HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-06-01, Page 2THITARM FRONT
,lust how smart are you with live-
stock remedies? is the question put
to farmers in a recent issue of "Suc-
cessful Farming" by Dr. J. W.
Bailey, a veterinarian, who goes on
to say that if the home -applied
medicines do what they are sup-
posed to do for a sick animal, little
or nothing is ever heard of the
"But let one fail, and the owner
grumbles. If, as sometimes hap-
pens, the medicine makes s condi-
tion worse or even causes death, a
howl often goes up that can be
heard clear across the county.
However, the medicine , is seldom
to blame so much as the man who
treats the animal. This is because
most of our best remedies are also
poisons and capable of doing real
damage if improperly used."
Consider what happened to some
steers in Texas.
Solutions containing 1 per cent
of white arsenic once were used as
dips for killing skin parasites such
as mange mites and lice on large
animals. Even when used in the
I -per -cent strength, such dips are
mighty dangerous concoctions.
It is not surprising, then, that a
2 -per -cent solution caused the death -
of 200 cattle after they were dipped
in it. Enough arsenic was absorb-
ed through the skins of the soaked
animals to kill them, so the double -
strength idea didn't work out. so
well in this instance, at least.
Rk =k =k
Numerous owners have discover-
ed too late that even ordinary sio
salt is poisonous when used in
overlarge amounts. It is one of
the old reliable home remedies for
bloat in cattle, but our friend who
used 6 pounds of it in a drench
learned that such amounts can kill
cows. At least his patient died.
:h ,IC ry
The same danger exists in the
case of seemingly harmless baking
soda. This is because this old kit-
chen.standby is a mild caustic. We
have the word of a top-notch farmer
for the story that he killed a bloated
calf by giving it a pound of the
Copper sulphat killed some horses
:vhen the owner thought that it was
the same thing as "copperas" and
it has caused plenty of live
stock deaths in other ways. There
is no question about its being pois-
onous, and most people fully realize
the danger. But it still is given
often in more than one per cent
solution recommended for internal
use on animals. Not so long ago,
we saw a bunch, of dead sheep that
had been killed by the use of a 10
%per cent. copper sulphate solution at
worming time.
* ,k
This ,natter of overstrong solu-
tions often causes serious trouble
when other compounds are involv-
ed, too. Such old reliables as lysol,
creolin, turpentine, chloral hydrate,
carbon tetrachloride, tetrachloro-
ethylene, and many others are cap-
able of causing severe burns of the
skin or mouth unless they are prop-
erly diluted.
We still remember the man who
drenched a bloated cow with raw
turpentine and practically burned
the whole mouth and throat out of
the poor beast. We saw the same
thing happen after an owner gave
full-strength creolin to several cows
that had winter dysentery. Every
once in a while, we see similar re-
sults following the giving of chloral
hydrate crystals for acetonemia in
milk cows.
Few winters go by without some
horses seriously injured through
"botting" with carbon tetrachloride
or tetrachloroethylene. Such injury
occurs when the animals break cap-
snles between their teeth and free
The ..terribly strong drugs in their
sensitive mouths.
All Colors To The Mast—Ali ingenious ship "Europe" flying
the flags of all Marshall Plan nations is the central figure in
this winning poster in an Intra -European poster contest spon-
sored by the Economic Co-operation Administration. Reijn
Dirksen, 25 -year-old Dutch,artlst, won $1500 first prize for the
poster, one of more than 1.0,000 entered in the contest,
Many of the newer drugs are also
dangerous when used improperly or
in the wrong dosages. We have
seen several costly examples of the
misuse of sodium fluoride.
This drug is supposed to be fed
as one per cent. of one clay's dry
grain ration for the removal of
worms from pigs. Farmers are re-
peatedly cautioned against using it
ill wet feeds, but every so often, it
is mixed with slop, and some pigs
are poisoned as a result. This Hap-
pens because the fluoride settles, to
the bottom of such mixtures, and
the last of the slop consequently
contains most of the poisonous
drug. The unfortunate porkers
that get these dregs are seldom
around to go to market with the
rest of the pigs because they soon
=k W
Deaths also may result if the feed
contains 10 per cent. or 15 per cent.
or more, instead of the recommend-
ed one per cent. After all, fluorine is
as much of a deadly poison as its
sinister elements, iodine and
Even the many different highly
publicized sulfa drugs can cause
trouble if not given in carefully
estimated doses over short periods
of time. Such overdosing lowers
natural resistance through decreas-
ing the normal number of white
blood cells in the body, and the
collection of sulfa crystals in the
kidneys does irreparable damage.
So, the calf that died in spite of "all
the sulfas we put in" may have
died because of the drugs and not
because of their failure to control
* :k
Other' examples might well be
cited, but the foregoing will give
you an idea of how mishaps may
occasionally be associated with
medicines. Accident sometimes hap -
medicines. Accidents sometimes
happen even when the most careful
and best veterinarian is treating an
animal. Therefore, it is reasonable
to assume that mishaps' will occur
a lot oftener when skilled help is
not available. If and when they
do, maybe the medicines won't be
to blame at all, so watch your step
When using then,.
"Whatkeeps up the strapless eve-
ning gowns?" asks a reader. Mainly
public opinion.
Anton Preisinger,
Hans Schwaighofer
In Historic Passion Play --Here are the leading characters in
the traditional Passion Play being staged for the first time in
16 years at the mountain village of Oberammergau, Germany.
Anton Presinger, left, beer parlor owner and an admitted for
suer Nazi Partymember, plays the role of Jesus Christ. Hans
Schwaighofer, right, a teacher at Oberammergau's well-known
wood -carving school, plays the role of Judas. political bitterness
• 111ch accompanied last years casting of the play has been
forgotten, villagers say.
Practically every kid who goes
in for football, hockey or base-
ball does so with at least a tiny
idea in the back of his Taind of
some (lay being a star in big
,--ague circles. So you would think
that at least a reasonable tercent-
age of them would try and con-
centrate on the surest way of ach-
ieving Sikh stardom; yet, 'with
very few exceptions, they all try
to do it the hard way.
=k =k
Take football, for example. For-
-ward passers and pass receivers
of reasonable ability are a dime a
dozen; line plungers and end run-
ners are by no means scarce; but a
punter who can get height and
distance, With or against the wind,
is a pearl of great price—a prize
that any manager or coach will
scramble for, Yet — as we have
written before—for every dozen
boys you see practising forward
passing and catching, there won't
be a single one trying to learn the
rudiments of really booting the
k =K +k
Much the same thing goeg in
hockey. Just how much a poten-
tial young Turk Broda or Bill
Durnan would, be worth on the
hoof today it is impossible to say
with any exactness—but it would
be plenty, you may be sure— en-
ough to pay for Half a dozen pros-
pective forwards or defensemen.
"Yet anybody who has ever had
any experience of trying to or-
ganize a kids' hockey team knows
that one of the hardest things to
do—outside of digging up money
for equipment—is to get some boy
to don the big pads and stand be-
tween the pipes. As Jimmy Durante
put it "they all want to get nto
the act"; and the act, to then,, is
scoring goals, not stopping them.
>It # +k
In baseball, it's catchers who are
rare. "Good catchers are worth
their weight in gold," was a re-
cent remark of Eddie Dyer, a man
who should know .what he's talk-
ing about. Yet the kids today seen,
to want anything else in baseball
rattler than a berth behind home
plate—or if they do decide to
catch, it isn't the value they can
be to their pitchers that occupies
their minds. "All a young catcher
ever thinks of now," moaned Cy
Perkins not so long ago, "is hit-
tiplg the ball over the fence. He
worries about his hits, not his
. Now all this is not just the wait-
ing of a has-been who thinks that
nothing in sport today is as good
as it was a generation or so ago.
kor example, just take a look at
the list of catchers who were hold-
ing sway in the two major leagues
back in 1930. There were Mickey
Cochrane, Bill Dickey, Shanty
Hogan, Gabby Hartnett, Jimmy
Wilson, At Spohrer, Spud Davis
and Al Lopez.
All of that lot, besides know-
ing the tricks of the catching trade,
Were clouting at a rate of ,300
or better, Not quite so good in the
hitting department but still much
better than run -of -the -mine re-
ceivers were the lilies of Muddy
Ruel, Luke Sewell; ,tick Ferrelt,
Benny Bengoagh, Cy Perkins,
Rollie. Hensley, Zach 'Taylor, Bob
O'Farrell and Gus Mancuso.
ak >z
After twenty years the „aisles
of each and every on -e of those
catchers is still V -10d in the Ilett -
cwy of most fans whose baseball
recollections go back that far. How
many of those operating behind the
Iron Mask these days will be re-
called by the baseball bugs of 1970?
Mighty few, in, our opinion, nor
are we by any means alone in
such a belief,
"So desperate are teams for cap-
able catchers," writes Arthur Daley
in The Sunday Times, "that the
Boston Braves reached all the way
down to a' Cla'ss B league in inid-
season last year to bring up a
19 -year-old kid, Dell Crandall, and
install hill, as a regular. Imme-
diately the big youngster was bail -
.ed as another Gabby Harnett in
the malting; yet it should be noted
that Billy Southworth recently
grabbed frantically for aging
Walker Cooper as catching in-
=k =k =k
Mr, Daley goes on to ask how
many real, authentic stars there are
catching, right now—and when he
tries to answer, the list is strik-
ingly short. There is ROY Cam-
panella, of the Dodgers, a superb
receiver and fine hitter; Yogi Berra
of the Yankees, not as good as he
may be some day, but still a stand -
cut as things go now; Birdie Teb-
betts, of the Red Sox, whose best
days are probably past; and—after
those three, not much else.
There have been many great
,,catchers in the past half century,
but their greatness was attained
with their gloves rather than their
bats. Only three long-term catchers
had lifetime batting averages of
over .300—Nfickey Cochrane,Bill
Dickey and Ernie Lombardi. Al-
though the record book shows the
names of 87 players who made
more than two thousand hits in the
WAS A CATCHER. "fret the
names of so many great ones,"
says Air. Daley, „r1
PP1e of{ the
tongue — Johnny Kling, Jimmy
Archer, Gabby Street, Ray Schalk,
Bill Carrigan, Billy Sullivan, Steve
n'\1611 and—well, it could be all
almost endless roll, especially if
ydu were to toss in those already
The glamour, the applause,- and
the over -stuffed salaries in base-
ball go, of course, to the Joe Di-
Maggio's, the Ted IVilliams's, the
Babe Ruth's—tile lads that can
clout them clear out. of the park.
And when a kid reads about Wil-
liams dragging down something
around $125,000 per season, it's
pretty hard to convince him that'
he would be giving himself a far
better chance by concentrating on
catching rather than slugging.
Yet, great attraction that he is,
if, the Boston Red Sox were to
offer Ted Williams in a trade, even
Stephen, for Roy Campanella, 'do
you think the Brooklyn Dodgers
would break any speed records
making the deal? We personally be-
lieve that the Dodgers would say
they're quite satisfied with what
they have. For Branch Rickey
knows that, while a Ted Williams
can make an overflow crowd, a Roy
Campanella can make a ball team—
which is why we continue to tell
all the kids we are acquainted with
—"If you really want a baseball
career, get back there in the dust
and dirt, and try to learn to catch!"
By Anne Ashley
Q, How can I mix a good fire
extinguishing fluid?
A. Put 3 pounds of salt into 1
gallon of.water, and to this add 1
pounds of sal ammoniac. This liquid
should be bottled. When a blaze
is discovered, pour the solution on
# =k >h
Q. How can I be sure that coffee
is fresh?
A. Coffee is fresh if the crack in
the bean is almost invisible. There
will be little flavor and aroma if
the crack is widely spread. 1'f the
coffee is freshly ground tele aroma
is evident when the pack2ge or can
is opened.
Q. Ilow can I give a window of
ordinary glass a frosted appearance?
A. Dissolve Epsom salts in cold
water, and then paint the solution
On. the glass.
ik /k ti<
Q. How can I test the heat of
the hot-water bag?
A. The temperature of the hot-
water bag should always be tested,
against one's cheek before placing
it on a sick person, as it might
cause a burn. A burn should be
carefully avoided, -as it can be seri-
ous to a bedridden person.
:k k a
Q. How can I remove labels that
are pasted on pillowslips and sim-
ilar articles?
A. $.y placing a wet cloth on the
wrong side, then setting a hot iron
on it for a few seconds. Or, hold
over the steam corning from the
spout of the teakettle.
* w tk
Q. How can I easily grease bak-
Ing pails
•A. Wrap a piece of clean muslin
around the point of a fork, and use
this for greasing the baking pans.
This muslin can be burned and a
fresh piece used the next time, A
supply of muslin pieces can be
kept on hand for this purpose, as
a convenience:
Xlassified Adverti'singoo
Callous salve :Now Get relief. Drug -
?PLL popular 83, fire extinguisher wholesale
sluts sell CRI.SS Bunion Salvo too for
or direct, Liberal profits exclurlVe territory.
XRE-i{ILI.EiL, 6042 Roslyn Ave., Montreal, amazing
NATURE'S HEI'P—Dixon's Remedy
E cull Auo\T, sell prxsoada from our
Illustrated catalogue, 26% etnnmiesion. Re- for
Rheumatic Pains, Neuritis, Thou -
able sales, 204 Spadina Avenue, Toronto, Sands
praising it,
Vrlto for Phillips illustrated wholosalo Cata- 335
)one featuring large variety of every day
$1.25 Express Prepaid -�
oilers in dry goods, small wares, household
'emu, etc. Phillips Sales ReWd, 7.". Craig
trout west, Montreal 1. Importers and Banlell
the torment of dry eezoina rashes and
Vholesale Distributors of General Merchan- weeping
slthi troubles. Post's Eczema Salvo
tee, will
not disappoint You.
BABY 0I11CIiS ringworm,
Itching, scaling, burning eezoma, none,.
pimples and athlete's foot, will
Leg40HORNS horns, $10,06, respond
readily to the stainless, odorless oint-
bOW stubborn or hopelesa
Pullets s?2,96; cockerels $1.90 Barred
ment, regardless of
locks N.H, X D.R., L.S. R N.H, $10,95; put- they
eta $19,96; cockerels $5.90 New Hamitshires;
L.I. -Reds $10.95; pallets $21.95; cockerels
$5 100 more
Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price
3.90. Two week old pullets per
ban these prices. Also older pullets. Deposit
880 queen fit. E., Corner of Logan
Vith order. Cult Hatcheries, Dept, A. Galt,
)n t. -.
IRE you an Optimist? An opiimist is a man
The wonder remedy for the head. If you have
who sees the light, a pessimist is the fel-
dandruff, falling hair or going gray—GET
Scalpheal ointment
ow who Is trying to blow it out. Scarcity of
SCALFIIEAI, at once,
Scalpheal Lotion $2,'60 or 89.60 for ;the
ages—high egg prices, will be the answer
o a cut of 60;/a In chick production in 1950, two
treatments. Postpaid, Scalpheal Company,
rho time to go into any business is when
01 Centre St., Chatham, Out.
)there are going out. The poultryman who
,asses a flock of Twaddle. R.O.P. Sired Put-
.eta this year, will reap the reward. Day old,
started chicks, older pullets, Turkey Poults.
Prices reduced for June. ri'ee catalogue.
Twaddle Chick Iiatcherlea Limited. Fergus,
Great UPportunitY Lesro '
Pleasant dignified professlOn, Quod wages
YOU will be sorry if you haven't a good lay-
thousands successful Aiervel graduates
Ing flock ibis Fall and hinter. Egg prices
America's greatest system, Illustrated caw
are bound to be high and feed prices alto-
logue free. Write or Call
gether likely will be lower. Send for our
May and June reduced price list, Prompt
delivery on day old, started. older pullets,
Turkey Poults. Tree catalogue. Top Notch
- 350 Blot's St. w , rul'enle
Branches. 44 Bing St. Hamiltnu
Chick Sales, Guelph, Ontario.
Fi 72 Rideau Strea+. Ottswa,
TAILORING, Dreeamak)ng, Designing taught
Send for Free Booklet. LOW
HAVE Yu LI anything nerds dyeing or clean,
in your home,
tile? Write to us fm informalinn,. We are
ARTS, Route No. 1, Box 371, Berlln, NeW
glad to answer 'Your questions Department
Jersey. -
H, Punter's Dye Works Limited. 791 Yonne
_ --
Street. Toronto Ontarht
SPARE or fy Learn to
Fine assortment of young healthy bulbs, j"
at he e; earn wh le
make cantly at home; earn while You ]earn,
to 1" in dlamater. Each package contains 10
Free equipment supplied. Correspondence
bulbs of 10 different varieties. free cultural
course. National Institute of
Reg'd., DeLorimier P.O., Box 153 Montreal,
erections control of with
in. Send name band saddyess
with Money Order to:
E\E13)ENorl.), reliable Holland Immigrants
available: arriving soon. Write to L. Van.
HEALTHY. StrawberrY Plants: Kellogg Pre-
denburs. Box 92. Brockville. Ont.: phone
mier, Royal Sovereign, $6, 600; $10, 1,000-
n f r 8 o'clock).
..669 (a to
E. Smith. Scotland,
1 000. C. L
line 19, ,
Vales $
FOR SALE: Used Tractors, some almost new;
Special prices tic each. Shipped C.O.D., Neil
all makes and models; also, various other
Cleary, Northfield Sia.. Ont,
farm machines, Contact us far reasonable
prices: Ux-Spring Farms Limited, Uxbridge.
MI9TkiEtlS1110N1-lAUGH A tlumpany Patent
CHAIN SANS. AND PARTS—write for our
Sollcitnra Established 1890 360 1310 '81 rest,
I'nrnnto gnnklel nt utrormntion nn request.
low prices on HORNET Saws and parts.
We have a complete stock of Model DJ, H.J.
A.. hl. LAIDLAW, ri,sc„ Patent Attorney.
and D Parts, new and used. Investigate the
Patents of invention, 56 Sparks St.. Ottawa.
new low prices rugged Smith Planerchain all
lengths. D. J. Smith Sales Co. Limited, 647
Woolwich Street, GUELPH• Ontario.
LONELY people of opposite sexes will be
personally introduced to each other by new -
DAIRY for sale. New Do Laval equipment.
ly-formed club with names of thousands of
Apartments above. No opposition. Uielhousen
men and women seeking eompantonshiP and
Bros. Lions Head, Ont.
marriage. Phone, write or call personally at
IN heavy waterproofed duck, complete with
Fest, Toronto. Phone PLaza 4317,
tie ropes. Your name stenciled on each side
and delivered to your nearest station, 8x10,
503 Jarvis Street,
$8.75; 10x12, $18.25; 12x15, $19.75, Special
sizes mase to your order at 12e per square
flake reservations for your Toronto visit.
foot. Please enclose money order or cheque
free Parking.
with your order. All inquiries answered
promptly. Canvas Specialty Company, 1110
Yonge Street, Toronto.
THE AUGUSTA Township School Area
Board invites applications from qualified
teachers, duties to begin September 6, 1050.
PERMANENTLY eradicated with Saca Palo.
Apply stating Qualifications. salary expected,
The most remarkable discovery of the age,
and name of, your last. Inspector to J,
Saca Palo is guaranteed to kill the roots of
Knapp. R.R. 2, Preeeott, Ont..
any hair, and 'contains no. drugs or chemicals..
ASSIGINACK 'School Area requires teacher
Lor -Beer Lab., 679 Granville, Vancouver, B.C.
$or S.S. No. 3, Assiginack (Budges) rural
area, 8 miles from Manitowaning, aPProxi-
WE have available from three to seven week
mately 35 Pupils, wades 1 to 8, one -room
APPIy to undersigned, stating Qualifl-
old, started, Broad Breasted Bronze Turkey
from government approved stock, and
cations and salary expected, also age, religion,
under Hatchery approval, at reduced prices
name and address of last inspector. J. Here -
Manitowaning, Ont.
for a quick sale. Fl. Yauch's Exclusive Tur-
bruff, See., Box 74.
key and Hatchery, Sub, 11, Windsor,
WANTED, teacher for S.S. No. 16, Moore,
Ont. or Phone 6-5964 after 6 p.m.
21 miles from No. 40 Highway; duties to
YOU are net too late. to get our Broad
Breasted Bronze or Beltsville Small white
commence September, 1950. APPIY- Stating
salary and Qualifications, to Mrs, Graydon
Turkey Pouliot during June or July. we also
1lfunday, Sec.-Treas.. R.R, No, 1, Courtright,
have one week old and two week old Poults
for Immediate shipment. Phone, wire or write
today. Hillcrest Turkey Farm, Route 6, Pem-
broke, Ontario.
WANTED Approximately 100 Acres. Suitable
MOTORCYCLES, Harely Davidson. New and
for grain and beef cattle. Good• buildings
used, bought, sold. exchanged. Large stock
of guaranteed used motorcycles, Repairs by
and water supply. Appraisal by
Land Act. Apply Box 61. 123 Eighteenth St.,
factory -trained mechanics. Bicycles, and com-
New Toronto.
plete line of wheel goods, also Guns,* Boats
and Johnson Outboard Motors. Open evenings
Closet Heating System.
until nine except Wednesday. Strand Cycle
& Sports, King at Sanford,Hamilton.
New forced warm air heating and
ventilating system said to save
Builders, Home Owners
b eliminating concentration
money Y enlnag
INSTAL• yourself, with Special lilt and in-
structions. write for folder. Modern Rau-
of hot air near ceiling. Changes air
Ings, Dept. E., 65 Broadview Ave., Toronto,
in room every 73/2 min., has in -
FOR sale, 160 acres of good vilruee timber
diiClual mixingchambers instead
in Mabee Township, south halt of Lot 6,
I mile front river. Contact Fred Barker,
of usual registers; Furnace occupies
R.R. 3, Hageraville, Out.
five sq. ft.; fits in utility room,
HAYAfAKER F.DLC-1n r-ooa cunning condi-
closet if necessary, says company.
tion. Reaaon for selling, land too hilly. The
answer to better quality hal'. Donald St.
Barns gas Or oil, Minimum con -
John, Sunderland, Ont. Phone 12-11-4.
structioll changes when installing
114 FLORIDA — Country homes. -furnished,
til old homes, comes factory pre -
lights, good roads. Beautiful water front
sites and acreage, Small tracts Black land
fabricated -with 3% in. duets t0 fit
Citrus, etc. Lovely year-round climate, health
in walls of house. Blenders oper-
resort country. For sale by a Canadiancomesled
b x38111 hot air.
and see me. S. Gibson, Fort Fla.
FOR SALE I•Ivdm and Telephone Poles. Any
number. John Klndnnm•ah, 11•11, _, (loderich,
HOT WATER for anybody anywhere, coun-
try, town or city. No storage tarok re-
quired; no body of water to heal) hot; what
it saving of fuel. Just turn the tap, and
there is your hot water. The RANALAH In-
stantaneous Water Beater will operate with
lrssotane; Propane, Natural or Clty Gas. Write
for Particulars to iSUId1ER1.4 AND EQUIP-
MENT LTD., 87 DoOrassi St., Toronto 8,
Ont., or phone Tlargrave 06211,
IPARNS P•bit SA1,11
,IN EXCELLENT -S`L'ATE or cultivation, lust 'Contact—
Off main road in splendid established Dy�
Farming section near thrifty town. Two-family P1�IKIN BROS. L'Ilt�'„'
brick house, large bank burn. yara:a and
Implement shed. Lots of water under Pres- HAMILTON
sure in house, barn. School bus, Trtmspoi t
hauls mini daily to Toronto, Reasonable down 186 Ferguson Ave. N. 7-925
Payment and tow Interest an mortgage for
balance. Immediate Pnr.session. $10,600. For
further Particulars write or Phone 3, L.
Collar, Realtm•, 2578 Yonge St., Tomato. ISSUE 22 — 1950
Stohawk 3576.
Cool in any pipe!