HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-07-06, Page 41 Mr and Mrs Wan. Cools, London, ladies. The�schwilroom was a bower was served. Guests -were present.,London, visited over the .week -end of beauty with baskets of peonies• from London, Cromartly, ,and. Zurich,, with Mrs. Catherine Devlin, land carnations. . The affair was much enjoyed. Mrs. George Hess, has returned home after visiting with her daught- Farewell Presentation l The -- ----- schoolroom of the United er and son-in-law Mr and Mrs, Laurie church l,avely with a :floral backgro-- BAYFIELD Ille-Cloy, Toronto. ` und of baskets of peonies, roses, and Mrs. C. Hedden and Herb,0. Had Reunion, spent carnations was thel scene of a deIig- the holiday and week -end in Drei- fitful affair Tuesday eve,, June 27, The Penhale, Snowden and West- . Take families held their annual reun- * den, with Mr and Mrs Harold Hedden when the congregations of HensalI Bobby and Jimmy. ion at Jowett's 'Grove- on Saturday,. and Chiselhurst gathered for a fare- 142r and 1YIrs. George Walker, Mr. well presentation t.:r Rev. and MTs June 24. After dinnerwas served the eldetion of officers was held `; and Mrs G. Gould, and Diana, spent It, ABrook, who have lett for Blue- the week -end in President, Robert Sowerbv; vice Har 4 <,.• 4 . °` ,:, .}a .>. " cronto, vale, wheiee Mr. Brook recently ac- The Evening A.Zxiliary iof the Un- cepted a call to be Minister of the old 'Penhaile; secy., Mrs. F. A. West- lake; 'Mrs. John Keys assistant 'z;; ';` '€'?':? ited Church enjoyr,i a picnic at Sea- ( United Church there. Mr. Geo. Fol forth Lions Park sec;, r P'omt con. Mr and Mrs Howard Me - i>ka:?2='".v': ... ;.'.:><":.:.;; 1 >:" >�•; ��:.• i,;,,<:. "'�':'> '•„"<!;' .:.',::".`,� NVdnesdaY aztex-lick ably' filled the p sition of chair- noon 28th. There was a large at- Cttllough and Mr .and Mrs Melvin mn and a? veil5 enjoyable program of me:hers, mothers and Bennett, Thos. Penhale. Prizes weetendance was given consisting of vocal soloslby children, A pion°c .,upper was served S., G, :Itannie, Benson Stoneman, al -(Ann wo.-n. For coming the farthest, Mary Thomas of Chatham; the oldest, • < ;. which left nothing to :be desired. so other intemesting numbers Mr and Followed with sports in charge of I lady ,present, Mrs. Thos. Snowden( MART KENNEY Mrs. Br;-ok wore called to the pItit- l the eldest gent. present, Mr'Xr. Thos. Miss Winnifred Gray, and (hiss r_very form and •were presented with very Snowden, the youingast girl, Slxirley AND HIS WESTERN GENTLEMEN Ann May and lit trained horses, attractive gift, including a well filled . Keys; the groungest ,boy, Douglas .Me Buckshott the' Catlk, trained dog- and purse of money An address was read ' Cuuough. The lucky Wd11 be at the Lakeview Casino, at ticket, Elaine, company of dancers, presented a by J, F. Blackwell. Mr. T3rook ex-' Grainger. Grand Bend, O.ne Night Only,, Wed-A nesday, July very fine concert at the Comvmunity pre: ,a,.; ; rateful thanks enol stated rena Thursday evening 29th to a best his 12th. This is one of Canada's Most. Outstanding Bands. large ;and appreciative crown. A that the years of life were the twelve years he spent in Hensall Payment for social security meas. . ures such as baby, bonuses unemplo•- splendid variety show of musical numbers, animals tricks, was enjoyed and how much he had en,; oyed the,vinen insurance, etc., are expected to, fellowship there. Refreshments werecost Caned t b sale will ;be -held during the summer by evexlyione, Proceeds were rati- a . axpayers a out xalf az also a tag day for the Blind. (Mrs. W. g served• i billion dollars in the present fisat H. Love introduced the speaker for Eying. Hooper-5m•ale year. This sum will exceed by $22,a Had Reunion the day,. Miss McGowan, representat- The 2F,tlx annual reunion of the A wedding t;.-ok place in Empress 000,000 the total of atl Dominion; ai ive of the Childrex's Aid at Goderien” Avenue United Church, London on,govexnment expenditures for. the tis- � � It was v Bell Family was held at the home of in Gif exly interesting' to hear of Axth?ir Elliott, lhedford July 1st, Saturday, when Rev. A. D.. Boa, un- cal year ended' in March 19;1,., W e dd her work with the boys and girls rn- ole of the bride, united :n1 marriage With at'o�at "r0 'being present. There Pearl Ste der her care. Mrs. Garnet Patterson Phan, eldest daughter of. I HuronOld Boys � was a good line of sports run off. ® thanked the speaker. Mr and. Mrs. George SmaIe, Hensall, . TE -;as cldeided to hold the 19'1 plc Thi ' Attended Picnic and William C. ldoper, Exerer. The Huron County Old Boys' As e: ® io The Hurona Male CT -oil• held their of at Lions Park, Seafoxtix on the 30lbride wore a streetlengith dress of sociation of Toronto held' its annual; of Jx:ar, annual supper picnic at the home of white figured Nlylotn sheer, with white I picnic at High Park, June 16th. A $ Union Services large attendance was re r� Mr and Mrs Emery Desjawdine, on A accessories and corsage of red roses. g present and all; Tuesday,June (2 Union rvices will be observed Mrs. Fred Peters of Hensall wasmat.. enjoyed this get - ogether of old fri-. r. A out �0 memb- during Jul; and August. During July FINE �II� ��lT�r��s�. LIMITEDQUANTITYers of the choir and friends sat down Rev. P. A. ?Ferguson, of Carmel Pres won of honor, wearing a dress of ends. After supper, Elie various mem« to supper. After supper . games v;ere white figured jersey with white asses- hers participate(d1 in numerous games,, 93 g ' byterian r'r roti will occupy the pul- I 3 Races were run b � enjoyed by all. - sones and corsage of red roses. Fred y tyoung and old. NOW ON DISPLAY ® pit in the -,:sited Church and duringand cash g, To Prosecute Operators August Rev. W. J. Rogers, -minister Peters of Hensall attended the froom prizes awarded. The prize. Crown Attorney H. Glenn Hays of the United Church will be the `� reception was held at Knotty fine for the oldest member present were Creatatives and Makers of Fine Frames will apply* to the Attorney-GeneraI's Inn, London. Wr and Mrs- Hooper to Mr. E. J. B. Dunoan and to the• speak in Carmel Church. left for a wedding tri , northern youngest member, department for permissi^n to pro -e- g p � ou b • Alan rMeKenzie, 41• ® s L �� Y cute Sunday resort operators under Had Accident Ontario the bride travelling in a 1 mon!th5: The success of the picnic was: ® the Lord's Day Alliance Act, He has An accident occurred Friday aft- wing blue tricotine suit, with white I due to the capable management of ` been advised, he said, by the Attor- ernioon 3,Oth two miles east of Hen- accessories. Mr .and Mrs Hooperwill IMr. Kenneth Stanbury and the me - Zurich, Diller-®. telephone 133 g ney-General that the rolicv with re- sail, Wilbert Dilling, east of Hensall, residef in Exeter. (nzbers of his committee. spect to the Act will be ,the same as accompanied by his daughter Bernice 17r. Wm. swam and son of Lansing last pp travelling south on .the Twp, road, HYMENEAL year. Application will ne made Mrs Leona Petty, Detroit, travelling ��xe 'were recent visitors with the eo. Pfaff=Reeder Wed erafor the consent of the Attorney -Gen- -vest crashed broadside into the Dill- formers parents, Mr and Mrs. Geo: A ret wedding took lace at con s prosecute operators of ing ,car at the intersection. Mrs. Petty � Grp James St. Uhited Church Exeter un- ��cral�rS 1,32 �. , S Fight %Ei f �I' �nae�l concessions on Sunday in the summe+ was taken to (office of Dr. Goddard I Db'etors 3vtexvin and' Norma Hop- iting Dorothy Grace, daughter of Mi -- season. ' kins of Kingston, spent a few days who took her to 'Clinton hospital for , and Mrs. Elmer Reeder to Harvey_ x-rays, which revealeid a sprained an- visiting . the ICoo s Barents, i1VIr. Clayton Pfaff, son of Mr and Mrs. > STANLEY TOWNSHIP kl Y ' P land Mrs. N. E. Cook. y ' ✓� x \� e� damage to cars slight. Accident henry Pfaff, all' of Exeter: Rev. H. s ;.. Jarrott Bros. of Iii en have ur- Hensall Defeats Lucan PP p was investigated by Police Constable J. Snell officiated, the music was. chased from Cliff Watson the portion Elmer Zimmerman Exeter. Hensall DefF)ated Lucas 14-3 in a ' Ladies. Softball game played in played by Mr. Lawrence Wein axr8 ' of land joining their farm on Stat Miss Maxina Reeder sang. The bride Induction services Lucan. Eileen Kellyon the mound ion street was attended by her sister 'Myrtle . `..'�'i- ,:C;#:?i ;;Y::? •�.:.. i, Over 200 attended the induction for the winners allowed onlynine •� Mr. and. Mrs Geo Ciin;_n of Kip en have returned from a tK�r weeks' service held in µhe United Church, , hits Betty J. Moir spanked the Hen- I Reeder. trip to Winnipeg. ur evening, June 29 for ihe'sall attack with three hits in four in The groom was supported 1,;y Thursday y is brother, Wallace Pfaff.• Follow - A. :w5Rev. W. J. Rogers, formed of tri to the late. Miss Margaret Pletch and Mrs. g • Y trips p g the ceremony a reception wag, held at Club Monetta. IJ Y • ••• • •� ' �� �' Y < ' ; Percy Collin, of Walkerton were re- Blyth' Mr. Rogers vriIl minister to Bride -Elect Honoured asci t$e eou�- ` �..1, 7,;.,•„t�a#•.':�'•,'•.:`•'s'.€>ii:; � , red Hensall and Chi a left on a short seIhur t pl rt Bone m ^:w•' •�,;.�.;;:..,.;: '• cent visitors with •l1r and iVIrs. Har- s charges. Revl .Mrs. LVtilbon Laver Y ooh tta <�:: >i••: ,� �"�; :..�,� : Y was hostess at Ottawa. : ,.. ; a •:...' Ve D. A. MadMillan of Northside. United her -home for a Y Damm, Kippen. Hess—Hanna •; ;;Y. „�., ;� , .. presentation for Mrs. ._ Dr. James T. Jarrott and son of Church, Seaforth, was in charge of PeaxI Stephan bride -elect of the the service reaachiar the sernvon. week A wedding of initerest toots place,.. =` Neto York are visiting at the home p g 55 xelatxves net Int P '`•'�`�">>^;;'r::;<.:;:`:'°?;'�':: • t"'� '�;•�,:,�: ` `' ^ry ' , ours 'an r Rev. H. J. Mahonery of Main .5t. Un- friends g d at St. Lukes Anglican Church, Fort; z bf Mrs. Catherine Jarrott. gathered fior a most delight- William, where Joan Muriel' Hanna,,. ""`' Had 'Successful Festival ited' Church, Exeter, addressed the fuI evening. Bingo was the ',::::::h::>::•.::;;.: ; g e highlight daughter A very successful straw�be and Minister. Miss Greta Lammie was at with manly, ,prizes won. In er of 'Mr and' M`rs R. J. Hanna: "' •? < >.?:: _ <. ? my the course Hanulton -became the bride of Winn. ham festival was lxeld at St, Andrews the church organ and the choir under of the evening Mrs, 'Stephan was pre- Fr '` direction of S. G. Rennie. Mr. Rog- senteld with many beautiful and cos- eKlerxck Hess Fort William ton United Church Ki Apes, June 2.2hxd. g- of Mr sand Mrs. Fred E. Hess, Loner.. The afftir was well ers is a graduate of Emmanuel Coll- tly .gifts, including an electric tea patronized and ege of 1,943 and was appointed keEtIe,'eleetric coffee ercoIator, lam don. Attending the birdie was Mrs.. the door receipts were $1.97.69. The chairman iof Huron Presbyter for.ke other useful P p B. A. Booth, Fort - William, while Mr - strawberries and hams were donated. the corrin gifts. The address Booth was best man. Following A concert was held with professional g year. A reception. was' read by Miss Gladys Luker, and Aiming at the improvement of the situation of women all over the held in thA schoolroom to meet Mr the resdnrtation made :by Mrs. Walk- honeymoon trip through the mid - Aiming from S Zurich and .Zurich in- P central States, the bride and groonrn world, the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women has � and Mrs Rogers, and their little dao er Carlile and Mrs. Wnn. Parke. A eluding the Zurich quartette; read- will reside in Fort William. Mr made a series of recommendations ranging from measures to eliimi- in.gs by Mrs. Newell Geiger, Zurich, gh•ter Carol Ann, Delicious refresh- humorrous reading Iby Mrs. R. H. Mid. nate sex discrimination in the political field to the adoption of the ments weiwe served.by the Chiselhurst dleton -vas much enjoyed. Luncheon Hess is .a graduate .of the University principle of equal pay for equal work for men and women workers. and Walker Hart, e e d slol ,and Rev ( of Westdrn Ontario. Here, planning a day's work are three leading members of the Com- A. E. Hinton rendered goIos. mission: Mme. Marie -Helene Lefaueheux of Prance, Mrs. Isabel Mallach — Keys McKorckindale of Australia and Isabel de Urdaneta of 'Venezuela. The wedding was solemnized . at -"-- Varna United Church, when in a dou- ble-ring ou ble-ring ceremony, Rev. Reba Hern, - united in marriage Mary Minerva all Maude Keys, R.N., Wder daughter of i `/ - ����.� „� Mr and Mrs Sherlock Keys, Varna, D A� S 1-! (] Q j� Mr and Mrs C. Hempel of Kitch- and Chester Ridgeway .Mallach, B.Sc ener are spending a flew days with son of Mrs. Chester Mallach, of Els-of Decoration Day will tH relatives here. tree Herts, England and the Tate Mr be held on �e ,a =;.4. • '! .G' �• �\ Uunday afternoon, July 9th at 3 p, Mr and Mrs. Harold Kellerman Mallach. Given in marriage b;3n her an. on the Evangelical Cemetery on were holiday visitors in Toronto. father, the :bride was charming rn Gr v the Goshen Line, Dr. H. A. Keller- IVIr and, Mrs Donald Restemeyer ofwhxtd slipper satin gown and a veil�l Inan of Kitchener will be the guest London spent the holidays here. with beaded cornet. She carried a I ` ° Ih l t speaker and Dashwood Band and Mr and Mrs Milfred Mcisaac and white ,Bible and white gardenias, church .choir will be in attendance. sons of Detroit spent the week -end Miss Jean Keys, as her sister's only A cordial invitation is (extended to all with his mother Mrs. Lucinda Mc- attendant, wore a floor-Iengta gown Mr and bars Robt. Hoperoft and Isaac. of aqua net and ,brocade. Douglas ion Bobbie of Port Colborne spent Mr and Mrs. T. Smythe of London Nicherson was best man and the. us - last week -end with his parents, 14Ir. visited with Mr and Mrs. Chas; Stein hers were Geo, and Don Keys, broth - Mr. >. ::1•: and Mrs. Thos. Hoperoft, hagen. era (of the ,brid.e .Miss Rachel John- ,•• , � ,., :, • ., +' 3( Stonthe bridal music and Mrs ed la .;: :vIr and Mrs. Keith Wildfong of Mr and Mrs. Lorne •Genttner and P Y ' -London spent the week -end with Mr family and Mr. Fred Genttner are E. A. Keys. was soloist. A wedding — '..;:•;^`:! {' visiting relatives in Michigan. luncheon was served by the Wom- y> Co CO, and .Mrs. G. Wiidfong. g g' r r Mr and Mrs. S. P. Currie and fan- Mr. Aaron Resterneyer who has ens Association of Varna United Illy spent the week -end with her par- been on the sick list is improving. Church. Fallowing a .trip to Y Blas of Stratford' North - tents in 14leaford. - \ Miss Betty Douglas ern 'Ontario, Mr sand Mrs. Mallach will reside at Baden. , ',`” \ Mr and Mrs. Norman Evans and spent the holidays with 'Mrs. Ness and Paul. :family of Richmond Hill spent the _ ^>: holiday week -end with her parents, HENSALL >' ; 1blr and Mcos. Henry Hoffman., Tommy GRAND BEND and Carol staying to spend their boli- —AT TUDORS_ •4:•�• ®�'"< days. See the selection of Summer Dres- Entertained Baby Band ses at Tudlor's in Hensall. All reas- The Lutheran Ladies' Aid with The WivIS. members entertained onabl P P from ns, a d puns. � (^ their husbands held a ionic ,on the the babies and mothers of Grand �Cre es Shins., Cottons, and Spuns. ,church lawn on Tuesday evening. Bend and Greenway United Churches Also Bdue Sanforized Denim Jeans) Miss 'Marie Kraft is a patient in at Grand Bend for the June meeting at $2.95, St, Joseph's Hospital, London. which opened :by children singing, Dr and ,Mrs: J. G. Goddard, Beth Mr and Mrs Ward Kraft of London Mrs. Allan Miller, Baby) Band super. and Peggy, spent -the week -end holiday with re- intendent, was in charge of the meet- weeks cationt Saturday for a three latives Dere. 141r. Albert Miller who has been in seg, Mrs. Raymond . Musical numbers were ive Rev' P. A. Ferguson, occupied the g pulpit in the United Church, •Sunday London Hospital, for several weeks en Eby children, ribs, Max Turnbull morning July 2nd, and delivered a -was l7rought home on Tuesday by gave a reading and Mrs. Emery Des- very inspiring message, The choir ambulance and will be cflniined to `ardine „ave a Flannel graph on :Zac- rendered' an anthem "Seek ]xis bed for some time. esus. There were two %pair of twins Lord." ye the ° " ' ' , . Rev, and Mrs H. GrAz spent a present, dew days in Flint, Mich., last week. Rev. W, J. Rogers, Mrs. Ragers s - Donate $50 to Fund and Carol Ann, are on vacation for 'e6t + • r a. Mr and Mrs. Melton Walper of The Grand Bend W. 2, held the the month of July. Ingersoll spent the ]v lidays with June meeting in the town ,hall. The Mrs. W, G, Reid of Port -;owes, Be Patient « L r i Cloverdale institute from the Park who has been the guest of Mrs, "tier- c }irs. Va,wie and ion Der.xrin of lit- hill district were guests for t14e day tha Bell, returned home on Sunday, « chr•ner are visiting with Mrs, Mary and were weIcorned. $50 was voted Mrs. Orville Twitchell, and Mer- °I'iA'nan and other relatives. to the flood relief at Winnipeg, The nie left Sunday for fort Colbourno, M • • c :�,x ,and 17r�. Archie Bender of short course chosen for this year was where Ith.ey wilt visit yrltll Mr and'VlrS ' :want the -toe!!-end here!. " frozen foaods," A .bazaar and bake Allan Davidson.