HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-09-14, Page 13W ,ZURICH ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD Authorized as second class mail, Foot Office Department, Ottawa+ BUSINES CARDS - John W. Orchard I OPTOMETRIST T Main Street — Exeter Open Every Week Day T Except Wednesday Phone 355J JaCENSED AUCTIONEERS ALVIN WALPER Licensed Auctioneer HURON AND LAMBTON yor your Sale, large or small, CO'Lly- teaas and Efficient Service at all Times! DASHWOOD phone 57 r 2. E. F. CORB TT Y LICENSED AUCTIONEER L formageascnable, SatisSacti9n - .Guaranteed EXETER, R. R. I Phone eh 92x7. �VETERiNARIA.N W B. COXON, I3N. Sc - VETERINARY SURGEON E f ice with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store ��e.•--96 ZURICH BUTC1-1ERS Z.arichs' popular Durrand In -Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Friday, -September 8th, to Mr land Mals. Philip Durrand, Zurich, a son. Schwalm In Clinton Public Hios- pital :on Tuesday, September 5, to Mr and :Mrs. Gordon Schwalm, Hen- saill, a son ( Charles Gordon,) Bo¢u: — At the Farwell Nursing Home, Zurich, Ion Wednesday, Sept- ember 20th, 1950, to Mr. and Mrs. John Turkheim, Zurich, a son, a .bo- ther for Marion. Put Your Want, For Sale Lost. E ound, Etc. Ads. in this Column. FOR SALE A number iof pullets. Apply to Lawrence Birisson. . NOTICE New Idea Farm Equipment: Minne- apolis -Moline Tractors and M•achin- elly; Boom's Wagon Unloaders; new and used machines. — New Idea, Distributors, Goderich, Ont. Phone Carlow 2821. *3t FOR SALE 11100 Sussex pullets, 6 months fol Apply to Neil Gingerich, Phone 90 2, Zurich. FOR QUICK SALE Three sets of steps for Quick Sale, approximately 6' by 4' high. Community Centre Board, J. Halberer N O T I C E STRAYED Unto my faTin, south of Zurich a Hereford heifer with calf at foot. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expen- ses.—Alphonse Dietrich, phone 89 r 115, Zurich. c LOST In Zurich, a fountain pen. Finder please return to Milton Oesch. MEAT MARKET FOR SALE ] You with the Let Us Supp y y A quantity of good potatoes for ,,Very Choice of Fresh and Cur- `winter storage. Place your order now ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, for your supply. --Josiah Steckle, R. Etc., always on hand. Kept R. 2, Zurich. fresh in Electric Refrigeration _HONEY FOR SALE( Highest Cash Prices for Fqr a limited time only, No. 1 WOOh Hides and Skins clover Honey at 20c. lb; and amber at .15c.Bring your- co IT.'i11 balfe'� SoHEobeier & Sons, Zurich. PRODUCE . Silverwood LOCAL NEW61 STRAYED Unto my pasture, Lot 15, Co .9, Hay Township 141 head lof 3 -year old Steers. Owner can have same by proving propert i and paying expen- ses.—Arnold`Merner, Phone '81 r 20 Zurich. DAIRIrjoFOR SALE Ew& Market for Cream, Eggs Marsh Grb�vn Vegetables, corn on and Poultry cob, cabbages, (potatoes, carrots, etc. - Gerald Gingerich, Phone 1,34 Zur- Have Your Eggs .Graded on ich. our AUTOMATIC FOR SALE Mrs.. Ed.Data. rs,' Sr., was a recent visitor to Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. -C. L. Smith were at 3eafoxth and Goderie'h on Friday. Mr. and Mrs, 'Corless of Clinton, vere recent visitors wilth their dau- ;hter, Mr. and Mms. Kenneth Beakey. Mliss Agnes Hartman of Hamilton, 'i -sited with Mr and Mrs. Kovno .Hart- nan last week. Mr. ' Kenneth Routledge of Cali~ - 'ornia spent a few days with friends n town over the week -end. Mm. and Mrs. Frank Ralithby and ions of Auburn were Sunday visitors it the home of Mr, and Mrs. William teichert. Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Duehanme of ;he B.W.H. spent a couple of da" vilth Mr and Mrs. Kuno Hartman of ,he Goshen ,sou-th. Mr. and Mrs. Menno Oeach spent iunday in Lucknow where they visit- sd with their •niece Miss Eileen Reiid, rho .is here on a motor trip from Winnipeg, Man. Ma'. and .Mrs. WiViam H. Haugh and Mr. and Mrs. Urban PPfile of the 14th Con., spent a few days with: re- tatives in Pigeon and Kinde, Mich., recently. Adv. H. E. Roppel is at Kitchener tion -day, Wednesday, attending an ex- ecutive x- e B ivan e tingof the TEvangeldaal Messrs. Ward Fritz and Edwin Gascho spent a few days last week in the former's island cottage Un the Parry Sound District. - �Misses Maiildla, Alice and Susie Johnson of Kitchener, and cousin Harold Johnson of Toronto, called on friends in town on Mlanday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MacKinnon and son Ross of Toronto, and Dr. and Mrs. Archie MacKinnon of Galt were week -end visitors at the home of the forlmer's mother, Mrs. Matilda Mac- Kinnon. To Attend Rally The Fall Rally of the Crediton District of the W. M. Society of the Evangdlical U. B. Church, will be held in the Rodney Evangelical Church on Tuesday, September 26t'h. A chartered .bus has been engaged by the Crediton, Dashwood and Zur- ilch Ladies in which they wil1l ibe con- veLved to -and fro. it Was Cool and Wet A very coal 'and wet spell of wea- ther vWted these parts last week, just in tinne for the Western Fair at London. However, farmers could not do much at home so many of them got out the car and drove to the Fair, and not a 'bad way to spend a day at that. •BREAD on the table µ� the meal i5 ready! No meal is complete without plenty of delicious wholesome bread. And TASTY -NU tasts good and is good hearty food for you. Every slice a slice of energy - Buy an extra Loaf today—start now to serve more bread at every meal. Get your TASTY -NU Breac at the Tasty -Nu Bakery or at your local Grocers. Tasty -Na Bakery PHONE 100 — ZIJRIC14 ,y-'Vrr, a d rs. Kenlneth Breakey have commencedl building their new home in the south end of town. The basement excavation is complleted, and 'the foundation _is :getting, under.:..: way. i`�in ' wi a a'easonable amount of~ good weather this fall these new homes under way should -get closed in rrh the time the snow will actually be flying. POPULATION INCREASES Ottawa — Canada's population has topped the 13j850,000 mark. The Bureau of Sb'atistics estimated that it reached 13,871,00 on July 1st, the latest date for which figures are •av- ailabl8—far a gain of 143,000 lower the January 1, total of 13,72.8,000. f At July list, last year it was 1113,579- h 000. 113,579- 000. EGG GRADER • •7.00 New Hampshire Pullets, have FATHER HUSSEY PASSES started to lay.—Alvin Gingerich, LeRoy O'Brien, Manager Phone 90 r 6, . Zurich. c Rev. Thomas P. Hussey, 'rector of 1 phone 101 Zurich FOR SALE St. James' Church, Seaforth, died in St. Joseph's Hospital, Dondon, on . YOUR Sunday night last, at tlhe age of 7'3 s {{�� ZVr�CII Creamery 1945 Fargo Half -ton pickup, two Com- yiealrs. He had been ill for 1b4+e past Hussey served as 'S new tires, heavy duty on rear. with racks and tarp.—Albert year. Father "plain, with the rank of captain, plete :Your Home Market for Cream Erb, Phone 97 r 4, Zurich " i'n the First World War. He was�Born in :the townsi.ph of Ashfield, Huron Eggs and -Poultry FOR SALE County. After receiving his early in his home Itownship, the Highest Cash Prices paid plus g-h.p• 1215 cycle motor; Half h.p. 'axle, rip and education attended Ass;um'ption College, Sand - for and phdlosolihy, and for deliveredcream air compressor, trailer cul;, off saw. —Apply I. Willert, with, classics later entered the Grand Seminary in the= k premium to effi- Phone 210 Zurich. Montreal, taking hits clourse ,in ology. In 1,904 he was ordained into We are equipped give FOR SALE the Holly Priesthood. '(Gent accurate service. Egg Durham Cow for sale, carrying her In M&Cristrete's Cnurt. and Poultry department in third, calf, clue Sept. 3rd,. Apply to Sol Gingerich, Phone 84 r S. Stanley Martin, operator lo(f Dool- !charge of Mr. T. Meyers. �fi1 A N T E D WANTED ey's lunch, Grand Bend, was septen- ced to two months in jail for boot- Chas, Minshall, prmprletor by Magistrate D. E. Iiolmes Old Horses,• suitable for mink feed at Exeter police court Tuesday. of discellaneous Items, on' the Premis- b in the Village of Zurich. The un- Will pay 2c. a pound. Phone Collect. last week. It was 'Mar'tin's setlond off - I N S U R °A'N C E Jack Gilbert, 93G r. '2]., or Ashley enee this summer. He was fined $50 Ont. Four • • Gilbert 936 r 312, Goderich, -tf ill June on a similar charge. age, testi- s ! BOOKKEEPING SERVICE wiltnesses, all 21 YCIRTS of fi.ed thely Ibouglit a case of :beer from Auguste0 Western Farriers . 1fila1 artial for $'8 on Sunday, ?r ? FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, A smashed "coke" bottle led to the ''' Weather Insrrra�rae�"Cnm.. INCOME TAX REPORTS cl<arge, One of Mae boys who sai;(ihe the sof! ea AUDITING, ETC., ETC. was "ipretty high" smna5hed" on the main street o2 OF WQ0. bstoI~ NORMAN COWAN drink lbatrtle Grand Bend. Resid'en'ts complained .tc WHE LARGEST '1 ESURVE B.A11 IdAI' POST OFFICE .015h�OS 40 r 13. p4t Police which resulted in the bootleg• The boys, two 17 year( A.N•CE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- — ging arrest. 0f age, one 19 and one 40, o'll 'o� UAL COMPANY U0.ING BUSI,N7 SS D���()(� Enlib,ro said they (bought a cave a iron OF THIS KIND IN ONT-ARI'0?.'. chairs, drop leaf table, 4 kitchen O'Keefe's Extra Old Stock Ale b( mount of Insurance .It Risk on _ l?artin for $8.. — It p:soved tb $2.75 Eaeh.Prom t Sevvice for day for Grand Bend operat December 31sk, 1.946 �i73,699,236.00 �:incic ii' iltnlns. Call 7'h(1nelbat^coin Lifttn r '+ (,1, tvhrn MlIgistrnte Holmes, vilio h,v Total Cash in. Bnnk and Bonds. nil 1 (, ( n t i,' 1. ; -r1 , •,O a LL ,1-.r I n:. cr,nntlt" levied tit; m:tx:lnum "n $40 for offences -against the Lord' $444,115,39 :fates; on Application P1 fn If I C y,:, i of i 1 0- t thron�llout the atunme7 11o) tit'n• •, !1 1 ,:j. , t .e 5'19}:19- ��� ,,, F. K.t�.,0' r :, ZUR10E cri r w :•tl 1 i{�. i�Jll'i 'i l:"xJ . k:il9 e T�tS":� I'".{ •lr: Villa i . ldi'4 Ito 111 of these cones~ ton ape t ata: is call 1)a 'made 1 Cll`llg( rttn(l:.�YBill 11 lY J:J.r Arranf,aninn Watson �•N atson - r t{cil 1' del):�tnus dl lvin:o t,L nim.st i',(,: klos,ollben"v Axl.so Dealer in Lightning Modal Dashwood — Plione 35x19 of Detroit and Frt bnd all Finds of Fire Insurance ` �13tidL,n', Luc., were ttdjour:lecl. GLENN'S Auto Wreckers Phone 418-M EXETER USED CARS USED PARTS TIRES, HEATERS AND ACCESSORIES • TWO GOOD STEEL TRAILERS BOXES WITH FENDERS - TO SPEAK OVER CBC Thursday, September 21st, 1950 Como F E E D S ARE YOUR BEST BUY i • • l e f Only Re -Cleaned Grain Used in Our Feeds s+ AVAILABLE AT • Hensall Dist. CO -Operative t HENSALL and ZURICH YOUR CAR represents a major investment. It deserves the best of care—and that's what we're ready to give it. whether ir's a complete lubrication job or just a battery check, we really try to give good, thorough Imperial service—the kind that will keep you coming back. We'd appreciate a chance to shoal) you Hector' �yf� $ 15•� what we can do. 1iecFo c.,".cier IMPERIAL ST. JOSEPH SERVICE STATION �, COR. No. 84 & 21 HIGHWAYS y DEALER SAVE—ST. JOSEPH SERVICE 15 PREPARED TO SAVE YOU SOME MONEY ON YOUR TRACTOR AND IMPLEMENT TIRE NEEDS. COM- PPARE OUR PRICES AND ALLOWANCES ON YOUR OLD TIRES! Summer Footwe 1 Women - Canvass platforms, wedge heels in dif- ferent Colours. Leather Sandals, white Red, Navy and Black. Also a limited amount of white Buck Dress Shoes. Children.. - Fleet -foot in all lines and sizes. Also Sandals in red, white and brown. See our Scampers for $1.75. Boys - Fleet -foot, including the softball and basketball shoe. See our Scampers. Men..- Woven vamp Oxfords, Platform straps, crepe straps. See our Scampers. Ladies, Please Note: we are now able to obtain the new DESCO shoe which will arrive in August. We had hoped to get this Shoe:last year, but as this is an American shoe, international regulations prevented this shoe to arrive in Canada. But it's Coming this time. , WATCH FOR DESCO. poration Beecroft Church, National Ottawa, Phis C.B:C. tawa, hear Oeschb ov stive Res. Dr. W. A. Beecroft The Canadian Broadcasting has invited Rev. Dr. W . A•+�;��ra�►��. >�m►"'�':-%" �' of the Wingham United to give an address 'on the Evening Hour irc•in • • l e T �-{uy A & ty e (Sunday on S'undaly, September 24th. ( e iii!!! national evening service 's It is broadcasted a • • you can't go wrong when you buy a well known production. rom Stewarton United Church, Ot- -0 to • • • Reliable Beatty Washing Machine and we all will be please e Dr. (Beecroft give the message. We carry a full line of the Genuine Beatty Washers Cling Auction Sale a at three popular prices )f Valuable Houselltold Effects and 0 • $119.50 149.550 159.50 discellaneous Items, on' the Premis- b in the Village of Zurich. The un- • Also the New Beatty Electric Ranges. iersigned Auctioneer has been in- ,tructed to sell by public auction on • • Come in and see them - they'll speak for themselves SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd. : Always a good supply of Shelf and Heavy Hard - At 1 o'clock p.m. sharp leather ware on Hand. 3 -piece( Chesterfield suite, davenport, large leather rocker and Scarfe's Endurable Paints, Enamels and Varnishes. Aairs, living room table, extension • dining r00% table, 12L dining room Almatex Plastic Paints, Knill-Glo,..Etc. chairs, drop leaf table, 4 kitchen chairs, Westinghouse electric radio, le, end table •• Our Aim—To Serve and Satisfy! • • amtique 'centre tabsmall folding table, various oak Kers, buffet, combination hook shelf and 0 & O'Brien • I table, oak parlor set, Rayn:onct sew- s wooden • u at s ins machine, 8 -day clock, ad bed, springs and .:mattress, commode • juin St. Hardware Store one ?13 •• and dresser, G steel ibeds with .springs p N\ —�-�- and.,.ma'ttrEiss, 3 toilet sets, feather - tick, 'kitchen cabinet, couc;t, solid tAblest double cupboard, ;2 cellar t�blea, flowers and flower boxes,fern -�" �� IS1, E R stnnds, graining set, large trunk, suiall cradle, 2 -+burner electric stove, _ ---- - used only 6 months, 3 -burner coal TO TRUST INI THE LORD oil ptove, "all coal oil heater, was- bing machine, small weigh scales, Than 'I'o Put Confidence in Man. Psalm 1 1 c�: . electric lamps, parlor rug 1`9x15', new linol7bum, meat grinder, paper Cursed be the lean that t:u.steth in 111an.:Ind rlakt'ti: fie�h rook, pictures, picture frames, mirors his srnl, and lYlwse heart de tl f ,fl „nl ih; 1 rt d. Ter. p lice table cloths, large assortment of and The heart, is deceitful abu%"c all thinks nn{l. de.,per,it .y Yvl�ked; mats, limens, quilts, comforters f bedding, and pillow cases, i I Who can know it. -•- Jer. 17:5. pillows ass ware, goblets, ; fwncy dishes, glass I the Lord, .Larch the hr•:ut. I try tll�` :(ln: even to ;Five Ili;; and a.c,:tlilt *o the. �issaware, silverware, quantity of i eVery man atrcording to tY his dot -. - Jur. t" lP). Nf�t, :begs quantii�y, of scale:, and ! i frocks, full line o;t kitchen utensil ! ! fruit of ills.. vd is the :raft Mat {ru. lwth it, Inv Ion! :?.Ill latinn slower, fruit stan&, �::rcl, tt i ; 1 tl;, I,ol (1 is. ----• Jer. 1 + : ' quantity antity of potato,.. :�,, i ?•r `.n , ol`tt•t: rep,•,„ (' :, ,,:It,i ', • . -l. `;1,,[• ., n1alt�' a. lct'lea tC".Cl llti.l.,l .. ,.., lli, .t t, C"R:i ,. 1�1 .;t..'' Yt ii't ,••.. - i'. r tion. ; , s 'PLAY to attend this sale as (Welt- 1 1- 1 r -, 1 vu _l ,Y ,' �i,r lr t,� i'10si tki:lg is in 'first' el1iF.4 C'0116;tioll. d' '� 3 1 7 S" 4.61�t1 n I`'b:�. Y.�t.'E'�'.�prl. t '.[`LR.i1S---CASK �i __ .w......,-•_..-....r.,.w.-. C :• bli::. '' ,• ..--+.l;:lt 1'1'}".,dal,,, 1'rt,',1: I1 t . • . CI -.I l�.�" 1'.. 1' LJ1 I I;R j 5 I, 4n DST. SY?I3 fi T �' 1. � '�'ut tYb CD,•4� 1 Will. S. John;toll, Clerk. .Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. i t