HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-07-06, Page 5_ _y'/M
Off- To Explore The,
Southern Ocean
most Office Department, Ottawa, BLE IALKS
_AutA'nri, PJP.J,.%_W I
Mrs, Louis Boshart of Senforth, family On her way to the southern seas,
of Seafortli visited at the visited at the home of her parents, home la Mr and Mrs. Mose Erb one X to carry out Ocean research into
Mr Mrs, Jacob Klpfer last week. day last week. on tl�e ta le ture
Mrs. Alex Mousseau is spending I
Bar. and Mrs. Victor Gingerich of ARE YOUR BEST'_B'�UTN
some time at the home of her daugh- W, terl c o spent the week -end at the
ter Mr 'and Mrs. Melvin Smith,
home of the former's parents,
Mr.rte, Oly Re -Cleaned Grain sed in Our Feeds
John WOrchard
Master Jackie Stephan of Hensall
is spending soiree time at the tome of line south and other relatives, AVAILABLE AT
and Mrs. Jacob Gingerich,
9� OPTOMETRIST his aunt, and uncle, Mr and Mrs. Miss Patricia Mittleholtz of Lon -
Clarence Farwell. . . . . . .
1- don enjoyed the week -end holiday of ir T
Main Street — Exeter
Mr and Mrs. Ed. Beatty and dau- the home of her. parents, Mr andMrs 1k_1 ki
Open Every Week Day ghter Jane of Waterloo, enjoyed the Ted Mittleholtz, riensall Dist. CO- perative 9
Except Wednesday week -end at the home of Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs. Clare Melick cif Dash -
Phone Jacob Haberer.
355J wood, and Mr and Mrs. A. Mello
Mrs. -Pilfred of London, town spent the week -end at Kit6hen-
Mr. and k of . . . . . . .
spent the holiday week -end -at the er and Port Colbourhe.
SICENSED AUCTIONEERS home of the latter's parents, Mr. 'Mr and Mrs. -Htob Kraft of Detroit the meal I's ready.1 WE'RE READY TO HELP Y
and Mrs. Ferd Haberer.
and Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Stade ol! Ou.
Mr and Mrs. Ted. Foster of Detroit town enjoyed a, four-day motor trip No meal is complete without plenty
ALVIN WALPER spent several days at the home of the -to North Bay and other interesting of delicious wholesome bread. And
tatter's -parents, Mr and Mrs. Louis parts of Northern Ontario. TASTY -NU tasts good and is good
Licen%ed Auctioneer Among, the successful students of hearty food for you. Every slice a
Mr and Mrs. Ross Johnston and the 1949-50 class at the Stratford slice of energy -
the Mr. Clarence Farwell had a pleasant Normal School was Miss 'Mary Hagan Buy an extra Loaf today—start
HURON AND LAMBTON time with relatives and friends at of Seaforth. Formerly of Zurich. now to serve more bread at evert
7or your Sale, large or small, Cour- Detroit over the week -end. Week -end -visitors at the home meal. Get your TASTY -NU Breac YOUR CAR represents a major investment.
teous and Efficient Service at all ,Mr and Mrs. Earl Thiel and chit -of Mr and Mrs. David Duebarme at the Tasty -Nu Bakery or at your It deserves the best of care—and that's what we're
Times! d,ren spent the week -end at the home were: Mr. and Mrs. E. Charrette and local Grocers. ready to give it. Whether it's a complete lubrication
Phone 57 r 2. DASHWOOD of Mr and Mrs, Morley Witmer in two daughters, and son Harold; Mrs. R-9 Job or just a battery check, we really try to give good,
I Detroit. Harold Charrette and infant son all Tasty -Na Bakery thorough Imperial service --the kind that will keep you
E. F. CORBETTMr and Mrs. Frank Kane of Mon- of Detroit. coming back.
treal spent the week -end with friends Mrs. Studer and son Harold and PHONE 100 — ZIJRIC14
in Zurich. Miss Donna Oesch retur- lady friend of Detroit, spent the We'd appreciate a chance to show you
LICENSED AUCTIONEER ning with them to Montreal to. spend week -end with relatives in town, what ive can do.
Irerm, Reasonable, Sat;sfaetion a few weeks holidays. The former remaining for the week, SENDING MONEY AWAY T ir
Guaranteed As we go tic press we learn of the while the latter returned home to This Way is Safe 11 ecf c r Fc rcle r MPERIAL
EXETER, R. R. I passing of Mrs. E. Clark of Blake, the city. and Simple Too ST. JOSEPH SERVICE STATION
who has been a resident of that place Mr -and Mrs. H. Baumann and son 19
Phone f--IXeh 92r7. If you are sending money away COR. No. 84 & 21 HIGHWAY5 1i S 0
for many years. Mrs. Allie Challis, (nee Schnell) for any purpose, you want to be DEALER
and Mrs. Nora Hoagland (nee quite sure that it will reach its de t
Mrs. Elgin McKinley, who under- st-
Schnell) -all of Detroit, visited at ination. Well, here's as safe a way of
VETERIlel ARIA.N went an appendix operation in Clin- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ferd H -ab- sending money as iyou can find, and
on osPitad, is improving nicely. Her erer and other friends over t -ire week- one -that's both simple and inexpen-
many friends wish her a speedy rec- end.sive. MONEY ON YOUR TRACTOR AND IMPLEMENT TIRE NEEDS. COM -
Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. ovary. Mr and Mrs. Ivan L. Kalbfleisch Drop into your local branch of the PPARE OUR PRICES AND ALLOWANCES ON YOUR OLD TIRES!
Visited In Zurich and daughter Miss Katherine Kalb- Bank of 'Montreal, and purchase a
VETERINARY SURGEON Rev. rather L. Marchand, a former fl,eisch; Mr and Mrs. Louis A. Prang B of M Money Order. Such money
Main Street, priest of the French Settlement, and -and Miss Elizabeth Truemner motor- orders are payable without charge
J)ftv with Residence, now of L&Sall called on his cousin ed to Whittemore, Mich., where they anywhere in Canadia (except in the
Opposite Drug Store 0 spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Yukon). Slip the money order into
t%=e__9 6 ZURICH Mrs. Earl Zimmer of town. Father A. J. Aulerich and family. Summer Footwear
Marchand recently returned from an Badly Injured Finger an envelope, mail it, -and you can
extended sight seeing trip to the Con- rest happily In the knowledge that Women - Canvass platforms, wedge heels in dif-
BUTCHERS tinent, and many will remember rea- When lyla;Ang baseball in Dash- you've assured the best protection rat ferent Colours. Leather Sandals, white
ding his -articles in these columns. wood with the Witchell Legion team really low cost. And you know, too
The Rev. has many interesting things recently, Alvin Weber, catcher, SUS- that the person at the other end Red, Navy and Black. Also a limited
Zurlejls� -"opular to tell his friends. tained a badly torn finger on his won't have to be bothered with any
r right hand which will lay him off exchange charge; he'll get th.1 full amount of white Buck Dress Shoes.
ID FOR SALE work for at least two iveeks. face value of the money order. Children.. - Fleet -foot in all lines and sizes. Also
MEATIMEAT MAiRIKET Mrs. Alex. Foster, Mr and Mrs. If you have to send money an Sandals in red, white and brown. See our
Two -row power lift corn cultivator Floyd Poster and children, Mrs. T. where more rapidly than by post Scampers for $1.75.
t.et Us supply you with the for W. C. Allis-Chalmers tra-c-tor. E. Dack all of London; Mr. and Mrs. have a word with Mae McEachern,
v Also 25 acres of clover hay when Jec Dickerson
ery Choice of Fresh and Cur- and daughter Gloria, the Manager -at the B of M branch in Boys Fleet foot, including the softball and
baled—Wallace Wein, Dashwotod. c of Detroit; Mrs. Lizzie Kiel of the Zurich. He'll make sure that your
ad Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, FOR -- QUICK SALE 14th Con,., and Mrs. A. C. Meidinger funds are rushed to their destrnation basketball shoe. See our Scam ers.
Etc., always on hand. Kept York Eog, ready for service. — of Hensall, were Sunday guests at by the B of Ms special telepraphic p
Men..- Woven vamp Oxfords, Platform straps,
the home of Mrs. Jacob Haidinger of and -cable system.
fresh in Electric Refrigeration Apply to Roy McBride, Phone 96 r
18, Zurich. Zurich. crepe straps. See our Scampers.
Highest Cash Prices for Held Shower Misses Marie Stirling and Xcrma
FOR SAL -E About 60neaghbours and other.,Sturgeon spent the holiday week -end Ladies, Please Note: we are now able to obtain
Wool, Hides and Skins Enamel Clare Jewell Cook -Stove, in friends gathered at the home of Mr. ,at their home in Bay -field. the new DESCO shoe which will arrive in August.
very good condition. Also a smaller. and Mrs. Arnold Werner in honor of I Mr. and Mrs.. Philip Bedard and We had hoped to get this Shoe last year, but as this is an
H. Ymigblut ez Sou cook stove with or without cal bur. their daughter, Marjorie, a recent the former's sister, Mrs. Gilbert Jeff- American shoe, international regulations prevented this shoe
----- ------ :_ ner.—Apply to Ervin Gingerich, Ph. bride. A mock wedding was the fea- ray of Windsor, were week -end vis- to arrive in Canada. But it's Coming this time.
PRODUCE 79 r 15, Zurich. ture of the evening. Mrs. Elroy Des- itors with relatives in this vicinity.
FOR SALE— jardine read an address; and the Mr. Rheinhold Kcch o� Sturgis, WATCH FOR DESCO.
guests of honor receivedjnanygifts, Mi -
Model A. Ford, Good Condition $150 h., and his mother, Mrs. A.' C. AM
after which a social hour was suent. Meidirrger, of Hensall, were holiday
1935 V-8 Ford .... $2.00 Returned from Hospital
Silverwood Bicycle ........................ $16 visitors in town. U e S %A; h Shoe Store
Mrs. J. W. Horner has returned to ' Mr. and Mrs. Lennis Callfas and
Battery Radio -Console, with wet the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. sons Gorden and Carl and Mrs. Carl
DAIRIES Battery ...... $6-00 G. Krueger, 114th Con., illy the West- of Kitchener, were :Sunday last vi,s-
Imperial Roof Putty Flux to repair lake Ambulance, after being a pat- itors with the former Mrs. Callfas'
or recover your Roof. ient in the Clinton Hospital with a father, Mr. A. Melick.
'VAmb Market for Cream, Eggs fractured hip. We are pleased' to Mr. and Mrs. Whalter'Jeffrey and tyl
and Poultry FOR SALE report that she is progressing nicely son -nd his wife were visitors with
bu-.;��A Beeat
Fymve Your Eggs Graded on One heavy duty low down rubber and is cheerful. Her many irtends the former's mother, Mrs. C. Ayotto : M
tired Wagon, Tubber almost new. wish her a speedy recovery. of town, who -also remained for a : You can't go wrong when you buy a well known
our —Marro Steckle, Phone Hensall Received Fine Report week's vacation in thee? parts.
AUTOMATIC 698-13. c MT. Bruce Eickineier has returned
home -after attending the Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz of town 0 Reliable Beatty Washing Machine
EGG GRADER PIGS FOR SALE accompanied •by Mr. and Mrs H. 0
University, as he has -finished his Haist of Fenwick 'Mich. are iioliday- We carry a full line of the Genuine Beatty Washers
50 Started Pigs for .immediate sale third year with; high marks in he ing on the
LeRoy O'Brien, Manager A. A. Oestrelcher, Dashwood. former's island in the
Dental College and before long will Parry the
District. at three popular prices:
Phone 101 Zurich FOR SALE be able to help out in dental work
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. $119.50
New Cabin painted, priced for as he received all his subjects and is McEach�rn 149.50 159.50
quick sale. Apply to Charley S. happy to be -able to help his father motored to,.Tvlount Forest on Wednes-
Zurich Creamery Bedard, Phone 98 r 15. with hispainting for the summer. day last, where they attended a fam- ily reunion of 'Mrs. MeEachern's O Also the New Beatty Electric Ranges.
Plenty of Rain relatives.
SEED FOR SALE While in some sections in the not a Come in and see them - they'll speak for thernseTves
?our Home Market for Cream 0
A quantity of homegrown millett too far distance people find ill -very Receives Award 0
dry, while we Ivre have rain to spare, Promotional results of the Exeter 0 Always a good supply of Shelf and Heavy
Eggs and Poultry seed for sale.—C. 0. Smith, Phone High School are announced Hard -
87 r 13. as on Sunday afternoon, another District
— real soaker visited these parts with by Principal H. L. Sturgis. Pupils 0 ware on hand.
Hihest Cash Prices paid plus 0
much more rain than was needed. are now enjoying their summer boli -
FOR SALE Inthe main business section of town days. 'Among the highest awards we Scarfe's Endurable Paints, Enamels and Varnishes.
a premium for delivered cream A buckrake, to fit a Farmall H.
Tractor, or can be made to fit any owing to a blocked drain, consider- notice the name of John Haberer of
We are equipped to give effi- tractor.—Wes McBride, R.R. 1, Var- able flooding was experienced. Our Zurich who received the Lions Club Almatex Plastic Paints, Kem-Glo, Etc.
na, Phone Hensall 687 r 211. gardens and fields were really dren- Award for Grade 11-2. We join the
ched again, but the moisture will de- many friends of "Jack" as we 'know Our Aim—To Serve and Satisfyt
cient accurate service. E , — l 11 P111 4.11 'h- M r _U - : V 4.0
and Poultry department in
ch4rge of Mr. T. Meyers.
Chas. Minshall, Proprietor
Western Farmers" Mutual
Weather Insurance Co.
ALMount of Insurance at Risk on
December 81st, 1946
Total Cash in Bank and Bonds.
Ranee on Application
0 E N T
Also Dealer in Lightning Rods
6nd all kinds of Fire Insurance
Choice fresh strawberries for sale
Orders taken. Call . 184 Zurich,
Gerald Gingerich.
Pure bred Foxhound pups, iblack
and tan and black and white.
Phone 25 r .5. -Crediton.
Sunbeam Automatic Toaster $16.
Sunbeam Shavemaster $15. Apply
at Herald Office.
300 year-old Leghorn Hens, now
laying. Priced at $1.00 each
Earl Gingerich.
Dead Stock
$2.75 Each, Prompt Service for
Lifting.—Jack Williams. Call Phone
214 r 4, Crediton Central. .-CI-5-150
Arrangements can be made
Bill Watson
Dashwood — Phone 3509
ve op a won cru grow owing or v year.
irre given a lively- once-.4over every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon
at 6-45 in the CBC's Olihawa studios, when the Western Five (above)
entertain Trans-Sanada network listeners for a quarter-hour, Ten
years ago the group went On the air with the theory that most people
like to hear peppy music around the dinner hour—and they've been
broadeae-tin-, their western appetizers ever since. Ill the group are
from left, 6.nnniie Howard, arranger, conductor and clarinettist;
Marcel Lafortune, bass fiddler; G. Appleby, trumpet and mellophone;
Ortil 15clicer, vocaliet; Aliody llill, guitar and Gone Cloutier, violin -
i -t.
Main St. Hardware Store
Phone 213
In What are YOU Trusting?
For 'Your Salvation?
OR IS IT IN CHRIST WHO SAID: "I am the way, the truth
and the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by Me.
John 14: 6
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved".
Acts 16. 31.
TUNE IN—Hear CHAS, E. FULLER, Box 123, ]Los Angeles,
STATION CHUM -1050, Toronto, Sundays 9. to 10. A.M.
WCAR, 1130, Pontiac, Mich., Sundays at 12 to 1.00 p.m. I