HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-09-14, Page 1e }: Established .19-00 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAYq MORNING, SEPTEMBER 141950. - CHESTER t., SMITH, PUBL?3Pn9K,, $1.75 a Year In Advance. $2.00 in U. S. A., in Advama. ' S'T'. METER'S 'Evangelical Lutheran Church ZZURICH — ONTARIO ,:REV. )E:, W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR 10 taan.—Divine, Services. lli1..15 a.m. —Sunday ,Sehaol. 1T.30 p.m.—Divine Worship. e verybody Welcome to pail Services. EMMANUM EVANGELICAL, U. B. CHURCH i Zurich — Ontario REV. H. E. ROPP'EL Minister I'irtrs. Milton Oesch - Orgamist ,Suaday Services:— _20:00 a.m.--,Divine Worship. XL00 a m.—,Bi'ble School. "7:30 p.m. --Divine Worship. Welcome at all Servic-ee--"Crich* ahou vrith us and we will do thee ,"d." Num. 10:29. L � ..don Theatre GRAND SEND Presents for Your. Enjoyment. the Following Attractions Friday, Saturday Sept, 15;1.6 '"`CHAIN LIGHTNING" Humphery Bogart, Eleanor Parker Raymond Massey, the thrilling saga of A first line of Defence with Jet propelled weapons of air. Short Subjects 'RIVIERRE DAYS' `,STRIFE WITH FATHER' Monday, Tuesday. Sept. 18-19 `EAST SIDE, WEST SIDE' (Adult Entertainment) Barbara Stanwyk James Mason Ave Gardner Van Heflin A startling tenmpestous peture of Flaming Love. Paramount News. Wednesday, 'Thursday Sept. 20-21 "MR. BLANDINGS BUILDS HIS DREAM HOUSE" The most amusing picture.you've seen. If you have seen iYou'll want to again.. I:f you ;haven't be luxel not to muss it. Cary Grant Myrna Loy i Melvin Douglas On same program `Water Speed' 'Fly's Last Flight' i Are You Suffering From CARD OF THANKS Hea &chexa The Family of the late Mr. Robert E. Robinson wish to take this (oppor- 2 nap Have your 3:yes Mrswived with tunky of expressing their sincere ap- Qe Y.atest Methods acidpreciation ,for all the beautiful floral pt tributes, expressions of sympathy and all the many acts of kindness shown A. L �, �'®• them in their recent sad bereaviim6i£, OPTOMETRIIST A OP.a'=UW With special thatemks to Mrs. Ruskin Keys and Mrs. Elmore Keys for their GODI MCH Ulla beautiful duet "Beyond the Sunset" Zood Glasses at RasimuNk Pclmes, and 'to Rev. Reba Hern. Ifalberal DLreelor --- Private CCU' Ainbid wzee Member of Ontario Funeral Association Holder Of ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFICATE Portable, OXYGEN Equipment HOSPITAL BETAS TO RENT—•INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN FRESH FLOWERS SUPPED FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES WE WIRE ANYWHERE 24 Hour Service — Dashwood Tel. 70W. T. 1 ; , wt " ' ES10 I%Ae r U I MEN'S WEAR LADIES' LINGERIE INFANTS BOYS' GIRLS' CLOTHING FRESH[ GROCERIES FRUITS VEGETABLES CURED MEATS IF' REQUESTED, WE DELIVER .-COMING EVENTS-. 0 IN THE Community Hall, Zurich SPONSORED BY Zurich Agricultural Society On Friday, September 15th, Ah 9,30 p.m. Ernie Hewitt's Variety Enter- tainers and Dance Orchestra OF CKOX, WOODSTOCK With Modern and Old Time Dance Music t Be sure and attend this one HAY COUNOL The Council of the Township of r Hay met in the Twp. Hall, Zurich,oli Tuesday Aug. 1st at 8 p.m., when I the fodl.owa+ng motions were passed: That the minutes of the last regu- lar meeting of July 4th, and special meeting of Jully: 17th be adopted as I read. r That By-latiw No. 6, 195.0 provid- , Ing for the fixing and levying of t rates •against the rateable property of t the Twp. for the year 1950 be read j a third time. That we acknowledge the return of the 1951 assessment roll from As- sessor W. H. Edithoffer as returned € July 15th, ,and that Court of Revision r be held ion Wed. Aug. 23rd at 8.00 c p.m, at Town Hall, Zurich, and that notices be placed in ilocal ,papers. t That we notify the Hensall Legion to procure a wreath to .be placed at the monument on Remembrance Day,. That application the made to the Dep't Coif Highways for the initial plygmnt_a the _x.0,50 Road Subsidy.. 7 That we pay Henry Becker ' $'25:00 for loss of land due to moving ditch I further south through his land. Tbis being both east and west of 16th. i Concession. s That; the money borrowing By- c Law No-. 7, 1950 'be passed authoriz- t Ing the Reeve and Treasurer of Hay 2 I'wp. to borrow up :to $25,000, from t the Bank .of Motnreal, Zurich, as i needed for icurrent expenditures. That Clerk prepare a ,by -taw to C Issue debentures for $3500. to be ap- I died to dispose of the existing debt r A the Ha!,v+, Twp. Community tCentre C :Ls established by By-larw 11, 19+419. o That in response to the written re- E quest made .by two residents of Zur- s [chto have the remaining .South por- ,t, tion of Bismark St. in the Volland I Survey West of Lots 148 to !152 op- 1. mete, the Clerk be authorized to pre- g pare By-law for opening street. That the following accounts be e paid as per voucher: f Roads—Jack Little $88; John Gaff- a ney Const. Co. 2830.50; the Steel c Cao., of Can. 2061-17; L. H. Turnbuill I $77; Supertest Corp. 35.80; The ti Master Builders Co. "233.28; St, Jos- S aph's Service 116.76; Sany Elliott e 3.75; H. W. Brokenshire 7;35; Jas. n 1lasse 232.84; Dept. Highways $22; t .Ienily.- Beckem $25; Payroll for July i t16.95; Alphonse Masse 142.1.3; P. Vlonette 40.80; Michael Masse 43.17, Relief—Mrs. John Suplat $30; N.-Irs 4dith Mason $20; iYli:ss Elm= Bas - cow 8.90; rigs. Jessie Wilds $20. General -- Banlc ,q Montreal 1.44.- s 38; Pearl Wurtz 135.62; T. C. Hab- b :Ler 246.58; J. W. Haberer 246.58, ,orp. Vill. of Hensall $50; W.nl. •Sie- r, cert 9.60; Co. of Huron $15, Hazy e Aunic. Tele. System $1000; Jacob Deichert 246.58; Mrs. Nancy Koeh- ler 61.64; Basil Edwards 163:81; Con ;lemon 511,0.81; Win. H, EdighofPer E505.00; H. W. Brokenshire 104.68; c Mrs, Marjorie ,Schilbe 110.95. rr Hay Munic. Tele. System ---• N�-)r- i thein Elec. Co, 699.74; Itaymond Meidinger 24'2.00; H. G. Hess 1779.- 4;2; Seth Ainans $100; E. J. Freder- 1 ich 252.00; L, A. Prang & Son $90; Bell Tele. Co. 961:57; �Stromberg Co. 9.21; F. C. Kal;bflei:seh and Son Ltd. $27; Mrs. Marjorie Schilbe 18.86; 1•I i W, Brokenshire 79.77. H. W. Brokenshire, Clerk-Trs. Earl ,Campbell, Reeve. The Voice of Temperance In it's last issue Toronto' 's weekl;v' periodical, Saturday Night stated that whdreas in 19$9 the people of i the United States dran-k 2,3 times as much beer as the people of Canada, in 1947 the ration had c'hangect to 13. times as much. The Canadi<Ins are catching up with the Americans. Their ratio of drinking now eiluals their ratio of 10population, They are just as hetavy drinkers astheir Am- erican cousins. This is nothiitg to boast about. All it »droves is that we are as fooiigh and as wasteful as our neighbours and headed for the same hind of trouble, Advt, NORMA ' S RAG RUGS and CARPETS BEAUTY SHOPPE f FOR APPOINTMENTS On a New Modern Loom, Made i Tel. 1223. Zurich Order — Seth 0. Amann, Zuni. .NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. Ont. Phone 128. Are Attending Normal Mr- Campbell. Krueger of town, and his cousin, Miss Ruth Krueger of the 14th Con., are attending Normal Scho.(. at London. Is At Hospital Mrs, Jack O'Brien is progressing very favourably at the Seaforth Hos- ?ital, +after undergoing operations. Rer ma )y friends 'wish her- .a speedy recovery. And •Mrs, Bryce Mack vho,is at Victoria Hospital, London, s getting along well. Her many 'riends wish her 'a speedy. recovery. Ladies' Aid Entertain A very enjoyable time was spent �u Tuesday afternoon when the Ladies;' Aid of St. Peter's Lutheran ,hurcl% of town, entertained the Aid X- Zion Lutheran Church, Dashwood. L very enjoipable time was spent,,a uitaable ,program as well -as refresh- aents were enjoyed at this social 'et-t'o�gether. Met With Accident Mrs. Henry Adkins of near Hen- all,, enall, met with a painful accident Fast `:ridgy afternoon while she was can- hig tomatoes, in a pressure cooker Fhen the latter exploded. Stearn blew he Ed and part of the contents to he celing causing Mrs. Atkin's hands ace, !eek and back to scalded with tearri: and hot tomatoes. Medical Id was at once summoned which 'ave ;the patient much relief. Her zany, friends, wish her a speedy re- overy. Her daughter, Mrs. Powell f Goderich is assisting her mother his week. Lions Club News T'l� 'first regular supper meeting f new physical year was held on i�edzitdayz..eyezling at the Dominion lotel dining hall, and although there rare' considerable absent, the meet- ig was interesting with the new ate of officers functioning, as foll- ws: President, Jacob Haberer; tail vister, Ferdinand Haberer; Lion amer, Delbert Geiger, who aII did ieir work nicelyl; the three vice pres- tents are, Victor Dinnin, Russel rainger and Edwin Gaecho; and the irectois are, Ivan Kal.bfleisch, Le - )y O'Brien, Edward Datars, and rville Witmer. Owing to being n .an extended trip out West, the ast President, who is ,now the new �cretary, was absent this office was iken care of by the past secretary, ion :Bill Siebert. Lion Elmer D. ell, Barrister, of Exeter, was the nest speaker, and made the pres- atation to the five year members it their perfect attendance, who are a follows, Ed. Datars, 'George Dei- nert, J. W. Haberer, T. C. Haberer, eeroy O'Brien, Bill Siebert, C. L. mith, Ivan Ralbfleisch, and Ivan 'ungblut. This is i.ndeec., a souv- nir worthy to be proud off. The ext regular ineeting will be held in ie Dominion House, MondatyM even- ig Sept. 18th. HYMENEAL Oxland — Haberer Wearing an original gown of white itin and carrying a white prayer ook showered with gardenias, Arvis usan daughter of Mr and Mrs - Save Costly Watch Repair With Regular Watch Care "blue ceal" YOUR ,FLUE COAT' YOUR WATCH NEEDS -PERIODIC DEALER ` GLEANING OND OILING. IF YOU 3WN A BULOVA OR ANY OTHER WANTS YOU TO KNOW ?INE WATCH BE SURE AND Blue Coal is the Cheapest Fuel on the Maiiket to -day, why pay more for SAVE IT CLEANED AND OILEDinferior Fuels. +kT LEAST ONCE A YEAR (32 Years Experience) LORNE E. HAY 14G. Ir i E S krlii Office Ph. 10. House Ph. 673A HEN3ALL. ,jeweler and Registered Roe's Vitimized Feeds Optician. IN�tV®tt�®1������®s aa7�eL atft��I 9 Ocoe§ J� u� a Licensed Embalmer and FuneraR Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL 'OCCASIONS Day and Night Service 2 Telephone: Res, 89 or 122, Zurich erdinand Haberer, Zurich was unit - :i in marriage to Ro.bext Guy Oxland in of Mrs. Oxland, Victoria, B.C., j nd the late A. C. Oxland. Rev, I,. j V. Heiinrich performed the cereln- ny at St. Peter's Lutheran Church nd Miss Audrey k1eimrich played tsne bridtmsMiss ernice Wood, Sarnia.' Thd bride was given in marriage biy er father, Her gown was tashioned ith open sweetheart neckline, in- •erted front fold and skirt ending in petal train. Iter veil of French ill- tson was edged in Venetian lace. As maid of honor for her sister, Miss Arlene Haberer, wore two-tone ilue Nylon sheer. Identical gowned were Miss Jean Kruegetr, London and Virs, C. A. Enright, Toronto. Tine groom was attended 'by Paul Maxwell, Toronto, as best man. Ushers were W. W. Walker and H. 13, Davis, both of oronto, Reception of guests followed at Club Monetta, Exeter. Latero Ole, bridal couple left for a wedding trip to the Laureiitians, the .bride trav- eling in a suit of gray English wor- sued with navy accessories and cors- age of gardenias, She carried a fla- mingo topcoat. Mr and Mrs, Oxland (will reside in Toxonto whalre the groom will enter his fourth year at Rihe university of Toronto School of ngitearing. ZURIeRls' :Jk.Xr9 ey Store w.. We are ever at your service with the best dines obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables," Fruits in Season as well as Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL, Zuricil Is PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 t � � i�x t. � t%N 1; : � 1• j � i �g 4i We have a Good Supply of Den's Overalls, Work Pants, Shirts and Work ,Socks. Also a fine stock of Fall and Winter Underwear. JUST" ARRIVE""" MEN'S WORK SHOES AND RUBBER - BOOTS. Also a big variety of Rubber Footwear for Men, Women and Children. GIVE US A CALL! FRESH � GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND JT,u LOUS.1 VRE E. Schwarhentruber, PropPhone 1147 t A- 4