HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-09-07, Page 1J Fp, �, P• CHES I'EI'I L SMITHY ,P'IJiBLISI•?, Established .190f1 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING., SEPTEMBER 71950 $1.765 s Year In Ad nt,& $2.00 in U. S. A°, in Advatte, y - �•� � ply O R M S __....... .._..... - _..._... _ .._.. _ __........... __.,._.....__..•_... IRAG RUGS and CARPETS ST. PETEWS E� �arng elical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTARIO ;,REV. E, W. HEINRICH, PASTOR 10 a.m.—Divine Services. 11.15 a.m. —Sunday School. ,7.30 p.m. --,Divine Worship. ''Everybody Welcome to &H Services. EN MAIM- ; EVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH j Zurich — Ontario REV. H. E. ROP+PEL Minister I't+Irs. Milton Oesch e Organist -Sunday Services: - 1140:00 a.m.—Divine Worship. I:P.00 a m. --+Bible SehooL I:30 p.m.—Divine Wos°ahip. Welcome at all Services—"Como thou with us and we will do the* :;%ood." Num. 10:29. Are You Sufferbu From Headaches? .0 ®o, Have your Lyw JJE= aed eith ',&e latest Method's and ra,Iuigmiont fat A. L. COLE, R.®. OPTOMETRIST k fArrICMN G'OD=I(M '--x 0 ,Good Glasses at R WMAIS PWM k1don '�-- -- TheatreBEAUTYSHOPPE A N„. GRAND BEND ��'Eq � r, -^ FOR APPOINTMENTS On a New Modern Loom, 1VYacs the I'l~e1. 1223. Zur9Ch i Order —Seth 0. Amann, 'T•uP2 Presents for Your. Enjoyment. Following Attractions Friday, ,Saturday ,Sept. 8-9 M.G.M.'s tGreat Drama of the Adv- entureous West, starring Robert Tay- lor with Johi Hiodiak and Arlene Dahl, in "AMBUSH” Plus 'short `Ontario Land of Lakes'. Mon., Tues. Sept. 11-12 Robert Mitchum and Janet Leigh in a holidalyi •of teasin' and Sgrteezin' "HOLIDAY AFFAIR Sharts--Slicker ,Flashback and Don- ald's' Happy 'Birthday' Wed., Thurs. .Sept. 13-14 Alan Ladd Wanda Hendrix `AFTER MIDNIGHT' Ladd in hand-tloHhand Combat in war torn Mediterranean. Short -Subject `Fall 'Guy'. IN THE Community Hall, Zurich SPONSORED BY Zurich Agricultural Society On Friday, September 15th. At 9.30 pan. Ernie Hewitt's Variety Enter- tainers and Dance Orchestra OF iCKOX, WOODSTOCK With Modern and Old Time Dance Music Be sure and attend this one Fractured Arm Mils Joyce Fisher met with a pain ful ac4dent when she fell of£ a tree limb, fracturing her right arm. Her many friends wish. her a, speedy re- covery. Attended Conventon Mr and Mss Ralph Krueger atten- ded the E.Y.F. Convention held at Golden Lake the past week. Ralph being ;president of the organization for some time. They visited at the hoine sof their mother, Mrs. E. G. Krueger on their return home to Hyde Park, where both have comm- encedteaching school ,for the fall term. , Ink®° FlmJ ZURICH FALL FAIR AT ZURICH Marken one of Zurich's biggest Whale owiin.g tto the rains and the days for some time .past. Although lateness for farmers getting .in their the weather was a bit. on the cool harvest, the !11950 Fair last Tuesdaly, side, but fortunately it did not rain. was a bit down in attendance to last ShortV,, after twelve :o'clock at noon, year, but as a whole, it was consid one could see the big floats getting BORN eyed as a big success, as the exhibits ready for the ;parade which must were well filled in most of the classes have :been a half mile long if pro - Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stade of Zur- at bath inside and outside. The exhilb- perly spaced out. It must have, been ch ares happy to -announce the axriv- its of the school children, as usual, an: endless amount of ,planning and 0 of a son, on 'September 1st, at the was a keen competition, drawing t,1jinki #g first, then all the work it Fax -well Nursing Hoarse, Zurich. A close to 1100 entries. took to get these big floats ready, brother to Richard and Cheryl. The "Funny" New Dundee Clown all the clown work, ibicycles decor - Band led the way, hollowed 'Uy the aped and say nothingabout the work At the Farwell Nursing +home, on various school children in march, ' ' September 111st to Mr. and Mrs. Rich- made a lovely opening parade. This it 'took to get that bronko auto rear and Jeff -rely, Io£ the B. W. Highway, aon nits . hind legs and cut all those a same little band was a real source o£ capers; the clown with the goat ion, Richard Francis (R•icey)' entertaialment during the afteinoron• „ brother to Michael. surely got ones "goat", and the as +it travelled around the grounds manyjcoiirdc characters ion the floats Born—In Clinton. Public HroslAbal and played just when 'they had the were ust too comical for words. In on Wednesday, August 30th, to Mr. desire; Tory Gregg, of Cn h Whowbg- fact, peJctators who have seen many and Mrs. Cecil Kvpfer, a daughter. ham did the annoncing in the show such e�venits, put this one ahead of Sin and kept things livelly. There was a fine display many of the +big ,parades in some sof At Victoria Flos�pitol, London, onr,of horses, w'hinhe our.1 rex cities. .Space would not Aix'gust 31st ,to M.T. end .Mrs. Emer- always is very interesting ur,ri'w 'us to ,start enumerating them son Hoiden• (nee S�hiwley Krueger) a showing 'of cattle;asad livestock was T ,, , son. l also worth looking over. Only the in fact it was so much khat -•one. can At Victoria Hospital, London, on ,best in the land is ibrought out fror not remember half that :we saw. It ang long to be remein(ber- August 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. H. R. such purposes, ;and many thousands ed was soaiid ethiowimg are the winners of Bossenb'er•ry, of Grand Bend, a son. of dollars worth o& real beef cattle , were on exhibition. the prizes: B st comic ;float Earl Thiel and . ����� Q� �cc�z G'ZG7z���rzZ (:./(0 TtVbe,ral .. LFCCILOr — .PrLvate Cciv .47a biblaU66 Member of Ontario Funeral Association Holder Of ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFICATE portable OXYGEN Equipment HOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT—INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES WE WANYWHERE 24 Hour Service --- Dashwood Tel. 70W. The 'day's program was completed e I , in the evening by a program by family; (best hidustrial of merchant's Ernie Hewitt and his comedians of float, Silvexwoods Ltd, Zurich Hydr:o- CKOK W'oodstoick. This is the first Electric, •Dominion Hotel; nianufact- time the •Society had the opportunity users' %Doart, F. C. Kalbfleisch mills; of using the spacious new Commurr- taint 'car, Lewis Thiel, Lloyd Miller, ity Centre hall on fair night, and the Billand A. Merner; decorated car, bag crowd, nicely filled the hall. Jacob Haberer; consolation award, Prize winners were as follows: George H'ess,Ed. Haberer and Rh Cattle winners: J. McGregor for manHowald.' boys bicycle, J c k the three .best beef type and Percy Ylingblur Robin Moyers; gir Willert for beat herd of. cattle. Me- cle, Marion Meyers; girl's bicycle, Gregor also winning Dr. C.oxoa-1 spec- Marion Fleischauer -and Mary Geig- ial. In the shorthorn class Elgin er, MEllen '.'Biel and Elaine McKinley and Jno. Ostrom; Percy Grainger; ger; national cossecostI -Ii Willert's cattle won most in, the beef Jane Howald; comic girl' type grades, also 'Fred Haberer, Carl Linda Bedard: Haberer, J. McGregor in the short- In the afternoon all games Hensall horn class, while Bert Klopp showed won both of 'the games, defeating a very fine lot of Reg. Polled Angus Dashwood I8-6 and Zurich 9-2. In Cattle.. the evening at the Frolis .the Paul Sheep ,prizes were won b!yr Donald Brothers of Iiirkton presented the Dearing, D. A. Graham, Snowden & entertainment and Victor Dinnin E L'S Grainger winning the Yorkshire hog showed free moves for the children. prizes, Judge W. S. Wass Lloyd The Lions Frolic The poultry judge .was Lloyd 0'- After swpper the Sixth Annual Brien, and winners were: Eldon Frolic of the Zurich Lions Club was Cliff Pepper, Fred ed McClynlont field in the' new large arena and Snowden �`c Grainger, Melvin Smith, C0111tnttnity centre. There -was aL e good crowd present, and all were r '�"" Len Merner, John Ostrom Fred Rab- out for a good time. After the en - ore ever and Gordon Block. •Fred LLIn the horticultural dept., tertainment program, in elle hall, the McClyrrvont, Henry Flaxbard, Snow- big crowd moved out into the arena, den and Grainger, Frecl Haberer, Len where there were all kinds of skill I' , Wrller't :Melvin Smith game.- games of chance, and bingo ochg 0 Z� all IMEN'S VVEAR LADIES' LINGERIE INFANTS BOYS' GIRLS' CLOTHING FRESH GROCERIES FRUITS VEGETABLES CURED MEATS IF REQUESTED, WE DELIVER GIVE US A CALL FOR SERVICE! phone140 C. H• THIEL - Zurich 1rlerner, ercy, Cliff Pepper and Will. O'Brien. Soule engaged .111,an , d vie were titinktng real nice samples of fruit were shown wllat a wonderful opportunity in- fo, so early in the season• H. A. creed it is to have such a fine place Fuss took most of the grain and to hold thi.�. The crowd staved to - seeds class, while other's were Stlovv- ;;ether, and could be so easily coal - den and Grainger, Bert Klropp, Wal- trolled. After a round at these am - ter We'.ber and Ted. Steinbach. Judge usements the big,, dance Stal'tod vvitla R. F. Stade- the Desjardine: Orchestra doing the Garden Ver>vetables. Cliff f -POP rct', tnuakal end and the big hall viae Len Merner, Gordon Ho-wald, Ed, just filled. The always interesting Haberer, Bei^t Il'opp, Melvin Sliiith, part ,of a frolic is the rbig draw and Jack Turkheinn) Hy. Flakbard, Snow- the lucky prizewinners here were: Isl Glen and Graim-ger, II. A. Fuss and two ton of coal, Mrs. Leo Me:idingel Arnold 'Merner. ,Judge Mil.f. Schilrbe of Zurich; 2nd a Sunbeam Mixmastea vexi�n lovely exhibits in lad- Russell Davidson, Bayfield; 3rd. - Some 4 ies' work in the kitchell was demon- auto tires, Mrs. Ervin Schilbe, ZuAcl 4th Biclyrcle, Ben Gi,gnac, Zurich stxatetl, Slid winners for the best 8 ,1bh, occasional chair•, Earl Yung°brlut articles o£ food for a working xlran',' r ' supper was Mrs.. H. Fuss and firs.;. 7.urich; 6th, 55 piece dinner set, l'Ixa Pepper, 12iid. Specials were Tastv-Nu Clarke, Bayfield; 7th, l.,inen ta'blr Bakers, Mrs. Walte,x Weber, She al- l cloth, Jiro Parkins, Zurich; 8th elec so captured the Blue Ribbon I eking:,' tli , ra or, 1i;. Albrecht, Seafortll )t9i, bixi 'spread, hick Scotetunea Powder prize for tela biscuits, Other' Mc lvilt S1111tb, uvinnexs were, Airs. T> tyficld; 10th, Blanket, 1�: 'tnun �Ixs, Ed. Haberer, Mr, Fret{ 1[ t lv vWa!Pet 11a:,lrwood. motet, ,rrs, Gordon Ilowald, alt'` \atutally, one is anxious to Tcno' l,c rt Rlop,l a 1 . 'Jath Turlhrint, th< dat'� proceeds were, tut s Cr leanor lhu+',rr"etc , thiti has not all been got into -halt In the, hotve, cl eft,' Mrc• I1� c°'t3` t1wr•c are rto fic;ua"es 1.vailable, bi 1Txs. Ed, 1)rtrlins , ' rs, Gordon ll0�1- rive ticket , sellers say the recoil) old, Elizabeth Weber, 1Trs. Arnold wore .good, but vtntl the liberal pri Merner, Mrs, Snowden - (.iaingc'r'+ r given, there will also be ibig e periditures involved. 'Continued on last pale .NORMA STEINBACH - Frogs. Ont. Phone 128. Optical Serv!,ce YOUR BROKEN LENSES CAN BE DUPLICATED ANY SHAPE, ANY COLOR FROM THE SMALLEST PIECE SHELL FRAMES ALL SIZES AND • • • a e9 a 1 a 9 1 / 1 1 1 r. SHAPES IN STOCK A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. "'blue t, „ alt YOUR BLUE COAL DEALER WANTS YOU TO KNOW Blue Coal is the Cheapest Fuel on th4t Market to -day, why pay more for inferior Fuels. LORNE E. HAY Office Ph. 10. House Ph. 673rd HENSALL Igoe -'s Vitimized Feeds) •••a��®••••�•a�o�•�vs�+�;�a91� ��s�e���'®w��•�J�tD•�a��+�J••1� Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent • FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service � Telephone: Res. 89 or 122, Zurich � mmtp®•®••••••t�•la•G9••®®�'®Q�•�a �>��l��b��rrii�ii���t'a&tG'�t��A�!®!�fft�� W "y 11 r I Q 1 'T ,;re ZA J. r�G. L„,,!,_J L '"y "Store We are ever at your service with the hest limes obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well as Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies Nuts - and Confectioneiry in supply GIVE US A CALL Menno 0esch Zrkh PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 M1fil " W, ��i i 4 Mu rv� QO e;11 We have a Good Supply of Men's Overalls, Work Fang's, S".tilt is �rq'a�l �lorl� Socks. � iso a ne stock. of Fall and Winter Underwear. J -r -r Srn -D UVVI V Ev MEN'S WORK SHOES AND RUBBER BOOTS. Also a big variety of Rubber Footwear for Men, Women and Children. GIVE US A CALL,! FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND jT J - 0Phone E. Schwartzentruber, Drop. 1- °I b •