HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-05-25, Page 4ZURICH ONTARIO zvRrcH 1*11RALTa 'T'hursdayy May 25th, 1950
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What ynu none
are ifitches 1" 21
I it . -C
.m1Y000 A+Kt,w�.yi+C.�uta� w. ^•?TMy
A _l
Why run an obstacle course every spring -
" and after every rain storm? Through a Farms
Improvement Loan from the B of M you can
finance the making of ditches, drainage sys-
tems, dyking, as well as many other farm
If you need ready cash to do the job, a Farm
Improvement Loan may be the answer. Drop
in and talk over the details with our "MY BAN'
nearest B of M manager,
Remember, if your proposition is
sound, there's money for you at the roc uuuoarerawarr
Bank of Montreal,
elwad4.�$ jurat 9494
Zurich Branch: C. C. McFACHERN, Manager
Hensall Branch: JOHN IRVI:ti, Manager
Crediton Branch: CH: RLI'S PARKINSON, Manager
(open Tuesday, Thursday' and Saturday)
Dashwood (Sub-Agencv) : open Mon., `-7ed. & Fri.
Caretakers Wanted
The Exeter District High School Board will
consider applications from persons interested in
either of two ways:
(a) A tender for Caretaking Service, applicant to
hire his own assistants and assume responsibility to
the Board,for the care of the building. Tender
should indicate the cost per month.
(b) Applcations for employment in the caretaking
duties of the building. Three employees may be
required, two of whom should be able to fire the
boilers. State monthly salary.
Duties to beging September 1 st, 1950
Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
Letters should be addressed to the Secretary,
E. D. Howey, Box B, Exeter, Ontario, not later
than June 3rd, 1950.
.: is tic no r a
�ti• a � r, :;
Of I,lm.ty of moisture
when needed.
Your cattle and all
livestock a r e quickly
catered , saves tithe
and labourbesi,lt-S
Y(nr have FIRE. VIM.
T. TON'for all your
farm buildings.
$117.50 F.O.B.
London, Canada
EMCO Fixtures
and Fittings
You can easily modernize
your kitchen ... bathroom
and latindry enjoy the:
comforts of living.
iondon . Hamilton - Toronto - Sudbury - Winnipeg . Vaneouvew
Calflury - Edmonton - 'Vantouver EC 52
(a' r�•�, r, Orr ,�N{q, �: 6: �' �f�' �. �t� •,
Ward Fritz- Phone 182 Zurich, Ong.
r -
DIED AT EXETER Mr. ;Sam Witzel of Toronto, spent
Joseph May, 90, died suddenly at I the week -end with his mother, Mrs. MOWERS
the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. M Witzel.
Southcott, he farmed most of his Several car loads from here mot LAWN -
fife on the homestead two miles south ored to Niagara Falls on Sunday to
of Exeter, -which had been in his enjoy the 'big peach blossom week -end "
family 120 years. He retired 24 years i The 11wonia Choir of Exeter, will New and Used lawn mowers priced $6.00 and up -
ago, and the land is now -worked by be in the Lutheran Church here on I wards. We believe this to be the answer to your
his son, Hedloy-. Mr. May was a me- Sunday e-,enhigv, June 111th.
tuber of James St. United Churcli, l ,
and served for many years as an el-' HEINSALI., lawn mower troubles in the new stream -lined Roto -
der and trustee. —IIT TUDOR'S—
TWO ARE INJURED See Tudor's in Hensall for kiddic.> Cut lawn 1xLOWeY $23.75, Serviced and ground and
Two Crediton district persons dresses; sizes 7-14x at $2.45 and I •
were injured Sunday last, when their' 82.95. These are the famous „lar- rarity, to go before it is put up for sale.
car left No. 4 Highway and struck a; tha Wahington dress as and are JIM'S MACHINE SHOP - HENSALL
telephone pole. Mrs. Clayton SinL� ; wa.-zable.
was thrown from the car and recet- I J1r. J. D. Reid and Miss Minnie
ved a slight concussion. Her husband Reid attended the funeral of Miss Office 173. Residence 170-W.
received cuts about the eye. Botli I -Margaret _McDougall in Wingham on
•q'e1 » iY�I SS s�z�e'k�rsala . 3u.g�3WritdlL
were taken home for treatment. Tire�Friday lax,
accident happened when the Sim., : Rev. Andrew Boa of Forest, a
car tried to avoid striking a car i former Hensall boy has accepted a
driven by Wellington Haist, also of call to Empress Ave. United Church ji�����
Crediton district, who was turning'at London.'
into a driveway. Mr. Sims took to the Bobby Lavery, Bili lisrslake, Don
ditch rather than strike an oncimirg,AlcLaren while out in the bush Sat -
The Exeter District High School Board invites
car. ; urday last captured a garter snake
BASEBALL NEWS which they are very proud of and are tenders for the one -room frame building located o1a i
The Executive of the Huron -Per tl' . going to keep it, , ;1
To Hold Stock Fair Public School property on Victoria Street and
Base -ball Association met recently: ' Ont of the most 'outstanding ev-1 known as the "High School Anex."
and drew up the summer's schedule.
with the Hollowing team, participat- ents of its kind in this part of th�- i Disposition of property to be made known at
ing;: Lucan, Exeter, St..l'Iarys, Can-
: Province is the Hensall Stock Fair,
tralia, Clinton, Clinton Radio Hen- wM
"which will be held Thursday, May 25, ! the time of sale
tall, Mitchell, Dashwood and Zurien- under the awEpice. of the S. Hurr n 4
Following are the games that the Agric. Society. Among the many ad- Tenders should be addressed to the Secretary,
Zurich team will participate: : ded atti=Uons thi year will be an � E. D. Howe Box B. Exeter, Ontario not later
May 26. Zurich at Goderich. old-time fidddess contest, old time! ; y> � ,
311—➢Mitchell at Zurieh, square dance, and a baby show for than June 3, 1950, a rid rnaxked "Building Tender".
June 6—Zurich at Dashwood. children under one year of age,
8—Goderich at Zurich. A successful Bingo v ei nr-ld in ;
o the Legion Hall, Sat,.lydas r ighl 20.
:Zurich at Mitchell. Spdn:ored by the I giisrR ladl�xc Aran- Green, who celebrated his 84th Mirth-� The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Can-
15—Hensall at Zurich. (lay, at Ki
20—Zurich at Clinton, !iliary, many val�xel,le pnzw., were; peen' lad'dan Legion branch have collected'
2.2—Exater at Zurich. r iven away during the (sr* r;r. The. N•ir and Mrs. Wilfred Chuter, of a quantiby, of clothes and food sup--
-26—Zurich at St. `Marys. door prize was- won by ',7rsl F1r!1r-rr Varna, announce the engagement of plies, which with the assistance of tile.
29—Centralia at Zurich. i Boy -1e, R.N., of7 ,ror:tr�. In crzargl. RCAF, Centralia were sent to tha-
their eldest daughter, Vivian Eliza•
July 3—Zurich at Centralia. 1of the affair ��(jrc :M1Ir:. l;.rrilLa ylnir,, Canadian Legion Winnipeg F1oocY:'
lint, A. Clark, Mr,;;: F. beer, Mrs. W beth, to Harvey N. Boyce, son Of Relief.
6—Lucan at Zurich. Smale. Bingo: will be held every t Mr and Mrs Frank Boyce, Varna,the
11—Zurich 'ah Clinton Radio, i 7 . Evacuees :frotm flood $'tri,cken Win-
18—Zurich at* Lucan. Saturday night until the end or Jun(a , wedding take place the latter part of nipeg arrived here Tuesday fast to,
20—Dashwood at Zurich. STANLEY TOWNSHIP jMay. stay with their relatives, LAC ala&
1261—St. Marys at Zurich, Mrs. A. McLeod, RCAF., they were
l Mr& Alice Cook of Lond,:,n was a Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Talbot, Of
.Mrs. Radio at Zurich, l � Mrs. David Grant, with her h -months.
81 ----Zurich at Hensall, week -end visitor with her mother, }Bayfield announce the engagement of old daughter, Jill, Mfrs, Grant's mot••
Aug, 4 --Zurich at Dashwood, Mrs. ' Mcclymont, Xipprm, ,their eldest dauhter, Agnes Marie, to her., Mrs. McLeod and Miss Moyra.
William Leitch, son of MrWinnipeg,
7—Clinton Colts at Zurich. Mr. and Mrs, Walter McBride and Mr. GeorgeWilson all of Morley eve., ( family and Mt• and Mrs. Elmer Me- The t
fl A 5 N W O O U Bride and family,all, of Exeter,were and 14Irs• Wm. Leitch, Goderich. The Y came down in a train. evacua-.
marriage to take place early in June, ing two dozen small children wib.
Mrs. Westlake of Listowel spent guests ,with their parents, Mr and were going to various !points of Ont -
last week with her sister, lV)`Its. Flop- Mrs. Robert McBride, Xippen, on Mr. Oscar Blanchard, who has ario and the USA.. Mr. Grant, if.'
croft. " Sunday Iast. been conducting -a barber shiolp in the conditions permit will join his fain -
Mrs. Douglas and daughter Betty, Mr and Mrs Wm. Green of near lvillage of Bracofield for the 17ast 9 ily ill ere early; in ,lune, they expect to,,
of Stratford spent the week -end wiih Exeter; Vir and Mrs Wes. Green and I years, has decided to retire, and as return lioit'te when the water rece.dcs
Mrs, Nes; and Paul, If-amily of near Mitchell; Mr, and VM!a result the Brucefiold barber Aop They were- g atoful Tor the assist. -
Mn Duncan Snider is in London' Charlie Green of Pjonondvilie, and will .be closed after May 27, Mr. and Inne.e reet+.ivecl flio7n the Red Oros.-
Hospital, where he underwent an Mr, 'Cy. Green of Grand Bend, wer, -Mrs. Blanchard have not yet deckled and the Srilvation Army drty^in;g their
operation. Sunday last guest,; laf Mr. Jonah where they will reside. � journey.
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