HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-09-28, Page 1Z fRICH."i ull:.,� n' a L E.bushed 19-00 1 ST. PETER'S ,Rvangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH -- ONTARIO i@tEV. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR 13 a.m.—Divine Services. L1.15 a.m. -=Sunday School. ;1.80 p.m. --Divine Worship. rW.verybody Welcome to all Servioes- EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH Zurich — Ontario REV. H. E. ROPPEL 1 Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch - Organist , anday Services: - 110:00 a.m.—Divine Worship. XLOO a.na.•-,Bvble SchooL ,7:30 p.m.—Divine Worship. 9 !111��a t • M ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY Mdon mTheatre GRAND BEND Presents for Your. Enjoyment. the Following Attractions Fridaip, Saturday Sept. 29, 301h. THE REFORMER AND THE RED ,HEAD M.G.M.'s Love Story with 1,000 Laughs. Jute Alyson Overpowers Dick Powell (.Shorts) Purty Squad and' Little Rupal Riding Hood Monday, Tuesday Oct. 2, 3rd. THE PARADINE CASE Starring Gregory Peck, Ann Todd, Chas. Laughton ,and Others Movie Tone News Reel. Only one show 8 o'clock. Friday, Saturday Oct. 6, 7th. Fred MacMurray Maureen O'Hara IN FATHER WAS FULL BACK With Betty Lynn -and Rudy Vallee (Shorts) Dancing Shoes and Beauty at Wiork. Two Shows: 7.30 and 9.30. -COMING EVENTS - c. W. L. VENTS--C.W.L. The C. W. L. are holding a Baking and Apron Bazaair in the Town Hall, Zurich On SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30th. At 3 o' -clock, p.m. EVERYBODY WELCOME, 11AN%"r;W-E At the Community Hall, -Zurich THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28th Music .by Earl Heywood and Hi Barn Dance; Gang Prizes for NOVELTY DANCE Step Dancing — Spot Dances REFRESHMENT BOOTH Admissiion 75 cents Welcome at d Services—Cthes ARCT thou d with us and we w'ri dO thee Ellen M. Love •t@,tood.'° Nam. 10:29. IJAN%"Ze-,�B PIANO AND THEORY TEACHER To the Music of Q Desjardine's Orchestra Siudio — L. Wagner's Residence At 'the f� Opens September 23rd. Hay Twp. Community Centr u4.ppoinitments: Prone Zurich 99 r 7 Are You Suffer From at ZURICH on Wednesday, October 4th. Headaches? CARD OF THANKS Dancing 9 pan. ? ? 7 MODERN AND OLD TIME DANCE U so, Have Yom (Yes wed Sieh We hereby wish to thank our Admission 150 Cents am LSteA Methods andL at childrerl, grand children, great grand Enjoy this Fine Evening's Entertain children, neighbours and friends for ..... ment in this lovely Hall s R.O. 'their kindness shown to us by pies- ,Sponsored by the Connnlunaty tjentr enting us with !beatuiful il'owers and Committee. 'OPTOMETRIST & CW?.7 YAN cards for our fiftieth wedding �anniv- ersary.. Signed, I . GODRRICK �— !E]b6iSl. Fiftieth Anniversary Mx. +and Mrs. Conrad Siemon ''Gato�od Glassea st The home of Mr and Mrs. Copra Sieinan, prominent .and well know residents of Zurich, beautifully, dec a�o 7 oaated with baskets of lovely autuan �6. ��,. ��t7� ?iCL�Z 5 f2e%?�:�i�"a 07ne, flowers was the setting Saturday September 1213rd, 1950, for the oc cession of their golden wedding ar T an e'l al DLl" ect o ". --- -Z�'�'vvcG�e G"CG7" . Q772�I LGLCGl LGC niversary. Menibeis of their Earle including their. grandchildren an Member of Ontario Funeral Association great-grandchildren firom Kitchens Waterloo, New Hamburg anti Lon i' Holder Of ST..iOHN' a AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFICATE were present to give the guests o honor a delightful suoprise, at 12.3 G Portable ®YGEN Equipment p.m. the grandchildn en staged a moa HOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT— ore CHAIR TO LOAN to Exegeratoe1enjoya familynlddinn FRESH FLOWERS SUFpUED FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES served at Monetta QVIenard's. Thirty, seven ,were present. Southern Frie WE WIRE ANYWHERE l Chicken with all the trintanings w weddin 24 Hour Service — Dashwood Tel. 70W. served, and a three tier e, Dake centred the bridal Mashie. presentation of rings were mace Mr and Mrs. 'Siemon by their fanill honors going to their youngest so r Lee Siemon of London, while grandchildren presented them wi o lamp. At Mlle .conclusion of t of the presentati-o�n the party motor y back to the Sie2non home at Zuric where Mr and .Mrs. Sienion receive {' neighbours and friends .who calledd E �'�"�'�1� offercorugratulations and presentSuperior U t with them a bouquet of flowers, well as gifts. Ma. and Mrs. Siem _ were married in Zurich fifty ye ago on Septenvber 26th, 1900 an (s the attendants were Mr. and Mr c h a n d s e Fred Howald 'orf London. alld Si. a mon was born at Zurich, and j Siemon at Brodh�tgen, aaict ':i.ave be residents of Zurich and district pr tically most of their lifetime. Th fauvily consists of tines sous, Lenn Kitchener; Orland, Wiatcrto'o; L LADIES' LINGERIE London; two datightcrs, Mrs. G MENS WEAR field Brown, Mrs. Nellie 117iller, N Hanvburg ; tandchildr fourteen g'' INFANTS BOYS' ?OTRLS' CLOTHING and seven great-grandchildren. o n emiber of the fatnilly unable to presehit for the ,celebration was tit granen dson Jack Siem'on. 'of Ilr�'hSc at present playing hockey FRUITS Mand. FRESH GR The Voice of Temperance VEGETABLES CURED MEATS The writer of this paragraph at a wedding in a city. The cerem IF REQUESTED, �%E DELIVER took ward itt a church. The recel� afterwards waw at all inn I;ecaus the temperance scruplos of the br groom's another no liquor was ser To follow the sa,craanent of plant with a cocktail p it ty i, 0110 or ustoi-as of wmart 14ociety that i GIVE US A CALL FOR SERVICE! very bad last(. It rcgtiir•es oo word from tilt lir ule',� tno�ther or ..... ...- . bridegroom's mother to preverr C. H. THIEL - Zurich s�acrili•ge, l,Jothers carry mush o Phone 144 of respectabiditip and good taste .f �respectabilitty cite good taste SEPTEMBER 281950 Hydro Will Be Off The scheduled Hydro cut-off for lae Area northof .London was ad- Vanced to Sunday October Mist 1950 from the hours 1.30 to 3.30 p.m. Had Special Services The Special Harvest Thanksgiving ,services •which were held in ,St. Pet- er's Lutheran Church on Sunday were well attended and the decorat- Mions for the occasion were attractive. ow thanid-ul we should all be for 'these many (blessings. Ivan Yungblut, Jerome Vietrich :and J. W. Merner attended the ib.ig community consignment auc- tion sale at Watford on Friday even- ing, and report as prices being high "stlike everything else at present - S At. the Contmunitlyy Centre, Thurs- day evening Septeniber 25th. For 'music lovers who wash to hear and bee Earl Heywood (Canada's Gene ;Autry) and his Barn Dance Gang. The admission to the gallery r only 25 Cents. IN KOREA With the 25th Infantry Division in Korea, September 10th, 1950. Corporal Joseph A. Geromette, of R. R. No. 2, Box No. 3, Zurich, Ontario .Canada, was recently promoted to the grade of Sergeant for meribor- .ious service while on the Korean e 'front. He is a member of the 25th Infantry "Tropic Lightning" Division which has been in action on the Koa- ean. front, under the leadership of Maj. Gen. William B. Bean, since S earllyy July. Miscellaneous Shower ' Last Tuesday evening was chosen at the home of. Mr and Mrs., Ray- -ion, Kading, Blue Water Highway, fir., present Doreen Elizabeth Hend- r'x-icr (bildd elect)-msfih-,.a nliscellan-: sous shower, where a most splendid tune was enjoyed together and ,where d Doreen received many useful gifts. n She expressed her appreciation for _ the same to her inany friends. A n social time along with luncheon was partaken off. On Wednesdays evening at the �_ home of the groom's aunt and uncle, Y Mr. and Mrs. V'nn. H. Haugh on the d 14th Concession a iniseellaneous Kitchener shower was held in honor of heir I nephew Eldon Louis Datars (gzoom ,f elect) where .many relatives and fri- 0 ends gathered to present them with k gifts for their future days. Eldon d and Doreen (bridal couple elect) er spoke words of thanks for the gifts y_ and esteem shown to them. A most d j oiyful evening was spent along with as deli-cious refreshments sand best wish- es for a happy marriage brought the A good time to adieu. to RETURN FROM LOVELY TRIP y, Mr. .and .Mrs. George Delchert of n, Zurich returned liome on Thursday Mite evening from a motor trip through th the Canadian West -and the central he parts of the U.S.A. They were ac- ed companied- ibl�i lbrs. Deichert's brother h, Mr. and Mrs. R. Kalbfleisch of De - d troit and they motored north through to the Sate of MicH,igan, crossing the ed Strait of Maahinac, on to Duluth. as where they visited an iron mine anc °n then re-entering Canada at Fori Yea. Frances, to see the lovely sceneryir td the Lake of the Woods district. S. After spending a few days will e- friends in Moose Jaw, they continue( M.` their western tour to Edmonton ant on the Leduc oil. -fields, where they sav ac- Sonne of. the new coil wells in action The On their southward tour to :the Yell is, owstone National Park, they visite, ee, Banff, Calgary, the Glacier Park a ar- the P,order and other places of in e'`� terest. They enjoyed their visit: t en the Yellowstone Park, w.iere the On saw Hundreds of geysers sending u be stcant and hot ,rater. "The 01 eir Faithful" spouting about, 50 to 7 or, feet of water and steam every hon Also visited the Yellowstonq Canyo and a lake 770'0 t'eet above .sea levE As they left the Park the : now wi falling gentllyl and they saw son was real Ohristnnis scenery along tl on,y i Sylvan Pass 8,559 fc,et tltitllde. tion .On then' homeward trip they lr- e of I sed through the Black Forest tnd t ide- Badlands, of South Dakota sand tit vee 1Htatic;'h Mite fertile f.irml.ands a targe corn belt in Iowa• They spent a d them Chicago, where lir. George call s in oil mons International in 01 L, c ,t y a. ied 141c,turitlick building. They I the lavournblo weather at all times r this enjoyed their (),000 mile tour v, ST- 'the much, without accident or mish .-Av, which retakes a trip all the an -Av.I complete. CHESTER l.. SMITH, PUn9USHU„ ;1.76 s Year In Advaactw $2.00 in U. S. A., in Advaaoe. + NORMA ' S RAG RUGS anti CARPETS BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS On a New Modern • Loom, Made f! rel. 1223. ,Zurich Order — Seth 0. Amann, .Zurlr,.>4 NORMA STEINBACH Prop. Ont. Phone 128. Save Costly Watch Repair With Regular Watch Care r 3 ,I 3A%1 kT UR WATCH NEEDS PERIODIC EANING OND OILING. IF YOU WN A BULOVA OR ANY OTHER NE WATCH BE SURE AND ,bbl e coar CHANGE NOW To the Coal you can depend ion the winter. Solve lylour heating problems this easy way and -change to the coal. that will definitely assure you.. conA tinuous heat throughout the wintermonths. And remember — BLUE. E IT CLEANED AND OILED COAL burns better and lasts longer.. LEAST ONCE A YEAR (32 Years Experience) LORNE E. HAY Office Ph. 10. House Ph. �a73r� G. H E N S A L L Jeweler and Registered Roe's Vitimized Feeds Optician. laaea�a�a�►®ao��ees(sa®�u® aae�,�+ee���roa�s®��sac�a�e®a�eae� a it Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL. OCCASIONS Darr and Night Service Telephone: Res. 89 - or 122, Zoiric tl9ei�!®fl!!l®®iti9®��41W®!`�!'®!®d, !®lCABioi�!!!®iallaoW�da�r®sI;! Za J-Jpf a ! We are ever at your service with the best lines obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well as Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand • Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supply = h GIVE US A CALL, Menne Oesch - Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 d% 11 M s owk Clotheb i We have a Good Supply of Men's Overalls, Work t ('ants, Shirts and Work Socks. Also a fine v stock of Fall and Winter Underwear. P 3 5 JUST A l MEN'S WORD SHOES AND RUBBER LS BOOTS. le Also a big variety of Rubber Footwear for Men, s - Women and Children,. GIVE US A CALL! ,d IV FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND rr-ead 1 rd ITHE BLAXE ,ry 'lip, E. Schwartzeiatralber, Prop, Phone 11-97 ore 1 0. 01110. ,_