HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-06-01, Page 8ZURICk - ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD Thursday, June list, 1956 iTEMS Ok L0(,,AL, INTREs't + .. �Inurance ...... Mrs. Farwell and daughter lielene s + 0 + ' % were Monday visitors in the city. D, + Westlake Furniture 014 01 S Q Mr. Wilfred Klopp iof London, cal- .% + I I d on his sister, My, and Mrs. Earl. WHAT EVERY + e"d , + 4+11 Y Inglolut, Monday night. NEEDS! + New Ar Iva + QVC Perch are biting at the Lake alit! + HAVE oine fine catches have been 11auled Policy I ++ f 1 Blanket Farm Liability A LOT OF FINE DRESS MATERIALS in. Inclusive Limits Coverage. + Seasonable .pp les Z Mr and Mrs. Les Trombleyof De $1000o JUST ARRIVED troit, spent Tuesday with her, sister Premium $9.00 per annum. per farm I Premlu + Mrs. Earl, lungblut. Air and 11 not exceeding 350 acres. + .................... $1.10 + WE HAVE A FINE DISPLAY OF ALL LINES Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Weldo and New Crepes at Special, per yard Gal, Han motored to Lou- What Does it Cover? Mr. John G New Shantung Rayons at yard ........................ 1.10 OF FURNITURE I don on Mondaty. New Dress Ends, Crepes at yard .................... 2.25 Mrs. Elmore Thiel hasTeturned Operation of unlicensed tractors and home after apleasant visit at the farm machinery; Strayed Animals, lionie of her sister in Mount Clem- Farm Premises Risk, Personal Acts + A Good Variety of Linoleum, Congoleum and New Crepes, Rayons, etc. 42 -in at 1.59 to 1.75 yd. and Activities. + Axminister Rugs, Etc. ens Mich,, over the week -end. 1�1,'and Mrs. Gordon Rau and 4au- Optional Coverages + Q/ ghter of Detroit, visited over the + .4 Drapery Goods QQ� ays with his mother, Mrs- J- Animal Collision $200. limit on any + All Lamps are Reasonably Priced! holid. I P. Rau of town. one animal Prem. $1.00. Products + Our Stock is now complete. Mr. and Mrs Emanuel I(oehlcr, Liability, Custom Farming and + We also carry a good supply of Springs and Mat - Dr, and Mrs. Vittore, of Detroit were Machineryi rented to others. + in beauti- holiday visitors at the home of the Eniployers' Liability.. + such as Beautyrest, Airfoam, Etc. See our new line of Woodland Drapery I + tresses, ew colorings of Rayon and Cotton, 50 -in wide former's sister, Mr. andWell-, Voluntary Compensation. + ful n lington Johnston and other relatives- For Further particulars, Apply. + at 3.75 per yard. at the Dash- + Furniture Store Phone 122 - Zurich Many villaigLrg were J. W. HABERER - Phone 161 + wood Sports Day on Wednesday last, $ Residence Phone 89. 24th, as a iconsequence, the + Wallpapers 'lay + village was very quiet. + Mr and Mrs. Chris. Haist motored ARTHUR FRASER We carry Reg. N. Boxers and Watsons Foster's to Goderich, on Sunday to visit with their daughter, Mr. remain Mrs. Gordon high grade papers in stock... Always have a large Kaitting. Mrs.,11aift remaining- to Income Tax Reports VRT31 1111illillillumm mi assortment to choose from... See the new super- 0 spend a few days. Bookkeeping Service, Etc. • I coated and waterfast papers now available. The unusual dry season :5eeirns to be hanging on, Wednesday a few EXETER • Would be pleased to show you our samples lay }EPICS:—Corner Ann, William Sts.••Your Hardware; Store e from b--- little sprinkles, hardly enough to la 4. • We have 150 different Papers to choose the dust, the first in about four we- Phone: Exeter 855W. sides ceilings. eks. • Tuesday was ob- Prices range from 18c to 75c per single roll. I Decoration Day, ELMER D. BELL, B.A. BRIGHTEN UP YOUR HOME • r at less than half price. served in the U.S.A. and a great A few bundle lots to offer manly took advantage of the long week -end and visited these • payts.The with our new American SOLICITOR IS highways were filled with BARRISTER - .. I - ♦ cars. EXETER, ONT, ♦KEM GLO LUSTRE SPREAD SATIN 14wP a Conformation was held in St. Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m., ; LI CL t Zurich Peter's Lutheran church oil Sunday At (Now Twnp. Office) • 's�vheii nine candidates accepted the rituals which was witnessed by a in large audience. Rev. E. W. Heim- CEMENT We Have all Your Needs for Spring Cleaning 10 Dozen Weldrest Nylon Hose. 45 gauge rich, the Pastor, officiated. Jr., L Modernize your Stables with Cattle and Hog New Summer Shades at $1.25 a pair. My. and 1-NIrs. William West Sr. _0t_%CKS 5 Dozen Sub Standards in Regular 1.60 line and Mr and Mrs. William West, . V %j Windsor, were week -end visitors Water Bowls, Stauncheons, Litter Carriers or any . At 1.10 a pair with Mx and Mrs. Ward Fritz. - I Immediate Delivery Sells Store # other Farm Equipment can be had from W. J. Finnigan has soca his HURON CONCRETE 4001 M 0 ZURICHQpjMstore.in Egimondville to his son -.iii-- ep Im 'hishiltz ® Hardware TELEPHONE 59 11aw, r. Clair Haney. Mr. Finnigan PRODUCTS 41� 4P • was in business i # ll Egniondvillle for Phone 684 Seaforth about thirty years. Phone 63 Zurich Mr, and Mrs. Elias Charrette and re • �daugbter Elaine of Detroit; Mr. and Glenn S 11 rn Mrs. Victor Denornme of Roseville, T 1 Vmtysdale Sto Mich; Mr and Mrs. Cullen Russell lie week- FLOOR TILE and •children of London, were home of their end visitors' at the Auto Wreckers •parents, Mr and Mrs. David Du.- 99 F 0 R The Store with the Best Variety of all KGcfs PHONE 413-M EXETER 99 charane.. The Best In Mastic Tile Floor of Groceries Mr. and Mrs. Arnold J. Merner of L Used Parts GET 0 Zurich announce the engagement 0' Shoes for Men and Boys Also Rubber Boots and S their daughter, Marjorie � Mae, to IT d FOR MOST MAKES OF CARS and Electrical Datars Schilbe,son of Mr an ffi TILE - TEX A fine assortment of Hardware a 92 Mrs. Milfred Schillbe. The inarriage AXLES AND 16" WHEELS 99 ALSO CLEANERS AND WAXES 9 Appliances will take place at 3 o'clock, on Sat- �i 0 urday, June 10, in St. Peter's Lilth- FOR TRAILERS OR WAGONS gg Manufactured - by The Flintkote Company, ATLAS AND SEIBERLING TIRES eran Church, Zurich, Toronto, - Ont. urantdchildren. The funeral was held ES Cured and Fresh Meats Miss Theresa Dietrich, daughter ' family home ion Monday ifrom the fam See Your Local Agent Church, CO --OP. FEEDS of r. and 'Mrs. Wqn. Dietrich of 7U1 morning to -St. Peter's R. C. Cl JOHN M.. TURKHEIM Phone Zurich 174 Y•our Patronage Appreciated at all Times! 0 ich and who is in training at :St. Jos- where mass was sung,; Rev. Father gg eph's Hospital, London, was home I Wan. Bourdeau officiating, -assisted LAID AND MAINTAINED. Free Estimates Gladly Given pleasant visit.' The many f, GIVE US A CALL! for a p"",by Rev. A. J. Lucier of Zurich and ends of Theresa congratulate her on,Rev. Isaac Ducharme of Sarnia. The• 1,11M11MI • JOHN DENOMY - DRYSDALE Phone 98 r I obtaining for the second year the,bereft family have the sympathy of .................... t ......... : ..... highest standing in the nurses train- '- a large circle of friends ing class for the senond time. Wr-1 fine young lady continued MEET THE PRINCE OF PIXIES wish this Meet Wilson 19111- " Cleanest Venetian Blinds * 1w 4. q success. Mizner, who ort ated such sayings as: "There's a sue- t Softball Season Opens �ker born every minute," and "The YOU EVER OWNED HARDWARE SEEDS and FURNITURE in another column of this issue firsta0years are the hardest." Meet MADE OF F L E X A L U M will be seen the newly drawn up him in The American WeeMy, with schedule of the Zurich ladies' soft- this Sunday's (June 4) issue ol The Down With diyt-catchers! ball team's games. The opening game Detroit Sunday Times, in the first of These satin -smooth slats actually discourage dust—it rolls right -ael Needs 0 will be played in Zurich this Friday two col,o.rful articles on the life of off 1 Cleaning so quick with this amazingly flexible aluminum. • 'y Our F 0 night, this fabulous wit. ght, when. the Hensall girls play It bends when you brush, snaps back into perfect shape! the Zurich "Lumber Queens". These� So easy to operate! plenty of time. pirls promise to have a much better sall Spring Show Will receive attention with us if left in Hen Lightweight Flexalum is only third the weight of old-fashioned team than last Year, so the ball te fair to d largest steel We always try to supply our Customers with the Most 11 thlIy, even on wide, wide windows are in for some -ood games this year The l-, awas blinds. Operates silently, si 00 Hensall Thursdly, May Utb This beauty's for life! Let all the people who possibly can held in first fair a Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to turn out Friday night to see this op-- in history. it was the Flexalum wont warp, break or bend out of shape. Plastic finish c ening gaine. use the coininunitY arena erected last won't chip on . rack. Fireproof, rustproof, weather-proof, early' I (year. World markets are attractedbY wear -proof. insure. deliveries in time always leave your orders OBITUARY high quality and don't, come b,,, I F. 0. KALBFLEISCH (&'_ SON with us so we can ge for yarranour supply chance, J. A. Carroll, Toronto, Ont - Late Louis Durand ario Agricultural Soicielly, supei-inten- Phone 69 ZURICH YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Following a heart attack which he dent, told the exhibitors when he I 'I"1 ........ suffered two weeks ago, Louis Dur- I opened the •show. Stock from Hen -4 ....... *41+" W .......... Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? a and, well known Stanley Towns-ilp call's fair last year found its way" fanner died at his home on the into 30 of the '0. S. and 20 other Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob. I Highway on Friday May countries, he said. Almost Blue Water Hig,$il,200 in ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over 126th, in his 05th year. About a year ,1,500 attended and nearly I ago he had legs amputated in prizes were offered. 'BannockburnPipe MAssey "°' ITgrris Clinton"' and Exeter District for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best iHospital, and the Zurich and, Varna, Lions Club along with his many per- High Sc'ho'ol Bugle Band attended. Advantages. al friends purchased artificallegs Edwards Bros. toolc all prizes in Tried 'for the departed, and he was nicely the Aberdeen Angus class, in the We carry a full line of the Well Known and �Kijjjey, Zurich and learning to walk with these when lie Shorthorn J. E, -Me and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, 1,1took ill. A very courageous am-, Fred Dawson, Hensall were winners. HAVE RECEIVED A L ARGE SHIPMENT OF MASSEY- Also Quick Drying Enaraels and Varnishes; Floor wax '.strong mail to his days, and hard H. Wright, Cromarty and John, Me- HARRIS REPAIRS. ORDER YOURS EARLYI ;working, and was loved by all Who Gregor, Hensall took prizes in Here- �knew him. Surviving are his widow ford; .Jarrett Bros., Kippen and the AM TAILING HARRIS ORDERS NOW FOR ANY MASSEY OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS sons County Home shared honors in the the former Edith Denomme; five ein class. Roy Pepper, S. Them- IMPLEMENTS YOU MAY REQUIRE, INCLUDING TRACT - Plumbing, �ornate Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmit", I jand five daughters: 'Morris, 14-aly Tp; l4olst Orland, Windsor; 'Phillip at home; poen, Turnbull and Sons took. Prizes ORS, THRESHING -MACHINES, COMBINES, ETC. ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard � -ylarcil, London; Richard at home; for market cattle. There was a C1110 ware always in stock. Mrs. Claude Ray, (Pearl) Detroit; display of horses in various classes; "The Service .Areal for Canadian Farm" Mrs. Russell Sreenan (Kathleen) of Munro had the grand champion car- s A011LStanley; Mrs. Agustus Roche !Lily) riage ho) -se, and top draft horses. Sandra Ironside had the Chaill- I-lay; Mrs. Wilfred Paterson (Mary under saddle frel, Shop 149 OsRes. 67car Map are't) London; Mrs. Harvey Gelinas pion pony, (best horse (Rayleen) Stephen Tp. The sisters and best pony ridden by a boy or ZURICH - ONT. TvIrg. Charles Laporte, Stanley; girl, 14 years or under. Parsons Of EVER AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FARM NEEDS! Afflul are:prize for hurdle QUALITY PRICE SERV'Cn Mts. M-axime Denomme, Stanley"Mrs Centralia took the p Dennis Bedard, Zurich, also 231jui-Aperg.