HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-06-01, Page 41W. RIC -4 s Y>WARiCiI► i e 1 Dance I LOC.�,�. 1�i�W� �x� forget the, 1311ig� a�.� 1. '!Good pr�gltss is being nvade on the l car tho Conrnz'unzty Centre this Tlrnxs e c Mr, day ±evening, sponsored 1biy, the var- Yiew xes�idence being gi . cte i by tail Flakbard :of town, i ltMs committees in the interests -of Largs: •crowds ire tA :4t Grand Bend ' 11'lanitoba Flo,ad Relief. The urge I.,; vin Sunday, In fact almost as many ivezy essential, and everyone is behi,1 tars as in pridsun-over• asked to give freer. 11'Tas. Parkins of Seataxth, %vas a .. OBITUARY 'visitor at the h4wie of her son, )-Ir. and Mrs, Jamefi Parkin of town the Mrs. Juila Stebbins Past week. Mrs. -'-1a Stebbins, widow' rof the Mr. and Mrs. l�'orrnan Cay;'en n1 late DLuno ':,�bbins, a p oiiw;r rest- iLyrola, formerly of theSarepta 'Cur- dent of Grand Bend district, passed 'mer, and 1111•s. Col\rail's father, Ms', away at the home of her iso. Delos Lightheart sof New Harnbuxg, called .1,1 Sunda:-, May 211, in her 90th year in town one da6i last week. Her husband predeeeased her 14 A Lut;hianan fancily consistingof ago. She was a member -of Grand rnan, wife and two children have Bend United Church and is survive.; moved in the small home erected by by one. daughter, Myrtle, 'Mrs. Abel the Kilbfleisch Mills opposite this Ducharme o" London; six sons: Fred dace, the man being a cabinet maker' of Vancouver; Reuben of Mishwal, Mr. and Mrs. John Wilherni of llndiatkr; Roy of Sar»ia; Lawrence of hear Baden were Sunday visitors atjLon'd'en-, 'George of lit. Huron; Delos of Grand Bend; 26 grandchildren, 33 the home of the former s sister, i14r. and Mrs, C. 0. Smith, B.W. Highwaly great grandchildren. A brief service was held at the 'home of her son �. ` Loads of coal have been mauled m : [?eros ion Tuesday, Mai, 23, at 2 p.m. %wn the past week, which convinces: followed by a memorial service in the ' us of the winter which always foll- Grand Bend United Church at 3 p.m. laws summer in this part of the world Rev. A. Searle of Sarnia and Rev. K 'ft's a nice time to have it put in! Woods of 'Grand Bend officiated and ► GRAND BEND F � ► DANCING EVERY SATURDAY Presenting on SATURDAY — JUNE 3R"D. Bill Howe and His Orchestra "Triple -tongueing Trumpets" A Band like your old Favourites — '21he Willis 1 Tipping Orchestra! Featuring 1 OLLIE ENGLISH ON TRUMPET 1 Beginning Saturday, June 10, and rest of the season —Neil McKay and his -Orchestra. • TERRIFIC POWR IN EVERY DROP! l�� a r a. ice• ,`�+ :: o `.� -a. CHANGE OVER TO THIS SENSATiONAL NEW GASOLINE #OW! One tankful of this new power -packed super fuel will convince you les the liveliest gasoline you've' 4 ever used: Give your car new life, new pep, See your nearest Reliance Dealer now. R .. RELIAgCHYL E -Jima - r tC NOW ON SALE AT OVER 6D0 RELIANCE STATIONS LS �Ft1n� p�I�E� �rpp /1 DR REGULAR PRIC,�'S pap 97°tD p� r�ysgp POWER 6'EN ALL LABS! DRIVE IN AND GET idfl 6;.d 'f t, ®e rasa A TANKFUL TODAY! b x G c•' ♦ JL 111h a, i 11k Nt .T 6 ;J: C V �� �i - may':. y�{:�•�.:. Is a Tract®r.l''' )f s S ti fsY.. ti. a a-4 : 'KII : +` f \ L v3 M ♦ p i. ,r4 Y.{ •y 'W � tw 2 p zy^` p'< ^F^: 7) '"' 'v.'v'yW, s Fr s � Fat•m Improt,ement Loans have helped thousands 3 of Canadian farmers to buy tractors and other farm implements to speed their work and grow bigger crops. Ask your nearest B of M "MY RANH° manager about the many ways an F-14 can v help you to modernize your farm. and TOA 11110H.CANmus increase your profics. The cost is low. a to I BANK OF MONTREAL Zurich Branch: C. C. MCIiACHERN, Manager Hensall Branch: J014N IRVINC, Manager Crediton Branch: CHARDS PARKINSON, N-anager r ((Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) Dashwood (Suh-Agency) a Open Mon,, Wcd, & Fri, VORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1$17 ZURICH HERALD intt'o ment was lit -the iCirancl lira l AUCTION AIX- cenieter y OF FARM Late Olpverurnbulll The undersigned Auctioneer will Oliver. Turnbull lifelongresdeant • . often for sale subject to a deserved 1 of the Grand Bente' di.st'rict, passed ,bid at Lot No. 15, Blue Water High - away in London after a lengthip ill- way East, Stanley Township; 4•ir ness in his Goth year, on Tuesday, miles south of Balyrfield on May 23, He is survived by a sister, Eugene Allen, Parkhill; two. 'broth- 'THURSDAY, JUNE 'Sth. ers, Gordon and Norman of Grand At 2 p.m. (D.S,T.) Bend. Funeral services r,exe held Tb(e farm 'consisting of 1241,'; acres in Hoffman Funeral Home,Dashwood, ,an 7'hrirsday, May 25, at x2.30 p.m. °i land, more or less, with alaproxi- Rev,. K. Woods of Grand Bend offi- irately 30 acres of bush, consisting ciated ;and •interanent was in Grand if maple, ash, beech, hemlock and Bend Cemetery elm, with a Rood lot of timber. On the farm is a never failing LATE LOUIS KLEfNSTIVER spring available to any field; also Louis 10einstiver, 174 well: ,known has a rock well, retired mail carrier, died at his home This farm is suitable to mixed Dashwood on May 24th, Surviving farming and cash crops such as beans are two casters, Mrs. Ed. Edighoffer, Terms -1'10 % ,of purchase price on Zurich! and Mrs, Lucinda Mcisaac, day iof sale and 'balance upon pos- of Dashwood. The remains rested session. Lit the Hoffman Funeral Home, from William Slack, Proprietor. where services were conducted on I±,.dwarcl W. Elliott, Auctioneer. Saturday at 2..'80 p.m. by the Rev. R E. Roppelll, of Gui ch, and Interment Mr and Mrs, Leo Masse of. Lond!oal, followed in Dashwood Evangelical U were St. Joseph visitors with thein B. Cemetery, Goshen Line. Pall'bear- pa, -rents over the week -end. ers were: M. Klumpp, R. Guenther, Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Ducharmc L Kleinstiver. 1-1. Hayter, V. Edigh- of Detroit attended the funeral of the offer, 0. OL-itibus, former's sister, Mrs. Frank Ghania- ers. of Goderich ,on 'Mondaiv cast ane A S H W O CJ 1 ' during tha'.r stay called on' reratzvei Mr and Mrs Ed. Noll and Mr and in this vicinity. Mrs. Si-inom-Noll of Milverton attend- Mx, and Mrs. J. Oberer of Deiroil ed the funeral of the late Louis spent the week -end in their summei Kleinstiver on S'atur'daiy,. ' home. Mr and Mrs. Ed. Noll remaining' Mrs. Remie Jeffrey of Beavertowr for the week -end to visit with relati was a Sunda fisitor ;with Mrs. Hector ves. La7orte. Mr am -d '.Mrs. Thds. Hoperoft were Mr and Mrs. Noel Laporte o: Sunday visitors in Exeter. Drysdale, mere Sunday evening vis Mr aired Mrs Melton Walper and itum with the former's mother. daughter •of 'Ingersoll spent the week- Mrs. Roger Bedard who was visit, end with Iter parents, Mr and Mrs. ing their parents in New Brunswiel Fassold. for some weeks, has returned .to hem Mrs. S. P. Currie and Marls n are home near St. Joseph, visiting with 'her parents in Meaford Messrs. Napoleon Cantin and Eua' A nuiriber -fromhere attended the ene Cantin and family all of Detroi WSWS co-Avention in Waterloo this wereweek-end visitors with thein week. parents.in St. Joseph. Mrs. Ed. Edlighoffer of Zurich spent - 'a few- da -vs with her sister, Mrs. HENSALi. McIsaac last week, also attending the —AT TUDORS— funeral of her brother, the late Tudor's in Hensall announce nevi Louis Klenstriver. low prices on all sh.ertie coats. Ever Miss Shirley Smith who has been coat is reduced at least 25%. Aci in Toronto for some time, has return- now as stool; is limited. ed for the summer. Born — Dennison—Mr. and Mrs Mr. Duncan Snider who pact an Russell. Dennison (nee Margaret Bal - operation in London hospital, . has lard) reg. nurse, of London, and for. returned home. merly of Hensall, are very happy tc Dashwood Band has reorganized announce the arrival of their laugh with T. H. Hoffanan as leader, assist- ter Ruth Marilyn, at Victoria Hosp- ed, by Melvin Stade and Maurice ital, London, Msay i2 -3rd. Klumpp. Any boy -or girl wishing to TIie' Ladies' Aid iof Carmel Presby - join the Band, contact T. H. Hoff- tertian Church sponsored a booth at man or the president, Jack Gaiser. the Hensall Fair Thursday last anti Practice every Monday evening. took.in $115, this 1s the third year St. Joseph and Beaver Town the Ladies have sponsored a booth Mr. Zephie Char•rette of Detroit at the local spring fair. and (amity, were. visiting with his Win. Hyde '.f Hensall, who will be mother and other relatives over the 816 in July, at the Hensall Farr on week -end. Thursday sawed off "The Devil's Mr and Mrs Arthur Brisson of De- Reel" on his Udle to win his 46th droit spent ,Sunday last with redativ_ prize since he took the instrument 73 es in this vicinity, years ago. Not content with taking a Mr an -d Mrs. Harold Siemon and prize in the contest, Mr. Hyde kick - children of Goderich were Sunday ed his heels at -Old Man Time, with visitors with the former's prents near a couple of steps of a jig, as he St. Joseph, crossed the platform, sprinting with Mr and Mrs Clarence Sopha or his fiddle under his arm. Detroit were Sunday visitors + with Had Benefit Dance their parents in this neighbourhood. A benefit dance sponsored by the the Hensall Hockey Club was held in the Mr and il4rs Kuno Hartman of Sunday Town Hall, Tlnirsday night _rIay 25, Goshen Line south, were afternoon visitors at the hoite of Mrs proceeds for inured members of the hocked- team. -S: H. Laporte of the B. W. Highway.for the Orchestra mu ,114' and Mrs. Vincent Jeffrey of furnished must.: for the dance. A Detroit spent the week -end with theidraw was held for which r.;eznners of relatives -and friends in this vicinity.r the club had :been selliny tickets on Mr. and 'Mrs. Thomas Denomme of I for :some time. Winnere were: 1st London spent Sunday in St. Joseph $50, White Grenier, Zurich; 2nd $30 with the later's parents. Wilson -Allen, Hensall; 3rd $10, Dr. Mr. Nelson Papineau and Nelson A. R. Campfell, Guelph; $5 winners Masse Jr., of Windsor. The later vis- were: Allan Reid, Seaforth; anti Ed, Lting with th his parents, on the 14thh Corbett. Hensall. Had A nnivers ' Con., while the former called on re- cry latives on the B.W.H. south. A ,successfully and largely attend - Sister Francis .H. so and Sister ed anniversary services -were oibserv- Marie rFra nt of the .Sacred Heart ed in the Hensall United Church, Sun clay, May, 28th at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Convent, of London, are visiting with The guest speaker was Rev. J. W. the former's mother and brother of Rogert orf Blyth, who delivered two this Highway. very 33iallenging addresses.. The Comment— choir under the, direction of Mr. S. Well, here and there the tars on R;annie sang two anthems, Miss Greta the cold—disagreeable weather, and Lammie presided at the organ. Dr, by many the comment is we never Eunice Oestreicher of London, was seen the like before; no warm wea- guest soloist and sang in lovely voice ther; few of us keep in line o; past Lovel.v floral arrangements adorned events, and if weather conditi-ons, and the church for the occasion. In mem-- when the sunny dalys come; they ap Ory of the late Mrs. T. Harris a parently forget the past; this cold beautifuil basket of flowers was pla- and windy stuff that we have been ceid' on the Communion table by me -- getting this spring is a repeater, ex -tubers of the Harris family. The sept it being dry in this locality; let offering, the largest in years amoun- us go back twenty-four 'years ago ted to over $600. when Lake Huron held its 'uranret of Late Charles Cooper ice till the 30th day of May and with Charles Cooper, highly esteemed re - that in sight you will ,be c rnvinced ddr,n of Hensall, died .at his home that the spring Sias cold, and since Wed. May 2141th after a short illness that date we have had springs where in his 72nd yna` Il,, was a member farmer, were seedlit,;, boiling •maple , of Carmel Presbyterian church, and syrup, while others were girt net held the office as Elder of the churrh fishing, and all in the spring like q member of Huron Lode A.P. and weather; so there is nos much use A.M. Surviving is his widow. 'Public in despairing; summer will come in filneral services were held from the due time this ,year, as in the past, Of course there has been exceptions, B'onthon Funeral Home Fridaiy at 2 take in 1916 to be enact a generation Ferguson and was largely attended. Rev. and a half ago, lire spring was warn; Ferguson preached the memorial ad- and wet seeding started about the dress. The Lodge were in charge. 8rd or even later in June but there HAY RESIDENT PASSES was nothing to harvest,that y:ear,And William G. Bell, prominent andlife in the sante year, Dominion Day had long resident of Hay Township pass - stirred up a visible snow storm, and ed away in Victoria Hospital, London then the weather tdrned cold to ie- Thursday afterna.-n in his 67th year stroy many plants. So ,this Spring following a week's illness. Born int does not differ too wider from iother Hay Twp. where he farmed success- years. fullly; for many years. Active member (Last Week's Items) of Carmel Preislbyaterian church, and Mr and Mrs Leonard Sararas and member of the Masonic Order. Surv- Xr 'and Mr,; Pet Jeffrey all of the iving• are his widow, former Caroline B.W.H. motored to London on Gould, +one son Harold, Hensall, one I'liureday last. slaughter Mrs. J, D, Carter, Ecimon- Xr and Mrs,. Fred Turnbull and ton; three sisters and a brotheef Rob , Tbursduyz June lst, 1950 D. Bell, London., One son Pilot Orli inity Iearn'ed with regret of the iiasi - cer Ailvin 13ei1 was killed: during air sing of Charles Athol Alexander,, operations in the 2nd war;one dau- wilds io&cgrred on May 18ith at hits gliter Reta passed away some itime home there ,in his 74th year culmin.. ago, Mr. and Mrs Bell had recently ating a Wngtliy illness. He hu-medi purehaNed a new home in A3xeter,aiid for manjy, years near Hensall 'before: were going to take up yesadence there retiring to Ki'ppen. He was consider - Private services were held from the ed an .accomplished ^violinist and pla, home, Lot 20, Con. 4', Hay Township yed at many public gatherings. May 29th at e'2 p.m. Services in. cha- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Watson of tile* rg;e of 'the Masonic Order, Rev. P. A.I'B.W. Highway were reeent visltorsr Ferguson was the minister. lntermT-. with their son, Stuart we'd. wife at: ent was in Exeter cemeteiV. i Dundas. HENSALL W'ED'DING � A fancily gathering of 32 was held: The United Church, Hen'saIl was at .the home of Mr and Mrs Gordon: the +scene of the wedding of Jean Scotchmer, Bronson line, in honour- Lenore dan gliter of Mr. and Mrs. of the former's sister -'and her huab.. I and, 'Mr and Mrs Robt . Heath, Calr, Edward Normington, Hensall, 'to' Ar- gary, Alb, and daughter, it beingthe. thur Melville Traquiar, son of Mr. occasion of Mr:. and Mrs HeatWs, sil:- and Mss, Melvin Traquair, Hensall. ver wedding anniversary, Rev. R. A. Brook perf'ormect the double ring ceremony in a setting of Goshen W.MS Meet forsythia, ferns and flowers. The The WMS of Goshen United church., wedding mu'sic was played ,by Miss was held at the home of Mm, Elmer - Greta Lanamie and Benson Stoneman Haly;ter. Mrs Clare McBride was in was s•.loist. Miss Georgia Cook, Lore- cli'arge of the program, The rneeting; don, attended the bride and Jack Tra- opened with devotions. The morning quair, Hensall, attended his brother. report of Presbyterial was -given by - The reception was held at the home Mils. Leslie Armstrong and the aftery of the bride's parents. For their trice nomas session was reported by Mrs., they went easterTly. Allan, Armstrong. A trumpet solo was; played by Mrs. Clare McBride, ac. STANLEY TOWNSHIP ' companied on the organ by Mrs., Elmer Hayter: The Auxiliary 'then; John, the young son of Mr and had a review of -their work floc: the• Mrs. John Broaclfoo.t, had, his hand last few years and found that talzey"• s• ve!rely burnt recently when he and had been advanced both in member-. other members of the family were ;ship and in givings. The minutes we, playing with a cigarette Iighter. They :re, read and roll -called with a geod., were filling it with fluid when some attendance, An, invitation to Varns'4 spilled on his hands, and when the on June 9th was accepted. The offer - lighter was lit the gas ignited,- sev- ing was taken and, the meeting closes ere,11A burning his hared. He is improf ed with devotions and a dainty lunch ing 'nicely. served by Mrs. Elmer- Hayter's: Many friends in Kippen and vie groupe. ® �j,-mss-- Hovilsework is with a pomp DU 0 PU DURO Convenient fresh running water- WATERSYSTEMS in your kitchen . bathroom• and laundry makes to lighten D housework. Yours with a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM. Hun-. dreds of satisfied DURO equipped, farms are enjoying this modern farm convenience. Running water at the turn of a cl O tap with a DURO PUMP, de- sigued especially to meet every farm requirement. s117.50 F.O.B. London, Canada Install the BEST" ... In�t�all a ���: c You can get a shallow or deep " well system to meet ALL your "? farm needs ... house ... barns . truck garden and it gives you fire protection as well. Enjoy the comforts of modern Iiv.ing .. protect the health of your family. EMCO Fixtures and Fittings •� You can easily remodel3 t our , � \ kitcl1 en bathroom m cies (,��•."�y� laundry with i~mC0 Fixtures and Fittings economically, SEE US TODAY FOR COMPLETE - INFORMATI0111•' - I. STADE and WEIDO PHONE 92 ZURICH - ONTARIO EMPIRE BRASS MEG. CO. LIMITED London - F•lanilton - Toronto - Sudbury - WinniNog Vancouver and METALS LIMITED Calgary - Edmonton Vancouver Er.Sg In, What are YOB Trusting? For Your Salvation? IS IT— —CHURCH MEMBERSHIP OR RITUAL? —THE EFFORTS OF ANOTHER MAN? —GOOD WORKS? —SECOND CHANCE? —KEEPING THE LAW? OR IS IT IN CHRIST WHO SAID: "I am the way, the truth and the life; no mart cometh ionto the Father but by Me. John 14: 6 "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved". Acts 16. 31. .......,. - .stir TUNE IN—Hear CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles, STATION CHUM -1050, Toronto, Sundays 9. to 1.0.. A.M. WCAR, 1130, Pontiac, Mich., Sundays at 12 to :1.00 p,m.