HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-06-01, Page 5•• ZURICH 'ONTJ ZURICH HERALD ..-,---.---•-- Put Your Want. For Sal.•e. Aj&orized as ;second class mail, poet Office Department, Ottawa, Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this Column. BUSINES FOR SALE CARDS A batch of seven small prigs, 6 week: - old for immediate sale. Apply to lWes. McBride, Varna, P.O.'Phone John W. Orchard 637'r 21, Hensall. OPTOMETRIST FOR QUICK SALE Mein Street -- Exeter 5 nearly new 600-16 tires very ' Open Every Week Day cheap,—L. A. Prang and Son, Except Wednesday Phone 355J XdCENSED' AUCTIONEERS ALV'IN WALPER 1• Licensed Auctioneer • :fog HURON AND LAMBTON For your Sale, large or small, Cour- teous and Efficient Service at all Times! DASHVJOOD Phone '57 r 2. E. F.- CORBETT { LICENSED AUCTIONEER Terme Reasonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER, R. R. 1 = phone �:_2ich 92x7. VETERINARIAN Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON I)RIce with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store ZURICH aoeZURICH BUTCHERS FOR SALE A quantity )f wood slabs. F. C. J�albfleis'ch and Son, Phone 69, Zurich. 44. e. NOTICE Commencing Sunday, June 4th. we will be making our usual Sunday deliveries of milk. —Zurich Dairy. FOR QUICK SALE 215 feet of half-inch cable, like new. Apply to William Lawrence, Phone 214 Zurich. STRAYED Unto my premises Lot 214, Con. 0, Bablylon line, Hay Twp., 6 'head of cattle, 2 Herefords, balance red. Ow- ner contact Robt. Adams, Phone 5- 10'0, Zurich. SOUND Auto Marker C1316. Owner can have same at Herald Office by paying this :adv. FOR SALE A fine ,young orchard of 50 choice apple trees, located in Zurich. Ap- ply to W. A. Siebert. FOR QUICK SALE I.R.C.A. Victor Car Radio, like new. Also a. hot water car fLeateb like new. Apply to Herb Turkheim, Zurich. Zurichsl popular ( FOR. SALE ���• j��j 3�1�A�A� ■� •••� Large sized Tricycle in good con- dition. A child's spring coat, size 4, j.,et Us supply, you with the light green; 1 Grahamette Electric heavy duty range, used only.one year. Cry Choice of Fresh and Cur- Can be seen at home. Earl Ginger - Sausages, ich, Phone 90 r 7, Zurich. Etc., always on hand. Kept FOR SALE l fresh in Electric Refrigeration A quantity of Clipper Beans for `seed. Highesi.Cash Prices Lor Good yielders and stand up well in wet season. $4.00 a bushel. — Wool, Hides andSkins George Armstrong, Phone 92 r 2, H. Yu—n9blut, 4% SO-"_._ Zurich. 1 December 31st., 1946 _ Property For . Sale PRODUCE 7 room, house with, 3 -piece bath. Bill Watson town water. Excellent garage and C�;lvnrtxrnnd work shop, 20x30. Large garden. —Henry Gackstetter, Zurich. 1 FOR SAIF EMU D ATD One National Cash Register, nearly n ow. Two Toleda 30-1b. weigh Scales. ('rood dash Market for Cream, Eggs Condition. and Poultry THIEL'S GENERAL STORE, Zurich 'Have Your Eggs Graded on _ Dead Stock our A very- desireable I'_- story frame AUTOMATIC $2.75 Each. Prompt Service for EGG GRADER Lifting.—Jack Williams. Call Phone LeRoy O'Brien, Manager 214 r 4, Crediton Central. -c1-5250 Phone 101 Zurich N O T'l C E 1 December 31st., 1946 WHITEWASHING & CLEANING ��IItl9d Zurich Creamery Arrangements can be made {� Bill Watson Your Home Market for Cream Dashwood — Phone 3509 own— Eggs and poultry AUCTION SALE Highest Cash Prices paid plus Of 80 Dairyand A G E N'T On Lot OBee ConcessionpeCo-v`of premium for deliveredcream sodeisPownshipOn-Hifme l sod all kinds of Fire Insurance oHi We are equipped to give effi- June 6th at 7.30 p.m. (DST). The Cows consist tof Holsteins, Jer- eient accurate service. Egg seys, Guernseys and Durhams. Some recently freshened, balance clue and Poultry department in are soon. A numlbi;r of young; calves. All charge of Mr. T. Meyers. Cattle are T. B. tested and will be sold under the usual guarantee. Chas. Minshall, Proprietor Terms—Cash -- A. E. Townsend and Son, Proprietor: INSURANCE Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. .. 1j , 1 � ` f Miss Lois flay of London sp;mt the. week -end at her home here and at Grand Bend. Miss Nola Krueger of the 140 - Con., spent the week -end -with friends,>°�. at London. Mr. Gordon Howard. of London, t&� spent the week -end with his wife ' and family here. M,r, Ivan Isalbfleiseh has been iii the Northern wooded areas on a Pur- chasing of timber trip the past week £ Mr an Mrs Louii Thiel and Dir• and 'Mrs. Ward Fritz attended the Automobile Dealers' Convention held at the General Brock Hotel, 1liagam the megat is ready! Falls, .last week.I No meal is complete without pleat) Mr. and Mrs. Wes Wolfe of Dash- of delicious wholesome bread. Ano w.od, along with the Iatter's sister TASTY -NU tasts good and is good of Seaforth, visited at the., home of hearty food for you. ,Every slice a Mr. and 'Mrs. John Albrecht on Sun -I slice of energy - Jag. • Buy an extra Loaf today—start The many friends of ' Mr. Andrew now to serve more bread at every Thiel are plesed to hear that he is meal. Get your TASTY -NU Bread x1ole to be up and enjoying the farn• at the Tasty -Nu Bakery or at your il,y= chat at the ,home *f his son, I42r.1local Grocers. Ind Mrs. George Thiel. Miss Sterling or near Bayfield,I T ey-Na Bakery has taken a position in the office of 7 JJ Lhe Kalbfleisch Planing Mills, and PHONE 100 — ZURICH is in residence with Mr. and Mrs. ---•- -" John Albrecht. SENDING MONEY AWAY Mrs, Elzar Mousseau and Mrs, Alex itlousseau of Kippen visited in This Way is Safe our vdllag.e one day last week, also at and Simple Too the home of the latter's son, Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Mo•usseau. If you are seeding money away Mr. Charles Minshall, the proprie- for any purpose, you want to be for of the Zurich Creamery, has ro- quite sure that it will reach its dest- Gently purchased the dwelling prop- ination. Well, here's as safe a way of erty next to his place of business; sending money as 1y.ou .can .find, and known as the former Galster hone. one ,that's both simple and inexpen- Mr. Minshall has been occupying the save• property f, -r some time. Drop into v;ur local branch of the Mr. and Mrs. Finlay, the Zormer Bank .of 1,Vlontreal, and purchase a being buttermaker in the -. Zurich B of M Money Order. Such money Creamery, -have moved to town and orders are payable without ciharge have made suitable living quarters anywhere in Canada (except in the in the rooms above the creamery.lYukon). Slip the money order into we welcome them as citizens of Zur- an envelope, mail it, and you can ich. rest happily in the knowledge that Mr. Edward Elliott, the popular you've assured the 'best protection :_t auctioneer of Clinton, gave us a really low oast. And you know, too friendly call on Wednesday. -Mr. that the person at the other end Elliott reports that he has had a very won't have to be bothered with any good season in his chosen profession. exchange charge; he'll get the fiill He is having an auction sale of the i face value of the money order. William Slack farm, on the Blue -If you have to send money any - Water Highway, Stanley Township, where more rapidly than by post on Thursday, June Sth. have a word with Mae McEachern, Shipped New Boats the Manager at the B of M branch in Mr. Stanley Smith, of the B. W. 1 Zurich. He'll make sure that your Highway, among many other things, funds are rushed to their destination has got his name up as a boat build- by the B of M's special tempraphic er having recently completed the and cable system. sixth he built during his spare time this winter and spring.On Tuesday he cei✓ing the annual June questionaire shipped two up in -the marry Sound concerning live stock, from a )or and district, which product is a credit to acreage on their own farms. The any ,young nzan• questionaire is being sent out by the SOFTBALL ORGANIZE `Agricultural Divisi.,n of the Domin- The ladies softball schedule for this ion Bureau of Statistics in Co -oiler -- district was drawn up at Centralia ation with the Provincial Department Airport, May 25th with Sheldon Wein of :Agriculture. The answers gi-:-en by Exeter, as chairman fcr the cvenrng the -fanners to the questions asked on and Herb Turkheim of Zurich, was the if.,rm will provide the ba3is for appointed group convener. Tht:re are 'at.blish?ng the acreage sown to to be seven teams In the league co::- f;eld crops in 1950 and the numbers sisting of Ilderton, Lrcan, Centralia, of live stock and poultry in Canada Exeter, Dashwood, ITensall and Zur- at June 1st 1950. ich. It wasdecided that games wei , The month of June is at hand and to be called for seven -clock ,vith also the Cream Producers' campaign 15 minutes grace and if the visiting t,;, raise moncti; for advertizin^; will team does not show up by 7.Z;0 they get under way. It is to be ho?ied t':at will forfeit the gaine and subjected eveiyon:. will contribute the;), c :are to a $25 fine. For the play -ass the as it is ,being done to further tai first four teams will enter the semi- :-isle of dairy products which shonla finals. Floodlight games are -) ue st- directly concern YOU the producer. arted by 8.30 and forfeited by nine. if you send in a can of cream that , The followin. games concer7 the v�reighs So pounds and tests 55 you Zurich team: will be contributing bout i"118c to tl-e June 2—Hensall at Zurich. campaign. FIow much advertising 7—Zurich at Ildrrton could y u do for 28c. If evrity=Ione 9—Exeter at Zurich. contributes their 28c. worth it ani- 14—Zurich at Cent-ralia ounts to a sizable sum that will per- 16—Da&wood at Zurich mit those in charge of the campaign 19—Zurich at D'a�-liwood to make it pay off. 21 --- -Ilderton at Zur.iol, 28—Centralia at Zurich. On '.Thursday evening, May 2'5th; 30—Zurich at FIensa?l. i the Field Day Committee met it July 7—Zurich at Luean. G.derich with t. ChainbLr of Corn• 12= -Zurich at Exeter I coerce committee appointed to assist 14—Lucas at Zurich. '?n the plannin gof Huron Field DO -N' for June 14th, at Goderiah Agricult- Federation News ural Park. If the weather man v ail (By Gordon lT. Greig) co-operate everyone will be in a very During the last weer: bi May the enj-.yable day of sports events and farmers of Huron C =ty will be re • educational displays. -BREAD I I . U on the table Western Farfara' WWI AUCTION SALE O,f Property and Household Eifoeta Weather Insurance Co. in the Village of Kippen, on OF WOODSTOCK SATURDAY, JUNE 100h, At Two p.m. Il'HE LARGEST UESERVE BA.L- A very- desireable I'_- story frame A.NCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- house covered with brick siding; has IiTAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS hydro, good water supply, also a barn for 71,4 a, OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO suitable raising chickens; acres of land. Immediate possession. Amount of Insurance at Risk on Also a full line of Household Effects 1 December 31st., 1946 including some Antiques. Property $73,699,236.00 is situated on No. 4 Highway. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds. Terms 'Property will be sold sub. $444,115,39 jest to It reserved 'bid. 10�%c ,on day Rapes on Applicakion of Sale, ,balance in 30 clays. Other E. .. LURICH F. KLOPP """ articles, cash. Pr.dperty is the Estate of the late A G E N'T Charles Alexander. ,Also Dealer in Lightr ing Rods bl2s. Elizabeth Clarke, hiss Ndna Alexander, Lxecutrlx.. sod all kinds of Fire Insurance Il:arold ..,.k:aon, Aucti•nneer. TWENTY-SEVEN GIRLS the guiding light from the start aNl arranges malty of the selectins her - In cluding :Mary Dee Girroir, the. s. If. She is also head of the vocal de•• leader (middle) make up the Arm partment or .the Maritime A.cedemy dale Chorus, whicli broadcasts a fi.f- of MUgic. �)olo!st with the girls o teen -minute program on the CIU(' June' 3rd will be erry Monohan. Be]- ever - Tran. -Canada network every Satur- actions on that date will include Me day ev arhinia' at 7.00 o'clock, The ivory Lane, In the Shade of the Old group is mimed after the suburb of Apple Tr. c, Along the Pathway (by Halifax r•h W ol:,ven lyears ago in Charles Mice of Montreal+) and Sing a public -school clan --,room — several You Sinner. In July the chores will of the preselrt nrc;r:',er; ii t made sing at the ramous 1pb ter fE's.i t? hit i Thursdhy, June list, 190 0 -the •Bettm Bu. On Fish, Sizzling Steaks and Chops, in Soups and Sauces — butter .makes all the difference in goodness wherever it is used, So buy more butter now — at the new low price! MARKETING SERVICE, DEPARTMENT or AGRICULTURE, OTTAWA C 0 P. F E E ISA ARE YOUR. BEST BUY! Only Re -Cleaned Grain Used in Our Feeds AVAILABLE AT Hensall Dist. Co-CJperabve HENSALL and ZURICH .WE'RE READY TO FIELP YOUR YOUR CAR represents a major investment. It deserves the best of care—and that's what we're ready to give it. Whether it's a coinplete lubrication job or just a battery check, we really try to give good, thorough Imperial service --the kind that will keep you coming back. We'd appreciate a chance to Show you ,n �^gI what pw+e can do. Hector orciE IMPERIAL ` ST. JOSEPH SERVICE STATION h COR. No. 34 & 21 HIGHWAYS W) DEALER 0 t SAVE—St. Joseph Service is prepared to save you some Money on your Tractor and Implement Tire Needs. Compare our prices and allowances on your old Tires 1 __11 — - 0A We Suggest you visit our Store and see our New Spring Foot`vear LADIES—A new Assortment of Suedes and Calf, which tale the eye of the most modern Dresser GROWING GIRLS—Blacif, British Tan, Navy and Burgandy in various Styles. BOW'S and YOUTHS—Scamyers at a very low Price. MEN ---- A complete Pane of Valentine -Martin Ster- ling and Hydro City Work Shoes to chose from. See our new Hydro City Arch work Shoe. DR. SCHOOL'S Arch Supports; Corn and Bunion Pads, Pedicreme, Foot Balm, Foot Soap, Bunion Reducers, Etc. oa ` Ir Choose Yaur Hardwallee Hoods From Our 0 NEW HARDWARE STOCK A Good Supply of Shelf and Heavy Hardware always ori hand, also Scarf's Endurable Paints, Enamels and Varnishes and the New Almatex Plastic Paints For your heating system we recommend --the Good Cheer Furnace, or the well known Coleman Oil Heater. For your Household needs we carry Beaty Wash a. Machines; National Electric Stoves; Marconi Rad- ios; Heaters, Electric Irons, and Toasters, Enamel- ware Pyre::; and various Kitchen Ranges. Reliable Plumbing, Furnace work, evetrow hin ' and Tinsmithing. Our Aim ,To Serve and Satisfy a trs. e n Mair, St. Hardware Store Phone 2I �