HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-09-07, Page 8rl TIttCH .ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD Thursday, September 7th, 10so
; 3 OF L l ,� i. TER ' � IllIiIlNllIiIIIlI1lIlllllllllNllllrlllll(Ill(�l(II(liIlilli(Hlllllillllllll1111111111IM11II11111111ii
qsurance� G Lo Tr, incl l�Ir• Wil.frcd I,lopla of l
London, Spent the holiday 1
in tosvu.
Mrs. Aldan Gzrselzo Inas arrived Izome .ry
from Exeter with her infant dough- WHAI EVERT FARMER 2 �9
A complete stack of Ladies and Children's Sundres- �QG
and Mrs Roy Oliver of st. NEEDS! + - --
d D tlarYA ,Fere Sunday visitors at the Blanket harm Liability Folic
D ses, Jeans, Slacks, Shorts, Bathing Suits, fine all �QG lionrt of tilz:, Lha, Wel e Y Y
��, r.
llz: Ix ithr; zn haz�ber of 'avistucic � ��
�QD � QQD $10,000 Inclusive Limits coverage. �, >n
wool pg?l`�' ;&°s ko CSr�+irAS in 12e"a4r S9Elirner �. u h
v rated 1ao t week at the home ofi her >
1 rezniurn $9,00 per annum per farm +
Q,G d r end 11 iss Anna Hess. ( not exceeding 330 acres. •+ "` ^--"`^"--^' �•
Shades; ca�rltio3k ya'a';�� r, iddies Ow�erallS, SiirT �QL 11'i' and 11rs. Alvin Dradforcl of •. gx
liazniltan -'-clad with friends in the Illctt Does it Cover? I,.L LINE
0 suill .i —.1c. µ connuu ritys over the week -r arts. r S
QQD ;11x•. and Mrs. Jacob Fisher of Dash Operation Operation of unlicensed tractors and OF' FURNITURE
w)od v i dted with their, daughter:; i,n farm niachincry; Strayed Animals, + ,♦
Q i% d0D fnriclr over the week -end. Farm Premises Risk, Personal Acts °,r°• A, mood Variety of Lii�oleiiln, COangoleuan a1lIP1
�QD 9 •� 1Tz°
and Mrs, Amos Gingerich and and Activities.
"� �+ �^� Q`1 Q� family of the 13r0nson line north- .Mr
�t01� ' r �(p and Mrs. Sam Gingerich of town Optional Coverages � Axminister 'Rugs, 9tc.
QQD QQ� spent the week -end at ChesTe Lake, �I
Q Everything in Men's Near, Suits, Trousers, .Back- Q0 '.VIa• and Mrs West of Windsor; Dr Animal Collision $$1.0 limit on any + All Lamps are Reasonably Priced! `
one animal Prem. $L00. Products + y
znncl Mrs. Pink of Larnbet'h enjoyed a •I•
Q D et5.,, See the new Van Johnston Jackets, Jerseys, Q � visit .at the home of Mr, Chas. Fritz, .Liability. Custom Farming and .�
® QQD Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith of London . EiiipMachl hex+s'rented to others. �?Ve also carry a good Supply of Springs and Mata
Q fine lot of sport shirts, line Shirts, ties, caps, sox, were week -end visitors at the hoarse I L+ Voluntary
Liability. �
• v QD' Voluntary Compensation. '� tresses such as Beaut est Airfoain Etc.
of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd O'Brien. For Further �' � Beauty
y ,
Q particulars Apply. •I•
D new felt hats and a complete line of work clothes. Mins Mae ,smith returned to her
Q A duties at the Atomic Energy PIant, J. W. HABERER - Phone 161 + Furniture Store Phone ,122 .Zurich
D D Deep River, after enjoying .the -week-
end at her Home !here. + Residence Phone 89,
Mrs. Caruthers and Miss June •p•
Q Wd11ert of London spent tie week- ARTHUR FRASER
D d at the home of their parents,
1Ir and Mxs. GeorgHess.Income Tax Reports
Dr. and Mrs, IP, J. O'Dwyer land r
family who have been camping for Bookkeeping Service, Etc,
two -peeks at Turn;bull's Grove have ♦ �
D See our front Table for Special Bargains in season• �0 left for their home in London.' EXETERre s
VICE:—Corner Azznn, William Sta. •
�1V1/ able �aoOd5
Mr. and (Mrs. Bert Bachert and ♦Your If a M
Q� sons of the Bronson line, -have ret- Phone: Exeter 504. ♦ re ♦,
Ladies' Panties assorted colors at ........., 98c Q D urned Home after a pleasant tri to o !
Ladies' ,Panties, Reg. 1.59 for ........................1.29 QD Niagara Falls and other places -0f ELMER D. BELL, B.A. SCHOOL DAYS
adies' Panties, Reg. 1.1® foo' .................... 59c lir, .and :Mrs. Norman Bock of Tor- BOTTBARRISTER - SOLICIT • NOW (ES. WE HAVE THAT THE COLD WEATHER NT SIZES AND COLORS 0
Q . 101rto were in town over the week -end w
.� Ali ht G®wnS Reg. 2.59 for ... ,,,•,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,•,1,5� di Zurich. leaving here timer resident a OR ♦ ER IS NEAR YOU HAD 0
D Ladies' Slips, sizes 40 to 50 Re 3.25 for 1.., f3 rhe former � as a for
' ,.s a carpenter ,b1 trade.
p e• Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m., at Zurich
�?,Q� Pyjamas Reg. 2.35 for ....................................1.69 4 Q Mx. and' Mrs. Nei At CAN IF THEY ARE�N GOOD WORKING CONDITION. WE •
QQD Ladies N Ions 45 and 51 1 Gxrrgerrco and (New Twnp. Office) ♦ W PARTS FOR ANY
D y gauge to clear ..........79c Q% daughter, :Mx. and Mrs. Solomon ♦ TYPE OF RANGE HEATER
Kiddies' Sun Suits at .69c QQ? Baechler, of Zurich were recent vis- ` R OR FURNACES. i
D 54 -inch Tablecloths at ..1.29 QU itoors with Mr and Mrs.,Ci Bren- CEMENT s WE ALSO CARRY •
�•••••••••••••••••••••••,,...., .•... � —New Ranges, Space Heaters, Toridheet �
54 -in Tablecloths, Reg. 3.25 for 2.29 D Italy n, near B New d Hamburg
SOD Q D nerMr. Ed. ear -and sister, Oil Burners and Furnaces; ea r an eDeep ana
♦ F s B tty, Duo d Aero
Runners, Reg. 79c, for Mrs. I Pedlar Products. Paints, Enamels, Stains, Oils, Et
"' Q of Detroit, visited -at the home ������ and Heavy Shelf
••.39C v HardwareChair Setts,.. 3 piece at....................................39c of their mother, M.rs, Dennis iced-ard
Sr., and abhor members of the Earn- ♦
. We rent our Cement Mixer and Paint Sprayer.
Bros. G rly aird friends• Ianmediate Delivery%QQ(J Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sch-vartzentrub- 0 For Courteous and Dependable Service ,SEE!
TELEPHONE ss ZURICH QQD er sand .family of Blake, spent a few HURON CONCRETE
---� days over the week -end with relativ- PRODUCTS ; Rider MINI
es and friends in Kitchener, atsat-Hardwareo
tending a convention at Baden. Phone 684 Seaforth Phone 63
Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Datars land dau- Zurich
• ghter Anita, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob p!d at 40 5d 6�
lei Th^ • Haberer and son Jack, enjoyed a `� (Drysuale t� motor trip to Ottawa, and took in � i i a801012 OUR=
• man -- Man, You're Crazy'
5 lovely si�glnts along the 'St.
• _ • Lawrence, including the Thousand Forget your agel Tl,oueaade aro peppy at 7a. Tei � FLOOR TILE
Islands. Do ping up" with ostres: Costalno oNfor peat,
The Store with the Best Variety of all Kinds • rundown leellnQ dao solely w taa,'aolc Qf n
• whtoh many men and women call , o1Q • F V R
of Groceries Mr and Mrs, Edgar Geiger and rems dnr° Newaglget1ncnuafnted $eine osry � �
• children of Pigeon, Mich., Mr. and For eale it all dr, stores everywhera
Also Rubber Boots and Shoes for Men and Bogs a The Best In Mastic Tile Floor
Mrs. Morris Neil and daughter Nancy G E T
- ® of Goderieh; Mr and iixrs. Clare NOTICE
A fine assortment of Hardware and Electrical 0 :1Ielick of Dashwood, were recent
Appliances a visitors at the Me -lick residence. To Rawleigh Customers _ TILE - Tr
• children; :Mr. and ,Mrs. Les Trom- I am giving up Ra`vleigh Agency
® : bley and child all of Detroit visited A11I c Manufactured b The FIintkote Conn
• CO --OP, FEEDS Cured' and Fresh Meats a Goods are now on Sale. Orders I y Company,
0 with their f'atber Mr, Oscar Klapp, over $1.00 to $10.00 at 10 p.c. off; gy Toronto, Ont.
06 •at the holne of -their sister Mr. and over $10,00, 15 p.c. off except mint-
i'�our Patronage. Appreciated at all Times! i Mrs. Earl Yungblut sand Mr. and eral sprays and spices which are 10%, See Your Local Agent
GIVE' US A CALLi g. Mrs. Howard. Xlopp. Orders 'will be taken over phone or JOHN M. TURKHEIM Phone Zurich 174
• • through mail., I will make delivery LAID AND MAINTAINED. Free Estimates Gladly
Mr. ;and Mrs, Elmer filo �'
• • pp, accorn-Ian Hal and Stephen in Sept. Others � y Given
JOHN DENOMY - DRYSDALE .,Phone 98 r I � panied by Mrs. Lloyd Kalbfleisah of � gall at my liaine. Be prepared to
Elmira recently enjoiyed �a motor trip settle -old accounts when I call. Send
to Montreal„ along the .St. Lawrance 1 in your -1- 1 'i
Y v
fir' �I Needs
Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of time.
'fie always try to supply our Customers with the most
Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to
insure deliveries in time always leave your orders ea.rly
with us so we can arrange for your supply
Have You Looped Over Your Heating Equipment?
Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob.E ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over .
ofor you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best
We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried
and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Also (wick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax "
Plumbing, ,Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith
ing our Specialty. Full line, of heavy and shelf Hard-
ware always in stock.
TADE & Wr-luo
•1i UIH .. ON 1 r
ars wu e stock is com- ;.•+ f,+++++-F••4•..•i•..•I•....3•...sr•#'E'...1•..•C••1•.•d•�•�•k�••4•d••1'9�♦
from there to Ottawa, Pembroke and plete. I will be home evenings and
• on up to Deep River, taking in. the Saturday afternoons. Bring ,your -
many lovely sights. They attended profit sharing cards. `
a church convention at Pembroke. � Extral,�Special 1
Welcome to Zurich ?
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Kalbfleisc'h of Restemeyer Mrs Parc Wt M
y x'll
el , r s
Detroit arrived -in Zurich last week, Ed. Haberer, !lll Bert Klopp and
and have decided to snake Zurich Mrs. R. Westlake,
their future home, having p,zrc-nased The School Children
a fine building lot from Mr. Ted, C. The special prize for public speak-
Ilaberer at the south end of town, ing was won 'by Kathryn Kal;bfleisch,
where operations are alreadiy under Kathzlym Iilopp, and Mary Meidirn�
way for the erection of a fine new Display of work relating to any phase
residence. Mr. Ka.lbfleisch is a (nem- of school progr•a in Hay, by room r2.,
bcr rot' the Iialbfleisch family of the I S.S. 7 Walder \Ii 0. O'Brien, S.S, ,
14th Corr., Hats*, and left for Detroit 4 under Mrs. J. Oesch; S.S, 3, tinder
51 Year:; age, and was cng'a;ged in Mrs. G. Koehler and S.S. 112,, under
Oat busy city in mill work [or build. iTlss Nola Krueger,
ing material.;. The citizens 01' Zur- I The re,• ular price Iist winners -were
ich and districtar i d d J
CEDAR FLOORING 1x4 at PER M.........$85.00
No. 3 Hemlock 1x4 and wider, Dressed
on 4 Sides, per M .................... 60.00
No. 3. Hemlock Shiplap 1x4•,
and wider, per M ..................... '60.00
e n ee ha:ppy ,bo, xvOlbert Westlake, Mai -lone RichardsonW.
p learn that they are conning to Zurich Pat O'Brien, Robert Merner, Erla F. C. :KA-LBFLEISCH & SON
a in retirement. Hay, .Marion Y1111 �blut lid
' g'ar Wll- Phone 69
THE WESTERN FAIR, Noiana l'a'ger, til zzr Grainger, w
Marilyn Erb, Ru•hard Erb, Marion ` `S"1` '�+"� B0'1' " ' "I' s�+ n4�<���+ •�•p•�•�dh�S+•&fir �
The 1950 Western Pair, London Turkheiin, Beverley Dick John Erle �•d�-
Sept, 1l. to 16, has already shattered K. Klol.p, Ruth Ilabezer, 1Tariliyin
one record, manager W. D. Jackson Haberer, Audrey Rchard4aar, Wary
announces that 677 cattle entries M'eidiniger, Duward McAdams, Mar -
have been received, 'by far the great- tha Corriveau, Douglas Shantz, Do -
est in the his
of the fair. T:hi,s lores .Bedard, Patrick Regier, Robert
indludes 122 beef cattle and 555 il. Prang, Calvin Gingeri.ch, Janette',de
k bhe dairy breeds. The championship Weerd, Marie Jarrott, Francis Jaron
distl,ct "black and White Show" willFrancis Corriveau, Janet Gascho, El-
be held this year with 350 acne Schade Sh it Wl
Massey - Narris
rlleins� entries, e•a, lext, vrartha HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF MASSI:Y-
bedded in the new $400,000 Meidinger, L eyla Webb, Pc ter Bro-
live,tocic I tin. Some 350 Holstein onniner, Jack HARRIS REPAIRS. ORDER YOURS EARLY!
� Nee;b Ross Turnbull,
entries haze 'Seem received. Light Karl Regier, Arthur Rader, l Tro-
horse entries total 1.50; heavy horses yen, Anne, de Weerd, Davta Duch- AM TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR ANY MASSEY HARRIS
1.20, sheep 471 and swine 150, Everyiaru:e, Johannes de Weerd Donald
pen in the sheep and swine barns will G� ',cho, Orville Schlbe, Joyce 1,cher,
" be filled' (Jeanne Webb, IYTar°leve Wagner, r
Jeanne Webb, Marlene Wagner, Don -
Zurich Fall 1~a n.a, I.allock, Linda Bedard, Carol
�Iialdl,I+olti, 1'hxrioa Popper, Tleintz
14:Ii°s, 'ihirq, 4Ir:. h,d, ITieberer N11's. Mozrtay, Audrey Durance, David Du -
Jack Turkheim and Mrs. Ted. Stein-;charnne, Douglas Shantz, Anthony
bath Art lrrizes were won by iV1rs:1Dt1rand7 Itoland Klopp, Warren Reg-
Fus% and Mrs, Darling, ; ren, Wn,nnifredi Regier, Helen Horner,
Flower displays, 'Virg. Jack Turk Louise Hyde, ,Xat'hryn luopp, Carol
ihei;ni, Mrs. Walter Welber, Mrs, I5. rThiel and Evelyn Sharrow.
1 >>
"The Service Area for Canadian Farm"
'rel. Shop 149 Oscar KI0P Ru, 67