0 of Groceries • MaYfy en ale _ _ �� - ���� o The auction sale of the effects of \ Also Rubber Boots and Shoes for Men and BoysA the late Jemima Johnston on Satur- _ � � \\\\` ..;, day brought out a nice crowd, but - A fine assortment of Hardware and Electrical the weather was bad with intei,nt- © - _ •�"���\ ten rain, ,hail and then sunshine. Mr. Appliances Ed. Denonnme. of near Drysdale has ' O a few weeks ago .purchased the prop- BEFORE YOU BUY ATLAS AND SEIBERLING TIRES iii• perty. Everything was sold under * * * ,s ` g T �( • the hammer of the capable welding L V 1,/� �..+ CO -.OP. FEEDS Cured and Fresh Meats of Auctioneer Alvin Walper, who is • a real inaster at this art. SEE US— Your Patronage Appreciated at all Times! ! • • For Your Entertainment GIVE US A CALL! : Two interesting dances -will be held Fred C. Kalbfleiseh ® in the Hay 'Township Community • JOHN DENOMY - DRYSDALE ..Phone 98 r 1 Centre within .the next week. On & SON LTD. Thursday, iSeptember 28th, 1950 III1111IIIIIIIIIIIi1111111110111111(IIIII�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII(Illll{Illllllllllglllplhl Westlake Furniture Seasonable Supplies . WE HAVE A FINE DISPLAY OF ALL LINES OF FURNITURE A Good Variety of Linoleum, Congoleum and Axminister- Rugs, Etc. All Lamps are Reasonably Priced! We also carry a good supply of Springs and Mat- tresses, such as Beautyrest, Airfoam, Etc. Furniture Store Phone 122 - Zurich Residence Phone 89. Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll{II{Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll SCHOOL DAYS MEANS LUNCH KITS AND THERMOS BOTTLES. WE HAVE DIFFERENT SIZES AND COLORS NOW THAT THE COLD WEATHER IS NEAR YOU HAD BETTER CHECK YOUR STOVES AND FURNACES TO SEE IF THEY ARE IN GOOD WORKING CONDITION. WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ANY NEW PARTS FOR ANY TYPE OF RANGE, HEATER OR FURNACES. WE ALSO CARRY — New Ranges, Space Heaters, Toridheet Oil Burners and Furnaces; Beatty, Duro and Aero Deep and Pedlar Products. Paints, Enamels, Stains, Oils, Etc. Shelf and Heavy Hardware. We rent our Cement Mixer and Paint Sprayer. For Courteous and Dependable Service .SEE! Rider & Mittleholtz - 'Hardware Phone 63 - Zurich u @I Iml ii801tlllll IUIIIIII IIillUll 01 OPIUM11611 II p�1111 I ILII �IIIIII Till Ilfll U1Ufil 1 �I %0`0 FOR The Best In Mastic Tile Floor GET TILE - T EX,. ALSO CLEANERS .AND WAXES Manufactured by The Flintkote Company, ® Toronto, Ont. See Your Local ,Agent JOHN M. TU.RKHEIM - Phone Zurich 174 LAID AND MAINTAINED. - Free Estimates Gladly Given 3 Thursday evening of 'this week Earl ZURICH and GODERICH...................... 'i"1"1"4'°i"'j 1"a"1".'1"4*""*_0k Heywood and his Barn Dance Gang s of W ingham ;will ]put Ant their display ••�I•••••••6P •— of fine nnusic .for dance lovers, this "REMEMBERNOW THY CREAT- P Extrao is under the auspices of the Zurich I" SpecialHARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE Library Board'~ Then on Wednes- OR IN THE DAYS OF THY YOUTH _— -- — day evening, October 4th the Com- Ecc. 12.1. ,unity Centre are holding ;a dance F�.el Needs with the al end. T Orchestra e In-ry.the anusical end. The public are in- YOII!`h fOi Chi ISt CEDAR FLOORING 1x4 at PER M.........$85.00 Your vited to attend these well supervilsed functions. Brings You — Rev. Reg. F. White, Birmingham, England. Rev. White No. 3 Hemlock 1x4 and wider, Dressed • CHARLIE CHAPLIN'S SECRET is Pastor of King's Heath Evangelical ' Will receive attention with us if left 1n plenty of time. LOVE g� g Church, and is director of England's on 4 Sides per M. 60.00 We always try to supply our Customers with the most Now Told fox the first time.. largest YFC. pall ' ••�•• g y with a regular at - the story behind Charlie Charplin's tendance 'of 2500. Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to secret love, the girl he searched ,all A mystery musical ,treat ds in store 'No. 3.. Hemlock Shiplap 1x4, England to rind.. and lose. Revealed for you. h B and wider, per M. 60.00 insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early " and `.Gears the zeal Love, Lau htip l,o Atiel•i Rogers St. Johns , • lin himself. Read "Love, Laughter This Month We Take you To with us so we can arrange for your supply • Hollywoodstory LYTH TOWN HALL rr�� 77-- `�� �j-,1 i �y '((z__ �T in The American Weekly with this F. C. .1I. AT 3 LEIS -101<• & SO Sunday's1 issue o�. Detroit -SAT. SEPT. 30th, 8 p.m. YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT y' (Oct.( > Phone 69 - - - - ZURICH Sunday Times.Come and Bring your Friends ' Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? HYMENEAL: ...........' ..44* Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob. Datars - Hendrick Doreen Elizabeth, daughter of Mr aurite Datars, sister of the gfGom, ably You Need a New One. Let US Look These Over I and Mrs. Llotyd Hendrick or the Blue was Maid er Hcous r. Helen Wahl � S S e Harris for ;you and offer Our Suggestion to Your BCst Water Highway, became the ]bride of of �Kitdhener, cousin of the ]bride,� " Eldon Louis Datars, ,son of Mr. and was bridesmaid; Bethy Hertsberger, Advantages. Mrs. Elmlon^e Datars ofDashwood in also of Kitchener was :flower girl. the Zion Lutheran Church, with Rev. They were gowned alike in ,cosmi We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried IL. F. Higenell officiating. The wedgy shades of blue perri!winkle and yellow and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes,ding music was played by Helen ;off Nylon over taffeta with Adell a �Nadiger of Dashwood. ,4 ED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF MASSEX• Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes • Floor wax ria he i lovelhezbride was givenin a -full ns graced falingatott y HARRIS REPAIRS. sleeves, Uoclnae6cIwitli HAVE RECEIVED and he floor, The, RS. ORDER YOURS EARLY! OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS gown of white La -hour Satin 'on carried a ]bouquet of mauve and yel- AM TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR ANY MASSEY HARRIS Anntonitte lines with a "Madonna ;low mums, The flower girl, a small Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughin.g and Tinsmith yoke of Nylon slender sleeves ending basket of nnixed asters. Albert IMPLEMENTS YOU MAY REQUIRE, INCLUDING TRACT. • in lilly point cuffs. A moulded skirt man Ing our Specialty. Full line �f heavy and shelf Hard- Rader of Datars, brother was test ORS, THRESHING MACHINES COMBINES ETC. edged in. Ohantilla• .lace was caught Earl Datars, brother of the groom, ' ware always in Stock. up .in front biY1 tiny pearl rose buds was usher, gracefully displaying a petticoat -of The reception was held at the "The Service Arm for Canadian Farm" ralk age= 09111& lace falling in cathedral train. A bride's hone. For their wedding A DE & WEIL;O halo of 1crangreblossoms held in place trip to the Eastern points the bride her .Cin ertip veil. She carried a . hoose a wine Gazlbardine suit with TeL Shots 149 Oscar Klopp Res., Cil, • g. l c u. _ Z U N G �'°'M - O N 1 , navy accessories and wore a corsage . � t� cascade bouquet of American Beauty tinyroses :with white satin streamers l of w'ltiite mums. On their return Mr. QUALITY "" PRICE "' SERVICE ending with a tiny rose !bud. 'and Mrs. Datars will reside in Wat-ftlamoss— EVER AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FARM NEEDS! Attending the bride were 'ivlarg lerloo. imi