Zurich Herald, 1950-06-22, Page 4..'r,
Zi6u> dor, 'Ame 2,2,nd,
Mrs. Nettie Harvey who has spent John McKinley conducted a in has been presented in Goderieh, Sea- 1)r. Albert Hughes nk Collar. Dr,
forth Hensald and other places, and introduced try
some time in Detroit has returned service for the 41 members of the 3 es is a well known ra to plelr4•-
e and Mr. and Mrs Oharbonneau of societies who have passed on during is the concluding concert for tris Be Hugh nous and his conversion," t` Thea
Detroit accompanied her. the past 25 Years Mrs Lee .MeCons lief Fund. e ogram amounted to cher and tank foxlblis the ]e n," nognell Mrs John Armstrong and Mrs $71.72• `Che Sro rani consisted of sof T tl
f f Mr and Mrs Chas Rau also, 'Mrs. ,Wedding • Phoebe Rau visited with friends and Saar Hey placed flowers for each group numbers including folk songs, meeting closed w .
relatives in Detroit recently. name called The Secretaries read negro spirituals, semi -classical and the hymn "Just as I aim," The next:
sacred. Selections rendered where Y,aeeting will be held i3r Exeter.
=Mr. and Mxs. Napol"eon Denomme letters of congratulations from fUr- "Jahn Peel" `Daanry Boy , an of Detroit ,were week -end v>stbars Sri ss Henn sang a solo
Federation News
mer members Mi
A lar e crowd attended the Bingo and Mrs a ire of
and Miss River' `Kentucky Babe' `Massa in the
our Burg. f Goshen favoured cold, cold ground', `Stout Tleahe (By Gordon M. Greig),
QUANTITY and .Dance in St. Peter's Hall last with a duet on the sax and coriret. Men,' `I Pass The Loord'svPlafyer' and The eigbh annual Field. Day of
FINE OIL PAINTINGS. I.IIVIITEI� = Saturdalp night. A very nice time Mrs. S. Hey, Mrs, E. McKinley, Mrs. Holy City,
Huron County Federatione is nowhis
was enjoyed. Sherlock Keys read the minutes of 'Han
Largo' and other Sxmtrrbers tory. Once again we have been privw
NOW O GRAND BEND their respective maetings and roll call and the numbers were all well tenth- ileged to be host to the farm people:
To Aid One Farmer of 25 years ago. lie ineeting,closed I ered and well received, Rev. R. g nasi urban residents of Huron'County
�reataii�'es and Makers of Fine Frames A bridge over the Ausable River, with the singing of the hymn of Brool. congratulated Flt. -Lt. FLa3danrl
Blest be the Tie that Binds". A for his very fine choral. group do a day of sports and fellowship
at the corners of Middlesex, Huron , stated that the technique and shading 'though the crowd was not as large:
��Y�� daingyl lunch was served in the base -
Rj j-, 1 and Lamb.ton counties will need a merit the church were sup, as anticipated 2t nevertheless made
. � new concrete deck with steel plating Had Sara Raising up for what it lacked in numbers by
to accomodate one farmer who moves Late. Mrs. George E. Troyer its willingness to enter ixtto the spir-•
Ontario. Telephone 133 + One of those barn raisings that one hors. George Troyer, highly este- it of 'the day.
zurich, I large loads of machinery over the sees so seldom was held on the farm
bridge, it tvas decided by Middlesex emed resident of Hensall passed away Dr. E. 'C. Hope gave'a veltyl timely
Fined $50. of John A. Anderson, two miler Thursday evening,, June .15� at the talk on the margarine question anti.,
west of Kippen when in an old-fash- home of her son Gordon Tto,�er,;.3ay its wide reaching effect oar our dairy' -
Bootlegging at Grand. Bend ,brought, ioned building "bee" 55 men threw in Tier 70th year followrng a �.
• a $50 fine from Magistrate Dudley T�x*p., industry. The children and young
Holmes r:t Exeter court, Tuesday last. hours
the framework of a barn in five few .weeks' illness. 7'he former Alice people entered into the sports events..
s =, d N ^ hours recently. The framework of Louise Taylor, she was born a-, 'dip- with a will to win and - they proved
,/�1 o e The operator of calbins at Grana the barn was built entirely from pen, and re� s,tded on the Troyer Home lively competition. The: softball ,gain -
Bend, was 'convicted of selling liquor stead foldo lug her marrnage
• foot thick elm logs obtained from the `fit* Her es grew better as the day progressed
N 1� B E N D illegally under the Canada Temper- bush on 'Mr. Anderson's farm. The husband predeceased her nme years
_ • ante A. Another lean .was given a logs were put in place in the old ago Two years ago Mrs. Troyer writ the Clifford rferm a c . hs tClim.
• jail term of seven days for drunk fashioned way of lifting by hand. vin a classy performhom The Chita...
SUMMER OPENING E driving and was also convicted of a took up residence an Hensall where ton Jr. Farmers'.took home the new
r charge of driving under suspension, she resided until a few weeks pre- Federation Trophy. There was a good.
Dancing Nichti from •-IENS�►Li. vious to her death. She was a memb- mot --
g Y • his car was impounded for three mo-. —AT TUDORS— display of farm machineryot'and uip
• nbhs, while seven days in jail was the er of Carmel Presbyterian Chat or cars as well as other farm equip-
SATURDAY - JUNE 24th. term given another man from, the June Time is Bride Time and that I Survivjn; are one son Gordon, meat Thus always attracts a lot of
NEIL M E K A Y and his ORCHESTRA Zurich district for drunk driving.His means Gift Time. Buy the lucky . grandchildren;
two brothers and a lttention. The Old time Fiddlers cones
license was suspended for six months Bride a .beautiful, yet -practical Gift. I sister. Public funeral services were test and square dance..competiti:ort�
and his vehicle. impounded for three They al nays appreciate Pure Wool .,largely attended and held from the. held the attention of the .crowd for -
Midnight Dance, ,luly 3rd months. An Exeter man ;ras tined Blankets or lovely bedspreads. Tu ihome of her son Gordon, Hay Twp, its entire performance. The ,graml
12:05 a.m. $145 for dnviaig under suspended, dox's in lIensall have now. Also • on Saturday June 17th, at 2 p•m � climax of the day came with the
His car ,was not impounded :becausa Esmond Blankets qt $14.95, `'iconducted blyi her minister, Rev'. P.A.running idrorse races by both.. boys.
he did not own the car he drove. Mr and Mrs Ivan Kipfer, of Lucan !Ferguson, assisted �y Mr. Fred. Inter- 'and girls. They provided thrilling ra-•
BAYFIELD were visitors with Mr and i11rs Cecil l tell, Toronto, ,burial was in the Hen- ces in all four Cheats. The old time'
Kipfer. i sall Union cemetery. dance. at the. Goderich P'avil'ion was
Norman McLean, Seaforth, has Mrs. Elsie Case was a visitor with well. attended and provided a suhtable•
purchased the former Reid lots and Women's Institute
a p Mr and Mrd. G. M. Drysdale at their finale to a' successful d'ay. •.
f, is building a hollow block house: summer home on Lake Huron. The Legion Rooms provided the
Mrg. J. McKenzie and son John, ;Mrs. J, a(,• Cochrane of Seaforth, Huron Go. Fed. of Agric. extends
e setting for the annual picnic of the congratulations to W. V. Roy our
a • were in Toronto -where the latter was a visitor with her brother Mr. Hensall W. I. Wednesday afternoon,
e ® ® graduated 'from 'University College, Johhn McBebh who is quite ill. June 14th. A picnic supper Was en- former sect'. who during a fife th-
receiving his E.A. Mrs. 'MarTy� Buchanan has accepted of Mae sales -campaign in the month
Special Services a position at Glenn's Restaurant in joyed by members and° chihdren, alter of May sold more Co-op. life 'insur-.
a a The first of four speciaf Sunday Grand 'Bend for the summer month..!. Which sports were held directed by once than any ofii3or Go -op. agent i3r-
services in celebration of the 100t31 �ql• and Mrs, E. Little and family Mrs. Geo. Hess, and Mrs. J. A. Pat Canada.
anniversary el Trinity Church was erson. Presiders Mrs Beer presided The Dairy Farmers of Canada
Y expect to Make up residence in Ilder- for a short session The roll call fea- campaign to raise fund's for •adver--
held on Sunday June 118th. The day ton shortly. tured a shower of infants wear and
commenced with holy communion. tisvo dairy products is farmers
have -
Mr and Mrs Laird MickIa were good used clothing to .be forwarded g
l At 111 a.m. there was dedication of Sunday, last visittors with Mr. and , Favourably. Very few farmers have
, to the Goderich Children's Aid So- actually refused to go along wrth the:
I memorials when the special speaker Mrs.. Harry Hoffman and family and cietyi. Kippen East Institute are en- idea of deducting 1c per- 11 of ;but -
Bathroom and laundry ,, was the Very Rev. R. C. Brown, of Mrs. J. A. Spellman at Dashwood.
�, � -J{��- � � tertainimg the Seaforth and Hensall terfat reduced in the month of June-
. clean, fresh running ,z 2j o�� _ London, Dean of Huron. Mr. and Mrs Rudy Petzke and Jane p
water eliminates house- '1 �; 25 Years Married Institutes in the Legion room, to be used for advertising dairy pro --
hold drudgery . . . just yJ " �,. family have moved into the lower ducts such as butter, milk, cheese and.
turn the tap, no more fi ��?? It was a complete surprise to 1VIr., portion of Mrs. J. D. Stewart's re- 19th. Mrs. R. A. Orr, District Rep- �
water -carrying from the lake resentative gave an. enligl3tenimg sum ice cream. As was expected some. far
and Mrs E. A. Westwhen about -
pump• sidence• nary of the District Annual held at niers refused to 'contribute their share
30 relatives dropped in on the even-. Mr and Mrs Ed. Fink have left for Grand Bend. It was decided to don -
TRUCK in of Thursday, June 8, to celebrate n the Shriners If a kit one had paid up rtvi g-
GARDENERS g Los Angles, Calif.,, ate 15.00 to aid the Oat. W. I-•
their silver wedding anniversary, annual. pilgrimage which lasts for 5 $ out a kick It h would think' something-
Are eethusiastic over . �'""�_ Manitoba Flood 'Relief Fund, Mme'• was wrong. It has always been �a far -
-s O as A T E R -ti"'�� which actually fell on June 10. Mrs days. The',y+ expect to be arway two A. E Munn who attended the Cony-
SYSTI~Nl . . assured �►r--� Melvin .Bennett, Goderich, -read a w,esks mors privilege to dif he with ons,
of pleatv of moisture 7 h�7 f(- con tula�torly address ana it-Irs;- J. •'' en -tion in Guelph gave a vivid acro- commodity group if he so desires-,
when needed. /` � ,� •' 1VIr. Ross Kerdher of Hensall ac- unit of the various sessions In charge That is democracy at its best.
it'- , Keys, Varma, made the presentation coin anied by Miss Margaret Kercher
IN THE BARN �� of a lace tablecloth and gifts in oil- of London, left by plane from Cru- of Luncheon plaits were Miss P. Case, While on the subject of daixy`pro--
Your cattle and all - verware. On behalf of himself and Mrs. Orr, Mls. Wuti. Parke,. Mrs. H. ducts we hear a lot about a none•
livestock are quickly 5-' - - =i'h D.C. Airport to en- to Washington, Horton. A fine program of sports
•• ''; . ... his wife, Mrs. Westlake expressed D.C. to spend a ten-day vacation. dairy product being used by farm --
watered . . . saves time p were run off. ens who sell their cream to, the ere-•
and labour besides :vIL
; = thanks and 'appreciation. They spert Had Sacred Relief Concert
you have FIRE~ PRO- a very happy evening together and In the United Church Sunday ev- anent' and tats home a conglomerate
i TPikTION for all your •`, ' ion of vegetable oils to 'be used by
farm buildings. 3� enjoyed the lunch which the guests ening June 18th the R.C.A.F. shale HEAR TALENTED FAMILY
had brought with them. Mr and Mrs choral group from Clinton Radio their own family in place iof butter..
�q Westlake, accompanied' by Mr. and School under direction of Fit. L. Har- Clinton Area Youth for Christlield The cream Producers' organization,
Mrs. Thos. Snowden went to St. ding. Padre at the school, presented its regular meeting in the C iIleg%ate m Huron Co. axe making a canvas
sac- auditorium on the eve. of June 3rd, of the entire farm area to try and
Thomas for the week -end. Their sous a delightful varied program of
there also surprised them with st red and secular music to an apprec The director, Frank CoIIaT, opening get 'acurate figures on how many far -
ins ` turkey+ dinner on the occasion of their iative audience ,in aid of the Manit- with devotions. The Norris family of Inver people are er. T lly using a sub --
25th wedding anniversary. obs Flood Relief Fund., and opens- ..London, featuring Margaret, ten yrs i stitilte for butter. This is a general'
DURA �~ tJ,���i Missing Girl Seen ored by the Hensall Branch of the old at the piano; Bobby, 12, playing canvas and no personal record is be
wareesrsreus �� Police in the 'Bayfield area were Canadian 'Legion. Rev. P. A. Feng- I on the xyellophone; Sgt. A. R. Per- ing kept so when the canvaser canis
alerted Tuesday last in connection ugan, 'Ch'aplain of the Lefyuon rutted - son, oo-director, favoured with two at your home give him Art accurate
M pp EMCO Fixtures with the continued disappearance of need Flt. Lt. Harding. This concerti solos. The speaker of the evening statement.
and Fittings 19 Year old Mabel Crumb'ack, Toron-
to. The car containing the girl, as de,
You can easily modernize seriptions were given over the air,
your kitchen . , . bathroomv o 1
resembled a car seen in the villag°,
and laundry ...enjoy the � � , y ,� e• \ ' ° aJ
but it disappeared, all night long
CEO comforts of living. police kept .flashing their search lig- p `�
Q ) SEE US TODAY for hts on all cottages and cabins in a
vain effort to locate the missing girl
COMPLETE and her abductor.
INFORMATION Mrs. John McLeod t -
$117.50 F.01. There passed -away at her residence
London, Canada �' in Bayfield on June 12th, Adelaide \
Agnes Thompson, wife of the latex 90
gjAl?E and WEIDD John McLeod, she was born in Bay-
field. In 188.6 she married John Me-
PRONE 92 Leod of Ripley and they lived in Tor -r • �` \'l
ZURICH - ONTJUUO onto and Clinton, returning to live in
Bayfield .54 years ago. her husband '
EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED predeceased in 1916 and she is sur- i 0
London - Hamilton - Toronto - Sudbury - Winnipeg - Vancouver vived by three children, one daughter i
and predeceased; two sisters and one bro-
METALS LIMITED ther, also survive. The funeral was y
Calgary - Edmonton
Vancouver K -f2 held from the United Church on Thu-
rsday, June 15th. '
Mr. Robt. Thompson who has � 4,_
A 1'I W 0 0 Mr. 'and rMirs. Joe Jennison and Dr farmed for many years on the old / f r}
Spellman and family were visitors home farm on the London 'Highway ,/ 0 (/l ��".-_ _
Ma and Mrs Albert Goetz of Kit- with Mr and Mrs. Harxiy. Hoffman No. 4 has decided to take things
lubener spent the week -end with kis last Wednesday. easier � and will retire from farming � .
,iarents, Mr and Mrs. R. Goetz. Dashwood Blanked Zurich this fall. He has purchased the prop- _�..'
Mrs. Lorne Kleinstiver spent a, few I Behind the isteady pitching of N . er4yi of the late Chas. Alexander in
Bays with her parents in B:owmun- ' Tieman and G. Pickering, the Dash- Kippen and the people there will, �%
Iville last week. i wood Stars defeated Zurich Lumber welcome hien.. >�f �—'
(Miss Betty Gaiser has accepted a Queens, Mio.nday night 25-0 getting Mr, and Mrs. D. Skaife and fam.-1k \
.school -as teacher at New, Dundee. ;18 runs .in the 2nd and 3rd Itnn.fngs. ily have moved from Bruceleld to -
Mr and Mrs Alvin Kellerman and,w Clinton.
;Iona :and Mrs. Lovina Kclherman,1 D I� Y S D A L E Mr and Mrs H. Berry and Mr and
tit 'the week-elid with .relatives in f 1.11 and Mrs Alex. Fitue of Linde,; Mrs A. Paterson of Brucefield hava'
hener 1 Mrch , accompanied by their dough- gone on a motor trip to Montreal oral
Mr and Mrs Sid Balser, Mrs. Tay- tern Emilia and Lena, spent the week Ottawa, and a boat trip up the. St.
for and Anne spent last week -end in l end visiting -and calling- on old fri Lawrence.
Fort Colbourne and while there took'ends 21.nd relatives. Mrs, Etue was Mrs, Alice Cook of London, was nN3so
a motmar trip to Garry Indians, ac- horn at Drysdale 78 years ago and the quest of Iter mother, Mrs, Ametia
�dompanicd by Mr and 'Mrs. Jack 1•iuii sure enjoyed seeing her ibirtivlace McClymont, at Kippen �, d
C ; one;., more. Slie; left
runts lah.+re they c?:, i'r•d lheia bs•:•tltr* here whin 10 W. M. S.
id wile, 'Mr .raid 'Mrw.:Melville Guen.• . years of Oro and sens a big change. Tlie Varna WMS. entertained the
Cher and, :family; I l'lrs. Exclia Mwise is spending some Blake and Goshen ladies and former � � o � - . i , • > �. `
'Mr and l•lilt,ry roods Of Winch- i trim with. ?4U s. Chas.' Bedard who it' nnonbers • at •their special 2`5th anniv-
aor and Mr and Fltrnets of Clin- in Tho°r health. ersary on. the .eve of June 9th in the ° ' '• o � "° ° `° - � •
toot were Sunday visitors with thele Mr. Charles Laporte of Lgndoai, Varna Church. The meeting was pre-
l® o a n o t ff
>I•rarr�n•t;••, ;17r inti :41x;. 11, "firman. , was a ^week -unci visitor with his fa- sided over, by 1VIvs. Geo Reid, opened
Kvlwyn 1.'ir is:1 r, wl:o its r,:. 1 ther and rnother, Mr. and ;Nixon, Blow] with devotions, Rev Reba ITern tali 5111111i ai � rig r s'
Jo;; ,lE", lin llitnl, Loudon, under- ; I,flporta•, ing part 4lrs Bancroft of Blake read
VON a ;u ?';!:. f'i la r'1 lw6 vO% 1:1-'o t +.?iil,''l' of i,f?tt'3 and 1ne3t elle iscripture F\ trio from (rashers
'• , r � , • , •, 1''a � l± I',' +`v'E11Y14! lZal�y r Ch1 Ir(`}l, :�4�1r Ir:lttlEr It ;i I3 Tir+lly � � Y �` ""� ' ,, *•M{•
7,i t T� eY , Mrs , e �•i �'w ,,�7s ,.. . 9r• _ _.:',k.Lyx��.;.
.e,. ;1 i a f+•,; • ? ,-: 1 .+'I w, t . sundry li-�wreoll T,ovk am 4I7:, EI C V ` -ang, ?
1 m r IIs. tea ng ac..
Py ;r• t°t?tit's t:l3lillk'rl a IT);- llrtrce Eey i, lr'.'