HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-08-17, Page 1N ka' tC �Au40 r t blished 1900 ST. PETEWS Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTtMO A v -- � �- �] �Y �}�/� �t� , 2 I'±.•ei4• �,'�{k '; i4'r�,ry .,:. 3 � � t•� I n� I odyl� dsM �.i::A ,,�f ni'a. 3 � I •.., �,. •�C �" '�z t � .ri '���' � I i:�5 ��, a Gr' 4` 1 .Wil�s Cni ......... ... ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORN - : ; AUGUST 17 19 5 a Mdon Theatre GRAND BEND Presents for Your. Enjoyment. the Following Attractions .COMING EVENTS -- ZURICH FALL FAIR. MONDAY - TUESDAY NORMA'$ BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tei. 223. Zurich CHESTED L. SMITH, PUBLISHEak,,: $1.76 a Year In Adv o•. $2.00 in U. S. A., in Advance. TAG RUGS and CARIE` On a New Modern Loom, Made ft Order — Seth 0. Amann, Zusie% tkEV. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR AUGUST 28th AND 29th. NORMA 51EINBACH - Prop. Ont. Phone 12$. RU a.m.—Divine Services. Friday, Saturday Aug. 13-19 Fractured Hip The long, long laugh you've b een SPEND 1'Ix, Hilton Truemner motored to 41.15 a.m. —Sunday 1,Szhoal. waiting for in . Kdfl`,ton on Sunday to visit his aunt, .7.30 p.m.—Divine Worship. "EVERYBODY DOES IT" 11Iis• Mary Ann Truemner, foo.-merlly Labor Dayoz liuich, wlro is now do residence OttP r auk M P 'Everybody Welcome tea all Services -With Linlda Darnell, Paul Douglas. the home of Mrs. Hanna, as the for- Cartoon.�' 'I' ZURICH finer• bad received word that his aunt _ — had fractured ber help and 'was being, e s Sun. Midnite -Mon., Tues, Aug 21-22 tak041 to :St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- Optical rV' Bi Lions Frolic ce EMMANUEL The most triumphant g don., where she is doing as :well as "ALL THE KING'S MEN" Base fall Games can. be expected. Her many friends .EVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH wish her a speedy recovery. Broderick Crawford Joan Drew Full Day's Program Attends Big Convention ' , YOUR BROKEN LENSES � f - . `• .i .' ' John Ireland Rev. H. F. Roppel (Pastor of the Lurich — 0ntariia Paramount News Parades - ETC. local. Evangelical UaB. Church, is aty:endin'g the big "Would Conven- CAN BE DUPLICATED YOUR BLUE COAL REV. H. E. ROPPEL Wed., Thugs Aug. 23-24 tion on Christian Education" now in Minister Suspenseful, Exciting convenorship of Mrs Wes Hughill and progress In Toronto. There were ov DEALER ` !Jeanne Crains' portrayal of her committee. er 5,000 registered delegates present ANY SHAPE, ANY COLOR at the opening session last Wednes- WANTS YOU TO KNOW Ivlrs. Milton Oesch - Orgaiaist "PINKY" The president welcomed the gath- day evening. On Sunday night many FROM THE SMALLEST PIECE ering, and called on the secretary thousands more at the "Youth Ra11cyl" Blue Coal is the Cheapest Fuel on the Sunday Services:—With two great actresses I treasurer, Mrs. Charles Thiel to at the Maple Leaf Gardens. A mult- Market to -day, why pay more for Ethel Barxyinore Ethel Waters itude of church people such -as I SHELL FRAMES ALL SIZES AND inferior Fuels. liF:00 a.m.—Divine Worship. read the minutes of the last reunion. Cartoon —^ Rev. Nelson Dahmsof .Sebrin •villa �.1.00 a.m:-Bvble School. g have never seen ,before, Mr. Rop�pel �• spoke a few words in which a aivmitlte states in a communication. "And may .7:30 p.m. --Divine Worship. of silence was observed in memoryio& never see again." This is the great- SHAPES IN STOCK LORNE E. HAY CARD OF 'HANKS ;hose that passed away the previous est holiday outing I have ever had 'Welcome at all Services -"Coma, year, lir. Earl '.Thiel thankea Rev. _..,the thrill of a lifetime." Mr. �� a Office Ph. 10. House P11. 673rd cG:cru with us and we will arca thee I vfall to thank all my neig7ilbours Dahms for Itis kind words which were Aoppel will Ibe absent from Zurich o � !1� H E N S A •L L .good." Num. 10:28.. .and friends who so kindly rememb - followed by election o£ officers for next Sunday, .when the local Broth- g ered me with letters, cards, treats, the •coming year. Stratford beibg erhood will conduct the mornfng ser- Jeweler and Registered ' s yitirriized keels flowers and visits while I was in the the district for the 1951 reunion to vice in his absence.Optician.Roe Hosp2tal..—Mrs. L. Ehlers• be held on Civic' Holiday with the Con ointed r ` " following officers in charge: Preisi+d-- At a recent meeting o e Zurich ent„ Earl Eggert, Rostock; dist vice, Police Village Trustee Board, Mr. Goes `. Wilfred Seurhin Sebringvdlie; Sec.- David Moyers of town was appointed Had Reunion gp Tseas., Mrs. Earl Leinweber, �Strat- as Village Constable, whose duties is �; 3 The 15t'h. Thiel Reunion was held ford; lunch convenor, Mrs. liidfor to keep order, etc: This however t V i. Are YOU SU&d Fmm at Jowett's Grove, Bayfield, on Civic Litt, Mitchell; Sports, Lloyd Thiel' can only be fulfilled by the co-oper- Holiday, August Tth with about 180 Sebringville. ation of ev citizen in town. Headaches? registering. Coming from. Niagara Mr. E. Carse of Kitchener moved ons ale cannot e e • , w: fere at Falls, N.Y., Byron Centre, Granville, a vote of thanks to, the Zurich people all times, and so needs assistance by Licensed E&1�balg ver orad Funeral Director �,:f so, Have your �t htxra Tai Mich; Mitchell Kitchener, Md.ldimay, 1t trh Seaforth Hanover Sabrin ills, Ros- for their successful efforts of tllre re- every Citizen to maintain the order 0 Private Car Ambulance Service e Latest Meed s and Fqutp ten gv union ' this, was seconded Iby Mrdford and good •conduct expected. There mock, Gowanstown, Brodhagen, S'trat- ,.Litt, union, ale many little things to ,be looked I Hospital Bed and Wheelchair. for Rent , R -Q ford, Orangeville, St. Catharines, after and a Constable has more than Credit, B:lYfield and Zn-aieh. 1 The first vice-president Jack Mer `his share to look (after all these. For FLOWERS FOR ALL. OCCASIONS OF�4°OiVIE'IR)lST Cog President Earl Thiel opened the ilei, gave a few words after wl}ich z, ;rifles; wz all should know that Da aggerNight Seise _ program with the sin fig 1if <,t1h.e D'ox- ' 4ohe sport :coriven 0'i._ Haitodd Tlnel am , o fling. of bigycl;es' ori th,e local Y GODXWCH olagy in unison, after Which the din- his committee took over a full pro- sidewalks is very d'angerons to .peo "' e u load Glasses res+ moi ! ner was served under the capable grain of sports for young and :old. l)Ie walking gas well as ibikng, and 6,s `l Tel R:es.• 9 �3r l 2 , ZuYicF>< Prizes going to girls race 5 yrs and strictly forbidden in a .by-lakr, so 6�8®®sa3�a�i�a���s:'�®�As�e��Q�1�A � under, Phyllis Truss, Tweed; Mary we ask all those such engaged to Ellen Thiel, Zurich; Boys 5 yrs. .and refrain from this practice, and don't under, Laird Thiel, Allan-)Ierner, Ross Fisher, Ia''ll of Zurich; Girls 6-8, expect the local Constable to be run - ping after you telling you all about +(i 57 Gloria Seurhing, SebringvWe, !fancy at. There are many other things in 'R Thiel, Zurich, Donna Fisher, Zurich; traffic tli'at motorists can avoid by 4BZ Boys 6-6, Douglas Thiel, Zurich,Pdul Weido, Zunilch, Arthur Diegel, Broad- being a little more careful. Work with Vour local officer, and. not a- eronpx hagen; Girls 3-12, Katherine Hohner, gainst Rini, and we will have all then kklel „, Bayfield, Patricia Seurhing, Sebring- better place to live in which will lie 0 ville, Donna Fisher, Zuricll; Boys 8-1(2 greatly admired by visitors to Zurich! David Carse, Iiit'chener, Iiemieth Constable Meyers in his new Officers' Weido, Zurich, Douglas Thiel Zurich; Girls 1112-15, Joyce Fisher, Zurich, Un!ifonn soon will :be known is he makes his appearance on the streets. � We ire ever at your service With the 'best lines Carole Thiel, Zurich, Norma Linden- ' Lions Crab News obtainable of schnvtdt, 'Mildmay; 1'ioyS lr2'-15, B,o'bby Fisher, Zurich David Carse Kitchen ' ' ABOR DAY AT ZU,RIC Labor Day at Zurich this year will .FRESH GROCERIES er, Billy Sanford, Kitchener; A•prize far the oldest person was won by iMr be an outstanding attraction in this • All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well as Andrew Thiel of Zurich being 90 5rrs. All NIerner 9 community when the local Lions aro sponsoring a full (afternoon's and ev- , Canned Fruits and Vegetables on Ilan Youngest +baby, an nionths, son of Mr !and Mrs. Jack ennailg's program. ere will ,be a Cal- - Merner, Zurich. Largest Kr Ply re- lan arade at 12:300 a rumpfle lowed Candies Nuts - and Confectionery in supply sulted in a tie, prizes going to, the by two interesttn)g Ball games in ® GIVE US A CALL r Holier family, Balyfield, and .the the afternoon when such well known a Sanford family, Kichener (both hav- teams as Dashwood, Hensall and .the ins (five children each; peanut scram- locals will pla5r for supremacy of the q r' An ble for .all kidd�iles. In connection with afternoon. Then in the evening the veno Oesch Q rien the peanut scramble the kiddies join- Sixth Annual Lions Frolic will be Stallne ed hands around Mrs. W. L. Misiner held an the new and roomy arena• 165 10 of St. Catharines, singing "Happy In years gone by the catchy weather PRODUCE WANTED.- 1='Iione P 0 11: B,irthel Ca which she was celdbran: has always beena problem, but this g + on that day. year with .this fine new structure av- ailable, there will be little weather .,:.. - r'��'•w'T3�T�'"•m�s'�tw"mei: +7Ek`t�r . Free for all was won by Bobby interference, as it will be all under s ■ Fisher -and Norma Lindenscllmidt of roof and awa.v from the cold winds. ■ Mildimy; three legged race, Bobby So plan to spend Labor Day at Zurich 0, c k °�Soda aere Fisher and firs. Norman Fleischauer and by buying plenty of ,the draw J Supph i of Zurich; Egg throwing contest, 'Mr, trekets you will liave a (better chance Bill Thiel, Mitclhell, Mrs. Laird Thiel of ,•winnin.g one of the many useful Mitchell; Life '(Saver conest, Captains and valulable prizes offered. ''Plan being Charles Thiel, Zuricll, and Sim- on attending .this annual event. on Thiel I�tcllcner. This was won by Bend Lions Hold Auction Warner,.1aIaAeSWag', Electric and Oil Brooders. MEN'S. EAR LADIES' LINGERIE the latter's teal: Soft call roll for Two people, Walter Clvoanik, of Fountains, Heaters, Brooder Wafers, Browder ladles, Mrs. Laird Thiel, Mitchell; London and ). iss Elizabeth Ann tv Dodge ball won by We,. Iiughill's Henderson, of Woodstock, left Grand Pikes slid ElboYtts< INFANTS BOYS' GIRLS' CLOTHING te,ini; Grandmothers' walk was won Bend a lot happier on Sunday. 41r• by Mrs, Simon Thiel, Kitchener; Clvoini.k was richer by $50 and "Miss Shopping bag ,walls for grandads' re- Henderson 'by a purebred cocker spa- sulted in Elmer Thiel, Zuricll conning nitl. A concert ,and raffle was ,pons• x in first, Chin to chin, \Ir and l:1rs. ored in the Lakeview Cacino iby the 71N, FRESH �; RO�ERIES FRUITS Laird 'Thiel:, Zurich; Shortest woman, Gland Bend Lions Club with the pro- Mrs, Norman Fleiscbauer2 5' of Zur- ceecls to go to Lilons work in file ells- EJ MEATS ich; Tti11eGt man, Earl Loinweber 6 trice. The dog, Cloverdale Silver R - VEGETABLES I rjz'> Stratford; Beauty contest, Mrs (hist waon 'by Chomik who took PIONEER CHICK I�RUMI�I.ES AND STAV. Murawsky of: Kitchener N as crow x;50 y>s win. lieu or the animal, 'rhe drag GRED II RS. Gide E aJESTED E DELIVER ER red 195o Reunion, QuO 11, �PersOn' `Ca9 tl)c'11 111TCtjo ne,,l by Alvin Walper T"These a ry! IF RI `i coming the longest distance went to of 1)i'1" d, a meniber of the Z11r- i+ b 11r and +Mrs. Gordon 5chuitlnan, oi£ ic11 I n0'n,, and w,a.; bought by Miss " C,;r.%twills, Mich; Ciwthing race, '!'-I Vendor., Ii. Proceeds of the ratite lord Litt, Mitchell, A ,ball game was incl co .arnoun�ted to $900. with .der FRESH. GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND then in order w:it11. Leroy hiel and l�lel�a.y and ilii orehesi;ra along ailer Thiel as captains. Charles' �Zrti1i'on '4lclray, provided entertain - C -1 t �' CALL FOR SERVICE! gide was the llre ti� Inners, Supper inert. (,ion Biel, Hill of Cxoderich wash J� GIVE Ll , the lnan ie,ponsible for the success was called about G o'cloclr ai)ened by of the venture. The winning tfilcket Phone 11-97 R:ev. Dahms o,f ,Sebringville. The Deiclnert family ent,,t:linc(l us with was picked out +by, :Vrs. !1�iurray E. Schwa.rt2entAta rr l"off. Photte 1i O. H. THIEL - Zurich Plunket and Paul 1licklen. music and a sing song before leaving foie our hon1es.