HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-09-14, Page 5ZURICH - ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD Thursday, September 14th, 1950 �UKKCII HERALD _ _.. Authorized assecondclaw m4fl, Office Department, Ottawa, BUSINES CARDS Jahn W. Orchard r OPTOMETRIST T' Main Street -- Exeter + open Every Week Day I- Except Wednesday Phone 355J JUCENSED A(JCTIONEERS ALVIN WAL.PER Licensed Auctioneer HURON AND LAMBTO � 1t'or your Efficient arge oSery ceat all ottr ftand Times! DASHWOOD 1pl►one 67 r 2. L F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER f warm Reasonable, Satrsiaetion Guaranteed EXETER, R. R. 1 Phone -_:Xeh 92r7. >VETERINARIA.N tQ W. B. COXON, S.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON amee with Residence, Main Street, oppasite Drug Store ay—,98 ZUR•ICE BUTCHERS Put Your Want. For Salt Lost, Found, Etc. Ads, in this Column. LOST . In Zurich, a fountain pen. Finder please return to Milton Oesch, FOR SALE A quantity iolf good potatoes for winter storage. Place your order,now for your supply. --Josiah Steckie, R. R, 2, Zurich. HONEY FOR SALE Four a limited time only, No. 1 clover Horley at 20•c. lb; and amber at 15c. Bring your containers.—J, Haberer & Sons, Zurich. STRAYED Unto my pasture, Lot 15, Con. 9, I -lay Township 14; head ;of S -year- old -Steers. Owner *can have salve by proving propertlyi and paying expen- ses. —Arnold Merrier, Phone ;81 r 20 Zurich. 7 .FOR SALE Marsh -Grown Vegetables, corn on cob, cabbages, potaboies, carrots, etc. -- Gerald Gingerieh, Phone 1134 Zur- ich. FOR SALE .100 New"Hampshire Pullets, have started -to lay. --Alvin Gin-gerich, Phone 90 r 6, Zurich. c FOR SALE 1945 Fargo Half ton pickup, two new tires, heavy duty on reax. Com- plete with racks and tarp.—Albert Erb, Thone 97 r 4, Zurich SEED FOR SALE Seed Wheat, Junior No. 6, for sale. Hilton Truem'Sner. Ph. 85 x 11 FOR SALE PICKLING ONIONS — Get your supply of pickling onions now. Henry Clausius, Phone 94 r 6. nricha' Popular FOR SALE FOR Golden •Chair' seed Wheat MEAT MARKET for sale, about 80 bushels. Apply to Edward Haberer, Zurich, ph. 98* +fi;,,et Us supply you with the ,iery Choice of Fresh and Cur- FOR SALE ad Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, 25 acres of land 11/4 miles east of fete., always on hand. Kept Zurich. Grassland ,or workable. fresh in Electric Refrigeration lreduced termsand nable.Appy ckme'erZurich. J Highest Cash Prices for .Wool, Hides and Skins Iff, yunghlut & SOU PRODUCE Silverwood DAIRIES dash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry E Graded nn Have Your ggs FOR SALE 3-h.p. 126 cycle motor; Half h.p. air •compressor, trailer axle, rip and cult off saw. —Apply I. Willem, Phone 210 Zurich. Phone 183, Exeter, Ont. FOR SALE Durham Cow for sale, carrying her third calf, due Sept: 3rd.. --Apply to SollGGingerich, Phone 84 r 3. WANTED Old Horses, suitable for mink feed Will pay Lc. a pound. (Phone Collect, Jack Gilbert, 9.36 r "K, or Ashley Gilbert 936 r 312, Goderich, Ont. -tf our AUTOMATIC SEWING GRADER Infants and Child -rens a Specialty. Z,eROy O'$rien, Manager Phone 47 Zurich. — Mrs. Herb. Phone 101 Zurich M•ousseau. BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Zurich Creamery FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, INCOME TAX REPORTS Your Home Market for Cream AUDITING, ETC., ETC, NORMAN COWAN Eggs and Poultry HAY POST OFFICE Highest Cash Prices paid plus Dashwood 40 r 13. p4 _ — for deliveredcream Dead Stack a premium We are equipped to give effi- $2.75 Each. Prompt Service fo tient accurate service. Egg Lifting.—Jack Williams. Call Phon 214 r 4, Crediton Central. and Poultry department in N• O T I C E Charge of Mr. T_ Meyers. WHITEWASHING & CLEANING Arrangements can be made .1aas. Minshall, Proprietor Bill Watson Dashwood — Phone 35-19 INSf�'RANCE BORN Western Farmers' Mutual At Clinton How 'Septen'v Rame 111111 to Mr. and Mrs. Sidney, Weather Insurance Co. Bronson line, a <laughter• ne Dr. acrd Mrs. D. OF WOODSTOCK stretcheOesteichr Oestreicher (nee Betty Murray) haplpy to announce t1 - M LARGEST 'RESERVE BAL- London,.are birth ,of a daughter, Elizabeth At ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- on Sept. 9th at Victoria Hospitr VIAL'COMPANY TIDING BUSINESS London, W OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO . , Amaount of Insurance at Risk on APPOINTS JAIL OFFICIAL December 31st, 1946 $73,699,236.00 Goderich — Sheriff' Nelson H T6tal Cash in 13anlc and Bonds. I announced that It, W. Bell has be {appointed of Huron conn $444,115.39 Rates, on Application governor to succeed the late J. B. Re i L Fr KLOPtP�--Li.iRICH ,jtiil ,Ids who held the position for year; . Mr. bell served tinder A. G E NT I Itcynold as turnkey and chief to S, key for ,ix years. kit is a native Also Dealer in Lightning Rod 1 trnclerieh and served in two wo lied all kinds of Fire Insurance - wars. L,O C"AL NE W ,BREAD I Mr and Mrs, Ward I+'xitu, Mr. and Co,op. F -E E 0 S Mrs. Lewis Thiel spent several c alyts n t h a to b M ' # at Toronto last week, also talcung in a ARE YOUR BEST BUY! the Ex. Mr �tirid Mrs: IRoiy Daer and fam- ,3 ,,,�% s Only Re Cleaned Grain Used m Our Feeds Ry of Auburn spent Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs, George J. yy y AVAILABLE AT Thiel. • . Fa Messrs.. Alfred and Edward Reich- ert have taken a trip to Wenern Hensall Dist. Co-Operati Canada and North Dakota to visit re- latives and friends for carne time. Y r „ �j HENSALL and ZURICH Mr and Mrs Alvin Gingerc'h and little David have returned from a w A fSIX veily; pleasant trip to Imlay City, G9rNand Ithaca, :12ich, 1 WE'RE READY Y T O HELP �y Now that the railway strike is set- the meal 1' ,� ►"'e �j dy . 8 -,led, coal is again conning in the loc-- No meal is complete without plenty it dealers, Stade A Weido unIoaded of delicious wholesome bread. And i carload early in the week. TASTY -,NU tasts good and is good r s e � Messrs Lorne and Lloyd Klopp of hearty food for you. Every slice s ,own, 'Gordon -and Stanley Smith rol slice of energy- ;w 6 the B. W. Highway xecen�tiy enjoyed Buy an extra Loaf today—start , D, motor.•trip to the Parry ,Sound Dis- now to serve more bread at every trict. meal. Get your TASTY -NU Bread YOUR CAR represents a major investment. at the Tasty -Nu Bakery or at your It deserves the ?nest of care—and that's what we're Mrs. Sara Brunk has returned to local Grocers. ready to give it. Whether it's a complete lubrication her home in Waterloo after spending job or just a battery check, we really try to give good, two. weeks at the home of her- bro- Tasty -Na Bakery thorough Imperial service—the kind that will keep you ther, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ropp of .i conning back. town. PHONE 100 — ZURICH Word was received sof the death We'd appreciate a chance . show you what we can do. of Mr. Joseph Doerr, of Sackatehew- • an, he being a brother of Mrs. M. . Heti e r Forcf er IMPERIAL � Heimbuch, Zurich north, and abroth- -Polio Protection ST. JOSEPH SERVICE STATION ��. -� er-in-lanv of Ma• .and Mrs. Elmore s : Thiel of bowxt. COR. No. 84 & 21 fl-IIGHWA+YS FOR YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY DEALER � Mrs. Kenneth Etue and sons, Tommie and Jimmy, of the Blue Including all unmarried Children Water Highway, north, were recent from three montlas to eighteen years visitors with the formers parents, of age. SAVE—ST. JOSEPH SERVICE IS PREPARED TO SAVE YOU SOME Mr and -Mrs. %T. J. Molyneaux, of PAYS tip to $5,000.00 for each MONEY ON YOUR TRACTOR AND IMPLEMENT TIRE NEEDS. COM - Dublin. member of your Family. Include, PPARE OUR PRICES AND ALLOW ANCES ON YOUR OLD TIRES'. Transportation, Drugs, Hospitalizat M•r and Mrs. Albert Martin who ion, medicines, iron lung and other - -- ---- spent two months teaching Summer equipment. Services of Physician, Bible School at Toronto and Fort Osteopaths or Physiotherapists, Mir- Stewart, �O� W� Stewart, have returned home and ses. ar have -moved into the apartment at Cost — For entire Family: the home of Mrs. J. K. Ehlers of $10.00 for 2 years Women - Canvass platforms, wedge heels in dif- town. Individual $5.00 for 2 years ferent Colours. Leather Sandals, white J. W. HABERER, General Insurance The new home being built by Mr. Red, Navy and Black. Also a limited A. C. Kalbfledsch in the south end. SIIPHT FOR NEW SCHOOL amount of white Buck Dress Shoes. of town is making good &adw*, as the excavation is completed and the An agreement to purchase a site Children.. - Fleet -foot in all lines and sizes. Also foundation is up, and with good wea- of approximately 61/ acres on the ther the- carpenter work will soon ,be south end of Goderich has been drawn Sandals in red, white and brown. See our under :way. In the mean time: Mr. up by the District Collegiate Institute Scampers for $1.75. and Mrs Kalbfleisch are -occupying Board for the proposed new school. 1ioroms in Mrs. E. Hey's home. The board has been advised that Boys - Fleet -foot, including the softball and Mr. Fred Rader of Dashwood, Mx. grants toward the construction of the basketball shoe. See our Scampers. new building head been raised from, and Mrs. Theodore ;Rader, Mr. and $498,00.0 to $5,10,000. Mrs. Milne Rader attended the Men..- Woven vamp Oxfords, Platform straps, fun- eral at Pigeon, Mich., iof Mrs. 4ohn TRUEMNER : PICKERING crepe straps. See our Scampers. Geiger, who was formerly Miss Katie At Crediton United Church, the True-ner, and by an earlier marrt- Rev. H. F. Currie officiated at the Ladies, Please Note_: we are now able to obtain age was Mrs. Chris. Rader. ceremony uniting in marriage Rena the new DESCO shoe which will arrive in August. g Went Into Training Elizabeth Pickering and Orville Ottis We had hoped to get this Shoe last year, but as this is an -Miss Kathleen Hess, daughter of Truemner. The ;bride is the daughter American shoe, international regulations prevented this shoe Mr and Mrs &Ibert Hess has com of "Mr and Mrs. Elmer Pickering, of to arrive in Canada. But it's Coming this time. merited her nurses training at St. Dashwood and the groom is the son WATCH FOR DESCO. Joseph's Hospital, London. We wish of 12r and Mrs. Ohlen Truemner of her every success in this fine prof. Grand Bend.. 'The bride choose a ession. white slipper satin gown, fashioned Is Moving to Zurkli with a lace ,yoke and long lily -point Oesch sleeves. The embroidered net veil was Miss Louise Hendrick of Vie Blue floor -length. The bride's bouquet was Water Highway south is moving her vari-colored asters. Miss Grace Tic - effects into her residence in the wes- `"4►- »"%r��� ��'"' kexin.g attended her sister, wearing texly part of town, recently vacated lime green taffeta and carrying a cothe Wm.. Hay fanZio rie wes- Buy.natty! come 3'liss Hendrick to Zurich and 'bouquet of harmonizing asters. Gxa- � A BE wish her well In her home which she ham Truemner, the grooan's brother, has owned fiar some years. was best man. For a honeymoon at e � Niagara Falls and Crystal Beach., the you can't go wrong when you buy a well known DON'T FORGET bride donned'a grey gabardine suit, 0 Don't forget the Dance rn the with 'black accessories -and a corsage w Reliable Beatty Washing Machine Community Centre +mn Friday even- of pink gardenilas•. ing, sponsored by the Zurich. Agric- ,� We carry a full line of the Genuine Beatty Washers ultural Society. Ernie Hewitt and Clearing Auction Sale • his entertainers will do the musical _ at three popular prices and entertaining part and are very Of Valuable Houselhold Effects and = $115.50 145.50 159.50 popular -in the vicinity. So give the Miscellaneous Items, on the Premis- local Society a lift, and come out es in the Village of Zurich. The un - and enjoy the evening. dersigned Auctioneer has been in- : Also the New Beatty Electric Ranges. Mr. and Mrs. Oscal Heimpel and strutted to sell .by public auction on i Come in and see them - they'll speak for themselves sour Donnie and Mr. and Mrs. Ed, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER >13rd. Brenner and daughter Marion, Mr. ! Always a good supply of Shelf and Heavy Hard - and Mrs. Floyd Cook and daughter At 1 o'clock p.m. sharp Patricia, Mrs. Wahl and daughter g -piece Chesterfield suite, leather ware on hand. t Helen of Kitchener, Mr and Mrs. davenport, large leather rocker and Lorne Cook, Miss ,Doreen Hendrick, chairs, living room table, extension Scarfe's Endurable Paints, Enamels and Varnishes, Mr, Eldon D-atars, of Waterloo, Mr dialing room table, 12r dining room and Mrs. Lloyd Hendrick and son eltairs, drop leaf table, 4 kitchen Almatex Plastic Paints, Kem-Glo, Etc, Harold of the IB. W. Highway were chairs, Westinghouse electric radio, 6 r Sunday visitors at the home of their antique centre table, small end table 0 Our Aim—.To Serve and Satisfy. e another, Mrs. John Brenner. folding table, various oak rockers, ° HENSALL. buffet, combination book shelf and talble, oak parlor set, Rayslond sew- w J)atars & O'Brien I Miss Gladys Saundereock spent the ing machine, 8 -day clock, wooden 0 bed, springs and .mattress, commode : juin St. Hardware Store Phone 213 s, week -end with relatives c Windsor. and dresser, IT steel (beds with springs e40 Rev. W. J. Rogers occupied his and m�attross, .3 toilet sets, feather � �.�,... �:.:-\ ��� ��►�;.�®����-%��'`' own pulpit in the United Church on tiak, kitchen cabinet, couc,i, •solid ---- Sunday Sept. 10th• walnut double cupboard, 2 cellar Mr and Mrs. Jack Drysdale attend- tables, flowers and flower boxes,fern IT ed the Toronto Ex last week. stands, graining set, large trunk, IS D 11' -LID iVlr and Mrs. 'H. W. Horton were small cradle, 2 -burner electric stove, in Toronto attending the Ex. used only 6 months,, 3 -burner coal i1lr and Mrs. Robert Cook .returned oil etove, small. coal oil heater, was- TO TRUST IN THE LORD L� home. after a holiday at Orilla and king machine, small weigh scales, Toronto, electric lamps, parlor rug 12x15', Than To P'ut Confidence in Man. Psalm 118: 8. ,Misses Edna and Audrey Walsh new linoleum, .meat grinder, paper L, returned after a vacation at (Blyth, tack, pictures, ,picture frames, mirors .•Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh of Mrs, IIopkins of Chicago and Mrs Ince table cloths, large assortment of his Rrtn, and whose heart dep•atlt fxom the Lord.— Jer. 17:5. to Dorothy Parke of Detroit are visiting The 3teart is deceitful •albvve all things and desperately wicked; mats, linens, quilts, comforters and ne with the formerly sisters, Mrs. Hugh bedding, pillows and pillow -cases, who can know it. — Jer. 17:5, Ll, McMurtrie and Mrs. Farquhar•' fancy dishes, glass ware, goblets, I, the Lord, search the heart. T try the reins even to give Mr and Mrs. Sam Rannie were chinaware, silverware, quantity of every nian according to his ways, and according to the holiday visitors at (Port Elgin and fruit, large quantitly o[ sealers and fruit of his doings. — Jer. 1117:10- Southampton. 11 :10.Southampton. crocks, full line of kitchen utet2sils, Mr and ,Mrs Lorne Elder and fain- lawn mower, fruit stands, garden Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord and whose Trope illy, of Elatnilton visited with their the Lord is. --- Jer. 17: '7. tools quantity of otatoes. And Itiarents, 1Tr and sirs John Passmore. many articles too numerous to nten� He that being often reproved, hardneth his neck, shall stuldcnly an Making Plans be destroyed and that svitivaut remedy. — Prov. 29: 1. tion. ty The Chambhr of Colnme�rce are PLAN to attend this sale as every- . , ytt making plans for a (Frolic to be held Seep ye the Lord while He may be found, ca ye thing is in first class condition. 22 the latter part of September in the upon Him while He is near.—Isa. 5 5 : G Mr, Conununity Arena Special attract- TERMS—CASH rn- ions are being arranged for, and a of draw for prizes. The major priz(`, Mrs. Sarah Drysdale, 'Proprietress. CHAS E. FULLER:) 5 p.m., DST. Sundays ARC MAworlH rid which will be a Tolevisfon set. Fur.. Win. S. Johnston, Clerk. ;hex particulars, later On. Alvin Walper, .Auctiol:eer, s ^�