HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-07-20, Page 4ZURICH ONTARIO ZURICH HERALDTinurs$ay, July 20th-,.7195(8) a distance included Mr and 3Uw Geo Had Successful Sale their Koine in: Toronto after a visit %Y.Son Is INNOCENT" story f Ortwein, Great falls, 'Man.; Mr and A very successful ru-image sale with the former's. mother, Mrs. Devlin Read the dyed of story of a bob Mrs Gordon Carnoclian Mrs Myrtle was held in the Town Hall. Mfse C. Mrs A. W. Kerslake a11'd Joan, are unjustly accused o£ stealing and ex - Mrs and Mrs. Burger,Eloise, P, Rankin organized the affair splen- holiidaying at William's Lake, near peeled Srom School, a disgrace to an Lakeview idly for the benefit of the Pioneer Pontiac, Mich. excopt' This mother. Road haw heX- Mich; Albert Coleman, son .and dau- d' ' ghter, Mrs. Louise Coleman, London, Park Association Mrs. J. Reid 'of London, was a vis- grlm determination turned h. 1m, Into others present from Zurich, Varna, Suffered Fracture itor -at the home of her daughter, DIr a hero, as told in "Let Right BeV B'rucefield, Croniartyl, Stdita, Hensail Ilgrs. F, Hendrick and son of Bir- and Mrs. A. L. Case. Done" in The American Weekly with R N . and .Seaforth. Oldest person present, mingh-ain, Mich. -came to� spend a few Mrs. Ray Paterson of Toronto, is this ,Sundays' (July 23) issue of �the� George Coleman, Egmondville; days. Miss Fairbairn, who has been, holidaying with her husband, Mr, Detrodt Sunday Times. youngest child, Ruth Coleman, dau- in Clinton Public Hospital for several Ray Paterson who is with his parents, INCREASE HYDRO RATES ghter of Mr and Mrs Clarence Cole- weeks having fractured her shoulder Mr 'and Mrs R. J, Paterson. Toronto An upward revision or man, Cromarty. Officers for 1951 returned to her cottage. Mrs. P, A, Ferguson is spending rural Hydro rates averaging abouts were named as follows: President, Retiring to Bayfield ten days at Kinta:il instructing at the $1.14 per month increase far the DANCING NIGHTLY Mr. Elgin McKinley, Zurich; Vice Mr -and Mrs James A. Cameron Young People's Camp. majority of consumers was announc- pres,, Harold Coleanan,, Stafl:a; treas, are at their cottage on the Blue Mr and :lYlrs. Ivan Kipfer of Lu'can 'ed by the Commission. The increase Mr. Anson Coleman, seey.; Mrs, L. Water Highway. Mr. Cameron has were visitors wiith relatives in Hen- is expected to bring almost $2,000,-- Lawson; sports com., Sandy Doig, retired fr am the Toronto Public sill. 000 additional rervenue The tremenw n McKay � his Orchestra � � Bob Laing, Gordon Carnochan, An school staff-, having served as print- 'Mrs. Jas. Morris and family of God- dlous increase in cost of labor and Nell son McKinley. Lunch, Mrs. T. Laing, ipal for a nuinber of years, and is erich are holidayXng at the hone of materials, along with the necessity Mr.q, Milton Stewart, Mrs: McKinley building a permanent Home here. Mr and 'Mrs E. Chipchcme. of maintaining efficient service, The ':ports were eaferly contested Had Orange Service Mr and Mrs Glenn Bell were re- caused the deicision .to increase rates, �n under the 'leadership of Mrs. Elmer A service was .held for the Oran- cent visitors with the •forrmer's pax'- WEDDING AT GODERICH Cameron, Hai-old Coleman 'and Gor. gernen of Huron County ion the ev- en.ts, Mr and :Mrs R. D. Bell at their Goderich — Roberta Miriam, dau- rm�n don Johnston. ston. ?� ening of Sunday, July 2, in St. An- summer cottage at Grand Bend. ter of Mrs. Johnston and the late drew's United Church. Over 100 The 'McArthur family held their Robert Johnston, Godericb, became ~! members of the Order were in atten- family picnic at Spring-bank recently the bride of Harry Glenn- Hays, son, D R Y S D A L 1. dance, meeting in the Orange Hall with relatives attending ' horn Niag g g n g of the late Mr and Mrs. James Hays. Wedging Gif ts 0 f *1and marching to the church, where aga Fall, Owen Sound, Ingersol•I,Lon- of Seaforth in a quiet ceremony at 9 Mr and Mrs Alex. Aubin and sons they were addressed by 'Rev. Peter don, Blenheim, Exeter, Zurich and the home of the bride's mother. Tho Regis and Lloyd spent Basi .Sunday Renner, who took as his text, ',Ye Hemsall, all report a most enjoyable ceremony was performed by Rev.. 12 2nctiOn 9 at their daughter's Mrs. Louis Moil- should be witnesses unto me." time. Farrill of Woodstock assisted by ReV'- ®tague, Mr and Mrs Ernie C1iipcha e, ac- w J• Lildico, D.D., of Roehes�ter,Min,, • Mr.. Frank Corrieau, 'also. Mr. and H R N S A L L cornpanied by Mr and Mrs. Walter uncle of the bride. Alex. Clarke Play- Mrs. layMrs. John Aubin of Seafloxbli, visit- Chipchase of AyImer 'spent the we- ed the wedding music- Given m mar-• • FINE OIL PAINTINGS. LIMITED (?�UA�I�'��'Y � ed with friends and relatives in our —AT TUDORS— ek-end in Detroit' riage by her uncle, J. W. Joynt, of g Arrangements are being macre to Lu'ekno'w. The bride's sister, Mrs,. = burg. Ladies, don't miss the Summer g ' NTD �N I�IS�I.� The heavy rains . which tell over Dress Clearance Sale at Tudor's in hold the annual picnic of Carmel George Parsons, Goderich, was hexa Sunda r and Monday will retard hay +- Sunday School the last Wednesday Sunday Ilensa•13. Every Dregs in our stool, attendant while Howard Hays, o� ing operations. Also ,bean. and corn is marked dowel i2:5 IX.. Included are in the month, July 26th. r Windstar was best man. The bride: Creatatives and Makers of Fine Frames scuffling. Hampton Crepes, Shan Rays, Spun is a graduate of Alma College, St.. ?Mr. Leo Corriveau treated 1limself Mrs. MacLeod of Calgary visited g Tor- R. • Charms, Spun Shans and all of our with her brothers, Thos. and Wm. Thomas, and the University 'of Tor•- • with a new tractor and some. imple= ! � Onto, The groom, graduated at Os-� • Sun Dresses. They wont last long, Welsh and sister Mrs. Alf. Clark. n ments to go with at. so act ilovsTl goode Hail, is crown attorney fob > Miss Be'rnedeth Laporte spentthe Mrs. Howard Scane and family re- Huron County. Zurich, Ontario. �I elephone 133 r ��[ Alda Simmo s left this week Q week-end with friends at .. Brecia Mrs, n turned home after a •pleasant holiday 3 Hall, London. to spend some months. with her sis- with .relative's in Ridg0toi DELEGATE TO U. K. The summer school conducted by ter 'Mrs. Ila Wood, of Santa Barb- The Rev. J. W. Siabert, B.A., B.D,. the :Sisters Mother Doreen and Mother ara, California, Mrs. Hubert Bates orf Flim-Flon, pastor of Trinity Evangelical. Unite(I Preparin,g Libya for Iiidepend ence Eugene closed last Friday.. Mother Pupils of Miss Greta Lammfe will Man., mother of seven c7iEdren lost Brethren Church, Chesley, and presiw Eugene is a pariish girl, being Miss broadcast at the Kiddies Studio party her life in an attempt to save her dent of The Canadian Christian En- ' ` Albenia Bedard, daughter of the late on CKNX, Wingliam, Satumay, July little girl from drowning. Mrs. Bates deavor Union, will represent the Can- ' Joseph and Mrs. Bedard of - St. Jog- 22nd at ;111 :'15 a.m. A good program is a sister-in-law of 112rs. John Hen- ' ,lion Union at the 11th convention, v eph. The children all reported a has been lined up and a half hour of derson, Hensall, unci is survived b5 of the World's Christian Endeavor;, very good time during these two pleasure listening is assured to list-her husband and seven children un- Union in London, England, July 22 `'"�'• < ::; :' weeks. eners. der ten. years of age. 266h. He will also be one of the 441 t ti a Mr and Mrs. Lon Carrier of Pas- delegates of the International Society St. Joseph and Beaver Town sadenia, Calif„ visited over the week of C.E. whose headquarters are in SIGNS AGREEMENT I Columbus, Ohio. Following the con- end with the l.atter's aunt Mrs. Wm. Wiz*`s vention they will tour to Holland,,. Late Prank Geoffrey Pepper. The Ha T.wr. Council will accept , ? �•"`�•' ^� : ` Misses Carrie and Mary rPrittie of y 1 p Germany and France. .They -will go On Saturday, July 15th the re- neighbouring fire fi htin services to Oberammergau, to see the Passion mains o£ the •late (Frank) Francois Toronto, Mr and Mrs. Gordon Pluu1 g g fighting and family, Kerwood • 'Mr and Mrs. and signed agreements to pay for Play and will leave Paris for New Geoi-rey, of this parish, in his 83r(1 n any runs i to the to Council York August 10th. World :ease aide ear, were take to St. Peter's Ray Laminie, Bobby and Jean, Cen- n P g p y n tralia; Miss Amy Lammie London • 'Passed the resolution providing that evangelism will be among the sub- • €:.>s•:. '`�;. , Church, where a requiem High Mass here Sunday guests with lYlrs. Agnes l the Fire Insurance Companies pay jests to be discussed as youth from a was celebrated by- Father Wilaiam Elft per-cent o the costs. Contracts man countries consider the conven Bonrdeau assisted by Father A. J. Lanimie and Greta. The Misses y 1 f y ' n Prittie were school mates of Nina. were signed with Hensall,Zurich,E%- tion theme The Changeless Christ. Lucien of Zurich and father Mc Lalnmle. eter and Dashwood, at the last meet- for a Changing World." Dr. Daniek Donald. The S • ... W w ,: late Mr. Geoffrey f: ¢•:: �. nr ey wag Mr sand Mrs Nelson Pepper, Hain- ring, August 7th was declared a, Poling -of New York, president of the:- a native of this parish, being born in civic holiday by virtue of a motion Union will preside 'and give the key the parish, and passing his entire retch, spent Saturday with Mr and Mrs. Win. Pepper. by the council. note address. ; . •�;,`,.t.i.'• :�: � � ��. -> � life in this neighbourhood. ,.ha Mr. Lloyd Venner has disposed of deceased was of a pleasant personai- ::.<>:x• to Mr. George Thompson. .sx t;:atr....":: <..:^g^i;,:y}:•.:;,. 1.• .111.5 home g p its, always ta.�mg the ups and downs of life as they came, leaving aside Miss Wilma Kyle of the local �•,,t,�ele- • f ,,; '` 3• ,,, lone staff' is Vacationing' 'at Grand --�T.4�a;a+. xst,rvacvrz �--.,..:-e�r.,e-a,—> :rr.+rn-rw..• <rr",'.y., ,,`-..;.- •-.;� s and one wlio� was pleasant B a�fl worries - '}')� to bei contact with. Bend. n Mr. David Foss Toronto, was a , In 1897 he was married to Emily IP'apineau, also a native of the parish `Meek-end guest with Mr and Mrs. An Advisory Council has been established in accordance with a reso- w1ho predeceased hires thirty-five years Basil Edwards. lution of the United Nations General Assembly to aid and advise the ago, And from this union seven Mrs. George Hess is visiting with U.N. Commissioner for Libya, Adrian Pelt, in the formation of are children were born: (in lord'er) : Mrs. her 'daughter and son-in-law, Mr and ' independent government for the former Italian colony. Here, theJoseph Contin of St. Joseph (Louise) Mrs. J. L. McCloy, and granddaugh- United Nations Commissioner at a meeting in Tripoli confers with Mrs. J. DeHate of Detroit, (Joseph- ter, Toronto. 1 the Council's Secretary, Mr. Thomas rower of the United States. hie) ; Harvey of Chatham; Mrs. Paul Mr and Mrs. H. Brenkolt, Mr. and Primeau of Chicago (Hannah); Mx•.� Mrs. M. Ritze, Mrs. M. Kumiske, of Leonard Gook, (Irene) of Detroit; Kitchener were Sunday guests with Mrs. Ernie Houle (Stella) of Lon- Mr :and `Mrs. James Paterson.. i • operators of the _Merry-Go-Round don and Mrs. Jim Belleman.y, of Win- Successful m Exams THROUGH j� A S H W Q Q U dsor (Blanche. All of wlorn are left At thn r9rnnt Prams of the Royal and Dodgem cars, at four successive Conservatory of Music, Toronto, the STREET to mourn his loss also a sister Mrs. .Sundays. Magistrate D. E. Holmes following pupils of Mr. J. L. Nicol C. Ayotte Zurich. The pail bearers Mr and Mrs. Harold Kellerman quickly dismissed the :cases. "What were successful in passing their piano / €spent the week-end in Toronto. was it last year? 40? Can't being 'his grandsons and nephew,: � go any Jule Contin of PontiacMicti; Pant exams. alQ with honors. Elaine Bell, Mrs, P. Allen and Mrs. J. McAulay higher I guess, ; he said Each man sand Richard Geoffrey of D•etroit;Jo'Mary Ann Rannie, Bill Fink. Sunday h n of Pigeon, Mich. visited with Mr and was assessed $140 for each SundMrs. E. L. Mickle and three 'child- Mrs . D. Tiernan on Friday. Houle of Londonand Dominic and 'the business was open., Two Detroit ren are 'ho�lidaving at their summer . Mr. and _Mrs. Norman Evans of Gerard Geoffrey iof St. Joseph: The . amen were fined $10 and costs each ,, home at Rondeau Park. - remains were laid' in .St. Peters Muss Elrlanor Fisher of Winnipeg, Richmond Hill were week-end visit- i for causing disturbance at Grand p g, sora with Mr and Mrs. Henry Hoffman Cemetery. The family have the ONTARIO DEPARTMENT 0 f HIGHWAYS Bend. Man., visited with her aunt, Mrs. 'Tommy and Carol returned home ,Service CLh o, Qa.,. ed sympathy of their many relatives and Hannah Workman. with them after spending two week. rand Bend has organized a Lions Pends in their bereavement. Mr and Mrs Roy Cook returnea to GEO. H. DOUCETT, rwnww holidays hPI•e- , Club with forty charter members. Holiday Time ' "The Frolic sponsored by the Youn Sponsored by the Exeter Zurich and Well this being holiday time for 'Ladies' Bridge Club and Intermediat Parkhill Club$ 'Being organized • at Ma y of the city workers and .many . iYaseball club with Dashwood Ban he' Brenner meeting n n attendance, was a huge success. as a ctei"`e meeting are taking advantage of it, to visit erected by Bruce Malcolm, Tor- their parents :and other loved, chert. -he program program c^nsisted of a halt onto, Ontario Secretor of Lions Secretary So' they are too numerous X. to me11- c game by London Juvenile; v. Dash International, and Nelson Hili, Lion;, tion in person. Speaking on behalf wood Intermediates in which Dash- , m. Councillor, Goderich, The following of ,all I till sure that all parents ap- h . ,woog-agn8-7.,`twin, lie Baine oH'icors -were elected: President, Eric preciatc the affection shown their by " '1,h, ncing, Tango, and other gaines Mcllroy; vice-presidents, Griffin their children. isome coming from a were enjoyed with plenty of re£re.'h' Thoma,, Jack Manore, Art Pugh; far, and others from abrala'd, while secretary, Voents on the grounds, Mrs. Alvin I', ::::... c»: :•:.,.., 2 v.., :N .... NiM fit. 1'ed Wilson.• treasurer, still others are making other sacrr- �>` '. 4Wl,lelt of Exeter had file tuck ' tic- KeriYoung;.>� ':itch:, •3;::,:i, i;i;> :;# <% ' ;:>. ;,+:: 't':,; y Lion Tamer Wally De.;- flees to show the esteem flee , .. • .... .<ai>:3IR>4, arm,. :.;is:' • : • ;:; .. i pleat for the old wrist watch.leader,>;::'. ru:;:. ;• iN•,:.:,::N:..:,:::... iii::... g Jardine son ;'.. , . •.:.:, ....:::: ,. .•:� • . • , . gamen Breen; have or then parents.. And as we }.�:;>,:::::�:,;�,;:::: :. ...>, . .::.,t;:;: :;<�:::::>;:<:>::»}::;: :. �Ft .... • .,.:;::.,: On Tuesday n1 ht Exeter girls Dir f n :i•Fi " ::;;t. ?.:. . •. g g Directors, J. W. Holt, Pate Eisen- are livin • in a world at resent felled x.<..:'a:::v:;<��:'•y>'•'>.:: ........ ]Softball team will play a postponed bach Will Glenn , 1 and Caanpbell Chap with hatred, trod with a desire to �a � ..,.:.::........,., sµ;,,;;;;k,.>.. ; •' >>. 19anie in Daeliwood. Ilia The charter w' ..,�,a<�<:! >::;.,>.>,::.' �.��,' , .. •' '� s. , tel be presented o11P �vh;r has power o£ mind � • ,� �t��� early. in September, Two features and of force, could well take a broth- t GRAND PEND will be put on in August by the grey lesson from the orderly • anct a.- Club—a concert in the Casino by gain bring about peace and harinoiry" ' X �,,,•�'°°•"�"�"•,-�.,,,L~l,Pit'er.,,Sarti•t�etz�rrt•w->-»�•.••.��'^�Veil McKay, and ,draw- for a regis- =o that we may again enjoy the earth- •:,i>• .�,:.><•.:,•' ar . , reel Cocker Spaniel, All proceed., v happiness that Was ori iannaly in-- at '• r!<�'' "` "'}•'•�'•'t> " `' `- "' O«•nrr of ,f.ver<1i la1•,.,c propertirg;. 1 p 1, pp g (' ill t n mt .,land Bend hRvi� been elven until gc o eommunitd welfare. tended for us. . r, - ..-.�—,...-....,_...__,._..... .. _..-, .. n„} •+,aM:r`�,..'V:W,,.vid �.z./w„•'+^,q,t.�;+�'. >��,i♦�- ?''.F�. .>}*,..... •`.�.ir. Sa'?: ia) m) elrltll'wy;Ewar, into @ zereek va.�t of theI'llue Water High- STANLEY TOWNSHIP RAYT{D •w;,• Dr. R. N1, Alli,, Clinton, mPd- •Hoa!l t..M,:rK',!,r.�'..,.rr:., :k�: rY:%.4:•p :S•it..}; 4 .y?'a ? Ar:;•a`:y sfi` �� i ,,«,o•h 3� dir?, R., :� :, `' r a :> ;:,•. :; ! Sfi ofl;eor of health for tele Huron _ Mrs. J. i'rsher of Gravenhurst and Wr ,alar] Mrs. Jim Dewar of Ding'- Y N r *u'• ,a .�t'��� ��. �•�`. ,u, •r +:y b. ; � "G;rfno,' 11ea•tth T.Y.4 has ro-po •ted "t r° dauebter• Eleanor 0"F Wilini og, , , l , and atom visited with' formers parents 'r'"ci1( *b•?'�' �;.a ,•-(..rill, .(? Calth r++f 1 i•,. ,Mlr�s 1•Ial'gue.rito f"'iriiiere, Toronto, Mr and Alnz David Dowir,tr,,: +,�`�. tT��'"?'l•r t i:'•' ,;r,:.r "; �., r•'11ptyin:,r into +,>S yl., _<p .y,r, ly: •si;:i;£2'•,yS'; .>d"" .y...+r. ItiV91'e recent ylPii'.Ol;� in Starile„,y with �17'S, Walter Gr'iGr'SDa1 N71(1 tw+ C111t^ ' i1N I ,J', r r.tr r' i•'i1 :111thOritlPi r , i C y?' Tr aanrl i•r, Walter Mofrat, dren spelnt the past week with Mrs. � Ott �}i ; � � ' Y �:''� w •, ^- l •' .., r,� f ial• ,}, >. C: 1 I T x of v /•y,.. X'.^•. •, i 4 ; n .* t•.::•.'. h' y: Il-, Ruth eo t. rimfinld, Im; A. Edwards. T e, th" , .f). ; taken a pnsition with Canada Life, :4Tr mid Mrs Freie 1,rb and two chit i13. *1 , ctl' 11ad drurminea soma Mr, and Mrs, S. Neale and randy firm helve r(?turned to Royal Oak, xaR sr °? s i kY f fr' r,r?la+?On Intl If of Glenco were vacation 'Visitors Svi'ttt Iflell, after Fpendili;f>,' a1 -eex with i l,:rl rnt!fl s?Ir(.r I Erin'*til-' in flruco ielel, In Itl1Y,+er r I Brain aria tard, son Of 4M, anC tlUrs.uH, Thomas left after spend- Ali-, 9cs ti f2 I' I`�r r r esti., Ili:llv�norl Ali-,. Arrbrl Mwstard barl his ton,il, PAST FREIGHT ryfltCF!r Ur 'illi" three week, With. �Tlis Cc-oil .�'IG - . 3,r...?+.. : ry: >h,!r; f ;v y., rife er mr of ( removed in Clinton Hospital. "cod Who aceonlpa.nied ]ler to Toledo ? l i l Mm. J. McTntosh and ]David o(r elvers She eerie visit. Thr, most modern •frc4rht, ,yard in North America, the Comadian 1"Ieffle Rail�tay'r; nein K12,000,- Glc: i a. r •a • ri wgf,gt w ; ,. ,?r!rl ;;c!cv' , Tnrrrr,tn lire visiting, with flier tnatllrl Had Church Meeting 000 St. Ltac `'hump retarder" freight ter•minall at Alontroal, which will speed movement of. g � _*� d, throe t �;Tr; . C. Ilatwh, BrucrfiPld, T'he United Church w.imen T1(I(1 that bury seaport and railway r(:ntrr•, wag of. grails open ell July f by Can ada's Minister of Tran,s,l, n i'ac Hon. p;nr l 120 Had Successful Picnic )­Ir July meeting at the 'home* of Lional Ciovrier, X.G'., (right n; fii.,_t ), shown els lie hispJcl, the retarier ort •nl, for 0, c aid r:' N, R.. ^r',..<, r•{rr•s,;,t„Y : r!'' err: ? c.flr)i)?.;, lt' ') r•t ]00 :in(r',l a It. dolvn t a. '??:, T'nlre f' ,r' Grum.r (left), vicewirer, C.;.l',l , an,l J. 0. Atiir+lin (ce1•llrc 1, pre�ictant, err c.atevr „,,.here, City o.l' ::i,;..,i r.l, Thar o i t xl ( i. There wens err i i+, I;••r!+1 r fitr.•rl `' ;'rn .t+wit .?rtsrptli,rU . Menlo ,ulmer at til( ; r,llh»t a!ttelldance a d the meta. Main vit'w ShOW , "h ClavificSltion t„1 rd fll;m the croA UI the hump, ,de'pic tine,, cars in nloti011 down the 11111,14p.,T;:rr!i!'r t'riurt, °;hrr u•r.i't! this L ioies I'ark, Sr_aforth. Friend, fro-9, (ng, were very interesting, and showing the car rowalders in the foreground.