HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-06-01, Page 1c
����r r r t.:.,, . ,:yr� -rl. ' '1 ,,�HEtiAL.D,
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41-75 a Year In A 1
$2.0.0 in U. S. A., in A.dvan” wA
ST. PETER'S I � � } •, --COMING EVENTS-- �``�__— -� RAG RUGS and CARPETSt
Aldon heat � �FfY��� BEAUTY SHOPPE I
Evan -elica.l Lutheran Church MANITOBA -
a�¢{ IOR APPOINTMENTS On a New Modern Loom, Made to
Presents for Your. Enjoyment, the elief fund �`` ��
Following Attractions '`J �� Tel. X223, Zurleh Order —Seth 0. Amann, Zuxl�
-° i Ont. Phone ] 28.
'A i3Il�IC® AND DANCE � - �=-"' `"•� _. NORMA STEINBACH -Prop.
1�.15a.mA1�Sunda�:achoal. lois in Double Bill
' Award Winners
Wed,, Thurs.
lay 30, mu
—Sunday Tops 1 :Entertainment Will be held in the - -
Amo -ng the happy bunc)< W# stud.-
7.80 p.m.—Divine Worship. `SAVAGE SPLENDOR °duras;h Community Centre
eAts who won Student Council at
In Technicolour y the Exeter Distriet High School atNompt
everybody Welcome to ali Services. All th.e • .Strangeness, Mystery, and On Thursday, June 1st, 1950 tl reeellt ComnlEriCement exereisf:S,
Wonder of the .African Jungle -- vv% ' aaotice the names ,of Bill O'Brien,
In aid of the flood Stricken Area in Tk.laeresa Dietrich and Anita Datars
-- The First all colour Feature Filmed Manitoba. This being sponsored by of., Betty! and Bill Mickle of
entirely in Primitive Africa. , Y Winr ee
all Organizations in the Community ldensali. We congratulate these f
' EMMAJ�UEL rnLU.s g ,
our sue urge gyort to this
• Ray Bolger, Anne Shirley and thepp young people on their fine showing.
very important cause. Purchase Home
EVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH Dennis Day' Joan Davis Donations can Ibe left Y y g •at the Bank The Misses Mar and Doll Aa an
Laughs, Songs, Dances, Music of Montreal, Zurich: of:,the Parr Line, Haig Township YOUR BROKEN LENSES "I
ine cog&
Zurich — Ontario - spent a pleasant week -end with their
Friday, Saturdaty June 2, 3 NOTICE brdther, Mr. James Hagan of Sea- For the World's finest
REV. H. E. ROPPEL A Great and Forgettable Story forth.' The Misses Hagan have re- CAN BE DUPLICATED
Residents of Zurich Wishing to make 'ceiitly purchased a lovely new home
Minister "COME TO THE STABLE" in Seaforth, and will in time move Anthracite Ask for
Donations to the ANY SHAPE, ANY COLOR
Loretta Young, 'Celeste Holm, therein, and we wish them many BLUE COAL!
Mrs. Milton Oeach -Organist Hugh Marlow, Elsa Lanchester MANITOBA FLOOD RELhEF years of good health in their new ,
Alive with Dynamec Action; Fun; horde. FROM THE SMALLEST PIECE Roes Vitimized Feeds; wall
-Sunday Services.—May do so by giving. Donations to the .
Excitement and Tenderness. • I Sec. Treas of the Zurich Police Vit- Many Attend Deliver half -ton and over
:10:00 a.m.—Divine 'Worship. "Maine Sail" In Technicolour and Many spectators attended the first
Cartoon "The Llin' Lion" Bane of Donkey Baseball in Zurich
11.00 a.m.—Bible School. (Donations can be deducted for n- ons Monday evening, which was held EFFECT.. LET US HAVE YOUR
come Tax Purposes)
'x•30 p.m.—Divine Worship. Monday, Tuesday June 5-6 in'the A1ena, owing to the cooler SHAPES IN STOCK ORDER NOW
Savage Greed --Sultry Love—Wild H. W. BROBENSHIRE, weather outside. There was a 'good
Welcome at all Services --'Come Adventua'e Sec. Treas..eroavd present who, had many thrills LOCKER SERVICE
Qhou with us and we will do thee —Trustees: Zurich Police Village ax cl exciteable moments. The game
Ngood." Num. 10:29. "ROPE OF SAND" g was won by the team of Men's Bus -
Adult Entertainment The minutes of the Aril meeting iness Club, of Dashwood, who play- �°®RNE E. HAY
Burt Lancaster Paul Henreid p g Jeweler and Registered
were read incl adopted: ed -against a team put up by the Hay � phone 10 — Hensall
;W ,• Claude RainsPeter Lorre Mr. R. Hed lea interviewed the Township Federation. Optician.
and Corinne Calvert Board regarding the pgtrchase of the Large Transport Injured.
Paramount Newsreel Annex, Mr. Earl Thiel, accompanied by
The following motions were passed Messrs Elmore Thiel and Leroy were�•0��•®ale i10��®eosa�®®®�8a��s ��i�•���•��®��®��e��•��*�c4t
—ANNOUNCEMENTS— That the 1949 surplus be retained called to' Toronto on Tuesday evening
Mr and Mrs. Norman B. Lassaline, by the Board for current expenses, where their big semi-traile,, was AI (� ,
Are You S e Firm -Colborne Township,announce tlae 1 p y p � �� �� 1' t �y:v in t
and that for maintenance aur oses torisiderabl shook u and in the
$cad�ch��, engagemente of their daughter, Marithe mill rate be .85, hall of last ditch somewhat damaged. The big
Annetta, to Joseph- William Miller, year's levy. machine which was loaded with elev-
son sof Mx. and Mrs, Walter Miller That no charge bemade No. G bus en ;tons of transport cargo; was Licensed Etas
lu eo, Havey > k 2ned With Embalmer and Funeral Director
of Zurich; the wedding to take place route in south Usborne. 'crowded .by an American .car, and
}the Latest Methods and ZcV p it M 'in St. Peter's Church, Goderich, on That the Ca ital accounts presented rather than wreck the American car 9
P p Private Car Ambulance Service
Tune 17th. be paid from available funds. it l as' turned into the ditch by the
A. ,Ir Com®. a, That the •Guk elat Acoounts-'belga d aA;aWa° in charge, _"Tiny" Thiel, who I IOspital .B.ed and Wheelchair for Rent
Exeter District l -Iii School has read. suffered some damage to his own
OPTOMETRIST' its OP'A`i`Cl[13dt3 I That the Cafeteria accounts be body. How many accidents could be � FLOWERS FOR ALL, OCCASIONS
GODXRIC H �� Old, The May meeting of the Exeter avoided if people strict High School ln'oord was held paid as read. T and onlp take a Day and Night Service
Good Glasses $ P:elcrea; in tlae Board Room on May:, 2, at 8.30 1 That the Board advertise for ten- few minutes longer on a trip. We
All members present. deis for Caretaker Service Deginn not informed the rd awn and
= Telephone: lies. 89 or 122, Zurich
ing Sept. 1st. stopping toics e •
It was suggested that Dr. Cowen,
E. L. Mickle, and Principal Sturgis
be a committee. to consider how long
cident was like.®®�t1®•+®®�•��®�4aeec2�®•®���
Sunnbq 'holiday weather brought a
• 'm"`'®a" °""� � '�"" "'°°° °" --�---
the Cafeteria ,Service should be main-
large crowd to Dashwood for the
Sports Day,"Wed., May 24th. A
That the Board's policy for Boiler
goodly number .of floats joined the
Insurance beraised to provide $100,-
Calathumpian parade led Dy a clown
000. protection.
That the 'Board call for tenders
band from New Dundee. Clown win -
ners of five dollars were Eddie Mil -
AV -4 'tore
o eryrr
for the purchase of the frame build-
ler and Tom Zi'ler,- floats of the G.N.
ing on Victoria St., known as the
0.. Bridge Club and the Stitch and
High School Annex. Disposition of
Chatter Club were awarded $5 each.
the property . to be made known at
Children sof Mr and Mrs. V. L. Beck -
the time of the sale.
er ,and Mr and Mrs. Harry Hoffman
We are ever at your service with the best lines
That application be made to the
won $12, each. for horse and carriage
Dept. of Education for approval to
outfits. -Mrs. Elgin Weigand, of
obtainable of
establish in the school a Dept. of Ag-
Dashwood, was the lucky winner of
riculture beginning July 1.
the G.N.O. Bridge Club draw for <a
That X. H. Johns, E. Chambers,
radio. The bridge club is raising
funds to baby for
All fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well. as
and Jas. McAllister be ;a commfttee
purchase a cubicle
to purchase a tractor. the South Huron Hospital. Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand
That the plaque -and crest suggest- In the Huron-IPerth League base-
ball Exeter and Dashwood fou ht to • Candies - Nuts - and Confectioner in supply
ed ;bly Mr. Steele be purchased pro- g • y pj� „
viding the heading be changed. a. 2 -all at the end ;otf ten innings. Tk-eM. A
Principal T•I. L. Sturgis reported on game featured a mound duel all tlif,. GIVE LAS A CALL
IE school -affairs in April. Inspector C. w* with 33 registered. Ray Yelle •
W. Booth and Inspector N. Davis had Dashwood pitcher 'fanned. 19 and his } ,� h
e paid the school a visilt and comment_ rival, 3onnny Bowman struck out 14 i e
Menno sch - � �.
ed favourably on the conduct of the of the Exeter team. _ �.a Jtde 4
Suptriol school, Mr. Davies had discussed HYMENEAL PRODUCE WANTED,: `hone 165
Aplans for the new Dept. ;of Agricult-
ure. Two teachers have been hired. Lovely Spring Wedding
s An all=white setting' was achieved-
May will be a busy month with the b
���°°°•`m`'�'""" """ �" """� -- -"- """""-gp third set of. examinations, Cadet In- through spring flowers for the wed-
on the }16th, Commencement ding in James St. United Church, Ex- r
l ■on the 1.8th, and the music festival eter, Saturday; last when ;Ylarton Jean ,eSeasca's
� on the 23rd. Cowen, daughter r, Dr. and e b 1e
That the Principal's report .be ad- bl. Cowen of Exeter, became the bride Supph c
opted. of Jack -Hepburn Reynolds, son of
Adjournment at 1 a.m. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Reynolds, Lond-
E, D. Howey, Secretary. on. Rev. H. J. Snell perfornied the
ceremony, and Lawrence Wein was
MEN'S 'SEAR -LADIES' LINGERIE YOUNG AND OLD— at the console of the ;organ. Warmer, Jame way, Electric and Oil Brooders.
Dr. Cowen gave -his daughter in
LET'S ALL GO— marriage, she wore a gown of garde- Fountains, Healers, Brooder Wafers, Brooder
INFANTSBOYS' "GIRLS' CLOTHIN • dia white satin, fashioned with fitt- Pi es and Elbows._ Youth for hrs ed bodice, -long tapering sleeves, A p
fingertip veil of imported French il-
SATURDAY NIGHT lusioat was held in pace by a head-
ONdrem of inatc'hing net and satin. She
FRESH®CEIiIES FRUITS THE CLINTON HIGH SCHOOL carried an all white bouquet, of lily
of the valley;. The bride was attend -
Hear Rev.. Albert Hughes, D.D. Tor- ed by ML iss Lauren'; Zurbrigg,as maid N E W
VEGETABLES CURED MEATS onto, founder of Muskoka Bible Con- of honor, with Mrs, Ross Caldwell
fereuce; Pastor, Bible Teacherand and Miss Audrey Duttoal as brides -
Writer,. maid's. Their gowns were all of ,hell PIONEER CHICK ICI£ KIa UMBLES AND STAR -
IF REQUESTED, AVE DELIVER pink nylon. Robert Reynolds was
YOU WILL THRILL TO: !,r•st 111,11, and ushers were Charles TEES, Give These a Try 1
LANCE NORRIS and {lis Xylophone omt en, ROSS Caldwell, Jack Dins-
_— riot * aid John Livingstone.
BOB MORRIS (13 -year old) and. 1 -is Rocc, ng at the Club Monetta, FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND
C• "'" 'irs. Cowen wore a dusty
yrs, c::=ir3; 'n e. Ia1'l: gown with matchin ae- ( l 1 - ��
an the Iain„o t e ,; c„>c5 .1,d corsage of C Barin f �j, I ]LA14� Q�
roses. Mrs Reynolds assisted wearing
DON'T MESS TTI WELL BE a cocoa 'brown 'crepe lace .gown, with
Phom 140 - C H. THIEL. - ZurichCy , inatching a:ccessotles and corsage of E. SChWartl ntrub�cr PrQIa, Phone I1� '�°
Nan roses, ,
p.m. i