Zurich Herald, 1950-09-14, Page 12V 41 ONTARIO WANTED White Beans - Soya Beans Timothy - Alsike - Sweet Clover Red Clover - Alfalfa We E. REID Phone 87 or 158 Dashwood 21st. I ens attended the LO,0Qn-Fair the Mr and Mrs. Arnold Gac%stetter vissited recently past week. Though the -weather was were reeent,14i at t with their rriothehr,.ita1.Se0or4fi;1tad lived in Heiisall. 69 tile CNE. Toronto, Urs. Wesley Coleman, yeam Re was born at Hillsgreenar%4 rainy and disagreeable; Saturdays also visiting withref.14tives in Ha -mil- Tile assessmelit ,hold for 1.959 Wu cwne here when 4 lad a ten. Fox,� ,was one of the favourite dqys',Aor.the toll, Ridgeway and Fort Erie. turned over to municipal .0ouneil 'by many o*ars he was engineer at 'LTTqo Occasion, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Loire were re-, Assessor W. [B. Cross, Court of Re, isUrt"s , mill and later was a nia=t, Miss Georgina Corriveau of thisl Pent v43itors to Toronto. 'Vision ds scheduled for Sept. 09. The acturer of cement blocks and tile. H,& neighboirtoad who has been (off work To Have Church Anniversary new ni,(,nVb* to ,tire vfte library was a 'Aaember of Cannel Predbyter- the -past two, weeks has� r�etrn-ect, to I Anniversary services will be held board, is, . the Rev. W. J. Rogers us tau ChurelL Surviving are one sost London to resume her,charte of duty in Brucefield United Church on Sept. ;appointed ;by 0ouncV, he succeeds the Ray, Sit. -Catharines;tWo. dau t Summer resorters are still :0 , bing 24th. Rev. Ray McCleary, -of Wood- Rev. R. A.' Brook. gh- era. Mrs. 114*eA Elgie, Kippen; Alic6, Ex. and ciouning tbougfi it is n,* too nice green United Churoh, Toronto, active eter; two brothers, George, London; for cailliping. Presumably 4�y A�artz in, settlement work, and -a former Late William E. Pfail., John, ffensaH, land. one sister, Enims, to get all the resorting ON j� they padre, -Will be the special guest spea- William E, Pfaff 68, who died on call out of the season, ker. At the evening service special Sept. 17th, in -Scott Memorial Hoso- Reg* 'X ' Mr. Frank Denanime, who is re- music will be provided by a quartette modelling hie hobse on the B. W. is and soloist from the Hiarome Male welt •advanced' With the rwoq*., alic. ( Choir, Exeter. whell,clanlipletted will be oneof, those.,.., Stanley Fire .Protection modern honles. I aer Webster, Stanlely 11151 ii .1. : Reeve *Ehi Townslilp, rec Oil Saturday nig tie a recept-., ently made an agree - 1011 was given to between his municipality and Ducharme, newly i4dg,' biketishLI stidl.tWe 'Town of "Clinto.-a for fire protect - Mrs. Bob Masse at their hoo'The ion In the northerly -part of Stanley, t00% attendance was large and those -iArlio -similar to all agiaement Stanley has attended reported a good itime. Need- wilt]' Zurich. The Clinboo Council -less to say, but it was one of those will discuss the inatter and report 6.1-1 old tinge house parties, and all On- later to Stanley, joyed themselves till ,the wee morning I Had Church Anniversary hours. When the partfibroke up ini .The congregation ofHilisgreen Un - 4 joining together thei3m ' wished the (ited Church observed their annuar bride and groom the best of all in fall anniversary on Sunday asst at their married life. 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. 'Elie guest spe- aker at the morning service was the D R Y S D A L E.- Rev. Wm. Mair, M.A., Thames Road, past chairman of the Huron lrresb) t- ///��� MIr and Mrs, Tiny Bedard of Tor- terY Who gave an inspiring address. FRE SH CLEAN IZUN- onto ispent- last weekend wlth�' fri- I The music was rfurniished by the Zur— NING WATER in your ends and -relatives. stables at the turn of a Sorry to report that:17vir. lich -Male 'Octette with Mrs. Milton tap. Joseph Oesah accompanist, 'Me evening spe- D'u-charnie is quite poioAly, aker was Rev. Rogers, B.A., B.D., of Many prosperous farmers Attended Wedding Hen present chairman of the Mr. and .Mrs. Chas. Rau, -Mr. L d today have installed a !Huron' PresbyteTy, and the music Mrs. Nelson Ducharnie, Mr, and Mr D U R O PUA1,PING s'was furnished by the Hillsgreen Lad - John Deniornme and Mr arta Mrs.. les' Choir. Services were withdrawn SYSTRAI . . . especially designed to provide run- Franklin Gorrivean. attend�d, the at Kippen. . . . . ...... k -wedding at Wind-, Late Mrs. Wm.. Coleman ning water for the house Bedard - D-ronrard . . . . . . barn ... stables ... sor recently. The -groom -being i Mrs. Wm. Coleman diled at the chicken house truck Alphonse Bedard, youngest soll Of1home of her son-in-lawp'Milton Ste - garden and besides it's Mrs, Nelson Masse. Alphonse was1wgrt M, cKillip Twp.,' followilig an J I fire protection for all your at one time very prominent in Drys- I illness of 20 months. She was i9orn buildings. dale having been born and raised lin Stanley. Township in 11666 and here. All best Wishes goes to Alph-lwas married there to -Mr. Coleinan. Increased profits con. arse and his bride. who died in 190-8. She was the forin- venience saying in time and labour are ad- Bean pulling ig the order of theler Sarah Jane Consitt -a -daughter day (when it don't rain) The went]'-; Of' John vantages you can have Consitt -and Ma'ry Jane Peck 0 IX eT is very uncertain for harvesting rf Staill' '41W with a f) .1 1 , -no, are - one URO, PU2)JP. beans. eT.Twp. Survivii ;daughter, Mrs. Milton Slewaxt, of •o4e and See us for full information M d Mrs, Alcid H "'"" I NOW. I ""., a"" jIlIcKillap. TWO L brothers, Frank 4 Chatham visit -6'd W�tl� Irl- if Coleman of London and Rev. Albert family IV 002C ends 'n, , Inciality. S. Coleman of HoIlly, Mich; one sister Mr and Mrs. Leo Corriveau" also, Miss Annie Consitt of H AIr and 'Mrs. Alex Meid-in ensall. Mrs. ger, i�sPsn' Coleman has lived 1,n the district for Sunday at the home i6f Mr. hili Mrs ,. 5 years, was a in, John Aubin, in Seaf o*rth. ed Church ember Of ithe Unit- s6ppl* The funeral was held'atAttended Wedcling 4 Ithe home of her daughter, Mrs. Ste- WUKU 31r. and Mrs. Armand DehOmme 1wart with interment in Bayfield cem- A and family attended the wending of etery. their on Benie at St. Peter's Cath- edral, London last Saturday. The H E N S A L L Yes, I really enjoyed my bridal party enjoyed a coup?e orr er's shopping trip -1 bought NICO fixtures and fittings hours at the -party held in St, •!Ptt Mrs. C. M. Hedden is visiing with are designed for style and Hall :at Drysdale. n1einbeTs of her familry, in St. Cath- - . . I . erines. utility for modernizing your Had Birth Party _ ��> h the things I saved r I I.. i5E,-,, , e fhr!� kitchen . . . bathroom and On PrWav, SeptenA The Miss. Eleanor -Cook, patay. Mit- laundry. ECONOMICAL QD Ernest Denoi er r8, che.11 and Velma Ferguson -entered -ame, Blue Water Migh too! Come in afi� see given a surprise . - YictOlria. Hospital where they will That's the Way I P18111 my bigge:�� how pa by train as Wal', 'a t w s a, par ',, easily you can have modern tr f,"Iend, and neighbours. the, oc- Mrs Cecil Dilling and "sier, rasion was her birthdW., qnd', L conveniences and improve all MI; and Mrs purchases. They seem to come the value of your home. those',present had a very eiTjoyable wry spent the week -end at the and more quickly, when'l put something) evening.• holfi� of )1Mr and Mrs. Williall, Alex- ander. SEE US TODAYI into the bank regularly. I like the Miss Betty Mli-ekle left this week STANLEY TOWNSHIP !fo :for London to attend Western Uni- comforting feeling of watching my STARE and WEIDO Born — In Clintorn Hospital -on! vensity. Tuesday, September 5th, 'to All,. and I Mr -and Mrs •Harold Parker in !co- account grow.' PHONE 92 Mrs. Russell Consitt, R.R. 1, Zurich, � InPany with 'Mr Mrs Russell ZURICH - ONTARIO and a daughter (Nancy Ann). 1 Keays of Mitchell were visitors at Man - Dr. And Mrs. Gordon Lee and 3,1touffn. Sul'. EMPIRE PASS MFG. CO. LIMITED children of Charlottetown, P.E.I., and i -Mr and Mrs Harold Hedden and I hate keeping too much cash around niece, Miss Annibel Lee, Moncton N, sons of Dresden were visitors with t"HIGH Hamilton Tereeft - 1*4bury - Winnipeg Vancouver the house. It's so convenient to have NOW B., are visiting Mrs. Lee's parei'its,iMrs. Cath. Redden, Mr and Mrs. A. A. Armstrong, the bank take care of 'ft. And ray bank MWALS UMITED Bron -1 Mr ali-d-Mrs GeID. Hess are holi- Calgary Idenenton '- Vancouver FC -54 son Line, Stanley Township. idQ-Ng at their cottage in the Pinery Dr. and Mrs. IVI.cKay of Gran book tells me where I stand. - Grand . Mrs. John Glenn was -a recent vis - Forks, North Dakota recently 'cat -led I itor with Miss Elizabeth Slavin. I)ASHWOOD St..Tose on their many friends, in the Xippen. ' Miss Mabel Alexander of Toronto, guess most women are much like me ­ ph anti Beaver Town district who werepleased to see them and Miss Jean Alexander of London, Dashwood goet on Standard Time Bob MernorvMge, Miss Doris Mr and Mirs. Bruce McGregor have vis�ited at the 'home of their V.afrents housewives with modest savings who at midnight, Saturday might, Sept. 1 Geoffrey of Detroit and Mrs. •Saralli returned home from their honey . niqoin, Mr and Mrs. Wim. Alexander. -23rd. Crooffrey ef Beaverbown were Sunday which they spent in Muskoka and Mrs, Wny.' Colisitt spent some time find their neighborhood bank handy.' visitors at the Mernorvidge -Summer points north W and are • Mrs. Bertha Hayter and Robt. getting, settled 'at (the 'home of Mr and Mrs Milton fti.ent the week -end in Brantford. Oottage at Dacharme's Beach. Ili their new home, K,(ppen. Stewarb, Seiforth, Owing to the ser- useful always obliging. Dr. Spellman and family of Kitch- Mrand Mrs ,Clarence •Sopha of De- Mr and Mrs 'Earl Sproat have re-' iou's illness otf.her sister-in-law, -Mrs. tMer were Sun -day visitors wiM Mr. *troit spent the week -end with their turned to Kippenfrom, amonths va- Saipall. Jane Coleman. 4md Mrs. T. H. Hoffman. parents on the Blue Water Highway. cation at Turnbull's Grove in the in- Mis. Art Pinlayson of Tackersmith Mrs. Chas. Steinhagen &pent * few Quite a large number of •our •citiz- texest, of Mr. Spr6at's health. and Mrs. Hugh Mo.renz of Dashwood SPONSO-4 RD &)7s ave London last week. '. ty YOUR BANK Ur and Mrs. Elgin Merner and JOYcef spent last week on vacation with relatives mere. rMim Margaret Becker left for X.X. LD21don where she will attend Nor- V *141 School. Mr end Mrs Garnet Wildfoing and J*r und" Mrs X4th Wildtong of Lon - 4011 spent the Veek-end in Detroit. Mr and Mrs L. c.Wolfe of Cliff_ Ord, Mrs. Gerald Wolfe and Carolyn Anne SPet Thursday with Mr a -ad Mrs X. *art Oestreicher. Mr and Mrs. T. Smythe of London Vere, Sunday' visitors with Mr and . • . . . . . . C. Steffithage.n. GRAND BEND The Grand Bend, W;omen's instit. . ..... Vte will begin their fell meetings on nursday eve. Sept. 01, ths theme of Mite meeting will he "Edecation" W -ft * h rS. Sam Hendrick having obtained -Mr. G. G. Gardiner, the inspectorof X: public schools, as -guest speaker. Re' Will explain the new mahod of tea- 44ing in our public skoojg. Pictures to Be Slk**U 'TWO film strilps showing the prelp.- % dration of food for fi eezin will be Vtc;,sorofl by the (r,andfiend W. I. L *D -be held in the town hall on &pt. 25, at 8 n.m. Th(s wpthodsof i 4); x vw� 0, I°ICI ) ss Awl 1' 1 :),n 8f.rv-11 Dept. A�AOlrINUNG TO THE PUBLIC SPrArJNG CON,rEST OF THE ZURICH FALL FAIRAVGUST .2$th,,, 195,0,