HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-09-14, Page 2FAIM Awa." -�C•-�-f., �` ^ As a rule this column deals with ,what I plight call the more sober aspects of farming—hilts and ad- vice on how to do this and that, on how to increase production or avoid losses. But practically all of this involves more or less of the curse of Adam, which is to say hard work. But, as the gid -tinge come- dian used to say, "Today the pro- gram is going to be different." just as tile kids start counting the days till Christmas along about December Ist, there are thousands of farmers who, all through the labor of harvest are looking- for- ward, almost as eagerly, to THEIR big day. That day, naturally, is the one when—with the crops all safely sold or stored—they dig out the battered old hunting togs, oil up the trusty shotgun or rile, and set off in search of game, and the fact that they probably work far harder in that search than they ever did on the farm has, of course, nothing to do with the case. So here follows certain informa- tion which, to the uninitiated will look like a mere list of dates but which, to. the hunter, will be of keen A interest. nd this information, as released by the authorities, starts off with the news that in Ontario there's no open season for MOOSE, which is luaraly news. As for DEER, here's the dope. October 2nd to November 25th: North of the northern -sliest east - west line of the Canadian :National Railway from the Quebec boundary 3o the Manitoba boundary. October 16th to November 25th: South of (above) and north of a line west from the Quebec bound- ary at the south-east angle of Bre- thour township to Highways No. ii at the south boundary of Hilliard township, norih along Highway No. 11 to Englehart, (vest to the line of the Canadian National Rail- way along the road to Westree, south along the line of the Cana- dian (National Railway to the west boundary of BculaIi township, south to the nortiu-east angle of Cascaden township. �,mcst to the north-west angle of township 120, south to the south-west angle of township 120, west to the Little White River at the south boundary of township 169, north along the east branch of the Little White River, Kindio- gami River, Lake Kindiogami and the west boundaries of townships 3B and 4B to the north-west angles of township 413, west to the south- west angle of township 5F, ship 7F, and west to Lake Superior at -the south-west angles of block 29, range 15. November 1st to November 25th: South of t6) and north of the Mattawa River, Lake Nipissing, French River and the north shore of Georgian Bay and the North Channel and including Cockburn, Great Cloche and Philip Edward Island. .t i1 X November 10th to November 25th: Manitoulin Island, St. Joseph Is- land and all islands in lf.anitoulin District except Cockburn, Great Cloche and Philip Edward Islands. November 6th to November 18th: The Districts of Muskoka (except the townships of Medora and Wood), that portion of Nipissing south of the north shore of the Mattawa River and Trout Lake and the north boundary of the town- ship of West Ferris, and Parry Sound (except those portions of the townships of Carling, Harrison, Shawanaga: Wallbridge west of a Plow With Care—Something new has been added to the CARE package. It's the plow pictured above, being examined by Y.'ur- ray E. Lincoln, right, president of the Cooperative League and Wallace Campbell, a league director, at CARE headquarters, Being sent to India, Pakistan and Ceylon, the CARE plow is an easily assembled, single -wheel implement Neighing 15 pounds had been rejected for various rea- sons, but chiefly because they had not been recommended by their county associations. The entrants comprise clubs big and small, amateur and professional, and for them each successive step along the golden path to Wembley means a boost - up of income, BY the time the final has been decid- ecl it is reckoned that around &.500,000 will have made its way into the coffers of the competing clubs. The winner receives at least P30,000. "The national soccer clip coillpe- tition today rates as one of the greatest money spinners in British sport. The Football Association itself nets less than R-10,000 an- nually from it, but if it had not been for the passing of a simply worded resolution by the pioneer members of that now very influ- ential body there might never have been such a competition. "It happened on a hot July aft- ernoon in London in the Year 1871. The resolution. agreed to was, "That it is desirable that a challenge cup should be estab- lished in connection with the As- sociation, for which all clubs are invited to compete." :k +k "At that time there were about - — only 60 clubs in riiembersl;ip with No. 69 Highway), and the counties the Association, which had been of Carleton, Dundas, Frontenac y1 formed to control the increasingly (except Howe Island) Glengary, popular noel - handling code of Grenville, Haliburion, that portion football, and it was considered of Hastings north of No. 7 High- highly satisfactory that ts many way, Lanark, Leeds, Lennox: and SinmrC 1 LC as 15 entered for the inaugural Addington, that portion of Ontario cup competition. Later three north of and including Thorah withdrew and the entry from township, Peterborough, Prescott, It has always seemed rather a Scotland, that of Queen's Park. Renfrew, Russell, Stormont, Vic- pity to its that we Canadians do Glasgow, was allowed to make its toria. not have, in hockey, something that appearance as late as one of the * * * resembles the Football Association semifinals. All other portions of the Province Challenge Cup — better known to will be closed for deer hunting millions as simply "The Cup" which "Difficulties of travel were acute unless subsequent regulations are represents, in the Old Country, the in those days and few of the promulgated., most coveted honor to be won in provincial clubs could afford the * * * soccer football. time or the expense of a journey Now for the feathered game; and * * to London for 90 minutes foot - here are the open seasons in On- Here, if a hockey player chooses ball. It was not surprising, there- tario for migratory birds—all dates to remail] an amateur — or is for. fore, that by far the majority of being inclusive. cod by circumstances to do so -- the entries in the first decade of Ik * * he knows that he will never' have the competition were from the Ducks, Geese, Coots, Gallin_ules a chance to match his muscles and London area. And the winners, and Rails—North and west of the skill with those of the top-ranking -with the exception of Oxford line of the Canadian National Rail- experts. He knows that he'll never University in 1874, were always way from Parry Sound through be out there battling for the Stan- London teams until 1883 w=hen Scotia, Golden Lake, Renfrew and ley Cup. But across the pond Blackburn Olympic took the Arnprior to the boundary between even the lowliest Simon-pure can trophy north for the, first time. Renfrew and Carlton Counties, at least dream of playing for "Tile thence along this boundary to the Cup." That is to say, doing so is intersection of the Quebec boun- a possibility, even if not at all prob- SALLYS SALLIES dary in the Ottawa River, and in- . able. eluding }Manitoulin District—Sep- tember 14 to 'November 7. So many Canadians, when talking * * * of British Soccer, get mixed up South and East of the above line between the various divisions and- -October 7 to \ovember 30. leagues, and so confuse their games with those played for "The Cup," that the following information taken from lin article written by Sydney Skilton might be of some interest. Mr. Skilton was writing /'. before the Cup first round had been y played a couple of weeks or so ago. _ EIl "The first dozen of England's soccer clubs that inspire to win that magnetic piece of silver kiiown as the football _Association Challenge Cup start off on the Geese in Essex County Only— trail that leads to it at Wembley November 7 to December 31. today, Sept. 2. There, at the na- * * tional soccer shrine on April 28, Woodcock—October 2 to Nov- 1951, nearly 100,000 roaring fans ember 8, will tivatch the "trial two of more than 600 protagonists decide Wilson's Snipe—October 2 to \o- which shall carry away in tri- vember 1. uniph the trophy banded over by the ming. IN CONCLUSION, JUST AN- k :k OTHER REMINDER THAT A "Dozens of those starting today GUN OF ANY SORT CAN BE in (chat is called the Extra Pre - A DANGEROUS WEAPON AND liminary Round know, full well SHOULD BE HANDLED AND thEy have not the slightest TREATED AS SUCH AT ALL chance of getting anywhere dear TIMES. HANDLING A GUN the end of the journey. Tn fact, CASUALLY OR CARELESSLY they will be highly delighted if IS A MARK, NOT OF AN EX- they get as far as the competition PERT, BUT OF A NOVICE OR proper after which they would. FOOL. AND THERE ISN'T most surely be eliminated by one ANY GAME IN CANADA, OR of the big fellows of the English IN THE WORLD, WORTH League tvllo are excused until - RISKING THE MAIMING OR that stage. The extra big fellows, KILLING OF YOURSELF OR those Ivho comprise the first and ANY OTHER PERSON. second divisions of the English _. League are, of course; excused BARBER-OUS even further. They do not have to As the new barber nicked the take the field until the third one-armed stranger for the second round proper, which this season time, he said, "You have been here occurs oil Jan. 6. before?" * k k "No," said the stranger, "I lost "Entries for the 1950-51 compe- this arm in a sawmill." tition total 615. This is after 58 THREVS A COWED—•A five,.year-old holstein cow offerecl 'black, acid white proof, three black- and—white youngsters, that cows, can leave triplets. A veterinarian sand 'the newly -born crowd, Consisting of two bulls and a heifer show every sign of good health, The "litter" was born on .' ran; in xexas, near Sall Antonio. `I�(—`- NEw rVLouNls �1 t i "Identify ourselves? Why my, husband has jilst received a let-' ter from the President and here it is." "During these years the stand- ard of professional play had been advancing steadily and in 1884 the cup passed into the possession of a club operating with paid players. Since then the winner Ila,- always been a professional side and usually one from the first division of the English League. The last occasion oil which an aniateu:r club was represented in the final tie was in 1885 when Queen's Pari: lost for the second successive year to Blackburn Rovers." That was a long time ago; and it will be seen that the amateur club hasn't much chance of coming through and taking the coveted Cup. Still there still is a chance and the amateur soccer player can at least quote the words of tllq pop- ular song "I Can Dream, Can't I?" Which is more than the amateur hockey player — if there are any of that breed remaining — can do over here. And while we are on the subject of British Sport, here's some news of interest to lady golfing fans — and to males interested in lady golfers too, for that matter. The Canadian Ladies' Golf Union is staging a series of Exhibition Mat- ches between the British Curtis Cup Team and a team of top-rank- ing Canadian Ladies at the Toronto Golf Club, Long Branch, on Wed- nesday, September 20th. There will be singles starting at 9,30 a.m. and foursomes starting at 1.30 p.m. The British Teaui, captained by Mrs. A. C. Critchley (the former Diana Fishwick) will include Miss Jeanne Bisgood, Miss Jean Don- alcl, Miss Philomena Garvey, Miss Elizabeth Price, Miss Frances Ste- phens and Mrs. George Valentine. Canada's side will be captained by Miss Ada Mackenvie, a -A will include Mrs, Graenle Tyke and Miss Daintry Chisholu7 of Montreal; Miss Ann Sharpe of Welland; :Miss Bibs Davies of Vancouver; Mrs. J, H. ".Codd of Victoria; and Mrs, Cecil Gooderlianl and 1frs. N. J. Carlson of Toronto. Xlassif ied I AccouNTINa BOOR30='ING dl -ACCOUNTING SER- VICL. Irving N, Shoom, 17 Victoria St„ Toronto. AM LINTS WANTED OILS, GREASES, TIRES, Batteries, Palate, Electric Motors, Stoves, ,Radios, ha Refrigeratora, at Freezers and Milk Coolers, Roof Coatings, Permanent Anti• freeze, etc. Dealers wanted, Write: war- co Grease and Oil Ltd., Toronto, M10N and women earn $50 per weep. In your spare time, write RODDA ENTER- rlilSEb, 14 V'vahrut Avenue; Long Branch, AGENTS and storekeepers wanted to sell household plastic articles. write to: Eddie Willard, 136r Forfar Street, Mont- real, Quebec. .BAIT)• CHICKS BROILER CHICKS, day old .chicles, start- ed chicks and turkey's, Older pullets 12 ]reeks to laying. Tweddle Chick I4'utebories Limited. Fergus, Ontariu. DVE[NO AND CLUANING HAVE Yuu anything needs dyeing or clean - Ing? write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. De- partment H, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, FAR115 FOR SALE $16,000.00. LOVELY 100 -acre farm In Durham County, between Port Hope and Rice Lake. Brick house, large barns, chicken house, all In perfect condition. Hydro throughout, plus water pumped into all buildings from deep well, Ali build- ings rodded and new metal roofs on out- buildings. Some bush and small stream. A clean, prosperous farm for immediate possession. Terms• write for full details. L 0 N G R a 0 $ REALTORS PORT NUPE 140 -ACRE, sandy loam farm, 3 mile west of Dunnville on No. 3 highway. 105 acres cultivated land, 35 acres bush; 11 - room frame house, new, double garage, 361x601, hip barn, benbouse, drive shed, woodshed, all in good condition; 2 water wells, 1 gas well, 60 trees in orchard, electricity and gas in house. Good site for cabins, store, etc. Apply Steve Xuchta,. R.R. 5, Dunnville. EXCELLENT farms available, varlous sizes, in first class dairying and mixed farming district, convenient to Ottawa, also commercial propertlea. 'TV. C. Mae - Donald, winehester, Ont. FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL colored plastics. Sturdy gold- plated points. Smooth writing. Guar- anteed one Year. Matching pencils 50c. We repair all makes of fountain Pena— send yours for estimate. The Pen Shop, 31 Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, Ontario. AT EAST STAR FA11M, Renfrew. Upper Ottawa Commercial Auction. 100 head of Registered and Grade Holateins. 30 Registered and Grade Cows, ,Milkers and Springers; 30 Registered Yearling I -letters; 30 Registered Holstein Heifer Calves; 10 Grade Yearling .Heifers; 2 one year Hol- stein Bulls. GENERAL STORE with dwelling attached, Immediate posseosion in excellent loca- tion. IW. W. Miller, Comecon, Out. FOR SALE—Fifty Acres choice land, Dun- das Coitnty near Chesterville, good house, fair outbuildings, Bruce Barkley, Newington, Ontario. . CORN EQUIPMENT ONE 24 International Mounted Corn Picker in good condition. J. C. Jarvis, R. 1, Freeman, Ont, Phone Burlington 6214. MOTORCYCLES, Harley Davidson. Nemv and used, bought, sold, exchanged. Large stock of guaranteed used motorcycles. Re- pairs by factory -trained mechanics. B1- cycles, and complete line of wheel goods, also Guns, Boats and Johnson Outboard Motors. Open evenings until nine except 'Wednesday. Strand Cycle & Sports, BEng at Sanford, Hamilton. :1LUilIINU:Ii ;ROOFING Immediate shipment—.016" thick in 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 foot lengths, Prices delivered to Ontario points on application. For estim- ates, samples, literature, etc., write: A. C, LESLIE 8t CO., LLIIITED 130 COMMISSIONERS STREET TORONTO 2, ONTARIO NEW ROOFING ALUMINUM CORRUGATED 28"x8'—s'-10'-121 Price—$7.50 per aq- ALUh1INU;)I RIBBED 2611x0'-7'-8'-9'-10' Price $8,60 per ag. Orders shipped immediately. or ECHWOOD MACHINERY LTD. 10 Beechwood Ave. 4-3527 Ottawa, Ont, GUN S—SUPPLIES—REPAIR S The greatest supply of guns and ammuni- tion gathered under one roof—the latest designs, the oldest antiques. Bays sell! Exchange! fal Order your lcatalogue, ,26c today. Modern Gun Shop, Dept. "L", 3006 Dan- forth Ave., East, Toronto. MEDICAL GAINING, WEIGHT? Slendex Tea helps You retain slender figure, turns food in- to energy Instead of fat; guaranteed harm- lesu,, composed pleasant herbs, no exercige or drastic diet. Month's supply $1. Phil- moreSales Rea'd., Dept, w', Box 00, Sta- tion "N", Montreal. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED -- Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin, Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid UNWANTED HAIR Eradicated from any part of the body with Saca-Delo, a remarkable discovery of the age. Sven -Polo contains no harut- ful ingredient, and will destroy the hair root. LOR-REEK LABORATORIES 070 Granville Street, Vancouver, 8,0. Test: Attempting to buy a watch oil credit, a plan said he was a doc- tor at a psychiatric hospital, A girl assistant asked him to spell the word and as he could not do so she called the police, .41 Wverfisliag 00 ill79DI.CAL CRESS CORN SALVE—for sure relie.1, Your ugossells Cress. t ASEORY S71OVIC HARDY NORTHERN Brown Latham, $5,0o, lieaeau Raspberry Planta $6.00 per 100, Red .Lake and Pioneer Black Currant Plants, 3 for 31,00. S, Frisley, Huntsville, Ont. RESEItVL �0'iV Yo Fa11 nittnting. Fast growing Chinese ]anm Hedge, 12.20 inches when shipped. Planted ane foot apart; 25 for $8.98, Gtnat Rxhibitlon. Paeomies, red, white or pink, 3 for $1,89. Georgeous assorted colours, large Darwin Tulip Bulbs -25 for $1.79 or 100 for $0,95, Apple Trees, McIntosh, Spy, or Delicious 3 -ft. high, a for $1.08, lyres coloured Garden Guide with every order, Brookdale —Iiingsway Nurseries, Bowmanvine. OrrowrUNITIES FOR 511::4 ' 1V0AIFN BEAHAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn tlatrd real ing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages Thousands of suceecaftil Marvel graduates America's Greatest System, Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call hfARVEL H IIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W„ 'Toronto Branches; 44 King St., Hamilton 72 Rideau St.. Ottawa PATENTS FETAERSTONHA GII & Company, Pa- tent Solicitors, Established 1890, 850' Bay Street, Toronto. Booldet of informa- tion on request. BEST 1103IJJS VERY comfortabio accommodation. Rest, " Convalescent, Post-operative. Waltins Mothers. Also treatments for Arthritis, etc. Box 906, Newmaritet, Ontario. SALESIIAN IVANTEII bIARRIED SALESMAN. to sell Nursery Stock. Established and reputable Nurs- ery Company. we train you. Pay highest commissions. Our men earn big money. Several openings in Ontario. Full time basis. Must have a car and best of refer- ences. Write Toronto York Nursery Com- pany, 169 Bay St., Toronto. STAMPS 100 IVORLDIVIDE—all different. 25c. to approval applicants, Old Canadian stamps bought. Linde, ILE, 1, York Mills, Ontario. WANTED WANTED—Used (Vater Main, approxi- mately 500 feet 8", Apply B00011 & Gross Furniture Company Limited, Walk- erton, Ontario, Phone 160. Fiery, Itching Foes and Feet Here is a clean, stainless antiseptic oil that will do more to help you get rid of your trouble than anything You've ever used. Its action is so powerfully penetrating that the itching is quickly stopped; and In a short time You are rid of that bother- some, fiery torture. The same is true of Barber's Itch, Salt Rheum, Eczema—other Irritating unsightly skin troubles. You can obtain Moone's Emerald Oil in the original bottle at any modern drug store. It is safe to use—and failure in any of these ailments is rare Indeed. Snow drifts around your farm build - Ings and roadways need no longer stop the flow of ready cash to farm (tomes. Read how the wonder Berger Sno- 1310, easily attached to your tractor, plows through deepest drifts and blows snow where after-effects of slush and mud are minimized. Special discount for early orders. The Dominion Road Machinery 1 �f Sales Co., Limited', Goderich, Ont. ssII Without obligation sond ma copy of Borger Ak Sno-Blo Folder. Name............................. 4dress ........................... WL -2 Centaet your nearest faTnm Impicnment, and equipment dealer NOW ISSUE 31 — 1950 17