Zurich Herald, 1950-08-17, Page 6ising S tjr,.. R 44R. EX C I lassffled Ad_ -vert____ /7 TIt1 NGl OF rwiLvtq.f>rY>RANiN7tHt�'TltyGsulO(1t.tRk, AC'COUNTJlNQ,1 FOR SALE f� S],Xf3lTVIC&, � r.. CLOD , HuGHES H(: UECAM't A 001173 WRITM YIOUIIIfEµiPING & ACCOUNTING SERVICE McCORA11C15;-Dh1ERING tractor, brand new, '.Ct'Sillls IS a g.'t131e \w11iC11 gives tis, ME VYN57HE YOIINGESI e e Irving N. Shoom, 77 victoria St., Toronto, model C, equipped with belt pulley, 11glota, personally, a pain in the neck, his startor, tires loaded, wheel weights, fenderai TO WINTHF ,!ftOYRL HUMHNC THEN CNS•, SPORTS DIRWAk, AGENTS WANTED and acufflers. Llst price $1,810; must sell: Is not such a dirty filalll ill a really ; K sanrific0 at $1,600, Free delivery, Bechtel iliac ,,port as it alight appear at SDGIETY MEDAI, ` 1• OILS GREAMAS, TIRES, Batteries, Valois, Arotoro, New Dundee, Ont, Phone 00 _ 'Nivetr is Motors, Stoves, Radios, Refrifcera- first sight, but merely our way of t. SODA fountain andstill. �:sliapea. ie atonia. s� tors, Past Freezers and MAIr Coulers, hoot paying that for donkey's years our ("aailni s, Permanent Antl lheeze, cion Dealers rugs. 3sink units, [.lost offer. I aY'k+ "Pwt'frntud, \Trite; \4'arco Grease and OU Ltd., ArngsY216 Queen Strett'ITast, Toronto. vole in tennis has been strictly that :—,_ 4)f :; qr Toronto. AIUSIOAI, INSTRUMENT REIAIRS a spectator; and no sport oil?;.. 4`arth will give you a crick ill lite q�1t "'' p ? i. �3 II/AIIk CIIrQlt4 ST1i]AGb1DMusical Inatrun,enta repaired ant) lw1[MBER qP' CiiNADAi a<. 1N 193q, q. �— reiln,shed. For Information write A. 0. Me. - neck as quirky and surely ""` '"' ` - as ., • • • • • � LAY -QLD chicks, broiler chicks. older Wallets, Garvey, Waod Prurhu•Is, +.h•rVllle, Ontario, %'•^icd ten weeks to laying, Free catalogue. Tweedie — +`" ''"' IIE WAS APPOINTED GENERAL i"blob FIateberies Limited, Fergus, Ontario, AIEDICAI,^T- watching first -grade tennis, unless FIRST OLYMPIC 7[AEI .,:;; . , your observation post is directly � , � ----- THESE] special priees for this ,week and next, CRDSS Corn Salve—for sure relief. Your back of one of the base -lines. IN 1906 3 I111NAGER QF THE. WORID`S 0 woks, at 70c., 10 wks, at 900. 12 Wks. at Drugitist sells Cress, �• $1.20. 14 wits. at s1,40. xa wks, at $1.50, FRUIT JUICES; The principal ingre- k * 1,iIRGEST NNVAI 1.8 wvlcs, at $1.70, 20 wks. at $2 U0, 22 wits, kit $2 .25, Breeds—Rock x Leg, B, Hocks, dients in Dixon's Remedy for Rheu- Not that we Canadians get much i r ,.. r � ; Sussex x Red, R, r, Reds, N, 1.lamps, Leg- uratic Pains Neuritis. chance. of taking a s\w•ivel at first- �5 NATIONAL RUNNING , �•, [,XFd\1TI6H , g t t horny, Rock x Ueda. 1'heno 78 collect on MUNRO'S DRUG STORE .; <: orders of 60 and more. Lakeview Partite & f""``i" a: 335 Elgin Ottawa grade tennis, the quality of our �. ::,. , CHAMPION A7 TWO, FIVE AND g � � hatchery, I7sete, rn,t, r"'" ' -- $1.25 Ex cess Prepaid native game seeming to improve € g aux L10'r SALE _ p_.... - p ,it about the same rate of speed TEN MILES, HE WAS GIVEN Ev '�1 G -9-10-x2 \v]ts to ready to lay pullets, Raised UNWANTED HAIR under that of our race -track Thorough-- '& t • s# under sand ronanions frau, special breecilxg gg 'i ErRdlor,ted from any part of the body with �, AN S)b0,q , ) stock. R. 1, Reds, Sussex Y Reds, Red Saen-Polo R remarkable discovery of ilio age, brecis—and if you think that is a MONO RY TITLE OF Nc3 Rock. .B, hocks. N. Hamps, Itock :C Leg. Sate SRon-Polo' contains no harmful Ingredient, e'ornplinientary remark, you're Wel- "CHIEF.. , ARA7HDM"" ,� ` price for prompt delivery. 6 wits, at 55c, 7 Mit EXPECTS A Rf. U and ,vlll destroy the hair roat. n wks, at 60c, 3 w,'1Ka. fit 05c, 10 awlra. at 85c, LOR-BEER LABORATORIES t`o'nic• r"c• 12 wks. at $1,15, 14 wire. at $1.30, 16 wits, 070 Granville Slrect. AT1'ENDNNGE BETWEEN iiU6,$ffi at $1.45, IS wlrs, at $1.66, 20 wkE. at $1.95. Vancouver, B.C, . ` 1 "`•� These prices for prompt delivery. Order from Cour Canadian racket -wielders are ; S c` and enclose this act, 10 per cent depos[t, YLOXn for Rheumatism. In tint relief. 4, s :`' G AND SEPT. A OVEN SURPASSING soothing, hent producing salve discovoretl pretty much outclassed any time �' w' .. a I3uranc1ale Chicly I3atchery, Sander, Ontario. by n prominent Swedish chemist. Approved they step into top -Notch coinpeti- UE 1949 RECORD OF 46,60,000 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES by Swedish Government hospitals and insti. tion, and that's all there is about - AT THE tutions and extensively used in Scandinavian NOTICE Horne and Store Owners, Advertis- countries with excellent results, Already many W. and while it's customary—and (ANAMN NAT1gNALEX91NTIOWI Ing Agents. You can now purchase Quality aattsded users in Canada, Tloxen gives beat wooden cabinets at manufact s:asy—to put tits blame almost en- avers' prices. results for; Rheumatic Pains, lumbago,Anflam- Custom and quantity production, For rotor- niatlon of the Joints, sciatica, neuralgia and tirely on our weather conditions, " mation write A. C. AlcOarvey, Wood Pro- muscular pains, PoutPaid. $1.50 a Jar. Scandia it's possible that there may be other -' ducta, Orrville, Ontario. I -rouse, 425 IIamilton St., Vancouver, B. C. 1•easons as well. With so ..any On- success in tennis for anothei "Oil $ario communities either engaged iii, or planning, the construction of sports centres, possibly the fol- lowing remarks regarding tl*' proper courts to build in order to cticourage fast tenths inay not he too far off the be;tin, k 4 It's no real secret that the best tennis in the world is played in California. A prominent official out there recently stated that they consit;ered it a poor year when their players didn't win at least Seventy-five per cent of their tnatclles in lie major national and international touruanxents. He wasn't just boasting, either. He was simply stating a fact that's borne out by the records. And it can't all be just sun and balmy weather, because other sections of the World :ire blessed with those commodities a well as California—but they still don't have the mass production of Grade A racketeers. Gene Alako, who tennis fans re- faIl as doubles partner of Don kludge,—and a grand combination 'they were—believes that the nature of the courts they play on has far amore to do with California young- sters' success than the climate. Un- like most other places, young Cal- ifornians are brought up almost ex- clusively on tennis courts of con- crete manufacture. In contrast to the surfaces in rise throughout the rest of the country, the concrete court gives tennis balls a good, true bounce. One thing this tends to deveop in a player is smoothness and rhythm of stroking. The bounce, too, off concrete is Baster than grass or cla - or practi- cally any other surface outside of hardwood. What does this mean? 'Wore speed, for one thing, The development of the attacking igame that is synonymous with concrete you learn to hitand come in," Ivfako explains. You learn to play correctly. Look; over the lists of recent years. See if you scan find a clay courts player who consistently wop any of the big tournaments. You know why .they haven't? Clay court players are 90 per cent baseliners, And you just can't win big matches from the baseline. .xMako, who now is a construc- tion engineer and a specialist at cement courts, recently returned to California from a trip East. "Back there and in the Midwest they know nothing about cement construc- tion," lie claims. "They do it all wrong. Whey they do build a ce- nient court they do it by sections, "Any one -process pour is super- ior to a two -process," he explained. "That way you get a flat, even sur- face that is free from buckling." In constructing a cement. court, Mako likes to have his crew begin pouring at 6:30 in the morning of the appointed day. If all goes well, that phase of the job ought to tale no more than four hours. That is, for a court of normal size, say 60 by 120 feet. * * "At noon, just as the cement starts to settle, the hand finishers go to work," 2vlako explained. "This is the most important part of the operation. A hand -applied rotary finish must be put oil the court." A delicate process, the work is demanding of an artisan's skill. "Out of 100 hand finishers," Mako said, "maybe you will get three good ones." # * Of course, the cement courts are expensive. Say between $5,000 and $6,000, depending upon the type and location. After that, though, there is practically no upkeep. The courts don't have to be watered, rolled, sodded or, better than any- thing, mowed. COMING SPORT SHOW X 9 W& AIR FQRCT BAND) FLOWER ,.. WILL HELP MAKE , Recently group of prominent Canadian agriculturists and farm ,•: Nx editors took a tour through Ver. mons and New ar a where,� n �. s, an for the past few years, an extensive y GPO grassland improvement program has 1 e. been in progress, the folks 'down there believing that highly pro(luc- COMING mivw4y CO`MING rit,w rRomics FOREIGN EXHISETS music COMING DANCING COMING TRANSPORTATION N i i i be any "wear and tear" on the hens at all. Maybe there fence ANDTISIM even be any hens. Ain't Science wonderful? r ins M F tfA p— r i rZI When I ran across newe about _ tive and during winter to keep u the latest substitute for eggs, I mills production, couldn't help thinking of Uncle Eph Palmer. back on the farm in The New England farmers use Wellington County in the days. of no essentially new ideas or meth too long ago. Aunt Hetty had just oris to achieve their success. Mos returned from the village where it of their grasslands are the bay - was her custoin to trade in butter, pasture type which are left in ha eggs and similar truck for store and pasture for five goods and Uncle Eph inquired how p years before much eggs were fetching. re -plowing and rc-seeding. No see k k * mixture is standard for the area One excellent. pasture consisted o Three dozen for a q'uarter," ladino clover and orchard grass Aunt Hetty replied, "and likely only. to go lower they say," "Is that all?" said Uncle Eph, "Heck! That hard- High yields are obtained by other ly pays for the wear and tear on farmers from mixing such grasses the poor hens!" as timothy, brome or orchard grass * * * with legumes such as alfalfa, red Anyway, according to the dis- of ladino clover, depending on what patch I referred to at the begin- mixture has been found to be most ning, over in Norway they've per= productive.. Good results are ob- fected a chemical process-.avhich • tained when legumes are seeded outproduces one hundred thousand in the fall and grasses during spring. hens to daily transform quantities No farms visited used more than of codfish waste into synthetic eggs- 15 pounds of seed per acre. white. One pound of the artificial * `i product is said to be equivalent _ Highy productive pastures were to the albumen contained in 150 fertilized with as much as 1,000 hen's eggs. pounds of fertilizer per acre at the k t time of seeding. For maintainence According to Chemical and En- during the next five years super- phosphate News, the synthetic al- phosphate was applied alone or in bineer contains 30 to 90 per cent mixture with potash or a complete mixture depending on the seed used pure protein and can be used for and 'needs of the soil as determined baking, ice-cream, mayonnaise, and by a soil test. After the initial pharfnacceutical products, as well treatment, top -dressing with man - as in the textile and paint iirdus- ure or fertiliizer is standard prac- try. Albumen is also used indus- ti.ce each year. trially 'for soap, cosmetics, and k paper. The general consensus of the. * k visiting group was that methods One pound of the synthetic prod used by New England farmers in uct requires approximately 11 ` their grassland program should be pounds of waste from the Nor carefuly studied and emulated by wegian coddfish industry accord- Canadians who are looking to live- ing to the report. Trial production stock as the main source of in - of more than 600 pounds a day come. Potential benefits are two - has been started by two Norweg- fold: ian ' firms. (a) Production of low cost yet highly nutritous feed. Production is, carried out by a (b) A paying soil conservation completely chemical - mechanical program—soiiiething that is vital- lyproess from the time the fish enter needed for Canadian farm lands. the pipe line at one end of the All of which sounds not only plant until the end product clnerges interesting, but mighty sensible and in the form of a dry white pow- practical as well, and I'm glad to der. Norwegian fishermen haul ass aloe thes- suggestions about 1,000,000 toils of fish from p g ggestions to any the sea each year, of which a large readers of this column—and I hope portion is processed into margar- there are a lot of you—to whom ne and cattl ; fodder. they may be of value, Well, all I have to acid is that y f this sort of thing continues, kf. P 'soon things will be better f --or worse—than they were back n Uncle Eph's day, and there won't :k rk WILL HELP MAKE , Recently group of prominent Canadian agriculturists and farm YOUR �5 hESS editors took a tour through Ver. mons and New ar a where,� n �. s, an for the past few years, an extensive y GPO grassland improvement program has �\ been in progress, the folks 'down there believing that highly pro(luc- �^ tive pastures are an important part of improving and maintaining rural prosperity. ,J v :k ,k While there the Canadians saw dairy S� prosperous farms, for exp ample, With as much as seventy. \ five per cent of their areas in grass,�ny Many farms were able to maintain a dairy cow on two forage �g yit]•^�L%Y-. ,) acres of per year. On ogle farm for a herd Guernseys �•�v of (26 millting) enough forage obtained n was from 47 acres of hay and pasture. In most.cases `\ excess grass was harvested and ° preserved as grass silage which was �- led ill dry weather in suninier when Illness forces sale. Write C. Beaulieu, Boo- field, Ontario. pastures were relatively unproduc• ISSUE 83 --• 141,5A p e y e d I'M100IIAIIR OPPORTUNITIES FOR SIEN ARID r' OUBN' PFTOTO-FINI.%nNG Enlarged Prints, careful BE A HAIRDRESSER individual attention, 8 ox 300 12 • 500, 16 - 00c, 0 70c, 35mm, 3G ES. 1,25. .LOIN' G'ANAUd'S LE.IDIN" SCHOOL Truax Studio Box 68 - D. Leamington, Ont, Great Opportunity Learn nits FTpport ng DYEING ANI) CLEANING Pleasant dignified profession, good wages thousands successful Marvel graduates HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clean. America's greatest vystem nlustrated ca - iW.7 Write to on fol information, We are logos free. write or Nall glad to answer Your Questions Department MARVEL HAIRDRESSING 1.1, Parker's Dye Worke Limited, 791 Yonge SCHOOLS Street, Toronto, Untarlo 358 Bloor St W., roronto Branches 44 King St . Hamilton FAR31S rOR SALE & 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa FARM, 200 acres, good opportunity. 1.1 miles from town, 20 miles from North Bay. PATENTS Illness forces sale. Write C. Beaulieu, Boo- field, Ontario. Ml9T.HWRSTUNHAUGH & OumpanY Patein Salleltore Establishea 1390 360 Rai Street, FARAT, 02 acrea, all workable, on No. 7 rnrnnin Rnoklot ni ,ntormntinn on request. Ilighway near achool and village, hydro and --------- — good spring ,vater. 3o miles east Toronto, TEACHERS WANTED tall possession. Apply to U. Gormley, Brook- T'4t'O QITALIFnO:D TEACIII J.S wanted for lin, Ont. S.S. No, 6, village school fit Qua0evllle. and - FIFTY -ACRE tarn, for sale near Owen No, G, Bruceton, Co. Renfrew, r)uties to com. Sound on Provincial Highway. Two-storey mcnce Sept. 5, 1950. State salary expected t brick houde in excellent condition with run- when amxlying to Al Kennelly, sect.-Treas_ ning water—large barn with hydro and water Qaadeville. Ont. in stable, driving abed and henhouse, five A PROTESTANT teacher wanted for a rural - Acres hardwood bush. This sear fifteen acres s,•hool in School Area No, 2 Innisfil near were In pasture, fifteen in hay and balance in Bartle. ]Minimum salary $1800.00. Ataxhnum crop. Inimedlate Possession, Terms if required. $2000,00, Apply R. FI, Iluhbert, R.R. 5, Open for inspection by appointment. R. Pat. Barrie, Ontario• terson and Son, .Beal Estate Brokers, Owen Sound, Out. Telephone IOG. Night phone 77. WANTED 75 ACRES good land, good buildings, stock, WANTED AT ONCE—(,ENhftAL DUTY machinery and crop, on good road, near NURSES village, Frank Isaac, Castleton, 44 HOUR Week, 10 Statutory Holidays. 1 160 -ACRE Farm sight miles from Englehart, month vacation with uay after 12 months. Spring water and creek.. 16 acres cleared, Salary $175.00 per month rising by four gonna partly cleared, Timberland will more annual increments to £205.00 per month than pay for place. Sacrifice for quick cash Good worldrig conditions. Duncan is situated aisle $350,00. Box 2i7. Englehart. midway between Victoria and Nanaimo on FOR SALE beautiful Vancouver island. Present nurse shortage due to the too accurate ahn by ALUAIINUAI ROOFING—immediate shipment Cupid. Telegram or letter to king's Daughter"s' —.019" thick in 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 -foot Flotmital, Duncan, B.C, lengths. Price to' apply .019" at $9.40 per WANTED', square. .016" at $8.25 per arluare delivered Ontario points. For estimates, samples, liter. SOFTWOOD LUMBER ature, etc.: write: A. C. LESLIE & CO. 1" 210 and 3" Sawn Softwood, an kind; -- --• -- an3ltru LIAN ITED. 130, Commissioners St.. Toronto 2, coils out, and trimmed, cSoftw,o cr -load lata• Ontario. ROBERT JONES LCAIBER CO. . CIRCULAR saw mill. Good condition. Auto- HAMILTON. ONT. ' matie saw filing machine for hand saws and' circular saws. Also large 'circular saws, WANTED, Baled Wheat Strnwv Wire bales. ire alL. he saw bits and holders. W. D. Williams, Ga- L J, & B. Co Erie, Al c tineau,_Quebee, MOTORCYCLES, Harely Davidson. New rind b h used, ons t, sold, exchanged, Large stock or guaranteed used motorcycles. Repairs by factory -trained mechanics. Bicycles, and com- plete line of wheel Bootle, also Guns, Boats and Johnson Outboard Motors. Open evenings until nine except Wednesday, Strand Cycle & Sports. King at Sanfnrd,Hamilton. TRACTOR—D, C. Allis-Chaimes Combine, Allfa-Chalmers all crop. Both A-1 condition, Phone Afilibroolt 25ww or write Box 114, A1111 - brook, Ontario, NEW TIRICS SPECIAL DEAL FOR DEALERS ONLY Dealers required to distribute first line Gutta Perelia Tires backed by Gutta Perelia lifetime guarantee. Large stock of passenger and truck tires in Popular sizes available. Exceptional' discounts for duration of sale. Enquirles will be promptly looked after. Write now for details of this once-in-a-life- time offer. Tire Department, Hercules Sales Limited, 3336 Dun'tins Street West Toronto, Ontario, Thrift The MacTavishes went to a movie, taking their very vocal baby, At the ticket window they were warned that unless the child was ciuiet during the show', they would have to take their money alit] leave. Halfway through the show, the wife turned to her husband and whis• pered: "What do you think of it?" "Rotten." "Pinch the baby," Tired Aching. Tender Feet Yoar feetnmy 130 a,) tender and inflamed that you thlnit you can't go another step Your shoes may feel as if they are cutting right into the flesh. You feel sick all over with the Daln slid torture: vou'd give any thing to get retiof. Two or three aptillentions or uoolie'e lUmerald Oil after a good hot Not bath and In 15 minutes the pain and soreness digs appears. Nn matter how discouraged you have been if you have not tried Emerald Oil then you have something to learn. Get S bottle today ,t any good drug store. I Was Nearly Crazy With Fiery itch— 'Until I discovered Dr, D. D, Dennis' amaziaC iy fast relief —D, D. D, Prescription. World popular, this pure, cooling, liquid medication speeds pence and comfort from cruel itching caused by eczema, pimples, rashes, athlete's foot and other itch troubles. Trial bottle, 350 First application checks even the most intense Itch or money back, Ask druggist for D. D. D, Frescription (ordinary or extra strength), SAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE— Without Calomel—Md You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go The liver should pour out about 2 pinta of bile juice into your digestive tract every day, If this bile is not flowing freely, your food may not divest, It may just decay in the digestive tract, Then gas bloats up, your stomach, You get constipated. You feel sour, sunk and the world takes tloolts hone mild, gentle Carter's Little Liver Pills to get these 2 pinta of bile flow- ing freely to make you feel "up and up,'f Geta package today, Effective in making bile Sow freely. Ask for Carter'e Little Liver Pills, 350 at any drugstore. BOLD YOUR OWNBETTER CIGARETTES � <f 1�<''`.h '+lrr • ��r �"��rfa'r•� ,. m 5r fr r floor ° Al. CIGAR `Ur ACCO