HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-06-15, Page 5I , , WRICH ONTARIO URIC(-� 'HERALD,il. Thursday, June, 10*, 4,950. URIC I-IERALIa the previous meeting. Trees. report _.... w�•-» , ,^., ..... �---- -N'-'w t ceded W AL ,j was given accordingly. Short business discussion held five Ine19t D - D 8 ARE YOUR Authorized as second class mail, ,IN*+ Uflice Department, Ottawa. &UXI was and ers Were elected to again form a fin- a,nc tee elected. � the table ME LARGEST RESERVE BAL-• Today, Wednesday is the big annu- Convenor, Mrs. Milton IM cAdams, to- on ■ R .. al Federation picnic at Goderich• gether with Mrs, Kenneth I�realcey, 1 $>LTSINE5 CARDS Mr and Mrs Ed Gawho are enjoy- Mrs. Lorina Pose, .Mrs. Wm, Forres- _ ing the summer months in their cot ter and Mrs, Ivan Willert, -- tage in the Schade Grove. Plans were discussed to hold _. Mr and Mrs. Ivan Yixiigblut ext- Strawberry Social in the near future `; r .rQ►1 Orchard joyed the week -end; with relatives Also lens to o crate a booth at p p ji a :. OPTOMETRIST and friends in Detroit, Many from the district attended Zurich Fall Fair. An 18 -day course: E9 on various subjects, three of follow -I Main Street — Exeter the Air Force Day at Centralia oil Saturday which was largely attended. ing given mention: "Workshop and 13�omeczaft" "Frighten Your Rome' ' Open Every Week Day Reeve Earl Camlibell is attending with Color, and Food that Healthy -` a Except Wednesday Huron County Council at Goderich Children lice." This course is to Phone 3553 this week. Rev. and Mrs. Albert Datars and bf, conducted locaRy� some time in 'a November, details as to definketilnr, �� ��� �� �.�y�d�/ soil of Kitchener were in town on and place will be supplied at a Eater W 10ENSED AUCTIONEERS Saturday, attending the Schilbe - date No meal is complete without plenty Merner wedding. Mrs. Milton McAdams, District of delicious wholesome bread. And Dr. and Mrs. Archie MacKinnon T good and is good Directs, gave a report of the Drs- ASTM -NU tests AL,VIN WALPER of Galt and Mr, Dawson of Richmond triet Annual Meetingwhich washeld hearty food for you. Every slice s Hill, were Sunday guests ac the for, in Grand Bond, Jun 9th and macre slice of energy_ ---'- Licensed Auctioneer mer's mothor, Airs. M. ;MacKinnon., Mrs. Louis Sch-ilbe has returned mention of Mrs. Thos. Meyers, local Buy an extra Loi, today—start Federal Representative who a now to serve more bread at every aor3 home after spending a week -at the gave short, talk at the District Annual, meal. Get your TASTY -NU Bread HURON AND LAMBTON home of her sister, 'Mr and Mrs. Hy 'Mrs. McAdams was gratefully thank. at the Tasty -Nu Bakery or at your Tor your Sale, large .or small, Cour- Volland at Goderich• ed by members for her spnnaid re. local Grocers. eons and Efficient Service at all Mr, Bruce Eickmeier who is a stu- dent at Toronto Dental 'College, is view on the happening of this meet - look'Phone Tasty -Nu bakery Times! 57 r 2. DASHWOOD spending the summer vacation athis ing. Mrs. Roche was elected to after the clothing donations and de- hoane in town.Children's I PHONE loo -- ZURICH HON livery of same to the Sahel,, - E. F. Cf)RBETT Exams are in full swing this week at the Exeter District High School, ter' A picnic for the W. T. member,, A FARM IMPROVEMENT LOAN and families to be held the second 1 _ and we wish the students a pile of p Wednesday in July. Members invited FOR THE KITCHEN STOVE. LICENSED AUCTIONEER good luck. Sister Florence Welcker, who was Sister ' to attend, bring picnic lunch father l There's , - I more to Farm Improve and kiddies. Place will be meiltzon- Reasonable Sa isfaetion one of the guest speakers at the St. naent loans than tractors or combin- ed later. 1 Peter's Lutheran Church, enjoy, ed a I es pints out Mac McEachern, man - es, The meeting was brought to a clog, p ag* of •the Bank of Montreal at EXETER, R. R. EXETER, ?ich 92x7. visit at the home of Mr and Mrs. Ed Gascho. with the singing of God Save T>ie Zurich., They're designed to help the Phone Mr and Mrs Gordon Kaittina olid King." Pot Luck Lunch .and social ' farmer—and his wife—make the hour was enjoyed by all. This being Mr land' Mrs' Lloly�d Zinn, of Goder- best out of their home as well as their. the last meeting for the summer' land. For lyou can get a Farm Tmpro- � E T E R I N A R I A.N ich enjoyed afternoon of months we wish to sa ha oli- � happy h vement Loan to Gover •tl-:e installation . home (Mrs. Ii;a ting•ts 11�Ir daying, members and readers. We I of water and electric systems, to and Mrs Chris Heist. Misses Marilyn Craig, Maribeill will bring more reports from the Zur- improve your plumbing and put in W. COXON $•V• SC* Reeve, Dorothy (McClure, Barbara ich W. I. in the fall. stoves HENSHLI. , washing machines and heating VETERINARY SURGEON Williams and Jean Ralaugh all Reg. Nurses of London, spent a day last or —AT TUDORS— lighting appliances. Even the 'building of tourist ca.b- 't Dl� with Residence, Main Street, week with their friend, Miss Jean Krueger, R. N., who •was holidaying It's Tudors in Hensall for sanfor- ins ized blue jians, slacks, Shamrock , and summer cottages, which pro- ide a farm family with valuable Drug Store oppositezUgl� at the home of her mother, Mrs. Herb Shorts, cotton T -Shirts, Halters :arid extra revenue during the vacation , may be financed through an tee ---96 Krueger, for two weeks. they still have dozens of Summer season, BUTCHERS Mr and Mrs Win Zinkahn, Mr and Mrs Carl Plelush of Kitchener., Dresses. A reception for Mr and Mrs. Bill FIL. If you feel that .a low-cost Farm benefit were'visitors at the home .of Mrs. Fuss of Zurich, recent bridal couple, Improvement Loan would your farm, or better your Iiving con- urichs� Popular Herb Krueger last week. Mrs. Henry Krueger who had been visiting with will +be held in the town hall, Hensall Friday evening, June 16th. Desjard- ditivons, make a point of calling on time in du the former in that city, returned ine lorchestra. Ladies please provide Mr. McEachern next you're town. Talk lyour with K AT MARKET with thein to her home in Dashwood. The annual doseage of talcum lunch. Everybody welcome. Miss Carol Parlmer of Windsor over plans him, in confidence, so that you call work out together flow the B of M supply ou with the �.aet US su 1 y chloride was applied lied to our streets 1 p' on Tudsday, alai hardly had it ,been visited last week with her grandmo ther, Mrs. T. W. Tarlmer and with can best hen you with financing your p ;+very Choice of Fresh and Cur- applied when .the big rain of the af- her grandmothers and grandfather, farm improvt�lnent. *a Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, tervoon came and carried awvy with Mr and Mrs. J. Fisher. HYMENEAL .Etc., always on hand. Kept it the dust preventive which the streets so badly will need in the Mrs. Ana Walkern, N.G., Mica Annia Consitt P.N.G. left Monday Haugh -Taylor fresh in Electric Refrigeration months to come. ' morning of this week to attend the A quiet but pretty wedding took £ Mr. and Mrs. Julian Mantey of Rebekah Assembly at •the R�oyaI York place in James Street manse, Exeter, in Phyllis Jose h p - Highest Cash Prices ,or near Zurich spent a long and pleas- & uniting marriage Hotel Toronto as dele •ates from g g ine Taylor, Exeter, to Lorne Henry c Wool, Hides an ins �4ins ant week -end visiting relatives and friends at Chicago. They motored Amber Iebekah .Lodge, Hensall. Rev. W. J. Rogers, minister of the. Haugh, son of VIr and ishs. Milton I l-ungblut, 4%j SO" to London and then took the train. Blyth United Church, has accepted a Haugh, Dasliw�lod. The ceremony by Rev II. J Snell a They saw many interesting things on call to Hensall and Chiselhurst Unit- was performed .-------- the trip :and in that great city which ed Churches. At a special meeting The bride was lovely in a gown of PRODUCE is in the centre of the greatest con- Mr. Rogers was chosen by a unan- white embroidered organdy over taf- He Emmanu-• feta with fitted bodice ,short pufr'ed tinent in the world. ous vote. graduated at el College, Toronto, in 11143, and sleeves, and a low neckline with white Silverwood Women's Institute The June meeting of the Zurich W was appointed Chairman ••f Huron ny1m mitts Her finger-tip veil of il- Presbytery for this year. He com- lusion net with scalloped edge was 1 f earl; Compop. E E E D 8 ARE YOUR BEST &UXI FOR SALE Only Re4eaned iGra,in Used in Our Feeds AVAILABLE AT at Hensall Disco Co -Operative HENSALL and ZURICH. —WE'RE READY TO HEP YOUt % Y01JR CAR represents a major investment. It deserves the best of care --arid that's what we're ready to give it. Whether it's a complete lubrication Job or just a battery check, we really try to give good, thorough Itnperial service --the kind that will keep you coming back. We'd appreciate a chance to shote you what we can do. Hector FercTe'a IMPERIAL ST. JOSEPH SERVICE STATION COR. No. 84 & 21 HIGHWAYS VG DEALER SAVE= -St. Joseph Service is prepared to save you some Money on your Tractor and Implement Tire Needs. Compare our prices and allowances on your old Tires! We Suggest you visit our Store and see our New Spring Footwear LADIES—A. new Assortment of Suedes and Calf, which tape the eye of the most modern Dresser GROWING. GIRLS—Black, British Tan, Navy and Burgandy in various Styles. BOYS and YOUTHS—Scamyers at a very low Price. MEN ---- A complete line of Valentine -Martin Ster- ling and Hydro City Work Shoes to chane fro n. ',ec our new hydro City .Arch work Sh c,e. ISR. SCHOOL'S Arch Supports; Corn and Bunion Pads, Pedicreme, Foot Balm, Foot Soap, Bunion Reducers, Etc. �.. �_ "..2. ��,,, rcti'lI' � caug to a cloitin o Institute was held in the local Town mences his duties July 1st. i�- 1 Tuesday evenin • June 13th, The 25th anniversary of Church and she carried a bouquet of red ros- Ha] g I 1Irs, Gus Roche, president, presided DALa TI . Union will be obs; rved in the Unit- os enc! wilitE carnations Miss vestal ���-���"' The meeting opened with the singing ed Church, Hensall Sunda. -y June ford attended the bride and w.re a of the Institute Ode, followed by The 18th at 11 a.m., with combined ser- pink moire gown with matching mitts dash Market for Cream, Eggs Lord's Prayer. Several song select- vices of Hensall and Chiselhurst con- and lily -of -tile -valley headdress. 11e y ions were sung, after which Mrs. N. ations. Guest Minister -will be carried a bouquet of pink rose, w:th and Poultry reg 14ave Your Egcrs Graded on Geiger Sec. Treas. gave the report of Rev. E. R Stanway, of Bruce -field harmonizing carnations. Ross Haugh � United Church, At 7.30 Huron Lodge was his ibrather's best 'roan. A recep- ourASAl1I. will attend divine service, tion was held in Zurich, the bride's AUTOMATIC FOR QUICK SALE No. 8 i4i. H. Bean an SeufBler. Apply Rev. Brook will address the brethl`en mother receiving in a navy sneer EGG; GRADER � to Newell Geiger, Phone 96 r 23. special music by the choir at bath dress with navy accessories and a services. At 9 p.m. the RCAS hale corsane of pink beauty carnations. LeRoy O'Brien, Manager p0{ QUICK SALE choral group from Clinton Radio Mrs. Haugh chose a navy blue ares Zurich School under direction of S1t,Lt. L. with navy and white accessories and 'hone 101 Sunbeam Automatic, Toaster $16. Harding will present a concert of a corsage Iof pink carnations. For Sunbeam Shavemaster $15. Apply sacred and secular 111usic in aid of their wedding .trip to the States, the at Herald Office. the Manitoba Flood Relief Fund bride chose a pink gabardine suit Zurich Creamery This concert is being sponsored by with %avy accessories. On -their re - NOTICE the Hensall Branch of the Cananlan turn they will make their home in A reception for Joseph Miller «'1.11 Legion. Exeter. Your Home Market for Cream `- be held in the Town Hall, Bayfield -on the evening of June 17th The Arm- Eggsand Poultry strong Orchestra will furnish music ` r Lunch will be ��S .:a����'S ,rS Highest Cash Prices pard plus Everylbody welcomeprovided premium for deliveredcrearn NOTICE We idumping re equipped to give effi- Anyone found rubbish or seed cleanings on the Roads, ravines, ieient accurate service. Egg Lake -front banks, or Ditch 'banks of,`.�S 2;:1 Hay Township will be 9zrosecuted.��� land Poultry department in Hay Township Council, S H. W. Brokenshire, Clerk, ,� llr�AM E tcharge of Mr. T. Meyers - FOR SALE Coag, Minshall, Proprietor 30o year-old Leghorn Hens, now 1 00 •loll — - - INSURANCE laying. Priced at, $ e� Earl Gingerich. Also Dealer in Lghtrxirlg Rods Bill 'Watson Dasbwood — Phone 3509 :land all kinds of Fare Insurance THE SENSATIVJAL ! _EW HIGH-OCTANE GASOLINE THAT GIMES NEW POWER. To Art CARS! JET -ACTION - that's the feeling you get when you drive with the sensetional new Reliance Superchatged Ethyl. its slepped.up octane rating, its,surgins anti•knack power and its (lashing response makes your motor purr with new life and pep. One tankful of this new powe -packed super Iue) will convince you that it's the liveliest gasoline you've Owl used — you'll actually feel the differencel Drive in to your nearby Rehm Dealer 4nd get filled up today. NOW ON SALE Ai OVER 600 RELIANCE STATIONS Ai'• REGULAR PRICES DRIVE IN AND GEr A TANKFUL TODAY -1 a". l "Yours. 'Hardware Needs From Our Iti EW HARDW ARE STOCK A Good Supply of Shelf and Heavy Hardware always on hand, also Scarf's Endurable Paints, Enamels and Varnishes and the New Almatex Plastic Paints For your heating system we recommend—the Good Cheer Furnace, or the well known Coleman Oil. Heater. For your Household needs we carry Beaty 'Wash Machines; National Electric Stoves; Marconi Rad- ios; Heaters, Electric Irons, and Toasters, Enamel- ware Pyrex and various Kitchen Ranges. Reliable Plumbing, Furnace work, evetroughin' and Tinsmithino% Our Aim ,To Serve and Satisfy CD Datars & (DY B rie n Main St. Hardware Store Phone 213 In What are YOU Trusting? For Your Salvation. IS IT- --.CHURCH MEMBERSHIP OR RITUAL? —THE EFFORTS OF ANOTHER MAN? —GOOD WORKS? —SECOND CHANCE? —KEEPING THE LAW-? OR IS IT IN •CHRIST WHO SAID: "I am the way, the truth and the lit'w no man cometh unto the Father but by Me. John 14: 6 "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved". Acts 16. 31. TUNE IN --Hera• CHAS, E. FULLER, Box 125, Los Angeles,, STATTON CHUM -1050, Toronto, Sundays 9. to 10. A.1t. WCAR, 1130, Pontiac, Mich., Sundays at 12 to 1.00 pan. �i WeStraffn Farmers' Mutual A Baker Oil -Oath windmill on. force in excellent condition. pump, Wes. McBride, Phone 637 r 21, Ron - Weather Insurance Co. sell, Varna, Ont. OF WOODSTOCK FOR SALE ME LARGEST RESERVE BAL-• A. quantity of wood slab Kalbfleisch and Son, Phone 60, AME OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- Zurich. 4-t. c' SIAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS � ----- --- — -- p, OF THIS KIND IN ONTAAIO . • Dead Stock t m. ouut of Insurance at Risk on _ December 312T: 1946 $2.75 Each. Prompt Service for $73,699,236.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds. Lifting.—Jack Williams. Call Phone '214 r 4, Crediton Central. -c1-5••'60 ^ $444,115.39 _. Rapeg on Application NOTICE I L F. KI.aOPPv-WRICH WHITEWASHING & CLEANING A G E N Il.' Arraingemeants can be made Also Dealer in Lghtrxirlg Rods Bill 'Watson Dasbwood — Phone 3509 :land all kinds of Fare Insurance THE SENSATIVJAL ! _EW HIGH-OCTANE GASOLINE THAT GIMES NEW POWER. To Art CARS! JET -ACTION - that's the feeling you get when you drive with the sensetional new Reliance Superchatged Ethyl. its slepped.up octane rating, its,surgins anti•knack power and its (lashing response makes your motor purr with new life and pep. One tankful of this new powe -packed super Iue) will convince you that it's the liveliest gasoline you've Owl used — you'll actually feel the differencel Drive in to your nearby Rehm Dealer 4nd get filled up today. NOW ON SALE Ai OVER 600 RELIANCE STATIONS Ai'• REGULAR PRICES DRIVE IN AND GEr A TANKFUL TODAY -1 a". l "Yours. 'Hardware Needs From Our Iti EW HARDW ARE STOCK A Good Supply of Shelf and Heavy Hardware always on hand, also Scarf's Endurable Paints, Enamels and Varnishes and the New Almatex Plastic Paints For your heating system we recommend—the Good Cheer Furnace, or the well known Coleman Oil. Heater. For your Household needs we carry Beaty 'Wash Machines; National Electric Stoves; Marconi Rad- ios; Heaters, Electric Irons, and Toasters, Enamel- ware Pyrex and various Kitchen Ranges. Reliable Plumbing, Furnace work, evetroughin' and Tinsmithino% Our Aim ,To Serve and Satisfy CD Datars & (DY B rie n Main St. Hardware Store Phone 213 In What are YOU Trusting? For Your Salvation. IS IT- --.CHURCH MEMBERSHIP OR RITUAL? —THE EFFORTS OF ANOTHER MAN? —GOOD WORKS? —SECOND CHANCE? —KEEPING THE LAW-? OR IS IT IN •CHRIST WHO SAID: "I am the way, the truth and the lit'w no man cometh unto the Father but by Me. John 14: 6 "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved". Acts 16. 31. TUNE IN --Hera• CHAS, E. FULLER, Box 125, Los Angeles,, STATTON CHUM -1050, Toronto, Sundays 9. to 10. A.1t. WCAR, 1130, Pontiac, Mich., Sundays at 12 to 1.00 pan. �i