HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-09-14, Page 616 - You will be dejCC• ghted by ars fragrance and flavour S,A­­­1 UA A '19 wo @MLZ§2 TOME NNE 1 T A heartbroken mean. consumed with remorse, pours out his grief to me today. After six years of married life, his wife was recently killed in an acci- dent. Now, as he sits alone at 4 night, he real- -. F 4k rt, izes how unhap- py lie made her through his ite- 2 gleet of the fit- %_ tle things that mean so much to a woman. "! was never unfaithful, Ante Rirst," he n•rite>. •'1 was house almost every night. She handled all the money and had her own allow- ance. But I failed her miserably it: one important thing -T never gave ler any attention. "I would come home at night, give her a peck on the cheek, and ase: if supper was ready. Afterward, I'd sit and read a while, and go to Iced. I never thought about her being alone all clay, and reeding to get out once in a while. I was just LONG - SUFFERING WOMAN "She never complained, except now and theta she'd say she felt like a piece of furniture in the house, I didn't even wonder what she meant. Once she asked, if I still Ioved her, why didn't I show it? And I had the nerve to tell her that romance doesn't last for- ever! "I should have known better. She cause from a very affectionate family. I remember seeing her father hold her mother in his arms when he came in -and I thought Now silly that was, Her brothers and sisters were the `kissing kind,' and it embarrassed me. I was lov- ing enough when I was alone with her, but after we married I thought that was nonsense. I even told her one night how silly she was to expect it! "I am overcome with guilt and self-reproach. Now that she is gone, I'd give all I have to see her Here tonight, How I want to make up for all I know she missed! The House is an empty shell. I can't bear to come back to it . , . I know there is no hope for nee. I only pray that now she understands and will forgive." tire- and didn't %rant to stir. I. never A LOST SOUL talked over my business with her Cow" by "Professor" Norman Gage Lyster. One purpose of the because i thought she wouldn't ' I. If other husbands are reading -understand it. * tltis today, I hope they will won - "I didn't realize how much she * der how contented their -,vives -was missing her friends, how all * are with their marriage. her days were dull, I guess I felt * Are YOU failing your wife as that because I paid tete bills and * this Husband did, Will you, sit stupported her, I was doing nay duty. * alone one day and wish with all on a frame of 22 - gauge steel. Har- "` your Heart you had shown how rnonizes with any interior; said to * much yon loved her ani appre- � ciated all she did for you? �Oo�.en+0�,>R^Q•e�, � Few women there are who are „° ♦,;., 4^���� # not romantic to the end of their ,,..,,, y,�s op=®' �w clays. They cherish every loving e..;gml "` word, each unasked caress. Their i3" f�%%°•�::;�••iWX * lives are regulated by your �•a^° d , • >y • wishes, les an d all heir t days are a a / o A + �. q o, 1 I •. 4° i - It t�t,!I,ly,,,,,,,lli,,,,,. e. ,�,•°gid +• spent in trying to please you. N. J�`,°,♦,�� � They will go without necessities, �y \ S411�� -,... oa ,,;�aq%® ® t` they will work be, their ��8a� , .=.,,t���;,;�°•mom "` strength, they will neglect their ^♦°°• „� �'>'�-;�''�-:�;.•o;,p®�. � �Nd®ae.:��!� �° girlhood friends -just to males a.'yDIKA y` sure you are kept happy. All ,i;�tl�1%�`;:•� :r��1 ;.,,j� they ask in return is the daily .%� : ;+.+.,4• n•'• 6�•+.• ® assurance of your love, a pretty FAN •p+f, speech noir -sial then, and that l '��'� ���,� ,� . _ * glint in your eye that tells them // ff �` �•,1�;•ai"»I�sr they are still "your girl." .,.• a •°o`°"' rc ;•:•'•:•4.;.T--,• * You love your wife, of course. s°•v�o;dam: •.• Tell her so. And show it in all i-��s"'�®'��� � d®' '�,S t` the little ways you know she ap- d�-P���,��` '� � * reciates, Then it will not be you t ! , tit+j'.5'� 4��I * n who sits alone with your n-iser- �l yam.,.. ,� o '• able remorse. ger tbuy so much as loaf TO "_a LOST SOUL:" You - _.��. • `_�'_" '�;:� ` " can be sure that now your wife �+1��" understands and forgives. Con- '= -��� �''== r' =�•'� s` sole yourself with this truth. ��:�::�:%.,,.,.,.,;.•°.,p.. ��® Don't waste your energies now. '% ••i "1 ';•/♦;�. � Em to Employ p y them actively in your gar a®� daily rife. Be thoughtful' of your rust, and dogs play around near the friends (and Tiers) and excel in wh"stie stop where never a dog was your career. That will comfort CCai% Le. V �'�A� " * you and keep your spirit un- clouded by these useless hours of the level crossing most people still y' mourning, These doilies take very little cot- a= TO AIRS. C.": This lonely tots -they're mostly done in chain * Husband's neglect of his wife aI- loops. Use them for the table or for most exactly parallels your Kus- a new buffet set! * hand's thoughtless attitude to - Simple -to -crochet doilies are ward you. I hope your will see quick to make. For fine or heavy " that he reads this today. cotton. Pattern 958; directions. the University of Melbourne, made Send TWENTY -FINE CENTS -Spoil your wife while you still in coins (stamps cannot be accept- have her. Then you will not suffer ed) for this pattern to Box 1, 123 the heartbreaking regrets that many Eighteenth St., New Toronto, Ont. a man feels -when it is too late. .Print plainly PATTERN NUM- Anne Hirst is here to encourage BER, your NAME and AD- you. Write her at Box i, 123 DRESS. Eighteenth St., New Toronto, Ont. - - - 7. Exists 34. Flanging down ���J�Sj 1! R FJ"}' ID CROSSWORD 8. Close tightly 37, r1 -dials 9, ng up giving the youngsters a good Keel 41, Masculine 1t). S{set billed time" at the Dig Fair. But of auc . � �"'"• Rouths Caress44ll 11, Caress 44, omail Ir In. Salamander emperor 78, force unit 45. Rebrew ACROSS 1JOWN 21. Draft animal Measure 1, Szrtall swallow 1. Stitch 2. Age 22. Black snake 46. Diminish 23, Degrade 47. V. N, sec,•etary 4, Stinal of avorm 3, Ratny 24: Sharing 49. Hall (war.) 4. Walking stick 25, 1T•xhaust Go. Constrictor C kteadpieea F. Skill 87. Ore digger 5i. Haul 12. Dander 6. Having a certain mental 28. Growing out 52. Before 3o. vish nu. Aran's is. sprint; up 14 ITn•t inrlination 21. Rosy nickname 'if) inentor•„ rights 'L,et i r. 14. Teo:: 4symb.3 to. Small, marinb o nimal 22. Occupied tib, wild animal 24. Alaskan town 20, Arabian cloth 8D. Yapor 31, eutodain gut. Balloon basket at. Nimble 96. Girl's -auto ! 3'R. 7nthere3l 6hlt as. T3nall 39. t7lear 40, Raper meas,trc id'l.noay iofn+t i 42, Vabulous monster ,4$, Mountain ib Vaine, i 45, nithor 46, FIfgh society t 48, Mentionable Kra, velour receptacle 54, Bass through cautiously Gs. of us Answer elsewhere on this page. n "Now You Press The Middle Valve Down ... '•--Tiny Nancy Aughinbaugh is very attentive to a lecture on "How to Milk a Cow" by "Professor" Norman Gage Lyster. One purpose of the operation was the drawing of a sample of Bossie's milk for the dairy products competition at the California State Fair. glance with `/Wyd - Vue" mirror good as a means of developing sportsmanship. So, if for -- no more side blind spots, com- good - -= a , ioaia:•lilhl".�Yt�i% 1 some reason it is impossible for LHRONIC.LES t r is the youngsters s to have a da at 3 g Y cors, mounted in sulphur free ruin- C,\'.E. don't let them feel the hot - ber at scientifically correct angles, tom has dropped out of the uni- on a frame of 22 - gauge steel. Har- verse -after the Big Fair comes the rnonizes with any interior; said to local fair -and that • is SOl-lethii-g GwerLd.ni.fne D Cl.e rke they are sure not to miss. * * * And now let's talk about flies! Smoother Surfaces What a topic, you sayl Well, I There is one thought uppermost don't like theta either -I loathe, in the minds of most people these hate and detest them. But I have days -the railway strike. It is a ter- found a way of coping with them, rible thing -not only in fact but by There is a newfly killer on the implication. One wonders what maritet-for barn use -which conies hope there is of peace between na- in powder forms. You mix it with tions if disputants its one country water and use as in ordinary spray cannot come to all agreement --and it does not contain D.D.T. among themselves. A strike is very So I thought I would try it too. I much like a war in one respect- mixed it double strength and used everyone suffers -and when it is it in the woodshed. It worked all all over it is questionable if any- right. \Tow anyone can come into, thiig has been gained, nmatter the kitchen unattended by a van- avhich side conies out on top guard and rearguard of flies. The Around here we have suffered few that do come in are easily little more than fear- dealt with by using ordinary house - the strike but already we are hear- ready live hold spray - the other cannot be inS first-hand stories occurring in used lir the house as it istains. But here is a warning. Son e remote districts. Truckers returning people have tried this spray from isolated points report that it .powder and find it doesn't work. There is is practically impossible for a strap only one explanation -they don't' ger tbuy so much as loaf use enough o£ if. You must spray use bread.. 1n this district it t is strange, and spray until your arm is ready during the night, never to hear a train whistle at all. nor the rumble to drop off -or use a power sprayer, of wheels oil the track. And when Give it a chance and it will work. we go down town during the day A BIG BRAIN DOESN'T -we notice as we cross the tracks MEAN YOU'RE A GENIUS' that already the rails are red with rust, and dogs play around near the Does the size of the brain affords wh"stie stop where never a dog was a true measure of mentality. seen before. Also as the -approach nd enlists are trying to find out; and and the level crossing most people still so far their conclusions are that brake their cars and look both ways .^ av oversize brain does not neces- to make sure no train is coming! Strange what habit can do. It looks sarily mean that the owner i a crazy, of coarse, but on the other genius. However, there is evidence that hand it is a good habit to hang on to. Better to stop a few times unusually small brains go with men - when it isn't necessary than to tel defectives. Dr. R. J. A. Berry, forget and not stop when it is formerly Professor of Anatomy at necessary, the University of Melbourne, made Another thing Nye don't like just thousands of skull measurements nolo is the heat -or rather the and found that mentally defective hun-idity. Heat we can take in our children- had brains on the average stride but heat, plus humidity, 'is•'= 20 per cent smaller than normal. another story. And today is .Chit- The Average dren's Day at the Exhibition! The Professor Berry also measured passing of the years has some the skull size of living university compensation - at least i%e don't teachers, students and criminals, have to go through the ordeal of The result, in average cubic centi- giving the youngsters a good metres of brain space was: Tea- time" at the Dig Fair. But of chers, 1,524 cc.: Students, 1,507 cc: course, we didn't think it was Criminals 1,438 cc. such a terrible ordeal when we Largest brain recorded in mecli¢al had it to do. Kiddies do have sucii history* was that of Ivan Turgenev. a wonderful time . . , or is the This nineteenth-century Russian expectation the best part of it - . novel'fst had, a brain weighing 74 and talking about it afterwards to ounces. Weight of an average' wran's their little friends' Alaybe young- brain i.� 49 ounces. sters sort of lose prestige among their own crowd it they are not given this treat -that is, the ones within reasonable distance of Tor. onto. Actually,. as far as having a good time is concerned 1 believe youngsters enjoy themselves just as much, if not more, at their Own local fair. There they call be let louse to run with the gang. And many of them have a personal interest in local fall fair exhibits. Stand around near the school ex- hibits for awhile and it won't be long before you hear some young- ster say in a shrill, excited voice - "See . • . that's what we did -teat's our school that won first pr zel" Or watch the young competi- tors in the %-all Club .. . see the glow of pride in young Samany's face when HIS calf gets the red Ups -'-s clow-,. to ;irevcnt peeking ribbon. But we should remember the boy who doesn't win probably d o 1 V a --%I _ ci h o D aS works just as hard with his calf- bn10=1 A g b g maybe just a few points made all 1 0 y W V N 3 1 1 7 3 the difference. That boy needs b on O 13 1 r encouragement and understanding 2! ittJ ,d t N . YJ y 9 d to forestall any .feeling of bitter- N 6 d Jr N 11 ness. He must not be allowed to d la t g 'i t t!t get the idea that the judging wasn't 5 V e d fl b fair . . , that although lie worked --- just as hard as Sammy -and toO N C d 1 e him his calf looked every bit as I 4 A T O d '� d good yet someone has to be first I J� l w d +i' S d N 9 A V 4 by however small a margin -and g N o 3 t bi V OfS f next time it may be him, Competi- ; 'a V a 5 1 A V otit R S' ISSUE 37 -- 1960 New and Useful Too. Eliminates Blind Spot tension handle of aluminum tubing Alotorist gets 160 degrees of with special connectors attached to glance with `/Wyd - Vue" mirror scar of the motor housing for rea•• -- no more side blind spots, com- ching tops of ornamental trees and puny claims. Mirror is a series It'll hedges. V five optically true, nonglare ii-ir- cors, mounted in sulphur free ruin- Cheese Changes ber at scientifically correct angles, A Netherlands cheese factory is on a frame of 22 - gauge steel. Har- manufacturing a new cheese 'pro- rnonizes with any interior; said to duct, to be marketed in matey shap- fit any car and easy to install. es, and some to be compressed into * * * tablet form, Product is said to have Smoother Surfaces very high caloric value, keeps we'li A recent paint product, new to in polar or tropical regions: Canadian market is said "the con- necting link between a poor sur- face and a perfect paint job." Paint- ers and decorators, says Toronto importer, will find in this surfacing compound a permanent and swift adherent. It's said to be easily pre- pared, will not shrink, crack or sag, dries to a hardened surface suitable for sanding; can be applied simply with a brush or trowel. For covering wood trims, dents in sheet metal, joints in wall boards, nail holes; repairs textured walls, can be used as a cement to reset tiles. Repels Rain Coating windshield or any glass, plastic or fused quartz surface with a film, FC -10 is claimed to prevent rain (as well as dust, oil and sea water) from sticking to surface; said to improve vision at least 805'o. Substance is said table conditions,nonir- ritating, nonpoisonous and noncor- rosive; its effect lasts for weeks, maker claims. Half - pound kit is sufficient for 10 windows. * Jet Dishwasher Latest automatic dishwasher handles dishes, glassware and sil- verware for six persons. Supply of water shoots onto the dishes in machine's action, from an elec- trically heated booster tank at 189 degrees. All parts of the dishes are struck, with refuse falling -to a removable strainer at the bottom of the tub. Said to be clean and give two Piot rinses in 934 minutes using seven gallons of water. * * * Office in a Desk The dignity of a private office can be obtained by using this desk - office unit. The backs of the L- shaped desk are extended upward tc'fortu glass office partitions. Total space taken by the unit is 47 sq. ft. with 2' ft. 6 in. alio *ed for aisle. w o Unit materials include wood, steel, glass and linoleum or high-pres- sure laminate. . Models come with two - shelf bookcase and filing cab- inet: can acconmtodate drafting or typing. ncl(E' QVICIf 4: And the NP RELIEF IS LASTING There's one thing, for the headache: - the muscular aches: and paid%- that often accompany a cold e INSTANTINE. INSTANTINE brings really fast relief from pain and the relief is prolonged! SO get INSTANTINE and get quick comfort. INsTANTINs, is compounded like a prescription of three proven medical ingredients. You can depend On its fast action in getting relief from, every day aches and pains, headache, rheumatic pain, .for neuritic or neuralgic pain. Get Instantine todaymtv and alwayskeep it handy tnstainalfil It 12 -Tablet Tin 25� Economical 48 -Tablet Bottle 69� Shuffles Cards WAKE U P YOUR Time -saver for eager Canasta fans is card box which shuffles L i V E R U 1 L E 00- and cuts cards 40 differenttways �s in one operation, according to maker. Two adjustable arms do Without Calomel -And You'll Jump Out of the job, accommodating two or Bed in the Morning Ruin' to Go three decks at once. The liver should pour out about 2 piats OR * * * bile juice Into your digestive tract every day,. If this bile is not flowing freely, your food may Hedge Shears not digavI. It may just decay in the dirtive tract. TThen gas bloats up your stomachh You Labor - saver for gardeners is get constipated. You feel sour, gunk and tho ortable electric trit-lmer said 4o world !oohs punk, p It tsk those mild, gentle Carter's 1dtdo have a long - lasting motor; vib- Liver Pilla'to get weso 2 pints of bile flow.. tett froely to make you feel up and '+ rationless chain action and two- (let a package today, >;ffeotive in ma sided cutting. Special equipment bile flow freely, Ask foe Carter's Little Livor for the new tool includes an ex -8' 3s6 at acv drupetore ! 90416111Y&r7W/= Raised light and tender with new fast DRY Yeasty • There's anew twist. in doughnuts- ,. a new thrill in all: your, baking! Say::a.. goodbye to perishable yeast- ;s;.;•: : M: Elet'schnlann's Royal Fast '> ::a:>?• Rising II•g • Yeast keeps- full strength until you use: it -fast-acting when you use it. Fret at dozeiv " 4 :;�.?:� #: r x• i<?:;: : packages -it -keeps lir you+g. cupboard; a 0 Scald 1/2 c. milk, 1/2 c. granu- lated sugar, 11/2 tsps. salt and j�; c. shortening; cool to lukewarm. Meanwhile, measure into a large bowl 12 c. lukewarm seater, I tsp. gralln -ted sugar; stir until sugar is dissolved. Sprinkle with I en- velope Fleischmanil's Royal hast en- .y g Dry Yeast. Let stand 10 minutes, THEN stir well. Add cooled mill, mixture and stir in 2 well -beaten eggs and I tsp. vanilla, Stir in 2 c, once -sifted bread (lour; beat until smooth, Work in 21/ C. (about) once -sifted bread flour. Knead on lightly, floored board until sinooth and elastic, I lace in greased bowl and grease top of dough. Cover and set in awal•.m place, free from draught. Let rise until doubled in bulk. Punch down dough and roll out into it rectangle, 1/2++ thick; loosed dough; roll again to 1/2" thickness. Cut into strips 7" long and /t� %vide. Fold 211in half, twist+ then pinch ends together. Arrange, - y _.. ........... _....... Acer, � DOUGHNUT TWISTS well apart, on Iightly4loured cookie sheets; grease tops. Cover and let wise until doubled in birkk. Carefully lift, a few at a time into shortening that has been heated to 3Gti°-liot enough to brown; a rube of day-old bread in fioseconds. When lt.nder-sides , are brownetl, turn and cook second sides. Care- fully lift from fit and drain on absorbent paper. Coat witls a mix- ture of fruit sugar and cinnamon or brush hot doughniat with the following syrup: heat, stirring lin til the sugardi4solvcs, i c. granu- lated sugar, j� e. butter or milr- gatine and 1/ c, water; slnitner• J rains., thell stir in 1 tsp, vanilla., keep hot over moiling water -if syrup' becomes too sugary, stir iii a little boiling water and heat to boiling point. Yield -3 dozen doughnuts. Note; Dough may be cut teaUr. tnr. Orthodox douglintit cutler; fry 1.he doughnuts and the `°lrolrs",