HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-08-31, Page 4+.
Lakeview Camino
Neil McKay and his Orchestra
September 4th, 12:05 a.m.
(No Dance Monday Nig
Had Reception
A wedding reception,,was held at
zurl h Herald'
3ayfield pavilion, Mr .and 111rs•
VlcClinehey, newlyweds were honored
py a reception held at the Bayfield
on Tuesday night last. Music
For the dancing was fuxsiished biytlie
n r k F i ftp► Years. of
Desjardine Orchestra. Duiift the ,ev
ening Mr and Mrs McClinchey were
called to the .platform and presented
with a purse .of money. Donald
man read an accompanying address
oa the presen-
CarlCooper meaVd
tation. chosen
to on
words, thanked the many friends and
A HALF -CENTURY The only advertiser of that time
"Years come and go" followed by'
now remaining in Zurich is Mr,
Charles Fxitz, who conducted a boot
centuries, which pass all too quickly
and shoe business, and can ,well re -
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Corriveau,
Time waits for no man, and so the
Zurich Herald is turning its first
call when The Herald was first prin-
ted in Zurich.. There were also, 'ads.
also Mr and Mrs John Aubin of Sea-
forth, spent the week -end with fri•
Half -Century (50th Birthday) this
of the Hess Jewelle*7), Hess Carriage
ends in Detroit.
Works and repairs. Other business
Hien who ran !ads. were P. Bender,
Henry of Forest, also Mr and Ml's
We had purposed making. anenti+on
boots and shoes; D. S. Faust, J,
Beal and baby Valadu of Detroit,
eaglet- on friends near Zurich, also
of this, fact, but as a bit of spare
iii fast age,
Preeter, D. Steinbach, mea -ch -ants., C,
Drysdale and Bayfield Su last.
bane seems so scarce -this
that the were slipping by with -
H+artlei'b, hardware; H. Well, T. & M
At time of writing we are happy
to say Mr. Joseph Ducharine has im-
,out us even mentioning it, the
Johnson, Furniture; Hoffman
tailor etc. -.which is all very inter•
> >
proed somewhat from his attack of
other day one of our good subs cliP+b-
err +o•f St. Joseph mailed us a clipp-
estinr' to look over.. The local ebur,
l'a'st week.
ing of the Exeter Tinges -Advocate of
rhes were represented by: �St. Boni
_)Ir and till. Alex. Aubtn, and son
August 1111th, 1950, under the head-
face, R.C., Rev. (Father Vale e; St
Reg. of Brucefield,, also Mr and Mrs
ing +of "50 Years Ago" the following
Peter's Lutheran, Rev. Sehuelke, enc
Del. Meidinger were isi;tors at the
Eanmanuel Evangelical, Rev. C. H
home +of Mr and Mrs. Louis Mont-
"Thee initial number of the Zurich
.Mr and Mrs. Geo. Harvey o! De-
Herald published by :lira D. Dyer has
As stated above .on January 1s1
+,.,.;+ uA h .the
:,_ _ _ _.___... a a :r• ,,,,e_A +. a Brad-
i n A i >,•r,. Tit .7.ntinv Fnnk nvPr Th
August W-st, 1950
Henry Soldan, in about 1.879. He was
a shoemaker who com'bisied the trades,
of landlord for spore time, and later
moved to Dashwood. This hotel waa
the same building in which Mr alar$
Mrs. Norman Gascho have lived for
some years;' on Victoria street.
Did you know that Mr. George+ -
Idess built the clock in the Lutheran
ehurch. The name Hess, as well as
Knell is found +often in the history
of Zurich. Back in the 18th century
the Hess forefathers emigrated froyn
Ireland to Germany, close to the
bonded of Switzerland, where they.
became expert clock makers and jew-
ellers. After coming to Zurich, they
built clocke for .Zurich, Exeter, Tavy -
istock and other places. Mr. Jonas
Foster who always has lived on tlse
Babylon Line, who lived to be some
ninety years old, cast the gears for
the clock ,Mr. Hess built in the Luth-
eran church. By the wW, this •George
Hess is the father of the late Prete
Hess whom many of us remember„
(grandfather to Harry and Albert),,
There is only ogle other clock in the
world exactly like our town clock,
and that one is in Germany and was.
built by Mr. Hess before he came tm
Canada. He was credited with being- -
a skillful clock and watchmaker, and
the inventor ,of the electric clock. He
was alsv a photographer, printer,
band leader and a crack shot fn the
village gun -club. One member of the
Hess family became Reeve of Haar.
and in 1900 township 'Clerk, and this -
office has remained in the family un-
til 1944.
former's mother, ivirs. tiarvpy. itable appearance for the first slum- ; (-Jerald as publisher, ana �graauaa,y Did you know that at one time
, en-
� Zurich Last :Sat'urday night +a very enjoly' „ 1 paper Zurich had among her commercial
able evening was spent in St. Peter , bei. built w the sa ser till ,,it times he
Hall, when the London Friend Club, This however, started us thinking (printed four of the eight pages, blit sial stores,and ial one netdxiglstone, three s three mex-
they were e smaller than at the pres-
entertained a large number of Sold- and we began to look Into our back: eat time. Then in October 1914 chant tailors, three harness shops
CALA.THUMPIAN PARADE iers from Paras, Belgium, Holland, filing copies, which were so nicely Ithe late Andrew F. Hess, wiin had three carriage shops, a tannery, at
and other points arranged for us .by Ali-, Joseph Can -;;been employed by Mr. Zeller for woollen mill, grist mill, flax spill, two;
The Band will Lead the Parade at 12:30 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent LaFramboise tin also of .St. Joseph, during the some time, and who did much hotels, four churches, Lutheran, Ev_
and babies of Alnnerstburg were past year, who by -the -way is a :broth- ;towards the paper's progress, •purch- angelical, Baptist and ' Roman Cath
FOLLOWING ARE THE PRIZES. A week -end visitoas at the home of Mr er of J. N. Cantin who sent us the ased the same, and finding this re- olic. There are still four, but the
and Mrs. Remise Denomme. above clipping reminder. s onsibilit rather heav,y;, and on De- Mennonite church takes the place he; '
Best Agricultural Float $10. Best Industrial or Merchant $10; Mrs. Del -finis Ducharme of Wind- i p v the Baptist. Garages now tate thrr
Beat Comic Float $10; Best Decorated ' Car $10; Best �, p On opening the first bundle of eem'ber 1st of the same year, he took place of the blacksmiths, and Zurich,
Decorated Boy's Bike -1st $2; 2nd $1; Best Girls' Decor- P>; s.or is spending some vacations with these copies, 1 ere it was 'Tlte Herald , in as a partner the present publisher, has not the variety of business plac•-
�� her daughter Mrs. Ed. Denoanme. �'Ixs and ion January 1st 19;?'0 Mr. Hess' es it had fife g
ated bike 1st $2, 2nd $1; Best Clown on foot $3; Best 4 ' was established geld first printed ori' o y years +a �o-, but the vil -
Child $3. Ducharme is a fine old lady of SC,, interests were taken over by yours lage is still a very prosperous busin•-
National Costume $3; Best Comic—Adult $3; ►�: and looks very smart and happy. We August 3rd, 1900. Practically all
these copies are intact, but the first truly. During this period sof time ess -centre.
* wish Mrs. Ducharme anany more 1 a typesetting machine was installed,
L years of good. health andgood spit- two issues are missing, these �t e re- p g Did )you know that the hamlet o� •
member giving to an old sub which was replaced by a more mod- Blake was originally called Berne.
its. ern one in 191218 which ds_ now still
of the Western Provinces, and we gh one time there was both a tele-
DASI• WOOD 'vs HENSALL imp the work each week. This haply oiii•ce and a
5t. Joseph and Beaver ';T'oWrl Nape he still has them and when he g ' g 1 post office there?
improved machine with iivo�dern ineth-
i:s through with them return same to p" Dashwood was at one time called".
At 1.30 "dinners to ,slay Zurich Team 'follow- Mr. Napoleon Dernamme of Detroit us and we will include this in our ods of setting the runUpe has made it Friedsburg•. The town was supposed
is malting preparations to build a possible for us t. run the plant on
' ing First isarrle much valued collection. to be at Serepta, but someone else -
cottage on a lot recently purchased a one-manOtherwise there settled further west and the town
' from the old homestead front. "The Herald" as it was first known, . would not be a paper published in sprung up there.
Admission to Grounds—Adults 70c., Children 25c The Misses Barbara and Patricia was published by Mr. D. Dyer, who Zurich for soave considerable time,
/ Bedour of Windsor, spent their- holi we +think came to Zurich from Exet- as there just isn't enough work here Did you know that the :corner at
daly;s at the home of Mr and Mrs. g p p which the late village of St. Joseph,
Sixth ser. But he did not stay lop as at to em goy peo le. g p
Avila Ducharme of the Blue Water the end of 1900 the late Edmund was situated, was first called Johne_.
.C"� south. Zeller took over the .•publication. We have often thought that htitid ions Mills.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Farwell and we closed down twenty-five city,
thirty ' The first post office was opened in
Much speculation was apparently en- years ag+o• and went to .the cit like
■ childsren :of the Goshen line south, tertained by the surrounding coisnn Y, Zurich in 1857. The first Reeve oc"
so many others have, we would have Ha Township was Mr. Wm. Elder.
R galled on Mr. and Mrs. A. Ducharme unity as to whether it were possible 3'
on Sunday last. to keep a paper going in a village the'made more money, had shornstimeurs, 'ills Massey Harris 3xnplement shins.
Miss Georgina Corriveau of Lond- etc 13ut there is a very sentimesLtal at the west end of ,town .was origin
g size of Zuridi and from -this early l
• on is spending her holidays with her copy' dated August 17, 1900, we �e de iEo it all, to have our many, faits- ally built for a Baptist church. Iii-.
Of the Zurich Lions Club nil the Evening in the p ful subsczilbers come in alI these has also been used for a glove fact
parents in this neighbourhood. notice th•e following comanesrts:
New Arena Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bedard of dance hall
years, pay their subscription and sit oxy, ,school and bakeshop,
"The Herald is the name of a new down for that social chat, just some- Did you know that the first parte
Drysdale north, were visitors with
New Games of Skill. Bingo Very attractive the former's :parents on ,Sunday last paper published in the Village of thing beyond words. We have en- line telephone was built out of e theme,
Mrs. Sarah Geoffrey or Beaver- Zurich, by D. Dyer. The first num- joyed serving you` now for s d rlYall syr e 190.6. But, b that time, the•
Draw Prizes. Free Movies for the Children; town spent Sunday with Mx and Mrs ber is a creditable issue, and gives 36 years, and thank you +ogle and all system was ,owned by 'Mr. Edmund'
Fred Ducharme of this.' neighbour- evidence of receiving fair, support. for the considerate ,patronage accord- Zeller, and it was Mr. Jacob Reliever-
;• hood. The project, however, seems to us ed us. And now we are in the sec- who had that first telephone. He,.
Modern Dancing, Etc. Refreshment Booths.
Admission—Adults 27c... Children Free Mr and Mrs. Eugene Cantin or De- to be very speculative; the field al- ond'half of a centux{yt of puUlcation, lived on the .Blind Line, where his.;
troit were Sunday visitors with the ready being overcrowded, ana the and Providence alone knows what so -n, Fred now lives. The Hay Mun•-
Enjoy this Fine Afternoon and 'Evening's Enter- former's parents; in ,St. Joseph. village small, without railroad or the next 50 years will bring. thpal Telephone 'System in 191.1.
Mr and Mrs. George Harvey of stean boat conimunioatiosi its car• the System from Mr. Zeller in 1971,
tainment in Zurich! , v During these past place,
years many
>: Detroit spent the week -end with Mrs ser will certainly be checkered. things have taken ghats, many than- Mr. F. C. Kal'bfleisch moved his -
Nettie Harvgy+ -of the B. W. north. We wish the publisher success. Exe- ges made, .we have -come through manufacturing plant to Zurtc'h iia,.
/ Entire Proceeds for Community. Welfare Work More lots have ibeeli sold on this ter Times• two world wars, and prdbalbly the 1907. Before it was situated on the -
New Suinmer Resort of late "and Nelson Masse farm, 14th •C•oncessiora;
that means that more cottages will "Zurich now boasts of a newspa he today,
pis the o Thing in P mesas Hay. 'There were other biuldings a.
be built in the immediate future. called The Herald, launched upoir the today, s the worry +nt high,rices a round there too and that was curry.
HERE'S A Ruinoas have been ,ilii, the rounds, .10 is realm, by D. Dyer as all'
,not so prevalent in those days ently known :as Philadelphia.
that a New General Store will be editor, Aug. 3, 1900, A.D.; it is an as we quote soine of the markets in p
1'90.0 and cannot Did you know that Mr. Fred Hesse
built on the resort property. eight•page, six column issue and is the issue .of Au'g ust t
reat ® rta �i Comment— a newsy, -bright sheet, ahead ormany help but think it must have been was the first resident of Zurich ta@
• ;People are anxiously awaiting the. of our exchanges, but we will be great to live after all with the f'oll- own a motor car in 1907. He 'bought;
settlement of the Railway strike, surprised if Zurich can support such owing prices to buly your living: it in London and had to go down an(I
Old Established which is +brin•ging only discontent to
a luxuiiy as a newspaper; we -lope, i W+heat 61c; flour $2 cwt; oats, 23c; bring it hoarse himself.
the citizens of this country. 'But
however, success may crown brother barley 35c; butter a oe eggs 13c
perhaps it may be settled before this Dyer's venture"—Clinton New Era. chickens 11b. 4Y
c, potatoes 20c., Etc. That memorable 9th of Nevexribea-
And whoever will the -here in another gale on Lake Huron was in 1911.
A0% A
��� goes to press► Already the effects "The Herald" as it was then called, 60 yea,°,s can look back and say There were more than 300 lives host,
can .be felt by manly throughout the consisted getout the sante size of 8 "tr'u1y, they were golden days of the three bodies were brought to Zuricb
country. At present there is a divis- (sages as it now is, with six or the S past," to the undertaker here, Mr. William
ion of opinion concerning this strike. pages ready -print, and two pages I Hoffman. One of the ships lost that:
Many gives their full support to the were done at the local plant, in the day was the Wexford.
FOR SALE labourers, while others approves the same building we now operate in. All
railway management. Well, there are the type was set by hand, no typ-set- a Did you know that the rural mail
angles to the situation, things ,ting machine work in those days.. as ®ry routes were inaugurated 1n the Zur-
can be overdone either way; today Some Ha
ich district in 1914. Mr. Wm. Thiele
Apply— the general feeling of the overal war- was one of our first mail carriers.
kers including the farmers, if they • Hydro first came to Zurich in 19:17..
BOA 536 - SEAFORTH . wish to attain •a standard living they visiting this week ;-with relatives in of Zilch
inust fight for it; they must receive Brantfos•d, Hamilton, St. Catharines Did you know that Mr. Harry G;.
a just wage. Take away the Feder- and other places. • Hess .built the very first radio im
ation of A ilvdhure from the farm- Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Peacock, Terry these parts. The latest great fire
D A S H W G 1�
vacation with relatives Here. and Gariyi, have returned home to Ot- in Zurich was ion August 121st, 1533,,
Mrs. Ferguson of Saginaw is visite- ers and they would find themselves DO You Know' Hai-st's bakeshop, Yungblut's 'butchet:,•
trudging m the same old rut as the tawa, after visiting with Mrs. Pea- e
Rev, and Mrs. Getz ,and family are ing with relatives here. g g cock's (mother Mrs. Grace Harpole, shop and Schilbe'.s feed store were,
spending their vacation with their Mgrs. Kepsold of Florida is visiting farmers of fifth years ago, with no and uncle Harry Horton. (Compiled by Grace Stelck) completely' demolished, and other,
,parents in Pembroke• •ter sister, Mrs. E. R. Guenther. say land n'o control. If these two gi- Mr. Willnani Carlile of Los Agnles places were damaged. The Zurich
Mr and Mrs. Albert Goetz, of St- Mr and Mrs J. Cudmore of Tavis- :,'antic organizations got together, The Township of Hay covers an road became a 'Provincial Highway
I nothing ,but the atom r ralifoa'nia• w;as a week -end visitor
vatford, spent a• few days with Mr. tock spent a. few da;ye with relatives) g alyls couldwith his sister Mrs. Andrew Buchan- area of 54,527 a -ores. There is con in 1938.
and lilts. Rueben. Goetz. Here,
bring it'hem to subarlasion. si.derable conflict of opinions as to
an and Jennie. who are entitled to be classed among Did you know that the EvangelitaaX
Miss Relen Spellman of Kitchener Canadians attending the Kellerman; Keep the date in mind, Saturday the earliest settlers but all are
agent a few days with her aunt Mrs. Reunion in Port Huron on Sunday GRAND B E N I) Sept. 2nd, .at Jowett's Grove, Bayfield agreedy that John Oesch and family classrooms at the back of the church• shed was built in1,91-5.The,
T. Hardy Hoffman. were: Mr. and, Mrs. F. L. Oestrei-I Had Two-1•iour Spree the Reunion of the Wohelo Class of ochortle;
were tile,+first of many Germans who were added in. 1.927, -when the Event;;
Mr and Mrs. Sidney Baker, Mrs. cker, Mr and Mrs Carl Oestreicker, Two Parkhill youths who found Hensall United -Church. All members now reside in Hay, to locate in .-the
. Lav-na Kelleboman, Mr. and Mr& $,97 at Grand (Bend grid went on a o f Miss Ellis former S. S. classes .are township. The first oxgaoization of on the 14th south 'war
'Taylor and Anne sand Teddy Webb Mrgdi 6,
were at Rondeau Park. A. E. Oestreicker o.£ Dashwood, Miss two4iour spending spree know now invited. Sports at 3, supper at 5. In Hay as an independent mWiielpality mantled and parts of it brought .fid
Miss Grace Ielllepiman of 'Iaronto, Grecs Kellerman. of, Toronto, and there°;s no such thing as "finders` case of brad weather picnic will be was efeGted in 1546• Zurich and added to the church here..,
fts visiting with Mr and Mrs. Harold nx, Eunice Oestreicher sof London. are keepers." The case was heard in held is Hensall 0oanmunity Arena. � The pews di the church were brought:
juvenile court at Exeter Tuesday Did ,you know that the father if fromn. the dismantled church in Kip
Kellerman. j , Y This psanilses to be one of the best Zurich was Mr. Frederick Knell, a :a
STANLEY TOWNSHIP last. The youths found a wallet con- � n -0
Mars. Martha Baker 9s in London raunioais of the season. Bring beige- . Swi•s$. He named the town after the
at preseaat :attending Mrs. S. Adams Mics Marlene McBride, of Exeter, tainting the large sutra wind before ets ars the families. Aixicli in Owittceviand. We hear much Dial ' Y
,who is confined to her home through sent a .few Hays with. her cousin, police oau ht u with thein the � you know that the first,- psi,•
Sharon McBride Ki en, sent 57. Their�twoJhour spree lin- Postmaster Cecil ifipier has laeen Zurie Mr. Knell in the history o- son ry 'be baptised in the Zurich NiStsts, • d Zurich, In 1879 Zurich was a greet- Peter's Lutheran church was 1kCks1
1-1VIrs sand Mrs. M. Tieman Nd icy Miss Isabelle Alexander of Tdronto eluded several steak d+inners,gsouven- receiving only first class imil twice icularly smart enterprising town of Kitt • ? : l o
a -ad Lynda were recent visitors to is iiolfdoying at tkie hoagie of her pax- yrs, candy and fun at the Penny Ar- dail.b from soutk and north, C. L• alp,out 600 1people, sxrore thun we have y Huronrca. She was raise x!
v the first or scooted farm east of!
Dr•ight's Grove. ants, KT arta Mrs Wm, Alexander. carie. Magistrate Duey 1*,1nftt or- Jbiks, and Mrs, Nelson Pfaff, Mail at the present time, Peter Deichardt Tdillsgreen. Mrs. Addison is her
Mrs. Henry Restemever is at Tres-. Vi x•s, W. HDr.ney of Exeter was a. d%red the two to make reatitution•arad cariiel:^s• OR routes -1 and 2 are Mak- and Frederick Axt, tO' blacksmiths, .sraddau liter.
ent in 4t. Jo-e,li's llry. ;tail, London, visitor with her niece and nephew, )]aced them on probatlop for t•agp ing -t'he+ir, gaily trips_wi.th. mush Egli- were among the earliest settlers. The , g
1 l ' first store keeper and Did Vou know that Lake Heroin
xe•cr�1S•,ng treatments. rand Mrs Arnold Gackstettei•. months. � {sea• loads bust expect an avalasiche of postmaster was
Mr and Mrs Bill Neilson of. Str04- Waltgr Mloffatt, oif Bruceiield, taiagazin.es and patrcels when things 1'i'oderick Xnell. Mr, Knell bought was named by an Ilidim11 , 1rrijpF,
H E N S A L L the land for the post office from Mr
fort- tyres wunrl..ly Fue,'s with 1V1r,11irit nvith an unfort%vate aecidont oil r,iurn to normal after the strike i.s Andrew Hey, who owned all. the land ]cno�wn as thea (furans. T,iikc Tlurov
ai,11d 31ra Howard Klum :p, ;lti t':+rF1i, Be evil. rir..itivinf„ in gsxl>n#o sinri •lig°.�. D. D. 1l:upiies alae- ovr!t'.• Carrying the mails is (xuenth-•'from the present batik corner, north 1s 500 Cert llpnve rn.
rv. ,i,,; and '*nob,, tltir•sheid when the horses bolted, 'iov of E_�panoki, wish -4d last week er':s trluck of Dashwood first on Its west. Xnell also ran a grist mill Zurich is 253 feet abovr; take Thur-.
llp•. ring :'11r�. i, lI..i , g
dtwll+.v 11:1vr s'etur.,,rd ?'rQan 4 ixip tlsrowin,,� hint to tifie pound. He witli their aunt, Xrs. Jackaon Walk- way to .Clbitoii leaving Here at 9:17 and saw mil], this; being the first on level. So 7,mleh is fW1 T, rvt n -
to �l,,uiioulin 1:'rtr•d. fra."t,Txed -iii? heel aged vs+a attended or, axa,
pp(j 5auth to London at 5.'45 P. grist mill in tiv. Township. The first hnvF col level. '111i,In"11c at Sk:
Elwwod Nlc(:rirr t. 1i tiilf liis�by Dr. W. A, Oakefl of 01,talf4.) , Ari, C, 11. Huldou oet+l Tjr�rh arr+•m, piiftlic, •laouce iin Zurich was kept by 7os,Oxlh i-: 37 foot 1:611,