Zurich Herald, 1950-06-08, Page 5:i1JR�4>ef w ZURICH HERALD `-~ Pint 'Your Warlrt, %l�►orixed as second class mao, Foil � � �"` sto I >I Ol,13ce Doportment, oftw& 444 Found, Eta. Ads. �a thio •�*� -� �'r Colurna, - Mr. Reubed , Getz of Dashwood, made a business call in town on `!'u- BUSM CARDS FOR SALE esday. 300 ^^--T --- Mrs Clarence Fahrner and tiau 1 - John W. Orcha I' OP'T'OMETRIST Main Street --- Exeter " Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday Phone 3553 19C,ENSED AUCTIONE ALVIN WALPER 1 Licensed Auctioneer HURON AND LAMBTON 7ok your Sale, large or small, mous and, E'ff'icient Service Tames! Phone 57 r 2. DASHW` E. F. CORBETT yeas -old Leghorn Hens, now ters or ured1tora were Sunday art laying. Priced at $1.00. each visitors in Zurich, ra Earl Gingerich• Mr and 1V1r4, J,-- vJ. -Swartz of De• (lost spent a few days with her FOR SALE mother, irlrs. Lmr1y i+uss, 1\yrs. 1). Oswald has returne(I to A Baker Oil -Bath windmill with her Thome after visiting two, weeks in force pump, in excellent condition. •t'vu,011, Wes. McBride, Phone 687 r 21, Hen- A new metal root has ,been put on Sall, Varna, Ont, the aparerriexic •urov,,, vynea 'by 1'v r, Mose ivxb in town 'u t , tS R% EAD on the t+ablse Thursday, Jntie sth, 195(1 0 t rt � n r f j ERS FOR SALE ds Vrest of bha the meat Is ready' UCS . JLriViland vlrs, Gorao,r lngzislr and � 287 acres `\1x°s Juan of Windsor attendees the No meal is complete without plenty On fish, Sizzling Steaks and Chops, in Soups and Sauces -- good full set of build- ,,u,; --LIVU1rrner wedding o£ delicious wholesome bread. And butter rxzakes all the difference in goodness wherever it is ings, 100 acres tillable; 20 bush, 1 da bon Satur- TASTY -NU tasts good and is good mile to highway, 100 rocs inland y heart food for. y used. So buy more butter now -- at -the new low pricel lake shoreline, boating, firshing.Bru'r 1Vloirday was the King's Birthday, slice 'of energy_ you' Ever dice r. Y County, A11 at the and a bank and school holiday, while; price , a eott- the other ibusinesses were humming Buy an extra Loaf today—start age, $7200'.—W. C. Pearce, 1Zealtox, g now to serve more bread at every MARKETING SERVICE, DEPARTMENT Off' AGRICULTURE, OTTAWA Exeter. c along Bite any otncr day. meal. Get Cour- i4ix. and lV1is. Jolrzi:toir an4 rami.i Your TASTY -NU Bread It all of -Ua'r' anitt wele 1111sta na y at the Tasty -Nu Bakery or at Your FOR SALE the home of 4irs, Ju,iii.;U al'sspuents, local Grocers. `� m 001? '--^---� 141x, and Mrs. Ld, -beaver. R � �y�,�°���I�� Bakery g Raddle type pick-up for Allis Mr and Mrs Harry G. kless and Tasty -1411 -- Chalmers combine, $50.00. —Ari:- Mr. C. Haist were in the Hess cot. PHONE 100 II . old Keys, Varna. * tag-, finer — Z11RICFI V 1, on Sunday 11 n and return- ing .with them was Mrs. Hoist who FOR SALE spell( the past week in Godcrich. WOULD YOUR FARM BENEFIT ` LICENSED AUCTIONEER 111r. Lloyd week in of f ell. hell NT r ' who, has onsiderable holdings at FROM A FARMLOAN?IMPROVEMENT tt'e�ne Reasonable, Satisiae�tiion 4 ��x9 steel box with fenders, suit- • Guaranteed able for truck or trail or. Used 134yjfield is building a minature golf EXETER, R. R. 2 model A. Ford motor in good con- course next to his store and cabins Good machinery helps farmers in - phone f-:Ach 92x7, dition.--Glenn's Auto Wreckers, on Main .Street in Bayfield. •crease production and cut cost.. Phone 418M, Exeter. Mrs. Mary Eilber of Credito z Thousands of farmer a C VETERINARIA.N Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. VETERINARY SURGEON DjMm with Residence; Main Stre Opposite Drug Store. i?�me--•-96 ZURI BUTCHERS : urichs' Popul Let Us supply you with t ;very Choice of Fresh and Cu ad Meats, Bolognas, Sausage Etc., always on hand. Ke fresh in Electric Refrigeratio Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins H. Yungblut &,- So PRODUCE Silverwood _ FOR SALE �r he n net s 'loss anadtz With a painful accident when she fell are installing such machinery today and fractured leer --oi'ten arm, She is con-aided by a Farm Improvem- valescing at the home of her sister, eft Loan. Tractors, trucks and cors:-' — Hensall 2 storey brick house, full basement, hot water furnace, 3 -piece Sc. Mrs' Lloyd Gaise,r. bines may :be financed t'iroug.i Farni Messrs Herb Mousseau of Zurich; Improvement Loans, co can the im- bath main floor, 2 -piece upstairs, built -in kitchen cupboards each floor, Elzar 'Mousseau and . John Cochrane provement of farn,hou: c., ani out - of Iippen spent several days recent- buildings, clearing of land, haae many extras, nice lawn, hedges, etc. pur: ly in Northern Ontario on a fishing of livestock, and the installation of Moderately Priced, — W. C. Pearce, trip' and had a succe,�sfui as well as electricity and draina;e systenxs. Realtor, Exeter. a pleasant outing, Farm Improvement 1_ •a.ns are low CH Misses F. and E. Fowlie of Bay- in cost, too - five per cent Ample in - field, FOR SALE accompanied Mr. and Mrs. (x, terest - and repayment can be easy 'Mrs. Annie Haist, who spent the Koehler of Zurich to London Sun- instaRnents according to seasonai in - A .batch of .seven sanall pigs, 6 weeks old for immediate day last, where they visited with the come. ladies !brother, Mr. and Mrs. Fred If you feel that your farm woulti sale. Apply to Fowlie, benefit from a Farm ImprovemC•nt Wes. McBride, Varna, P.O. Phone Loan, why not drop into the Dank 687 21, Hensall. Congratulations -ire being L r extend- Montreal at Zurich, and have a e ed .to the baby of Mx. and Mrs. Carl f Mr. FOR SALE Deokdr near who took 1st chat with Mac McEachern, the man - richcompwhot place in the baby at the ager? He'll welcome the opportunity A quantity of wood slabs. F. C. Annual .South Huron Spring Show at to di.sccu a in confidence, your pax• - Hensall, recently. plans and needs, and work r- Kalbfleise'b and Son, Phone 69, g, Zurich. 4_t out ho out how an FTL and the B of care Mr' and Mrs. Ross Johnston of help c you with your farm financing. town accompanied b M d ci pt FOR QUICK SALE p y r. an Mrs. Arnold Kuntz of Dashwood, enjoyed lovely n a week -end at Rochester, N.Y. Huron. County Council 215 feet of half-inch cable, Visiting at the home of Mr. and like Mrs. Ernest Gemming, who have Humor 'County C will •pen new. Apply to 'William Lawrence, just recently moved into their new its June session Coourcil urt .House, God - Phone 214 Zurich, home which they. had built. erich nest Mondaa y, June 12th, A- mong other matters corning; up will STRAYtD 'Mrs. Annie Haist, who spent the be .approval cf a contract for a lar';:, past winter at : the home of Mr. and addition to the registry- o.`• se 'Unto my premises Lot 2!4; Con, 0, Mrs. Chris. Haist in Zurich, and who _lust awarded to C'on Eng Co. of London. Babylon line, Hay Twp., 6 head of has recently been at Crgditon, spent - cattle, 2 Herefords, balance red. Ow- a week or so at her summer h.-ome at Late ,Rev. H. D. Moyer ner contact Ro'bt. Adams, Phone 5- Huron Heights, where she was ac- An Evangelical and Meth,:dist 10'0, Zurich. companied by Mrs. Nelson Sinclair of Crediton. minister for 40 years, Rev. Harvey D. Moye;, 87, died suddenly at his FOUND O M '1' home in itchener Satun-� last Auto Marker C1316. Owner can ur ai Ing List ' AIRIES Our mailing list has 'been correct- Born at Campdem, Ont., he was.a son have same at Herald Office by Paying ed Lip to June 3rd. And i£ you have of the late Tilman Moyer. He began this adv. renewed his services in 1585 in the Evangel - your subscription and not Vasrh Market for Cream, Eggs been given credit, kindly let us know ical Church, transferring it 1891 and Poultry FOR SALE as errors can so easily be made. But to the Methodist Church, serving as Have Your Eggs Graded on if You have neglected to renew, and. pastor in Seafoxth Methodist church! gg A fine young orchard of 50 choice if your label reads farther aback than for -some ;y!ears. our apple trees, Io-cated in Zurich. AP- '50 iyou are in arrears, and should by DRIVE REACHES GOAL AUTOMATIC ply to W A. Siebert. all means attend to it at once. No SALE EGG GRADER FORUICK one is pressed any harder than a The drive organized by the Luth- Q publisher these days, while other eraan Churches of North America to LeRoy O'Brien, Manager T.R.C.A. Victor Car Radio, like prices soar up, yet his prices are to raise $6;000,000 for Christian high- na new. Also a cremain as always. So Iook at your er dducatiol institutions has been ot water ear 3reaik Phone 101 Zurich label and have it ' d a triumphant success and it • 11 Zurich Creamery Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for deliveredeream We are equipped to give effi- tient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in a o . T. Meyers. ers. +cls rge f Mr. y Proprietor !Chas. Minshall, p INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK its LARGEST RESERVE` BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- TIAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS �, OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO .. :aAmount of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1946 $73,699,236,00 Dratal Cash in Bonk sand Bonds. $444,115.39 iiatec••on Application ME. F KLOPP�--ZURIC AGENT Also Dealer in Lightning Rods #Ad all kinds of Fire Insurance hke new. Apply to Herb Turkheim, zn goo standang. , wen a Lutheran Synod convenes at the money pledges has been received Zurich' Sebastopol, the target figure will be exceeded, FOR SALE f the Rev. W. A. Mehlen'bacher, reg - The 88th Session o£ the Evangeli- ional director for Canada revealed. _ cal Lutheran Synod of Canada will Canada Synod was the second high - Large sized Tricycle in good con- be held at Trinity Lutheran Church. dst in North America and arnong dition. A child's spring coat, size 4, Sebastopol, this week, from rune those who oversubscribed. There are Iight green; 1 Grabamette Electric 6 to .9th. This year the convention 32 synods and Canada's total was heavy duty range, used only gone iyear. commemorates the 25th anniversary $203,0'00. Can be seen at home. Earl Ginger- of the merging of the two, Luthemn ich, Phone 90 r 7, Zurich. * Synods, the Canada Synod and the Central Canada Synod. Thds event Awarded Degree F O• R SALE took place at the same church on June 12th, 11925. Rev. E. W. A quantity .of Clipper Beans for Hesmrich of Zurich is president of seed. Good yielders and stand up well the Synod. t seas�o $4.00 a bushel.,:.•, y: HAVE GRADUATED George Armstrong, Phone 92 r 25, �y�� \?�� $',`•sok,<:?>,•'.�".':`'., Zurich. Among the district students who M ,:,^;xY4 'rl;P• graduated at Universityof '� 1`'•''••�i' • Ontario Convocation f Western 'h.;;,;''s<�::::::;' ',':>„';�t<•'!�:''',. Property For Sale r o Co avocation on Saturday we notice Cameron Hen Brucefield who graduates with a B.A. in Eng- town nm� 7 xoom house with, 3 -piece bath �, town water. Excellent garage and lash and Philosophy; Others received :•, .�.�.„,r� �"�" J+ work shop, 20x30'. Large garden. their B.A. degrees are .Stuart Me- -Henry c —Henry Gackstetter, Zurich. a Bride, (economics) Kippen; Donald Southcott (journalism) Exeter; Mar- jorie; ax FOR SALE jorie; Klopp (French and Latin), of Zuridh i Pauline Haberer, Zurich, One National Cash Register, nearly Pester Fraser, Exeter B Se in Math- .new, ath new, erratics. Miss Anita Datars, of Zux Two Toleda 30-1b. weigh .Scales. Good , i.ch who has finished her course at -Condition. Stratford Normal, has been engaged ?;,a:::..•: on the teaching staff at Kitchener. THIELS GENERAL STORE, Zurich We Mao note the, graduation of Rog- er H. Milliken, B.S.A:, son of Mr. Dean Stock and Mrs. M. -C, Milliken, Milbank who graduated from the O.A.C, at $2:7+6 Each. Prompt Service for Guelph, specialnzing in da 2•ying. Mr REV. W. A. R£ECROPT, B.A. Milliken has accepted a position with Lifting.—Jack Williams. Call Phone the Belleville Chedar Cheese Co.,and Minister of W!ngham United Clrurclr 214 r 4, Crediton Central. -c1-5750has 'commenced his duties. He tivas former mehairWan of Huron Preoby- born in Zurich, when his father was tegy United Church of Cana(ca, and NOTICE principal of .the school here and got well known as county chairman of G & CLEANING his High Schooling in Seaforth ands Victory Loan Campaigns during Arrangements ca. be made spent a ,year an the Queen's Own I Wiorld War II, who was chosen as Rifles before entering colle;g•e.! one of two Queen's Tbololog•ical Coll - Bill Watson We congratulate these young stud- ege graduates to be giveir the Iron DAA1Wood -- Phone 3509 eats, as it takes years of hard plug- ovary degree of Doctor f T)irinity ging to get up to where they now at Convocation at Queen's Univer- �ar'e. ;itYv', Xin;ston, reccntl,,, 1 Iw Mu ARE YOUR BEST” BUY! Only Re -Cleaved Grain Used in. Our Feeds AVAILABLE AT C. Herasakil r,,* IF IF Dist. �Pe­rative H.ENSALL and ZURICH • —WE'RE READY THEED, YOU, FOUR CAI( represents a major investment. It deserves the best of care --and that's what we're ready to give it. Whether it's a complete lubrication job or just a battery check, we really try to give good, thorough Imperial service ---the kind that will keep you coining back. We'd appreciate a chance to show you what we can do. Lector Forder ST: JOSEPH SERVICE STATION IMPERIAL COR. No. 84 & 21 HIGHWAYS S DEALER SAVE ---St. Joseph Service is prepared to save you some Money on your Tractor and Implement Tire Needs. Compare our prices and allowances on your old Tires! SP ' is NOW Havre We Suggest you, visit our Store and see our .New Spring Footwear LA DIE, ;—A. neer Assortment of Suedes and Calf, which take the eye of the most modern Dresser GROWING GIRLS—Black, British Tan, Nagy and Burgandy in various Styles. BOYS and YOUTHS—Scamyers at a very low Price. MEN ---- A complete line of Valentine -Martin Ster- ling and Hydro City Work Shoes to chose from. See our new Hydro City Arch work Shoe. DR. SCHOOL'S Arch Supports; Corsa and Bunion Fads, Pedicreme, Foot Balm, Foot Soap, Bunion Reducers, .Etc, I a • • • a Stord- ChooseYour arare Nee • s • • Froin Our • • NEW HARDWARE S'T'OCK S • a A Good Supply of Shelf and Heavy Hardware always on hand, also Scarf's Endurable Paints, Enamels and Varnishes and the New Almatex Plastic Paints For your heating system we recommend --the Good s Cheer Furnace, or the well Known Coleman Oil. Heater. °1 For your Household needs we carry Beaty Wash Machines; National EIectric Stoves; Marconi Rad- ios; Heaters, Electric Irons, and Toasters, Enamel- ware Pyrex and various Kitchen Ranges, � .Reliable Plumbing, Furnace work, evetroughing • and Tnsmithing. Our Aim ,To Serve and Satisfy' Datars Maim St. Hardware Store Phone 1 3 0