HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-07-27, Page 5ZURICH - ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD 4 Authorized as second class mail, red Office Department, Ottawa. Put Your Want. For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this LOCIAL NEM3� -BREAD Thursday, J ly .27th, 195•0 Co-op. FEE 0 S ARE YOUR BEST BUY! i Only Re -Cleaned Grain Used in Our Feeds AVAILABLE AT .v Hensall Dist. Co -Operative HENSALL and ZURICH • —WE'RE READY -TO HELP YOUR YOUR CAR represents a major investment. It deserves the best of care and that's what we're ready to give it. Whether it's a complete lubrication Job or just a battery check, we really try to give good, thorough Imperial service --the kind that will keep you coming back. We'd appreciate a chance to show you *H* pt ye what we can do, J. !� a Ct c E J� c r cY e S IMPERIAL ST. JOSEPH SERVICE STATION COR. No. 84 & 21 HIGHWAYS CSSW DEALER SAVE—ST. JOSEPH SERVICE IS PREPARED TO SAVE YOU SOME MONEY ON YOUR TRACTOR AND IMPLEMENT TIRE NEEDS. COM- PARE OUR PRICES AND ALLOWANCES ON YOUR OLD TIRES! s Women - Canvass platforms, wedge heels in dif- ferent Colours. Leather Sandals, white Red, Navy and Black. Also a limited amount of white Buck Dress Shoes. Children.. - Fleet -foot in all lines and sizes. AIso Sandals in red, white and brown. See our Scampers for $1.75. Boys - Fleet-foot,-'ncluding the softball and basketball shoe:' 'See our Scampers. Men..- Woven vamp Oxfords, Platform straps, crepe straps. See our Scampers. Ladies, Please Note. -.: e are now able to obtain the new DESCO shoe -which will arrive in August. We had hoped to get this. Shoe Iast year, but as this is an American shoe, internati onal regulations prevented this shoe to arrive in Canada. But it's Coming this time. WATCH FOR DESCO. A Be anttyl. You can't go wrong when you buy a well known Reliable Beatty Washing Machine We carry a full line of the Genuine Beatty Washers at three popular prices: $119.50 149.50 159.50 Also the New Beatty Electric Ranges. Come in and see them - they'll speak for themselves Always a, good supply of Shelf and Heavy Hard- ware on hand. �Sca i's Endurable Paints, Enamelsmels and Varnishes. Almstar Plastic Paints Kern -Gla Etc. i Our Aim—To Serve and Satisfy! ati-airsMain St. Hardware Store Phone 213 - ,....,....-..:....,�... �....,.tee_-,�.�,..,a�._'--A•^°-g^ ------ Only Two Classes of People SAVED or LOST TO WtHICH 1!�O YOU BELONG? ARE YOU lell'rAVEN-BOUND OR HELL -BOUND? DO YOU HAVE THE ASSURANCE OF SINS FORGIVEN? HAVR YOU BECOME A CHILD OF GOD BY HIS GRACE.? .HAVE YOU REPENTED OF YOUR SINS AND TRUSTED CHRIST TO THE SALVATION OF YOUR SOUL? "He that bc4ieveth on the Son hath everlasting life:)and lie that bel'ieveth not the Son shall not see life; but)the wrath of God abicleth oil him." •---- John 3. 36. I- r CI -IA: l:, FULLER -)a 11.m,, OST. Sundays ABC N: twoe1.. 4 Column Miss Stella inose is holidaying with relatives and friends -at Windsor. on the table BUSINF.S CARDS _T In Canada last year 3511,1135 bab- F O R S A L E ies were born. --Facts. - Mr. and Mrs, John Steckle, of the —,13 A .R N— Bronson line, north, are spending John W. orchard Tenders will. be received for sale few 'weeks with relatives at Waterloo of Barn on Lutheran Church Parson -M r. Claytus Mittleholtz of London OPTOMETRIST age propertyu Tenders to be ,sent to is enjoying a few weeks at the borne 1€; ' Main Street — Exeter Ivan Ywi blue y, Luricll C3 g , Secretary, of his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Ted. .1Tittleholtz. ' Open Every„Week Da i p Y PIGS FOR SALE The annual Sunday School picnic '•':',`:� .,,� *� •:y�� v,4 Except Wednesday `� of the Evangelical church was held �s y• 4• Phone 3553 82 Young1'ig', for Sale — Josiah at Jowett's Grove, Baty eld, on Wed- r Steckle, R. R, 2, Zurich, ne.sday afternoon last.` VaCENSED AUCTIONEERS Mr. John Albrecht is laid up with a sore :,boulder, ,having torn the lig- • the meal Ms ready! ____ FOR ,SALE A gtdiititv,of apple .butter for ements while working at the Kalb- No meal is complete without plenty ALVIN WALPER sale—Apply �l Phone 9 8r 15 Zurich.'” 11 Y f.leisch Mills. 3Tr and Mrs. Frank Siebert of De- of delicious wholesome bread. And TASTY -NU taslns good and is good _ F O R S A L E troit, spent the week -end at the home of the former's brother, Mr. hearty food for you. Every slice a Licensed Auctioneer Blower (used 12 years) 1 Smalley B and Mrs. W. A. Siebert. slice of energy_ Bu an extra Loaf today—stare Y i ;.off HURON AND LAMBTON ti�>ith pipes, elbows and dust collector F Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Stade of town and Mr and Mrs. Herb Kraft of De- now to serve more bread at every meal. Get , PASTY -NU Bread :For your Sale, laage or small, Cour- Service at all 1 large size Smalley grain and straw blower (new). troit are enjoying,a trip to St,Johns. your at the Tasty -Nu Bakery or at your *eons and Efficient • Times! New Gehl Forage Harvesters, New Brunswick. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Erb of the local Grocers. Phone 57 r 2. DASHWOOD Blowers, Wagon unloaders and Ham mer Mills. Parr Line, accompanied by Mm. and s T,�pt�rNyyu ����iy�� i i � Mrs. Mose Beckler of Exeter, were, E. F. CORBETT R, M. Peck, Kippen. Phone 681 r 2% Hensall. -C3 recent visitors at Elkton, Mich. Value of Canadian mineral pro- PHONE 100 — .ZURICH l duction reached $890;218,8:16 in T LICENSED AUCTIONEER NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1949, more than twice the 1939 ' ion" Reasonable, Satisfaction IN THE ESTATE OF JEMINTA JOHNSTON, ZURICH, O'NT. value. Mr. and Mrs. A. Q. Perkins, of P � (� � i Guaranteed Detroit were visitors in town :Satur- C✓ i1 EXETER, R. R. 1 All persons having claims against day. They were visiting with Mrs. Phone JrZ•_lich 92r7. the above estate shall .be forwarded Perkins' ,parents, Mr. and Mrs. John MARY HASTINGS to the undersigned (Solicitor on or Etue of the B. W'. Highw'aly', north. before the 25-th day of August, A.D. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brown of Chic- HOUSEWIVES `/ E T E R I N A R I A.N 1950. Afterrwhidi date the Estate ay°o, Ill., visited at the homes of the will ibe distributed with regard only to those claims of which notice shall members of the Lamont family of Zurich Forest. They visited Invite all their Neighbours and their have then been received. and also Friends to attend IN. W. B. COXON, B.V..• Sc. Dated at Zurich, Ont., this 12'6th. Varna relatives. Mr. Sovereign Ducharme of Wind - Annual Picnic, at SURGEON ' day of July, A.D. 1950. ELMER D. jBELL, K.C., sor was on a business trip to Zurich dist- GRAND BEND VETERINARY Main Street, Exeter, Ont. last week. Mr. Ducharme is a rest manager of an electric household On With Residence, opposite Drug Store Solicitor for the Executor appliance and is a very ibusy man. WED. AUGUST 2, 1 p.m. ZURICH Mr and Mrs. E. Quintyn of Delhi, iEitcne--96 , FOR SALE Mr and Mrs Elmore Quintyn and AT MoIiL.ROY'S PAVILION Two Registered Scotch Shorthorn children of London were guests on If you are a member of Mary Has. BUTCHERS Bulls from an Accredited Herd — Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Milfred tings through The Free Press or feel both red in color. Apply to Fred Schilbe. I you would like to be one, or you ••�,� p 73 r 4. c turned to their home in Detroit, af- lc lunch basket and come along. (� r1Cil L1� er spending two weeks at the home your Bring the Children tao. V,AT MARKS T PIGS FOR SALE of the former's mother, Mrs. C. Ayotte of town. • "' with the 19 choice pigs 6 weeks old, Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Steckle and Polio Protection ;ret US supply y ojl cob Apply to Jacob Gingerich, phonic Choice of Fresh and Cur- 84 r 2, Zurich. family of the Bronson north, spent &try Sausages, ga Feats, Bolognas, g a few days last week in Waterloo and Markham, visiting with Mrs. FOR YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY Etc., always on hand. Kept FOR SALE Steckle's people. Including all unmarried Children $rash in Electric. Refrigeration A quantity of 2%1" and 3 ? :'steel Boiler Pd,pes•for sale. Also a number Mir and Mrs. Arthur Thompson and from three months to eighteen years :- Highest Cash Prices for of Hay Racks. F. C. I�albfl'eisch & Son, Zurich. c sion William and' Mrs. I. Dedels and daughter Marion, of Kitchener, were of age. for ear , PAYS up to $5 Family Family,. Include week -end visitors at the home of Mrs member of your 'Uospitalizat- Wool, Hides and Skins FOR SALE Ed. Datars, Sr. and relatives. Transportation, Drugs, ion, medicines, iron lung and other (� H, Yu]C1g'b111t q �ou A Model T. Coupe for quick sale, NTx. and (Mrs. Ward Fritz and equipment. Services of Physician, also several 50 -gal. steel drums, daughter Mary Lou and Mr. and Mrs Osteopaths or Physiotherapists, N' cr _ PRODUCE Apply to Dennis Bedard Phone 215 "` Orville Witmer and daughter Joyce are holidaying this week at the for- ses. Cost — For entire Family: FOR SALE mer's cottage in the Parry -Soured $10.00 for 2 years 200 Rock and 'New Han'tpshire District. Individual $5.00 for 2 years J. W. HABERER, General Insurance silverwo �� Pullets, now laying. Apply to Urban Farmers are busy this week in cut- Ducharme, Phone 91 r 7, Zurich; Hensall, P.O. ` ting the fine crop of wheat which is about ready for the binder, althoughttentiQr! S st:me is not quite ripe enough as yet. DAIM11 FOR SALE The many recent rains has greatly — for Cream, Eggs Two -row power lift corn cultivator delayed harvesting operations. THE HENSALL BRANCH OF Each Market Poultry for W. C. Allis-Chalmers tractor. hay Too Much Rain THE CANADIAN LEGION No. �4f,S and Y Also 25 acres of clovem when This is what we hear almost every OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE SERV- 1"6ve Your, Eggs Graded on baled—Wallace Wein, Dashwood. c day, bat we have been .fortunate in ICE LEAGUE ARE HOLDING A our AUTOMATIC. FOR QUICK SALE these parts having escaped the heavy stoups which did a lot of ,damage to SOCIAL EVENING ON MONDAY, JULY 31st.. 9 p.m. York Hog, ready for service. — hydro and telephone lines, smashed AND WE CORDIALLY INVITE ALL EGG; GRADER Apply to Roy McBride, Phone 96 r &Avi1 farmers crops, damage to trees in ACTIVE EX -SERVICE 'HIEN OF 18Zurich. as well as buildings town down, ZURICH AND DISTRICT PO 'COME LeRoy O'Brien, Manager g the city of London a big (bus' was OUT AND ENJOY THIS EVENING phone 101 Zurich FOR SALE blown over, a thing that one would WITH U,SI Enamel Clare Jewell Cook Stove, in Also think hard to upset, then with the storms are turrents of rain that .—JAMES CLARK, SEC. 'PREAS• Zurich Creamery very good condition. a smaller cools stove with or without oil bur- flood the lower lands, and wash out The summer so ner.—Apply to Ervin Gingerich, Ph. crops and gardens. far has been cool with few warm Your Home Market for Crealm 79 T 15, Zurich. days, and it makes poor camping 1 AoBne FORSALE weather a-5 well as poor harsesting Eggs' and Poultry weather. A. Ford Good Condition $150 -1�S1est Cash Prices paid Plus s sFord $200 135 V-8 1G�o IS TRANSFERRED TO HENSALL Dublinci irenSand ,<.,,<:.>•.,..<:.::.::• Bicycle u of i premium f d e liv P.Y e a c r. ea m ] Console, ti r Radio o v ith we c tC b t , v $G•00 h r �d to honor tIt and ', ate e •'ct district \Tis. C. Van Horne, prior to their de- •'?~i>iii:: i': n?:'y':;�'i:•:�+Jl.•::::�:> •: ��';:i;•,:.; •.,,:,::,::::.,•.:•.::;;:..,,: ' affil- We are equipped to give Battery .... , ... Putt Flux to repair Imperial Roof y 1 arture to Hensall where Mr. Van n• has been transferred .as CNR:,<: ;.•<srr. or recover3 our Roof. Horne A Lient accurate service. Egg ST. JOSEPH SERVICE station agent in that Village. humorous address was read and Mr. ,e ; >.... •� x Poultry department in D Stock and Mrs. Van Horne were presented and e.ad az bo chair and a ibronze with a lazy Y:.y• r�•. laharge of Mr. T. Meyers. — ULble and tray. -Chas. M.1r1•shall, Proprietor $2.75 Each. Prompt Seivice for LiftinJack Williams. Call Phone , DRAW WINNERS NAMED Seaforth Lions Club carnivad drew 21.1 r 4 Crediton Central. -c1 -5-'S0 fflo NOW record crowd': for, the final two I N S 0 R A N C E nights, friday and Thursday nights, NOTICE Mrs. Alex Hay, London wov blank - WHITEWASHING & CLEANING ets, the Frigidaire was won by James ! Western Farmers Mutual Arrangements can be made ABill 'McKellar, London; and the draw fog eke 1950 car was won by Robert Watson Archvbald, Seaforth. Winners in the Weather Insurance,.��ff1/Q. Dashwood — Phone 3509 amateur contest were Joyce and An- Peter Van- B. CLAXTON The Voice of Temperance nie Priestap, of Mitchell; PLEA FOR RECRUITS OF WOODSTOCK The writer ief this pttragraplr, in rlertbeirg, and Rosemary Lan©, Sea- Ottawa — Defence Minister C'lax-! riving frori? Toronto the other nig,•trt driving forth. A Bad Accident ton last Thursday night issued a call for young Canadians to it -,in their RESERVE BAL- WHE LARGEST R *ME OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- sa,wd happens when drinkers prive. At a curve in fhe road the One man was drilled and xeven per Exc- country's armed forces. "I tali®we• Canadian forces today are a • fine UAL COMPANY DtiING BUSINESS mind of thr. drinking driver was no'� left atrs, ineludiiig three from title l:er district were hospitalized after a the and fit a body of man as we have •' OF -THIS KIND IN ONTARIO .. tivorking• fast enough. His rear the centre of the road, veered to the five -car crash' on No. 4 Hicghway, 8 ever had under colors at any "What we Amount, of Insurance at , Risk on right, crashed into ,a farmer's mills miles north of Arva. Exeter persons Joan (Butterfield, he said in a radio address. want now is more of 'the same kind" Deaembe:r 31st, 1946 :?land tend t110,11Careened into trio injured were Mrs. I+sxeter; Flying Officer J. M. Mr. Claxton assured his listeners that $73,699,236.00 Total Cash in Bartle and Bonds. ditch or7 thr nthcr .ids of the mart, wet,: hurt. The cnr way bruldy 20, llookerfield, 23, :and F. 0. S. H, Jon Ganada's accelerrttecl defence pro tli $444,115.39 c, ,,,ter battered. Thr driver• Nvaa +tulnhling kins, 2.G, of RCAF Ra. Centralia grant, announced by Prime t WO St. Laurent, doesn't mean that tt Rate. on Application around in a, drunken dtrze, The lady ']'lac five cars ailed up after 0110 0: turned out to expect anotker world war.IIC ridded E.F. KLA E---ZURIGI- with him was using the 1,111,5e of That''s what. llappon, the cars rcportedlyl pmts two girls ion bicyteles, sidrawip- "It does anean thnt.bv tains in as A O E N `r thc, gutter, who.n ladies drink, 'Chep aro 110 Jon- inEt• tut oncoming car nucb the^nti•ing hilrll• ;good a state o£ preparatiost ct:< tho mode avniln,blo porttlt we Also Dealer in Lightning; Rod, ladip9, C:ilaL's Whttt� lral117e1.15 'Choy arc 110 both pint of control. Killed w;t, 1JI- • -100 Nlitnc'nnl•, of 1'crrl , t,n,1�°„ rrs!:nl'cr�% we will be doitt;