HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-05-25, Page 5ZURICH ONTARIO. Thursday+, lVay 25th 1.050
ZURICH HERALD :_... '. -..... .
ZURICH HERALD Dr... W. B. Coxon during the past
week ha; had a tine new double gar -BREAD
�►wtlhor,zed as second class mail,LOCAL NEW6 age erected at the back of his lot.
foot Office Department, Ottawa. A goodly number of villagers at -
Mr. Fred Walker of Oakwood tended the Renolds-Cowen marriageon n
' " table
Grand Bend, was in town on Sattir- ter on Saturday afternoon.
day. in James Street United Church, Pw-e-
BUSINES CARDS Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ging'erich •acid
Mr. Bruce Boseirberry of Grand
Bend gave us a friendly call or Fri- little son David of the Babylon lisle,
— Islay. enjoyed a pleasant week -end at St.
Jacobs, visiting with Mrs, Gingerich's 'R
Rev. and Mrs. l -T. I). Ivo p11 of were
John W. Orchardid
la t Thursday visitors at London anal Ilc •, rs• Gordon incl Stanley Smith OPTOMETRIST Lambeth. of the I11uA Water Ili htvav accaiTl �' :` � ? mEC13
Main Street — Exeter Mr and Mr„. Vernon Becker, of ponied by Dr. A. J. Addison of C'iu-4 `` �. 7 °j � j alt • i �
Bright were week -enol visitors witk”. toil sp out a frw- days at St kes Mw
Open Every Week Day their parents here and at Dashwood. Brti, 1': ninizula, where the Doctor rs
Except Wednesday :Ajss :IicCra(:, of London, is spend- evcrtin r a u:rmF)coi.tn"re.
Phone 355J Ing her holidays with her friend, 'Mrs) In the place where the formrd 11-
Better w&Butter
Gus. Roach, near Blake. d 'e w<L,�, iti novr `loi' put into :.tMe meal His ready!
— place for,ick farm at th This
�'OUriF.� �dcl loin, the al.artment that the T)oc. � No metal is complete without plcrit� (7n Fish, Sizzling Steaks and Chops, in Soups and Sauces —
_ Auto "Markel C1316. Owner can'tor uses :for ill dogs, L of which he i of delicious wholesome, bread. Anc butter makes all the dil�l'erence in goodness wherever it is
have same at Herald Office by paying I usually has a few in giving creat -TASTY -NU tarts good and is goon used. So buy more butter now —"at the newlow price!
ALVIN� WALPER this adv. merits. This new addition will be I hearty food for you. Every slice i
- a bi- convenience. I slice of energy -
ONE TWO THREE FOUR, Five 111r. aircl Mrs. Milne' Rader have now to serve more bread at even
Loa for the pti,t week , r so taken up IT -meal. Get your TASTY -NU Bread
HURON AND LAMBTON AND SIX WTEKS OLD. AVAIL- sidence at Grand Bend where they , at the Tasty -Nu Bakery or at your
Far your Sale, large or small, Cour- ABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DEL:IV- are putting things in shape for the' local Grocers.
It*ous and Efficient Service at all ERY• coming holiday season. They ad- y oft
Times Neullauser Hatcheries, 31 King St,, vise us that on Sunday ,booths word I � sty—Na Bakery %
�'lhone 57 r 2. DASHWOQD London, Ontario. doing a booming business in that' I CO-
�®u 8
ever popular res -ort. PHONE 100 — ZURICH s P ■
F E t
Mrs.. Arthur. G. Edi •hoffer, has
A fine young orchard of 50 choice , returned from a few days at the Sea- The Voice of Temperance f ARE YOUR BEST BUY
apple trees, located in Zurich. Ap- ' forth Hospital,. where she was under Temperance people in Huron Co- q
LICENSED. AUCTIONEER unty are amazed and indignant at 0 Only Re -Cleaned Grain Used in Our Feeds
ply to W. A. Siebert. observation, following' a fall in the 0
i'e�mH Reasonable, Satis-faction kitchen, when she was tearing off discovering that the Red Cross and 9
Guaranteed _ FOR QUICK SALE the Crippled Children Society are AVAILABLE AT
Q some paper f.'roin the wall, and in i
1. EXETER, R. R. 1 stepping from a table on a chair, using spat'.^ in a Huron County paper p
contributed by John Labatt Limited it o
Phone '`_'lith 92r7. I.R. C.A. Victor Gar Radio, like missed her footing. Mrs. Edig]>offrr a Hensall Dist.Oaf. eli"ative
new. Also -a hot water car fieateb ;is still confined to the .bed as a re- We would like to know who is re -9C"
�•------ '-" re-
sponsible :for prejudicing these good., g
like new, Apply to Herb Turkheim, sult from the injury. Her many HENSALL and ZURICFI •
causes in the minds of, all temper
Zurich, friends wish her a speedy recovery. ancc,. people b5 thi a sociation with I
" E T E R I N A R l A.N 1 1
FOR SALE Many Out Sunday a brewery.T' v rl )Ili � c :n rce tnat s.
The exceptionally find Heather on the name of re tion;i'.,le citizens and �.,w n r
- Sunday, filled the highways with reputable of n ii ition� ire being WE'RE READY U O Et I E_(,L I y
W. B. COXOIV, B.V. Sc- Large sized Tricycle in good co -n- traffic, as one would, n-.tice in the used as false fronts for liquor ad- 4
dition. A child's spring coat, size 4, midst of the holiday saason. Icor vertising. No cause that wants the "r
VETERINARY SURGEON light green; 1 Grahamette Electric a few hours there w. s quite a fain support of temperanc- people can
Dglce with Residence, Main Street, heavy duty range, used only lone year. of cars it Grand Bencl in the after afl-ord such co-operation with the ►
Opposite Drug Store Can be seen at home. Earl Ginger* noon, in fact similar to the middle of liquor traffic.—Advt.
rgme.--96 ZURICH ich, Phone 90 r 7, Zurich. the holiday season. At other resorts THINKING ABOUT HOME °
there were also numerous lakeside IMPROVEMENT?
BUTCHERS FOR SALE visitors, while at Bayfield one noticed Look Into a B of M Loan YOUR CAR represents a major investment.
A quantity of Clipper Beans for a goodly number of boats out on the For This Special Purpose It deserves the best of care—and that's what we're
seed. Good yielders and stand a well lake, where mariyi were engaged in y to.g've it. Whether it's a complete lubrication
p This is the time of the year when read a
popular in wet season. $4.00 a bushel. •— perch fishing. people and communities are getting job or just a battery check, we really try to give good,
Zurlch8 POp George Armstrong, Phone 92 r 25, Roads are busty nead'y for the spring clean-up. ft's thorough Imperial service—the kind that will keep you
Zurich. grading the time for new paint jabs, new coming back.
re -
With the dry season and g
j�lj Ej� decoration schemes, important and hauling new gravel, and with We'd appreciate a chance to show you
p y prevention on as ,yet the Pairs to roof and structure. Most PP
Pro est For Sale lr,o dust what we can do.
1'et Us supply you With the 7 room house with, 3 -piece bath country roads are a mass . of dust householders have a long list of im-
ronry Choice of Fresh and Cur- town water. Excellent garage and and dirt flying around, and in many provements they would like to see Hector ForciiEr IMPERIAL
ad Meats, Bolognas, in their lrornes....:and so have their
Sausages, work shop, 20x30'. Large arden, instances unsafe to chive therein. It
g —Henry Gackstetter, Zurich. g wives, thinking perhaps of the kitch- ST. JOSEPH SERVICE STATION
Etc°, always on hand. Kept , was on one of these occasions that
out popular mail carrier from 'Lar- ell and laundry -room. COR. No. 84 & 21 HIGHWAYS
fresh in Electric Refrigeration FOR SALE ichout to popular
l the other day _vile- It isn't always easy, however , to DEALER
immediately the ready money
One National Cash Register, nearly he bot into some deep loose gravel, find
Highest Cash Prices for116W. his car became unmanageable and y',ou need for these improvements,
Two Toleda 30-1b. weigh Scales. Good got off the road, and to make thinks even though you can meet the cost
Wool, Hides and Skins
Condition. worse, the usual trailer was attach- comfortably out of annual income. SAVE --St. Joseph Service is prepared to save you
$•urj�lut & Son ed, which was the tivorse of wear And if thats, your problem, Mac some Money on your Tractor and Implement Tire
THIEL'S GENERAL STORE, Zut•ich when it was all over. However we McEachern, manager of the B of 11
are pleased to say that George came branch at Zurich, suggests it's worth Needs. Compare our prices and allowances on your
PRODUCEDead Stock out of the mishap best, as he-receiv- thinking' about a B of M loan for old Tires!
ed no injuri,p, as the side of the car h'oane improvement. R
was considerbly dented." We often I. You'll save .on your bills by pay- I
$2.75 -Each. Prompt Service for wonder that more such mishaps do Ing cash, and v u'll save yourself
Silverwood Lifting.—Jac=g
Lifting.—Jack Williams. Call Phone I not occur to these men who are out trouble by dealing spring with all your re- i Now
e_-) T
214 r 4, Crediton Central. -c1-5250 there daily- in all kinds of roads and pair bills at once. Such a B Of :li
loan for'lhome improvement is rapay-
DAIRIES weather. We Su�gest you visit our Store and see our New
R O R N able iii easy instalments, and the ��
NOTICE interest rate is agreeably moderate. Spring Footwear
Hostettl?r — At St. Jo c:plr's H''.' It comas "to oath 27 cents a mond,
h Market for Cream Eggs WHITEWASHING & CLEANING jpital, London, on Tay
15th, Ti,. :,. LAD , vv Assortment of Suedes and Calf
" ' Arrangements can be made on a loan of X100 repaid over tvLAD7.---A �` s
and Poultry and lIr•s. {nee Ruth 'E,ro«'n)° H. yV• months. 5o call oil air. \Ic } n hr r;, ", �, 3, $a `
-lave Your Eggs Graded on Bill Watson Hotitettler, proudly . announce the tomorrow, al <+et your psis Cl 0,11;
�.i �a.,_. L_.w or the most modern Dresser
Dashwood Phone , ri9 birth of a daughter, Catherine Anne. up away- to a }good start. GROWING (n.iRU-3—Black, British Tan, Navy
our x�7?av ,ate
,P Burgtandy in various Styles.
EGCs. GRADER I � _ T .., - �
LeRoy O'Brien, Manager
Phone 101 Zurich
Zurich Creamery
Your Holme Market for Cream
Eggs and Poultry
Highest Cash Prices paid plus
a premium for deliveredcream
iWe are equipped to give effi-
icient accurate service. Egg
and Poultry department in
charge of Mr. T. Meyers.
Chas. Minshall, Proprietor i
Western Farmers' Mutual
Weather. Insurance Co.
.&Mount of Insurance at Risk on
December 31st., 1946
'Total Cash in Bank and Bonds.
Rateb on Application
Also Dealer in Lightning Rods
and all kinds of Fire Insurance
16' ' R e, `sAAM? Cdr "
at Y
--11 Mister of �-Iigbzuays
Travel by motorists and pedestrians promises to reach
a new peak volume this year.
The seasonal upswing in holiday motor travel has
begun. More vehicles than ever before are operating
on Ontario streets and highways. Pedestrian hazards
are increased.
Extreme care must be exercised bti all to prevent accidents.
Pedestrians are urged to walk carefully.
V Check your car and be assured that it is in a safe condition; Il
J Check your driving and be assured of a safe jtaaarney.
BO t',s and k. O U i fi 1S—Scamyers at a very ovv
MEN ---- A comr1lete iine of Valentine -Martin _Ster-
Iing and Hydro City Work Shoes to ch.,al-3
from. See our new Hydro City Arch work
i Shoe.
DR. SCHOOL'S Arch Supports; Corn and Bunion
'meads, Pedicreme, Foot Balm, Foot Soai,-),
Bunion Reducers, Etc.
Choose Your Harp are Needs
• From Our 9
A Good Supply of Shelf and Heavy Hardware
0 always on hand, also
Scarf's Endurable Paints, Enamels and Varnishes
and the New Almatex Plastic Paints
iFor your heating system we recommend—the Good
i Cheer Furnace, or the well known Coleman Oil.
• For your Household needs we carry Beaty Wash
Machines; National Electric Stoves; Marconi Rad-
ias; Heaters, Electric Irons, and Toasters, Enamel-
ware Pyrex and various Kitchen Ranges.
Reliable Plumbing, Furnace work, evetroughin a'
and Tinsmithing. Our Ailn „ To Serve and Satisfy'
r brie
0 •
Mann St Hardware Store Phone ?Iii