HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-07-27, Page 4Tihurs4ay, Judy 27-th, 1950 Retreat. Among therm were three natives of this parish: Sister M. Eugenie, Sister M. Fricille Theresc cony You cards had been received from Mrs. Lee McConnell and Mrs. J his -parents. T. McAsh. and Mr and Mrs Norman ,Scott -of METALS LIMITED Lakeview CaSIn0 Bowmanville spent the week -end with her niobher Mrs.. E. Kleinstiver.. ited C'humch Sunday July 30th, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hoperoft on • Katlm•yn Sells, London, will presid-e Sunday observed their 40th wedding On Friday last a son was born to GRAND BEND anniversary. A family .dinzter was Mrs, Wm. Parke, Hensall. At a special meeting of the Hen- Mr. and Mrs. Avila Ducharme. The family are all smiles. Cones atulat- held at the honne of tl eir daughter, Dr. Arthur McAllister to.f George- _ (Ruth) Mrs. Graham Arthur in Exe- ■ E. Oestreicher. ter, the table 'being centred; with a ]w I t h a NIGHTLY DANCING jv,( j� j I fain - lovely 3 -tier wedding cake. `the girl; fly consists of 3 boys and one girl: D U R O Pump the main street Sunday night last at Grand Bend the sound or the fire Robert of Pt. Colborne, .,:Fred of Parents; 'Mr and :Mrs. W. Wolfe. t Orchestra McKay and his Orchestra (Ruth) Mrs. Graham Arth- ur of Exeter and Russel of Dashwood there attended the Gerometteiwed- eil Guests were present from Halifax, Pt ding. Comment— at the turn of a tap ... with a Colborne, Woodbridge, Listowel and At time of -writing a little more ­ featuring Bolton. Thely N#el ,presented with rain keeps • a -coming, �and' `itivery much handicaps the farm work. This Every Farm can be many beautiful g` f s'.' summer so far. has ;been wet, an ex - �•- Kay Jennings - 'Vocalist Dashwood Beatt;•' Exe& alsacli6s Dasghwobd Stars took' Undthe`.r game ception fr-m those of the past, and Elfrieda Becker •of London, front Exeter 9-6, the 'final of regular it could well :be, till the end of.4ug- DURO PUMPS are designed schedule. Both ,pitchers Praff and ust, or perhaps the. first. wee in to meet farm requirements Tieman showed wildness; with Pfaff getting relief from Traylor. Dash -wood September. However this is nett to ... in the house barn gill built up an early lead 9-1 but man 1 G' f t s ®f had one bad inning. St. Joseph and Beaver Town r Mr and Mrs Napoleon bucharme . . truck garden . cow- family: of London are ho1jdaying _and on the B. W. Highway " and'' in the Distinction� Blake 'district 'with relatives.. L. P. Ducharme ,of Windsor spent as well for all your buildings, the nveek-end with his parents and .FINE OIL PAINTINGS. LIMITED QUANTITY other relatives. Mr. .and miss. Vincent Geoffrey NOW ON DISPLAY � and children of Detroit, .spent the !MCO week -end in this vicinity. Creatatives and Makers of Fine Frames St. Charles Convent which '.las been .opened to teach . •Catechesm Classes for the first two -veeks of • R. W. ILLSLEY • J;uly, is now closed till the opening 40 of school in September.• j Zurich, Ontario. Telephone 133 e Sisters in .charge have left the pas, week to be stationed in various parts t of Ontario for their monthly annual Retreat. Among therm were three natives of this parish: Sister M. Eugenie, Sister M. Fricille Theresc EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED cony You cards had been received from Mrs. Lee McConnell and Mrs. J and Sister M. St. Denis. They will T. McAsh. and receive their appointments foe the METALS LIMITED Housework is ited C'humch Sunday July 30th, Miss coming year in the near future. eluuinating tdtme8 cunfes of the rive • Katlm•yn Sells, London, will presid-e is scheduled for completi . early ia4 On Friday last a son was born to much Easier Mrs, Wm. Parke, Hensall. At a special meeting of the Hen- Mr. and Mrs. Avila Ducharme. The family are all smiles. Cones atulat- _ Dr. Arthur McAllister to.f George- crown. Frank Donnelly acted for ions 1 ' ■ E. Oestreicher. Miss Rebecca Corriveau of the. B. ]w I t h a Mr and :4Irs Harold Kellerman spent the week -end in Toronto. W. Highway has returned t.> her D U R O Pump the main street Sunday night last at Grand Bend the sound or the fire home on Saturday last, after shend- ing a week in Detroit, ane: tivhile Parents; 'Mr and :Mrs. W. Wolfe. Mr and Mrs. H. Spears :aid f roily Miss •Margaret and Gleta 'blcNau- there attended the Gerometteiwed- Plenty of clean fresh water ghton of Tont,ntd. -visited their par - ding. Comment— at the turn of a tap ... with a ents Mr and 14Ir.s,Lbrne:-Ailc\aughton Mrs. Sararas visited at7 the home At time of -writing a little more ­ DURO PUMPING SYSTEM. of her daughter, Mr and Mrc, Harold Bonthron, rain keeps • a -coming, �and' `itivery much handicaps the farm work. This Every Farm can be -Mrs. Laird Mickle and Bill visited at Rondeauu Burk recently. summer so far. has ;been wet, an ex - modern NOW! Mr -and Mrs. IT, W. Neeb :of Tav- ception fr-m those of the past, and Elfrieda Becker •of London, istock spent a few days with their daughter, .Mr and Mrs. Wm. Brown.' it could well :be, till the end of.4ug- DURO PUMPS are designed DORN -•-• In 'Toronto ort July 12 to Mr, Mrs J. ust, or perhaps the. first. wee in to meet farm requirements anri MCCIny (nee Ruth Bess) a daughter. September. However this is nett to ... in the house barn Howard Love of Toronto is visit - Ing with his 'Mrs, be hoped for. But so far we' Tlave ... parent.4, Mr and Milton Lave. been fortunate enough to escape the . . truck garden . cow- Had Picnic Some i2i00 metmlters of -lie InOT floods or other detriments caused by stables and fire protection nil al :.. ,j L. . iT perofit, Ind 1?7'•'. 11.^i') 11'Ciilr.�.l'(7f�i. Oi d'1 "Ui: rain or wind, So we can consider as well for all your buildings, l athtng,I)of^fit-I ins rid sporti. a a 1 youpnge:,t cd1I.,1+. ourselves lucky. In due time, the crops will again be harvested even !MCO tho it will take b-aiger, and more pat - Fixtures and Fittings fence, in the end all . .will be ac - complished as in former years. Any - working in an way, there is nothing we can do a - Emco kitchen ... bout it, so we array as well keep a - bathroom and going' with chins up! laundry is a pleasure ... Pro- STANLEY TOWNSHIP tect the health of Misses Ina and Ellen Scott, of DURO your family ... add to the com- London, Nvere visitors with their par- Rm _= Eorts of daily ents at Brucefield. living. Mr. H. F.Berry's :many Brucefield friends are sorry to hear that he is in the Scott 'Memorial Hospital, Sea - See us forth, and they look for a speedy re- TODAY for covery. The Brucefield United church held ® complete their Sunday School picinc at Bay information field July 14, after an exciting ball 0 s game, all present enjoyed the other sports, which were keenly contested. ...s" Varna WMS Meet The July meeting of Varna W:IIS t$117 '50 F.O.B.was London, Canada held in the church on the eve. of July 14. Mrs. W. R. Stephenson pre. siding.•Rev. Reba Hern led in prayea STADE and WEIDO Mrs. Stephenson read the scripture. Minutes of last -meeting were read PHONE 92 and adopted. Twelve melntlbers pres- ZURICH - ONTARIO ent. The roll call for August to relate to "`Harvest" Mrs. Geo. Reid ex- t-; pressed thanks for cards received and Tl EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED cony You cards had been received from Mrs. Lee McConnell and Mrs. J London - Homillon -, Toronto - Sudbury - Winnipeg - Vancouver T. McAsh. and HENSAL L, METALS LIMITED At the morning aervice in the Un - Calgary - Edmonton - Vancouver ited C'humch Sunday July 30th, Miss ed Wilson's car skidded on loose eluuinating tdtme8 cunfes of the rive • Katlm•yn Sells, London, will presid-e is scheduled for completi . early ia4 Milton Deltz, Zurich; 'Mrs. S. Rannie EC -51 at the piano, and Hiss Greta Lamnt.ie Mrs, Wm. Parke, Hensall. At a special meeting of the Hen- at the organ. _ Dr. Arthur McAllister to.f George- crown. Frank Donnelly acted for town was a visitor with !Mr and Mrs D A S H W O O i-) E. Oestreicher. Cliff, Moir. • - r ,and Mrs. Murray Wolfe Of Mr and :4Irs Harold Kellerman spent the week -end in Toronto. Mr. Ferris Cantelon of Cookstown visited with Mr and Mrs Sam Ran - I pronto spent -the week -end with his the main street Sunday night last at Grand Bend the sound or the fire nae. 7.. Parents; 'Mr and :Mrs. W. Wolfe. Mr and Mrs. H. Spears :aid f roily Miss •Margaret and Gleta 'blcNau- Mr Mr and Mrs Geo. amboid of Kit- of Detroit are spending their vacat. with Mrs. L. Mcisaac. ghton of Tont,ntd. -visited their par - +chener spent a few days witk Mrs. -Mary Tieman. Mr. Otto Restemeyer spent the ents Mr and 14Ir.s,Lbrne:-Ailc\aughton Mrs. Sararas visited at7 the home Mr and Mrs. Henry Kleinstiver and week -end in London. The Ladies' Aid of the Lutheran of her daughter, Mr and Mrc, Harold Bonthron, aon of Chicago are spending a few days with his mother Mrs. N. Klein- church are having a sale of Ivome made baking on Satuvday afternoon -Mrs. Laird Mickle and Bill visited at Rondeauu Burk recently. .raver. Air. and Mrs. Garnet Wildfong and Aug. 5th on Mr. Milford tMerner's lawn. Mr -and Mrs. IT, W. Neeb :of Tav- Marian are spending a few, weekMiss h lidaying at the beach. Elfrieda Becker •of London, istock spent a few days with their daughter, .Mr and Mrs. Wm. Brown.' Mr and Mrs. A. E. Oestreiclaer and 'Mrs has returned from Southampton. and visited for a day with her mother, DORN -•-• In 'Toronto ort July 12 to Mr, Mrs J. Xr and Harold Kr:llerman atten- Mrs. Henry Becker, before leaving anri MCCIny (nee Ruth Bess) a daughter. •de's' tho funeral of the late Mrs. I•lr rn^ �n in I'a:.�;on, 1lich, on Mor -trip for two weeks holidays on a motor to Ri;:blin, :-Tali., with her sister Howard Love of Toronto is visit - Ing with his 'Mrs, day. day. :fir. and Mrs, Al -.in Kellerman at- I Mr and firs. Ervin Brandt and son Haivld of E{itchener. parent.4, Mr and Milton Lave. tandpri that wrddlnM of fa friend in �andsor on Saturday. `1'lalifax Mr, and Mrs, Fed Iloperoft of are ;spending two weeks; vac Had Picnic Some i2i00 metmlters of -lie InOT a) t*t'. %r,njnr*(:trioil with his parents, Mr .end .411.. I. l I 'lhn .'tttd r�tnher Rf.belCalt Lo(Ig(ts Of IiCri- wall sand their fami1le�s enjoyed o de= nil al :.. ,j L. . iT perofit, Ind 1?7'•'. 11.^i') 11'Ciilr.�.l'(7f�i. Oi d'1 "Ui: hffial picnic fit J-)wPtt', Grove at 'i'•ia,{ir y f'. 1-ith Mi. trod :all., A. u'1)oni' spolit the wook-ettd wltl l athtng,I)of^fit-I ins rid sporti. a a 1 youpnge:,t cd1I.,1+. ZURICH HERALD _�_____ '�� �, ��� Zoth, 1950 was Larry Elder 6 months. A pro- charge when Magis. Holmes oatled contract to elhWitate the section of, gn^esti of sports ,was staged, a 'softball the accid•eint "unavoidaable". at the -ilei river known at "The Rapids,'A game, Sports committee were: 'Wm. Police Ctourt, Exeter. Evidence show- Work of +cutting the artifical channel Brown, S. Rannie, Ed. Co,nbett, Har- ed Wilson's car skidded on loose eluuinating tdtme8 cunfes of the rive old Parker, Hensall; Tom Meyers, gravel on the lake road and fait a is scheduled for completi . early ia4 Milton Deltz, Zurich; 'Mrs. S. Rannie car driven by Don •Southeott. Besid- Southoott, Calvert 7Beckler. and September. In Police Court Mrs, Wm. Parke, Hensall. At a special meeting of the Hen- es Harold Lighfo.ot appeared' for the An aroused crowd from Dashwoo(ll sall Village Council Friday* night 21, crown. Frank Donnelly acted for attended police court at Exeter, last,. C. W, Leo:nhardt •of Mitchell receiv- Wilson. Tuesday to .hear ;Magistate Dudley, ed the appointment of -Chief of Bol- ice and ftblic Utility man for the Snack Shop Gutted Fire broke lout in a snack shop on Holmes convict a local man ion a urge of 'careless driving. He 'wag, Village at a ,;alary of $12,5 a month. the main street Sunday night last at Grand Bend the sound or the fire fined $10 and costs, but not before commence Aug. 1st, There were eight applications, seven out of and siren soon had the fire brigade, a- the.magistrate hadto to call for order. , The case :arose from an accident Ira town. Mr. Leonhardt held a similar long with many others at the scene. Dashwood on Sunday, June 25, when position in Mitchell for four years. The fire wasconfined to the interior, ' two 'ca'rs collided at the main inter- nter GRAND GRAND $ E N L) of the small frame building. section. Four persons were hospital - Collects $87. Port Franks Contract Let i7ed. as a result and two Witnesses ap•- Tag• Dari at Grand Bend fior the An addition to a $90,000 contract geared on the stand with injuries, 1,1; Canadian National Institute for the for dredging a channel across the witnesses testified at the trial. A Blind realized $87 Saturday last.The Aux Sables River at fort Franks Sltfpka than was convicted for speed - local Wonnens' Institute and the GO has been awarded Charles Grace of ing and ifined $5 and costs. Other. IT. were in charge of the drive. Sarnia, Contractor. The dredging of charges of careles driving were heard Was Acquitted some 100,000 yards will take the cut with two convictions The magas.. 'Clifford Wilson, Grand Bend, was an additional quarter mile beyond trate warned people to drive more, acquitted from a careless driving the northerly limit of the original I carefully and avoid -these accidents.,, This IS th0ft th"Iele to think about it! RIGHT NOW 1 • Coal costs you less during the summer; • You're sure of your supply for the winter; • Your coal is delivered dry. • You avoid the headache of a last minute rush: And you can afford to do it now! M A Nt[UHANH" VA up If you can repay in nine easy monthly instalmetits or less, without being too hard on your budget, the B of M will be glad to lend you the money. This also provides another good reason for stoddng up now ... You can get in all your coal in one single delivery if you desire. That means less, trouble and less dirt. _ Drop in at your local B of M branch as soon as convenient and talk it over. Make sure of your coal supply in good time. BANK OF MONTREAL (,a."da'd 7" $a." Zurich Branch: C. C. McEACHERN, Manager Hensall Branch: JOHN IRVIN, Manager Crediton Branch: CHARLES PARKINSON, Manager (Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) Dashwood (Sub -Agency): open Mon., Wed. est Fri. I- WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE :INCE 1ll17 Of{r