HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-08-31, Page 5y ZURICH - ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD ------ put Your Want, For Sale � LOG NL Authorized as second class mail, Lost, Found, Etc, Ads. In this e Pont Office Department, Ottawa. BEST BUY! ; Column. I Mr, and Mrs, Lee Oesch -of -St. now to serve more bread at ever] meal. Get your TASTY -NTT Bread YOUR CAR represents a major investment. Catharines are 'holidaying with rela- It deserves the best of care—and that's what we're CARDS FOR SALE here. tivesBUSINES Mr. and 'Mrs. Andrew Thiel of job or just a battery cheek, we really try to give good, thorough Imperial service --the Find that will keep you ses. Cost — For entire Family: $10.00 for 2 years Toroilto, were visitors with relatives PHONE 100 — ZURICH PICKLING ONIONS — Get' your nn Zuridi the past week. John W. �iCllaY'tl supply of pickling onions now. Henry Phone 94 r 6, Miss Ann Denromme has returned two past nine weeks. Surviving are, one Naic- daughter, Mrs. Thos. Baird, Grandoesch Clausius, to Lucan after spending weeks 7 OPTOMETRIST `— FOR SALE in Zurich with Mr and Mrs. Menno oesch. r Main Street —• Exeter Dawsons 'Golden ,Chaff seed Wheat Mr. Ed. Kahle sof Pine Falls, Man., r Open Every Week Day for sale, about 80 ,bushels. Apply and Mr. R. Kahle of Mitchell, were Mrs, Except Wednesday nes to Edward Haberer•, 'Zur.ich, ph. 9814 Sunday visitors with Mr and Hy. Eickmeier. Phone FOR SALE Mr acid Mrs. Moses Bechler of vice was held in the United Church, 114 miles east of 25 acres of land 1i Grassland 'or ble•of wolcaICENSED Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis S�chrag St. Marys, Mr. Bild Schrag of AUCTIONEERSGrich. u Prise and terms ,i+easornable' Hebron Ind,, visited.rover the week- ______� reduced Apply to H. Eickmeier, Zurich' end at .the home of Mr. and ,Mrs. C. Eaib .of town. ALVIN WALPER •_-_____-. AUCTION SALE Mr and Mrs Arthur Finlayson of Iiippen visited at the home of Mr 1 Licensed Auctioneer Ole and Mrs. Ervin Gingerich of Blake of Household Furnishings in over the week -end. avi HURON AND LAMBTON Village of Kippen, on Mrs. Menno Oesch has returned For your Safe, large or small, Cour- all WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 6th, 'at 1 pin. home after spending a week with her inothei in Lucknow and other ;tesous and Efficient Service at A full. line of Household effects in- relatives and friends around Ripley Tdmest phone 57 r 2. DASHWOOD cludiing 'a Finlay Combination Elec- and Kincardine. tric Stove, Kitchen chairs, kitchen Mr and Mrs. Carl Piellusell of E° F. CpR�ETT• table, Raymond sewing niachine, walnut diningroom suite, electric 6 Kitchener, Mr and Mrs. Elmore Grunau of Clawson, Mich., who jtoin- radio, Newconibe upright piano, ed the KruegerSchatz reunion at ,the tiece AUCTIONEER p antique parlor suite, oak desk, home' of Mr and Mrs. Vernon Schatz LICENSED 3 bedroom suites vacum teleaner, , at Dashwood on Sunday. The former Worms Reasonable, Satisfaction rug, quantity of dishes, garden tools, being guests at the h!oine of Mrs. Guaranteed and other household effects. Herb Krueger of Zurich. r EXETER, R. R. 1 itich 92x7. TERMS—CASH Is At Hospital Phone _'-_' Estate of Late T. M. Forsythe. Mrs. Annie Gill was taken to the Clinton Hospital on Tuesday 'by the V ET E R I N A R I A•N Mrs, llary B. McAllister, W. J. F. Bell, Executors. Westlake A. nlbulance for treatments, Mrs. Gill .being in residence at the Harold Jackson, Auctioneer• home of her neice 1:Irs. Mary Stephan B. C®XOI�I, B.V.Sc. W.Puakaches! Summer Gone With the passing of this week -end VETERINARY SURGEON one cannot help but think another sunnner has ;gone by, 'and how qui,ek- Residence, Main Street, ly they do go. Nights are getting tjfllce with Opposite Drug Store cooler as the days are shortening up, ZURICH P obaCheSj Most 'of the farmers have their har- e"gs I vest in by now, although the going 1-1 E R S was slow since Friday when wet wea- B U T C ther set in, ,but it is drying 'up ane skys are clearing again, so they car. Ci��' popular ROCHESTER THIS WEEK finish, ° WAS 98 YEARS OLD �1']! VEDETTE NEKT WEEK Mrs. John H. Willis, who _for thF , � MEAT DONALD past three year8 has made herhorn: Mr Mrs Noble Scott, Exe GEORGE A. with and Us supply you With theter, died at an age that is estimate( .et Fresh and Cur- Thedford -Ontario ast severe years. knee the past ,Very Choice of confined to months she had been h�e�. m m Bolo as, Sausages, bd Meats, gIl bed. Her maiden name was Louis; Etc., always on hand. Kept FOR SALE Bedford. She had been a resident o $yeah in Electric Refrigeration 200 Yearling Leghorn Hens for Exeter for many years, her husbann having predeceased her in 1933. t Prices for sale. Are out on Range. Neil Gingerich, Phone 90 r 2, Zurich VulQber of nieces 'and nephews sur Highest Cash Wool, Hides and Slims FO R SALE Attended Reunion H. Yung Qp c tut W So+� il?, Cook,Stove, Extension Table 311: and :Mas Earl Lawrence an, son Neil of Rochester, -N.Y., Mr an, _ �.-----••--' - six chairs, Kitchen. Cabinet, antid six Dresser and Stand, Coleman Gas Mrs Wm. Zinkahnn of Kitchener vis Mrs. at the home of 1VIas, Henry IZrue PRODUCE Stove and Oven.—Phone S6, Zurich' ger, Dashwood over the week-end,al WANTED so attended the Schatz and Kruege Mr. and fibs. Ralph Krueg Silverwood Old Horses, suitable for mink feed 2c. lPllone Collect. reunion. er of Hyde Park and Mrs. E. G 14th Con. a Will pay a pound. Krueger ,of the were Jack Gilbert, 936 r 2J1, or Ashley i11ongst the guests, alongwith roan, 936 r 312, Goderich, Ont. -tf othel•s where a lovely time was en DATDGilbert I ri,---- joyed. ,.BREAD on the table Thursday August alst, 1950 i Co-o. F E c of delicious wholesome bread. And e ARE 'YOUR. BEST BUY! ; Only Re -Cleaned Grain Used in Our Feeds f AVAILABLE AT i Hensall Dist. Co -Operative HENSALL and ZURICH , is ''WE'RE READ' TO IIELP YOU-, the meal ready! No meal is complete without plenty c of delicious wholesome bread. And e TASTY -NU tasts good and is good a hearty food for you. Every slice s SAVE—ST. JOSEPH SERVICE IS PREPARED TO SAVE YOU SOME slice of energy- start Buy an extra Loaf today— MONEY ON YOUR TRACTOR AND IMPLEMENT TIRE NEEDS. COM - now to serve more bread at ever] meal. Get your TASTY -NTT Bread YOUR CAR represents a major investment. at the Tasty -Nu Bakery or at your It deserves the best of care—and that's what we're local Grocers. ready to give it. Whether it's a complete lubrication Tasty -Nu Bakery job or just a battery cheek, we really try to give good, thorough Imperial service --the Find that will keep you ses. Cost — For entire Family: $10.00 for 2 years coming back. PHONE 100 — ZURICH We'd appreciate a chance to show you J. W. HABERER, General Insurance what we can do. ' H FOR SALE dash Market for Cream, Eggs 3-h.p. (26 cycle motor; Half h.p. OffrUAR•Y• .and Poultry air eoanpressor, trailer iaxle, rip and Late Joseph Wildfong s Graded on curt off, saw. —Apply I• Willert, Resident of Dashwood centre i'oi Have Your Egg Phone' 210 Zurich. the past 12x6 years, Joseph Widdf�ong our Phone 183, Exeter, Ont. S1, died at his residence_ following AUTOMATIC FOR SALE long illness. He farmed on the soutl EGG GRADER Durham Cow for sale, carrying herr third calf, due 'Sept. 3rd.. —Apply to O'Brien, Manager Sol Gingerich, Phone 84 r S. WESTERN FAIR j,eRoy Shone 101 Zurich ® • Polio Protection L IMPERIAL ST. JOSEPH SERVICE STATION Esso miovin•g to town. Mr. Wil.dfong was of the Evangelical U. B. COR. No. 84 8c 21 HIGHWAYS FOR YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY DEALER • Including all unmarried Children Scampers for $1.75. from three months to eighteen years SAVE—ST. JOSEPH SERVICE IS PREPARED TO SAVE YOU SOME Df age. PAYS up to $5,000.00 'for e'acn MONEY ON YOUR TRACTOR AND IMPLEMENT TIRE NEEDS. COM - member of your Family. Include, PPARE OUR PRICES AND ALLOWANCES ON YOUR OLD TIRES! Transportation, Drugs, Hospitalizat- crepe straps. See our Scampers. ion, medicines, iron lung and other I Ladies, Please Note: we are now able to obtain equipment. Services of Physician, Osteopaths or Physiotherapists, N-rr• Summe Footwear ses. Cost — For entire Family: $10.00 for 2 years Women - Canvass platforms, wedge heels in dif- Individual $5.00 for 2 years ferent Colours. Leather Sandals, White J. W. HABERER, General Insurance Roe NTat,QT and Rlark- Also a limited Boundazi3n, of Hay Township before amount or wni,tt: t3UWi, i­�xcaa miovin•g to town. Mr. Wil.dfong was of the Evangelical U. B. in sizes.Also Children..Sandals in a member Church, serving :as a trustee -and al- red,00t wh teaand brown. ee so a member of the cemetery board Scampers for $1.75. for many years. Survivors include hits wife, the former Lucinda Wagner Boys. - Fleet -foot, including the softball and and two sons, Clayton of London., and -Garnett of Dashwood. The body basketball shoe. See our Scampers. rested at the T. Harry Hoffman. Fun- Men..- Woven vamp Oxfords, Platform straps, e.ral Hoarse, Dashwood, where servic- es were beld'by Rev. J. V. Dahms of crepe straps. See our Scampers. Crekiiton. Interment was in the Dashwood Evangelical Cemetery. I Ladies, Please Note: we are now able to obtain Chas. Minshall, Proprietor the new DESCO shoe which will arrive in August. Mrs. Jennie Mason died at her We had hoped to get this Shoe last year, but as this .is an Mrs. Jennie Mason Grand Bend August (9-'3, American shoe, international regulations prevented this shoe residence in in her 79th year. Born in Stephen to arrive in Canada. But it's Coming this time. WATCH FOR DESCO. Township, she had been ill for the $2.75 Each - Prompt Service for past nine weeks. Surviving are, one Naic- daughter, Mrs. Thos. Baird, Grandoesch S h 0'0 Store Bend, and seven sons, Emery, f am, Sask; Arnold, Lawrence, Delbert Ii I all, of Grand Bend Lloyd of ; Roy, Y ---- Stephen TwP., one sister, Mrs. John Grand Bend; ad two euro- i� :5► Mousseau, thers, David ad Humphrey, of Grand Bend. The body rusted�gm�athe T. H. 0 By Rteaft ui, A Hon funeral home,, Dashwood, n from where the funeral was held on Mr Algl,, w 'Thiel and son Mx+tnd t CTeoazge Thiel and son Aft,ltii d Saturday at t2' p.m. A mernoriai ser- • You can't go wrong when you buy a well known vice was held in the United Church, • • Grand Bend following interment in • Reliable Beatty Washing Machine Grand Bend Cemetemyl. • Zurich Creamery FOR SALE New Idea Corn Pickers, Manure spreaders, Etc. Minneapolis - Mo- [ine Tractors and Equipment. Boom's Wagon Unloaders. — New Idea Dis- ToAr Home Market for Cream I tributors, Phone 2821, Goderich, Ont Eggs and Poultry I --SEWING---- Highest Cash Prices paid plus >s premium for deliveredcream Infants and Childrens a Specialty. Phone 47 Ziuieh. — Mrs. Herb. We are equipped to give effi- M•ousseau. Egg BOOKKEEPING SERVICE dent accurate service. and Poultry department in FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, INCOME TAX REPORTS 1pharge of Mr. T. Meyers. AUDITING, NORMAN COWAN Chas. Minshall, Proprietor HAY POST." OFFICE Dashwood 40 r 13. p4t I N S 0 R A N C E ------- — -- -- Dead Stock Western Farmers' Mutual $2.75 Each - Prompt Service for ifting.—Jack Williams. Call Phone Weather Insurance �0. f14 r 4, Creditop Central. -c1-5-'50 6F WOCDSTOCK ,, N O T I C E 1J$3'+ LARGESTRESERVE B AL- WHITEWASHING & CLEANING Arrangements can be malls AI�}CE OF ANY CANADIAN .MUT- Bill Watson UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS Dashwood -- Phone 35x19 OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO - - kmnottnt of Insurance at Ride oa Deeemb,eer 31st, 19416. Mr Algl,, w 'Thiel and son Mx+tnd t CTeoazge Thiel and son Aft,ltii d 7;' $73,699,236.00 - ' %i M,1,s, h vrl Thiel aild child'l't?il tnotorecl Total Cash in 13'an1c Rntl Ronds. Itio 1�1,ttchonei 'where the former visit -- $444,115.39 Jed with his .r.4t.er, Mrs. Siemo.n aitd Rate, on Applicationulgo otI v relatives in the, city. y� E. F. KLOPP---ZURICH Police Are Checking -Up Provincial PDlieo at Exeter AGENT I braes bearinL down on motor i,ath rax - Jcocd ng the nix od linin, and Fail ilu, 41so Dealer in Lightning Rods,.to „a, � �,� ton �� � rig. Thr t ii Lvrr col- %nd all kinds of Fire lns11rwice NO'n .>,l ,t„2.�, A VA I AT Beats Two vays Anywhere Even, a full day at the Fair will not give you enough time to see all the modern, up-to-the-minute displays of manufactur- ed goods ..•..... Agricultural, Livestock and Dairy Products exhibits ...... Midway. and Grandstand Shows ........ Harness Horse Racing ........ Poultry, Dog and Flower Shows. The 1950 Western Fair will be the great- est ever held. Advance Sale Tickets now available everywthere -- 3 for $1.00 -- make holders eligible for prizes valued at over $7,000,.00. Grandstand Reserved Seat tickets n'ow on sale at Western Fair Office, London. Prices, $1.50, $1.25 and $1.00. GET YOUR TICKETS NOW!WES ERNl� We carry a full line of the Genuine Beatty Washers at three popular prices: $119.50 '149.50 159.50 Also the New Beatty Electric Ranges. Come in and see them - they'll speak for themselves Always a good supply of Shelf and Heavy Hard- ware on hand. Scarfe's Endurable Paints, Enamels and Varnishes. Ahnatex Plastic Paints, Kem-Glo, Etc. Our Aim—To Serve and Satisfy! Datars Main St. Hardware Store Phone 213 IT IS Ell TO 'TRUST IN THE LORD Thaia, To Put Confidence in Man. Psalm 118:8. .. Cursed* 'be tdle man fihat trusteth in Llian, and makoth flesh his arm, antl NNihose heart depart tom the Lord.— Jer. 17:5 - The 7:5,'Mite heart is dbeeitful afbove ali things and desperately wicked; who oan know id. Jer. 17:5. I, tke Load, search. the heart. I tri* t110 reins even to give every mail according to axis way,, and according to the frtut of lois doings. — Jer. 117:10. Blesseds ti -Le ana viI'd isn. thaJer u17 ell in the. Ixord and whose siopca I1� t°cant being ot'ten reproacrd, harditolli hi;, nock, shall sudtlenl;3 he deApoyed and that svitll�rut remedy. — 1'rov. `21 I. 'seek ye the Lord while He, nay be found, call ye capon 1-liin While He is near.—Isa. 5 5 -.6 t ax . IIS t�, I FULLER:) 5 pan., DST, Sund•xvs Alin` 1*letwoyi W. D .ls,c sols General M ger (IIA•. � _. -... ......_ a.i1a.;, I �,ii/rK.kNw-e.w,�..W,.r+•—.-�a.:.=.R'... ..�.w.a:MW'VwG:......'.fii.',wry�:.u.w., .w e,o....em �...m.....u.++w..w.w+.w.....«.—......w