HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-07-06, Page 1T CH..H. ERAL ZU,IRI Irl~1i``'�� ��) � � �„� '•'„ .. CHESTER L SMITH, PUBU3MWJE.. YY;glis!shecl l �}�i ZURIcH, ONTARIO, DAY MORNMG, JULY ;;6 1950 $1.75 az Year in Advance. *2.00 in U. S. A., in Advo. ST. PEMWS ®Angelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTARIO REV. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR 19 a.m.—Divine Services. 11.15 a.m. —Sunday School. 7.30 p=m.--,Divine Worship. Everybody Welcome to aall Services. EACMANUEL EVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH Zurich -- Ontario REV. H. E. ROPPEL Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch - Orgainist Sunday Services.- 10:00 ervices.1n0:00 a.m.-•-Divine WorAip. 11.00 a.m. ,bi!ble School. 7:9.0 [p.m.—D=ivine WaTship. Welcome at all Sereicee-- aCome thou with us and we will do thee mood." Num.. 10:29_ Mdon Theatre GRAND BEND Presents for Your. Enjoyment. the. Following Attractions Wednesday, Thursday July 5-6 Robert Ryan Audrey Totter George Tobias Alan .Baxter "THE SET-UP” Thrill to the Story of a Fighter who Lost his most Important Battle. Mickey Mouse Cartoon,. "Love That Beauty", and "Cactus Cut-up" Friday, Saturday July 7-8 "'RED HOT AND BLUE" Betty Hutton Victor Mature William •Demarets. Bouncing Betty Hutton as an Innocent Gal who's Guiltly of Everything "Seaweed Sience,", ",Sporting Suw- anee" and (Cartoon. ".Barking Dogs Don't Fieht" .Sunday Midnight, Monday, Tuesday July 10-11 "MY FRIEND IRMA" Dianna Lynn John Lund Don DeFore Marie Wilson That Dizzy, Delightful, Dame of the Airwaves, Cuts Her Crazy Gapers on the Screen. Paramount Newsreel CARDS OF THANKS Are YOU SuffeAng ,From I Thanking all those of S. S. No. 6 Hay, who so kindly assisted in my Headaches? recent presentation at the annual picnic. Also for the gifts and ad - 1U so, Have your Eyw nmwLtied with dress, and their many kindness. e Latest Methode stud{ Zodpnent e. Mrs. Veronica De -bus. A. L COLE, KO. I wish to greatly thank my friends and relatives who so kindlly rememb- OPTOMETIRiIST & QffTW.Lered,me with cards, flowers, treats an:d visits during any recent illness. Ernie Rader. `rGood Glasser! at ReaAaMAND ParlOW 0.0/10 �ffrim gmn era.Z CVV 02ne +Re Z1,7wml Dlrector --• PrLvate C( -t,7,- babiticalwe Member . of Ontario Funeral Association Holder Of ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFICATE Portable OXYGEN Egifipme>nt HOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT --INVALID •:CHAIR TO LOAN FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES WE WIRE ANYWHE'R'E 24 Hour Service Dashwood Tel. 70W. L)S 6uperior More MEN'S WEAR 'LADIES' LINGERIE INFANTS BOYS+' GIRLS! CLOTHING FRESH GROCERIES R UIVE 'VEGETABLVQ CURED MEATS IF REQLI TED, NVE DELIVER GIVE US A. CAL FOR SERVICE! piwm 140 .. T H[IEL - Zurich –COMING EVENTS- -- O R M A' S I RAG DUGS and CARPETS, BEAUTY SHOPPE r. FOR APPOINTMENTS ENJOY A f; � ��- � Tel. 1223. Zurleh Will be absent from duty from On a New Modern Loom Made to ' PLEASANT EVENING. . � — - Thursday,June 29 till Friday, July Order — Seth O. Amann, Zuriek at St. Joseph Parish Hall --- - ; = _ 7th. NORMA STEINBACH - Pr.p. Ont. Phone 128. SAT. JULY 8th. Returned From Trip etesy. Besides his parents sumvtving DANCE — PRIZES Mr and Mrs. Jacob Haberer and ;ion Jack of Zurich; Mr. and Mrs. are: three 'brothers and five sisters. Rev Ralph J. Bos will officiate. St. Joseph Ball Club Allan Husthon of Forest have re- turn from their lovely trip to the Western States and Provinces, in- Prompt Warner, �alt"lt9.esway, Electric ells til Brooders. ®� m Decorationervic a eluding the City of Winnipeg, where they attended a bee keepers' conven-Opt tion. The motor trip of 120.0 miles In ��� e Ilan the Secy authorized to was partly made by 'boat. The Fountains, Heaters, Broder Wafers, Broader request the transfer of the balance change of scenery was very interest - Dashwood Cemetery I ing and educational. YOUR BROKEN LENSES coax,oblue Isiah Witmer, four sons, Morley of Were At Cottage Were that the Capital Accounts.,be paid as Detroit; Gordon of Clare, �2ich; Evangelical United Brethren Church firs. Brown being the hos- report for the month of May, Cadet Perkins (Ada) of Detroit; Mrs Tloyd Commencement, and th''' London; ISt. tess to Mr and Mrs. Roy Oliver of CAN BE DUPLICATED YOUR BLUE COAL. SUNDAY, JULY 9th. Marys, and her mother, :VIrz. the'month. The third set of examin- mother, Mrs. 1Vlargaret Gallman of ations had set some students free un, Elkton, Mich. Two brothers, Henry At 3 p.m. }Mrs. Charles Weber and sisters, Mr. and Hugh Thiel and sorts; lir, and ANY SHAPE, ANY COLOR DEALER °PERS. Give These a Try, Mrs. Clarence Daters and daughter, WANTS YOU TO KNOW DR. H. A. KELLERMAN, Kitchener; Marion, and brother, Mr. Morris FROM THE SM SMALLEST PIECE be purchased, and that Franris funeral service will be at Guest Speaker. Weber, owner of the cottage in which a most lovely time was spent Phone 11-97 Blue Coal is the Cheapest Fuel on the Market to -day, why pay more for E. Schwart�ei>�trtAber,ro� over the week -end at Schade View, SHELL FRAMES ALL SIZES AND inferior Fuels. Dashwood Band and Choir in Atten-'.Lake Huron. +r dance. Had Beautiful Trip Mrs. Anne Turkheim returned home after enjoying about four weeks cov- ering a five thousand mile trip to several States in the U.S.A., visiting SHAPES IN STOCK (g E SS 7 LOIRE E. HAY Office Ph. 10. House Ph. 573rd : Christ �° at the home of her daughter, Mr. and Jeweler and Registered HEN 5 A L L ,Mrs. Charles Carr at Denvor, Color- Roe's Vitimized Feeds PRESENTS ado. Mrs. Carr returning home with Optician. Program for Your Erik®yam her mother by motor car through Jefferson City and other interesting meat in the places, also to Chicago where they EXETER HIGH SCHOOL iusited cousins they had never seen before and what a grand greeting itAV�tNiffuzu was as they met and had a lovely +` Sat. Flight, July 8th, 8 p.m. visit together. a 6 1EV. JOHN 'MORAN, SPEAKER ' MANY ATTRACTIONS Including: % Zurich Wins b During the past week and up till a Licensed Em'Iaahner and Funeral Director James Bright - Christian =Magician Lance Norris and James Bright, - Tuesday morning the Zurich ball team won -its only game played, it Private Car Ambulance :Service Txumpeteers being with Centralia, Monday the snore being a close 6-5 with the Cr:n- 0 Hospital Beed and Wheelchair for Rent _ 0 Mrs. John Moran -Soloist. . Sgt. Bob Persan - Violinist. traria 'RCAF. The team in the Lea- gve with the highest standing is the 0 FLOWERS FOR ALL, OCCASIONS Etc., - Etc. - Etc.I. Clinton, Colts with a 8-1 record, and Day and Flight Service WE WILL. BE 'LOOKING FOR YOU then comes LLican 8-3, Dashwood 6-2 and Zurich now has 3 won and 5 Iost -- - Telephone: Ides. 89 or 122, Z ich --YOU WILL ENJ10Y IT! and two ties for 8 'points. M H Lida Visitors any o y SHATTERED MARRIAGES CAN Many record breaking numbers of visitors were on rubber over the we - BE SAVED ek-end, it being Saturday, Dominion Day' for Canada, and Tuesday the John A. O'Brien University ofig Decoration Day for the U.S.A.US'A Notre Dame professor, has discovered All along the boarder entries reports a formula he believes can save mar- are of new record breaking traffic to riages from failure! Learn howharsh cross the Tine. Some going to the U. words, more than harsh deeds, can S A. while usuallly more come over. wreck marriages. Read "Marriage At Grand Bend Saturday night the for Keeps" in The American Week- resort really was jammed with peo- ly, great magazine with this Sunday's ple, in fact one could hardly get a - (July 9) issue of The Detroit Sun- round. HotePs,. cottages, cabins, day Times. rooming houses were all fiIl'ed to cap- ac1ty, and many ventured out into Exeter District High School other surrounding villages to get a The June meeting of the Exeter place to sleep under roof. While the District High School B=oard was held weather being on the cool side, it in the Board room on the eve of June was very difficult to remain out for 6 at 9 p.m Absent E. L. Mickle and the night, and a good fire rn the A. J. Kalbfleiseh. The minutes of the hom)) made it all the mare comfort - May meeting were read and adopted. able. It was the coolest First in The purchase of a tractor was dis- seven years. cussed and left with the committee to OBITUARY act. Infant Passes Tenders for the Annex was opened On Monday, July 3rd the 11 months and read. and the Board accept the old twin infant son of Mr. and Mrs. tender of Russell Hedden at $800.00 John Deweerd of the Bronson line, and ask that the building be moved passed away at the Clinton 'Public within 30 days. Hospital after a few days illness -The Application for caretaking duties were 'opened and considered. There little lad developed a bad cold and could not be saved. The funeral is were no tenders for the contractplan .That the three caretakers now em- be invited to continue their being held this Thursday afternoon tit two o'clock from the Westlake Funeral Home, Zurich with interment hesChlick Supp i plo!v!ed employment at 70c an hour connnen- in the Evangelical Bronson line cem- cing Sept. 1. That the Board auth- Filing Cab- etesy. Besides his parents sumvtving prize the purchase of a i,net for the Cadet Stores as suggest- are: three 'brothers and five sisters. Rev Ralph J. Bos will officiate. ed by the Inspecting Officer. The cor Late Mrs. Isiah Witmer Warner, �alt"lt9.esway, Electric ells til Brooders. a res, o•ndence was read and tabled. There passed away after a tengthy Ilan the Secy authorized to illness in Hay Township on Tuesday, Fountains, Heaters, Broder Wafers, Broader request the transfer of the balance July 4th, Mary Gailman, in her G9th of the Debenture proceeds to the yea•. Surviving are her husband, Pipes and Elbows. Capital Account of the Board, and Isiah Witmer, four sons, Morley of that the Capital Accounts.,be paid as Detroit; Gordon of Clare, �2ich; read. Lambert of Hay Township; Earl of Mr. Sturgis gave the Principal's Exeter; three daughters, Mrs. Roy report for the month of May, Cadet Perkins (Ada) of Detroit; Mrs Tloyd Commencement, and th''' London; N IE Inspector, P•ollock (Laura) of Music Festival had been held during Fn,d Knott (Ella.) of London. Her. the'month. The third set of examin- mother, Mrs. 1Vlargaret Gallman of ations had set some students free un, Elkton, Mich. Two brothers, Henry STAR - PIONEER CHICK I RHMBL.ES AND SpI't� der the Farm regulations. Night Gallman of Roodhouse, 111; Josclrh School for n'ew Canadians had been Gallman of Chicago, III; ttivo sisters, completed. A list =of books had been 'N.[ms Daniel Herford of Elkton, Mich. °PERS. Give These a Try, prepared for addition to the Library Mrs. Ial0, d Schiefle, of Detroit, Mich. as recommended by the Inspector. Nineteen grandchildren and two Motion, that the Q'rincipal's report great gnandchildxaan• Resting at the FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAN be adopted, that Night School sal a1- Westlake Funeral Home, Zurich un- o ies be paid, that the library additions til Friday, July 7th, where a private Scott held 2.15 t� E WE 1 be purchased, and that Franris funeral service will be at be given a contract on probation for p.m. Followed by a public service in Dash- Phone 11-97 one year. the Evangr.lieal U.B. Church, Ad'ournrnent at X2:50 a.an. Next e1- ` J wood at 3 p.m. I1lterrnent in Evans E. Schwart�ei>�trtAber,ro� meeting to 13,e June 27. ical CemeterVo Goshen Line, � E. D: Howey, Seel'etar'y w v