HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-08-31, Page 1: ��dx A I yr � '• n•%l.
"tis �•. ' � '�,.{.��t, „i",., +
Established :19-00
ST. PETER'S Mdon.'Theat � �� " BEAUTY SHOPPE
The work of laying a �bSaclt top ion - tr � -•�'�
Hi lh-way 83 is now well under way.
$1.75 a 7= in
$2.00 in U. S. A,, in Advaa
".Evaftelical Lutheran Church GRAND BEND 'Beginning at the Blue 'Water High- k. � �,� FOR APPOINT. +NT On a New Modern Loom, Made
way, hard -surfacing of this much- S
ZURICH _ UPiT19►R.iU travelled road has been undertaken_ __ ��� Tel. 1223. Zurich Order —Seth O. Amann, Zuxir>
Presents for Your. Enjoyment. thee. -Rh _. �rse
Following Attractions by ,the Department of Highways. NORMA STEINBACH .. Prop. Ont. Phone 128.
Thousands of tons of gravel have
been plied in stacks. .in preparation
10 a.m.—Divine "Services. Friday, .Saturday Sept. 1-2 for the work. The paving coa>sists of - Had Lovely Trip
11.15 a.m. Sunday Schaol• Warner Bros. SILVER LINING a dry asphalt mulch. The work will l2r and Mrs. Theodore Haberer
'i.30 p.m.—Divine Warship. SWEETHEARTS SHINE AGAIN :be continued from the Blue Water and two daughters Misses Florence
P (June Havoc -and Gordon MacRae) Highwalp through Dashwood, Exeter and Pauline, returned from a motor
rorybody Welcome to all Services. inTech. din the all Happiness Musical North, to Russeldale, where it will trip to lllonitreal, Quebec, crossing
join Highway 23. The distance is ,over into the State of Mane and foll-
"THE DAUGHTERS OF ROSiE about 23 miles and is a straight road owing the Atlantic seaboard down, as
O'GRADY" without a single turn, soine-thing
%ar, ae Boston, tlieit coming home by
a r :Short "THAT'S BULLY" rare in he province. The highway has way of the New England States. The
laden widened, new bridges and cul- scerrexy in mold lovely along this trip,
verts built; the, road -bed has been
Sunday 14lidnight, ;Vlonclay, Tuesday, with t17'e d thews lovely
s fire They
September, �-ii. raised in most places, young ever-- tanlce ;•r�,r' id the lovely valleys. They
green trees planned alone a portion came by way of the Fingor• Lakes in
Another (xreat Musical Spree in. Tech of the west end of the road and will New Y,a;k State, cro sing at Queen -
Zurich -- Ontario Jane Powell Ann Sotherrr,be continued thraughout. When -com- Ston, and up the Nliagara Peninsular
REV. H. E ix(iPPEI Carmen M. Randa Barry Sullivan pleated it will be oneof the finest wnhere lithee <eav the much damages
in tretclies of hd ehw ay- in the province. done b al t.or:;t in the peach pro-
I 'i �"�• � cG�
il r!;
" TON COUPLE CELEBRA'T'E ducii ?ams . I'1}ey had a most love- ANY SHAPE, ANY COLOR
�xi y
Ali-. and Mrs. Llayid Hcy of Cred ely trr')i. WAN'T'S YOU TO KNOW
piles. Milton Oesch organist Short "City of Little Men" iton on Fr clay, Au;;,.st 25 ceie}rated a'' THE FALL FAIR
and IParainount News their Twenty-fiYth anniversary of their FROM THE SMALLEST PIECE Blue cac,l i tine t✓lzc apest Fuel on the
Services •— „_ Zurich A �•ra( illtural Sorfety> held l Market to -day, tvhy pay riore for
muriage. i MrandMrs Hey were its annual fill f it on Tuesday after- 1 -
:0.-(1a a.m.--Divine Vd'orssMg- Wed,, Thurs. Sept. 0-7 married in London by the Rev. J. noon, ', and the weatherman could SHELL FRAMES ALL SIZES AND , inferior Fuc1s.
Hal Wallis' production of i Garbutt, pastor at that time • of Dun' have jibeen muesli kinder, as the rains
%I,00 a.m.---Biible School. "THELMA JORDAN' das Centre United Church. The first were ita.,eateningg til] about three a'- SHAPES IN STOCK � LORNE E HAS'
7,-30 p.m.—Divine Worslolip. three year: of their married life were dock in. thr afternoon, just long en -
(Adult Enteatainnierrt) spent Jn London, coming to Crediton ough to keep a lot of people away, ti ! _, ,�, � Office Ph. 10. flouse Ph. 6 a 3rd
Welcome at all Se—icem—"`Cosa" Starring Barbara Stanwyck, ( a in 1.)` b, where Mr. Hey has since tires �t gat nice floc a v bile, bLtt G. T
•tLaru with us and we wiU al® tree l role in which she'll lie - kill - or kiss conducted a garage business and coiole'd' : off again towards the ev- H E N S A L L
ro,d." Num. 10:28. her way out of anything) .with Wen- j' motor sales, heir only child, a son. ening:. Had it been a day later they l
dell Coley. Freddie, died at the early age of six wauld` have hit it better this year, eyYe��s and Registered
Roe's Vr.timtzed Feeds
Short—I;reezy Little Bears, and years. Mr and _Mrs. Hey are marking but tiylao knows these things in ad- Optician.
`Cilly Goose' the event by taking a motor trip to vance.. Owing to a lot .of work that
Toronto, Montreal and Wring other has come our way at the last minute
dP ®�
places sof interest. Their many fri-
p we ,cazlssu say very much, and by say
� enols extend congratulations and othea.';d�sue y�=e hope to be able to say
Alan and Isobel Gas ciio of Zurich good wishes. mucin anore about elle Fair.
r 3,
You ou SufCf� From announce the arrival of their daugh- The Voice Again A Hero of Temperance �WV_ 1,11"."" f 4i ���
ter (Marlyn Ella) on August 27th, You have to go to the Ontario
d , a sister for Linda, at the Hoopes Liquor Act terxitorly' to 'hear this one: Vrl ile doing some invin,g near the �, rariiqtr
Nursing Home, Exeter. It is a common saying among hostess-_ $110 ,s of Lake Huron at Grand Licensed Embalmer ani iierar Director
so, Have your !]ayes f� wdtJa es there. The cynical, word that is Bend the other day, Mr. Gordon
Ef Engagement going the rounds is this—if you give Hesa kof ,Zurich noticed two men 0 Private Car Ambulance Service
e Latest Methods ate. I-�d+ t a't bolt {>g out over the big 'body of
Mr and 1<•Irs. Ray B.'Holmes, of your
what lots
you offer k it dthezu�, ,w,ate�' with their spyglasses. Gordon Hospital l�e(� said Wheelchair for 1�eX?t
A. I— COLE, 0- Seafoxth, announce rite engagement That seems to be one way to acconip- noticed their perplexed Looks, and on
of coheir dawghter, Margaret Elaine, h t1 o de redatian :of hospitality.`I'he FLOWERS F® �� OCCASIONS
OPTOMETRIST & Q"l<F'AICIAN !� Arnold Merner, .sr", son. of -#y 11ir, a.,. ,,. g .n thd.11o.stes5e�.t'? �+1 "ems' � �}' they a ep)ned that a sailboat to
and 1Vixs, Arnold xei^nea, -=-
�r1. wnff ctrCtn 'Is no _o Ara •cry '�. e,�. Gox•dofX lig e Day and Night Service
GOD�$TG�S --' they want to turn their t,'uble into a through the 'spy!glasses by tia'rs trine, r % _
the nzarria.ge, to take place in Sea- they a reflection is on the guests. 'f ele 1ao�e: e = °�� _ l � . � 7u ''
in September. noticed a local man and his brothel
,�d Glasses y gr' forth early, After several drip+ks their taste for out some distance on the Lake. He
food has deteriorated, so have their at once notified' the inan:ager of Har- �0g��6"�����®�1�h�'��������������
. eating manners. There is ao telling old'Klopp's speed motor boat to take
�/� haw offensive her drinking guests} flim out and try to rescue the 'dis-
G'I_ e✓U� E%�.�, �vy GG%Z t� �21i3?rGl'v�G� cJ�O}?2el analy� be to the sensitive hostess. This tressed men on the choppy Iake. We Iv
c� is the risk she takes if she serve: congratulate Goa^don on leis heroic �lit a .
C((,7' cocktails. work for quick thinking and acting. au "`
�ZL7LC%1'°CG�i-�G7''�'��U•I'• �" •�y��U�'�F' HYMENEA1- The men were clinging to the broil in �
Meidinger -- Bedard the rough tivaters. They had Provid- 0 + ;
Member era; Ontario Funeral "Association . St, Peter's Roman Catholic Church g v er
encial care and grace to Ilan on un- k (•'
St. Joseph, was the setting of a
til they were safely landed in the -�"° v
Holder Of ST..10I•ltir S I�MFdUI ANCE FIRST `e"TD CERTIFICATE pretty wedding when Cecelia Virginia :boat. This is the third time Gordon
portable�� Equipment Bedard, St.
daughter of Mr- has rescued 'men in distress through
and lira. Albeit Bedard of St. Jos- his heroic efforts.
iiCSyPITAL BEDS TfT+ RENT—INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN eph, became the bride of Leo Adolph Return from Extended Trip
We are ever at your service with. the hest lines
NURSERIES Meidinger, son of Mr and Mrs. Alf- obtainable of
FRESH FLOWEIIS SUPPIJED FROM MITCHELL red l'Ieidinger of Zurich, fix. and Mrs. Chris Erb of town
WE WIRE ANYWHERE Rev. Father William I3ourrs, the on August 23rd returned from an PRESET GROCERIES �
Parish. Priest, ofTiciatecl. Hors: John extended trip to the Western Prov- � Fruits ill Season as Well aS
��r dour Jervsee (Dashwood Tel. 70W. D'emoname was organist. John Den- :noes, �t*larch extended over o six x,11 fresh Vegetables,
^^w omme and Richard Jeffrey were solo- weeks' period. They went by train Canned Fruits and Vegetables oz1 lZantl
ists bt, to Couts, Ind., where they joined
The bride, given in marriage Mrs. Erb's sister, •lir and Mrs. Chris. 0
her father,
was charming in a floor Eichebberger and Mrs. Isouis Eichel- a Candles buts and Confectionery in suga�aly
length gown of white embossed satin be.rger ,oat a motor trip by way of the 0 GIVE jj1 �, CALL I
rn with dainty orf the shoulder yoke of States to Manitoba and Saskatchewan 0
F_-� LNylon marquisette with triple sheen calling at Hopedale Ills, llartsion a e
Li satin trimmed yvith pearl studded Iowa, Milford, New P,i'ask<1, at Aber-,
French lace, fitted ofb:dicc, lily point deen, ,Sash., they called on )IT and e° F� ""�"
sleeves and tiny buttons up the back ylrs. David Schnc4l, former Zurich
a to ti hiytt neckline, Her semi -penal Tesidents, at Seamans, Sask" tholy 40 PRODUCE, WAN I ED. Plao�ae 165
l � clasps to show a lace petticoat. Hca called oar bTr. incl 1Irs. Ed. A. NN 0 �.�.. -
P �° veil was of whits embroidered net they, (nee Laura Geiger). During' "� ,.�
training from a peaded tiara. She the trip Mrs. Erb visited yvith seven ; k ,tea L"a",
�✓« ,� G, strands of her �is4. They had a anost tivon-
wore the Groom's ift of
"m �� � � pearls with matching ' ear^ings• She derl'u]. trip, seeing many lovely sights
a carried a laouquet of red Toyr.n, trim tic; weather being cool which in
rued with white. satin. the trip all the more enjoyable. Re-
" '�' :"'rs. Lawrence Brisson, sinter °f turning 'by way of Indiana, they
the bride, � aas maid of honor, chose
a gown of blue taft'eta, with ivatchin;;• tool: the train to -PlwaV Huron where
i owing to the railway hike, they
headdress, carried a bouquet of pink were met by their son, Mr and Mnn
The bridesmaid, Mat;£cent`, rnunerson Erb, and were inched Glad.
room Nvore
lleidii er, sister of the: g own to get safely home a;,ain^
LADIES' l.11�(�E,1 lE a yellow nylon. marquesette ;� Lions Club News
wlth matching headdress, also carr-
CLOTHING ied a bouquet of yellow roses.The
1�uc' The public arc reminded to attend
�� little flower girl in tlo�or lens
taffeta and ,matching veil, was 1)i:111e the bis; Lions Frolic in Zurich on
Frisson, the bride's niece. She c.ir- Labor Day. Baseball will fia'llow the
Tied o little bouquet of nosegay• trig Calathumpian Parade shortly <ar;-
Leonard Banks was ring be:ar(r, tvr twelve, noon. Then two interest-
ang Game; of baseball will
be played
�IZESI•I l~ t}�Uli:i Bill );'edard, brother of the bride,w a' n the ralternoon, with I
hest man and Pciail Jastor of 'Detroit, i rlcnily, of en -
vas attending usher. Rohan 11e „i tertainniont. In the e� orttng f;ae
CUR.Ei� MEATS roger and )�awrenoe Bri .,on were big annual Lions Frolic will be held
VEGETA.BLE� usher^s, in the new arena whe=re these will be
I+'allowing rite ceremony a. dine+ r plenty of room and oil wtatninent for^
IF l E k °STED, WE l l�Iy% R gyri served at the DO111inion liut(1 all. l'heno anus] event ir(: lre]il
I.,aari!rh. About three hundred i (yl we)1 patronized a:t all pl aces, as the
attended air enjoyable evenins r,t ~t ;es.=ice . C'lubs are doing a Ina wan-
Peter's Parish Hall". clerful work in relief Work, and thin
The bride• wore. it dre S Of
""a r>: only po,.ilrle 4>y the Support oiling
4 y^�� g� �Y p nue talfetia zincl naaic.hiai (( c'' .public, So corse to Zurich on Labor
GIVE, �( �� by
CALL a FOR S%-R`� ICE( � l!'9r their wedding trip the N 4•' flay, and any 'Of the prO"C(` i(ft 71t"-
cM %w� United States and othea^ p 7.nt . ter all expenses are paid, will be put
and Mrs. Leo 1leidinG'or will r("" in to -,?crq good use, ^and you will have
a. most enjoyable time :for Very iitt:lr
r(,(uat i.
C. H. 'I'l-IIEL - Zurich Zurich. Guests were p money.
Windsor, Detroit, Toronto, Go(lr"r'Ic�la,
Phoria Forest and surrounding (lt,ai('t.
ITR _......._
:Warnes^, James Electric and Oil Brooders.
Fountains, i-JZeaters, Brooder Wafers, Broodeg
1% pes and, Erbo-vvs-
"li EPOS. give nese a Try!
� 1:"i"� t..�x
E. Schwartzeutruber, Prop,
?hone 11-97
❑;S�iE'�.:•ii' Y',iAetru�fk,.:w,a':z"ir'a«`':P.slahx>yiM+r'�c.°:°..w.,i"ii'1;'