HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-06-29, Page 8r X1. UC A • ONTAR-10 N , w. ,7 ew Goods A complete stock of Ladies and Children's Sundres- d D ses, Jeans, Slacks, Sborts, Bathing Suits, fine all 0 wool pullovers and cardigans in new Summer 0 Shades; cotton jerseys, Kiddies' overalls, Sun p Suits, Etc. 7, ::.f 4 r r Everything in Men's Wear, Suits, Trousers, Jack- ets... See the new Van Johnston Jackets, Jerseys, fine lot of sport shirts, fine shirts, ties, caps, sox, new felt hats and a complete line of work clothes. Floor Coveringl A full line now in stock. Inlaids, marboleum, Marble tile, Congbleum, Rexoleum, passage Con- goleum Rugs in every size. 1 Axminister new floral design 9x 101,' at 94.50 9x10'/2 at 86.50 15 smaller Rugs Wilton and Axminister t Sizes from 24x54 to 30x60. priced from 7.00 to 16.50 �Gasch" b�ODp� Vp TELEPHONE 59 Bros. ZURICH The Drysdale Store = The Store with the Best Variety of all Kinds f Taughter, 8� of Groceries .J..n AIso Rubber Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys er's nephew, Mr and Mrs. Clarence `— - __ • a A fine assortment of Hardware and Electrical U spent .a day in London last week. Miss Ethel Mess Appliances O was a visitor to London last week. WHAT EVERY FARMER • ATLAS AND SEIBERLING TIRES 0 CO --OP. FEEDS Cured and Fresh Meats 0 aYour Patronage Appreciated at all Times! i p GIVE CJS A CALL! Q l/ JOHN DENOMY - DRYSDALE . Phone 98 r 1 HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE Your Fuel Needs Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. We always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early with us so we can arrange for your supply YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have Your Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enam. els and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmi6 ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. �,. ArSiTAD & WEI Dw is ZURICH ONT. QUALITY -. PRICE SERVrC2 Y A. ZURICH HERALD = o00 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEUST f Taughter, 8� Mrs. John Albrecht- and d .J..n er's nephew, Mr and Mrs. Clarence `— - __ • a urance pp U spent .a day in London last week. Miss Ethel Mess _ O was a visitor to London last week. WHAT EVERY FARMER • Air, and Mrs. Alex, ;Masse motor. to London last Thursday, NEEDS! Q 0 Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Thiel, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thiel and sons vis- Blanket Farm Liability Policy 0 iced with relatives at Hyde Park on Sunday. $10,000 Inclusive Limits coverage. ' i p Mr, and Mrs. Gideon Iioehler were Premium $9.00 per annum per farm Q l/ Sunday visitors at the home of the not exceeding 350 acres. " ' A latter's sisters in Bayfield, What Does it Cover? ' 00� It At Hospital N. A. Cantin of St. Joseph, gave us setNew Pep, Vim, lrwp M . Mrs. John I'. Ehlers ds at the Operation of unlicensed tractors and y Q�Q Clinton IPlablic Hospital. Her many farm machinery; Strayed Animals, 6 proud of Yuam, howthy o and was on the hocks team of7 thank the eDee: vigor-buf9 pwh-0 !P! 5' nlo, Ostrar. Its tonics, friends wish her a speedy recovery. Farm Premises Risk, Personal Acts Q Mr and Mrs C. L. Smith visited on Friday with their and Activities, ' ! Q Q niece and nephew, Mr and Mrs. Wallace Ross at Sea. Optional Coverages a 0 0 forth. q 40 Mr, and Mrs. Walter L. Johnston Animal Collision $200. limit on any iy Laporte and children of Bayfield and Mr, and one animal Prem. $1.00, Products I Liability. Q Q Mrs. George Wilsoin of L:oncron, were week -end visitors "p=ith Mr andy1rs, Custom Farming and 4 Alachinez?p rented to others, Q .Ed. Deaver. Empoyers l' Liability. t •t a very nice donation towards' A. C. in Guelph, 'from July '224th to Babe Siebert Memorial Arena, July 23th. This program promises to Misses Bella and Nellie Wese].oh of Voluntary Compensation, 0 ,p 0 Q Kitchener and Mrs. W. Smith and For Further particulars Apply. .� •r~ Federation of .Agriculture as possible would -be appreciated. daughter D!o.rothy of Toronto, spent Sunday TUr J. W. HABERER - Phone 161 Program of with and Mrs. William which 40� Thiel of the to each producer, should certain- -three adopted .children, who sllcces , receive the utmost �D iVIr and Mrs. Herb Witmer of Wat- 't' r Thursday, June 29th, X950' ' Illll�lf�lllf>11f�IIIIfIili(Ilfflll�filflfl111��flflllllflflllffN(111If1�llfiflfllll(((IgiW�" Westlake Furniture Sea'sonable Supplies WE HAVE A FINE DISPLAY OF ALL LINES OF FURNITURE A Good Variety of' Linoleum, ° Congoleum and Axminister Rugs, Etc. All Lamps are Reasonably Priced! We also carry a good supply of Springs and Mat- tresses, such as Beautyrest, Airfoam, •Etc. Furniture Store Phone 122 - Zurich Residence Phone 89, erloo and :41x• and :Vers. Harold Wit- ARTHUR FRASER{((fllflllff(fffffffff(((fflf(I(flifflffffl(ffldflfffffl(N(ffffff(ffff mer of Blair and Hubert Schwartz- • • Q Q Q Q 0 0 fJ G 4 G h 0 0 G 0 d 0 Q Q nU �VQ I 50� entruber, were Sunday visitors at the Income Tax Reports home of Mr and Mrs. Isiah Witmer, Goshen sills south. Bookkeeping Service, Etc. Mr and Mrs. Garnet Walper an(' EXE I E R • family of Detroit, Mrs. Don Caruth- ers and friends of London, were Sun )ITFICE:—Corner Ann, William Sts. 0 day guests at the biome of Mr and Phone: Exeter 855W. • 'Mrs. George Hess. Also visiting with 0 other relatives. ELMER D. BELL, B.A. o Sister Florence Welcker has re- turned to her home in Kitchener af- • 0 ter enjoying two weeks' in this vie- • inity, being in residence with Mr and BARRISTER - SOLICITOR • • Mrs. Ed. Ga.scho, also guest speaker EXETER, ONT. • at 'several meetings held under the Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m„ at Zurich auspices of the St. Peter's Lutheran At (New Twnp. Office) • Church. • Has Returned Home • Mr. and Mrs. Jack O'Brien and son of Halifax have returned to the C E ME N T s 0 home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. o Lennis Q'Brien for their vacation. o Jack uTho is in the Navy has a • BLOCKS • month's leave !before he will return, j his wife and -child intend to remain Immediate Delivery here for siomd time. Attended. Wedding HURON CONCRETE Mrs G Farwell and ter PRODUCTS Helena have e returned .homee atter L-er spending the week -end at Kitchener, attending the wedding of the corm- Phone 684 Seaforth o er's nephew, Mr and Mrs. Clarence `— - __ • a q o Tiring Farwell and son Gearge, accornpan- thean home on Sunday after vis• 9 .t. in that city for the day. O 0 Messrs. Norman Sararas of Kit - chener; Len. Sararas, Alphonse and Auto Wreckers Bob Masse of the B. W. Highway, at • tended the two !ball games, of the PHONE 41811 EXETER New York ork Yankees vs. the Detroit _ 4 Tigers. There was a record crowd g• Parts for llnoSt •xllakes of cars. � s at this game over 55,600 people, and 99 they got their money's worth, as each Used Batteries and tires. team a ing won a game. Detroit Conn•• 16„ through very spectatuclar near wheels and axles for Trailers. V2 the end tof the last game. ® t _ Gave Us Friendly Call e Mr. and airs. J. Edward Laporte. Skinny mon women and family of St. Clair, Mich., are holidaying 11 with relatives on the T3,1W. ���� � �® � � 1&� Highway at present. Mr. Laporte, ccompanied by his brother-in-law, Mr N. A. Cantin of St. Joseph, gave us setNew Pep, Vim, lrwp M a It friendly call Wednesday morning. ►hat ` � Sony jibftH gqg. a was in 1916 1�=lien lir. Laporte .iiir°,D�_, sok .l°0�,�'�'° Wk. mj� attended Cwntinuation school in Zur- tie women men, who never ich, proud of Yuam, howthy o and was on the hocks team of7 thank the eDee: vigor-buf9 pwh-0 !P! 5' nlo, Ostrar. Its tonics, ,where stimulants in the late Babe Siebert and the l"on, vicamin s , osiotnm, enrich bloo4 Hirliman atsandestion p roodQ�vyonmon boys played on, and he still ¢t�andnour/ehment Dnt(loshnban! tear 4.cherishes gettinngg too fat. htoD when yON” as a souvenior a bid ecru ! o 11orz6lbs.youneedtarnormditaow t!xisd on a. New "Irot 904tialated" his forehead while playing vas Coxoannae.WODIC blots I hit by a puck. The late Dr. A. J. stag .MacKinnon closed up the wouncr, res quiring seven stitches to close. Mr. B O R N Laporte is, a Research Chemist En-Thiel—On June, 22nd to Mr. i gineer Clair, and in the large salt plant of St. Mrs. Stewart Thiel, a son, at theik and -before leaving our ofiico, i the home, Hay Tomnship. sentimental feeling for the old burg left visited his kind heart and lie. Conference will .be held at the 0. the a very nice donation towards' A. C. in Guelph, 'from July '224th to Babe Siebert Memorial Arena, July 23th. This program promises to and .greatly we take this oppartunity in , be interesting and informative and thanking 11in1 for it. the attendance of as many farmers Federation of .Agriculture as possible would -be appreciated. i Toronto June 26,'50.Any sound WE ADOPTED THREE When should foster parents tell Program of aimed at increasingthe sale dair ! their children, of their adoption? y products in Canada which and i Read the helart-warming story of can be maintained at a low Ernest Cady, fosterparent cost l;y of the to each producer, should certain- -three adopted .children, who sllcces , receive the utmost co support and sfully met .and solved this -o -operation frons all dairy farmers probl�he �— p y Read "We said � Adopted Three" lin The Chas. Heath, Secy of the Ont. American Weeks great magazinesof Cheese Mr. .Producers Marketin Board, 's g with this Sunday's (July 2�) sssue of Heath -was d iseussing the June advertising The Detroit Sundae Times. set-aside sponsored by the y Dairy Farmers of Canada. The set- The -Voice of Temperance aside to is to raise a fund with which The verdict of science has been de - finance a sale. -promotion and vertising ad- livered against alchol. The verdict :program aimed at expand- came ifirst frarn physiology when the ling, the market for dairy products, harmful effect .of alchol upon bodily "We as cheese producers need the tissues was proved. The social science program Itinued. this money can buy," .con- rendered their verdict when they Mr. Heath. "While ket our mar- traced inuch of the poverty and soc- .is set fol° the present,110 one can nal evil to the saloon. Now ,. :,n ,es tiro Ly what will happen in another months six youngest of the sciences, p;,y�chi�lo, y. or a'pear, If in the future The most striking thing in the ver- through the Dairy Farmers' .adverbs diet of phyehology is a new elassific- ing can program, consumptionof cheese ation of alchol among narcotic drugs. .be increased in a small way, it ",bracer" will Instead of being a alcoholic be good .insurance against a de- drinks are naw shown actually to ,pressing milk surplus. We would ,be deaden mental processes and slow less dependent upon export markets, down muscular responses. The ver - and we could expand our own nidus- dict of psychology is not just against is' try with more confidence."' drinking, it is against all At-s„r The 1950 (Poultry and Live .Stock ancekJo rnal.) Amd scientific Temper- `AAAA Your Hardware Store BRIGHTEN UP YOUR HOME with our new KEM GLO LUSTRE SPREAD SATIN We Have all Your Needs for Spring Cleaning Modernize ybur Stables. with Cattle and Hog Water Bowls, Stauncheons, Litter Carriers or any other Farm Equipment can, be had from Rider & A1119hiltz 4 Hardware Phone 63 - Zurich FLOOR TILE' LE' FOR The Best In Mastic Tile Floor j GET TILE se TEC ALSO CLEANERS .AND WAXES• Manufactured by The Flintkote Compe4ny, Toronto, Ont. See Your Local .Agent JOHN M. TURKHEIM . Phone Zurich 174 LAID AND MAINTAINED. Free Estimates Gladly Given ........................................ ,i.•gp•....'g. tIYF•,F,g'•Y''..';;i'I°'I•,F•F..S.p'°II.'g,......t.,i^& IN SU L ATE AVERAGE HOME FOR $65.00 Mr. and Mrs. Homeowners: You are paying for Insulation even though you don't Have it! - You pay in wasted fuel. - - You pay in cold, drafty rooms in winter, l - You pay in sleepless nights in hot weather. - - And you may pay in unnecessary fire loss SEE US FOR YOUR REQUIREMENTS F. C. KALBFLEISCH & SON Phone 69 - - ZURICH Massey - ITarris HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT Off' MASSEY» HARRIS REPAIRS. ORDER YOURS EARLY! AM TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR ANY MASSEY HARRIS - IMPLEMENTS YOU MAY REQUIRE, INCLUDING TRACT- ORS, THRESHING MACHINES, COMBINES, ETC. "The Service Arlan for Canadian Farm" Crab shop 149 Oscar Kjopp Res, 67 EVER AT YOUR SERVICE EOR FARM NEEbSI V