HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-05-25, Page 1..A=P . 1 t K M 0 CHESTER L, SMITH, PUBLI .F.Aitablished ;i700.' ZURICH, ONTARIO, 'THUI DAY MORNING4, MAY 25 1950 $1.76 a Year is Advrx $2.00 in U. S. A., in Advanm ST. PET'WS 'Evangelical Lutheran Church ZlTitICH — ONTARIO )REV, E, W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR 16 a.m.—Divine Services. 1.1.15 a.m. —Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.—Divine Worship. ,everybody Welcome to all Services. EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH Zurich — Ontario REV. H. E. ROPPEL Minister Mrs, Milton Oesch - Organist unday Services: - 0:00 a.m.—Divine Worship. 'IE,00 a.m.—Biible Sehool. 7:30 p.m.—Divine Warship. Welcome at all Servicers --"Comae - aOu with us and we wilt do them vaod " Num. 10:23. DonkeyBaseball A. GAME OF DONKEY BASEBALL. Will be held on the ZURICH BALL DIAMOND On MONDAY MAY 29th. Commencing at 7 p.m. C. W. L. MEETING Zurich — Ontario L 'dues of PJt. Boniface parlttih in Zuxl n held their C. W. L. meeting on 114nday, May 21st at 8.15 p.m. ; R&. Father A. J. Lucier director, led >'f`the meeting in prayer, after whicSh he introduced. the guest speak- er.+ namelliy Mrs. Dorland of Strat- ford diolcesan organizer, ,and Miss Alien Daly, diocesan president. The sleeting was conducted under the cha a:nship of :Mrs. Dorland. Miss J1oa�e Bedard, was appointed see - ret for; the meeting, assisted by M'i � Helene Farwell. >M1 'xss Daly gave an interesting tai3 on the good work being done in vaxaus ways by the C. W. L. all over', the world. The following officers were elect- ed i:or the coming year. President, Mrs: L. Rose; 1st.Vice President Mrs Dennis Bedard Jr; 2nd vice, Mrs. Tedd, Mittlehbltz; 3rd vice, Mrs. Ed- win. Regier; Recording Secretary, Mr* Zimmer; Corresponding Set etary, Mrs. Keith Rose; treasur- er, flY%rs. Alphonse Grenier. The el- ecti'oii' of councillors will take place Announcement at the next monthly meeting. A �- . Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Snider, Zurich � MANITOBA number iof C. W. L. members will announce the engagement of their attend the League, convention being )IJU slaughter, Nola Grace, to Mr. Keith�� held at the Sunset Hotel, Goderich, Elgin Horner, son of Mr. and 11'Iti June 22nd to 27th. T•he meeting Blake Horner, Zurich, the wedding adjourned after the recitation of I to take place on Saturday, June 2rd, A BINGO AND DANCE prayer conducted by Miss Daly. 1050 at 2 p.m. inthe Church of God RELIEF RELIEF! Are You Suffering From at Grand Bend. _ Will be held in the Strong appeals are bring ]nide to ithe public for Relief Funds to eadach l°%Zurich Community Centre h4 the stricken in the Flood Areas Residents of Zurich Wishing to make of ;ltianitoba. The Bank of :t2ontrear -it so, Have your eel l »i'lled Wath Donations to the On Thursday, .Dine 1.st, 1960 of 31a in Zurich, has a list to which -'�':aae Latest Metl]od� acrdai>pmrc�na ai MANITOBA A FLOOD RELIEF May do so by bruin ,Donations to the In add of the Flood Stricken Area in ons can contribute; The Zurich Fol xce Trustee Doard also have started A. COLE, R.O. Sec. Treas of the Lurich Police ti"il- Manitoba. This being sponsored by a list, .and the local Community lage. I all Organizatlions in. the, . Community �etxvre ; C',otnrnittee are also appeal - OPTOMETRIST O�'Ta^j,r_jA I (Donations can be deducted for Iii- and they urge your support to tin-, tng to the -nitre fol fundsofor - al - come Tax Purposes) iy very important cause. same th purpose, these can be left at he G,.OD�(M ,-••• O H. W. BROKE, N•SHIRE, Donations can be left at the Bank p p ' Sec. Tress. the, Bank of Montreal, as the Man- Treas. Glasee �$, �, of Montreal, Zurich. ager, .lair. McEaehern, is the treasur- ResgmaWlb 240W 1 —Trustees: Zurich Police Village er of the Community Centre, while OBI T VARY donations to the Police Village should Late Herbert O. Southcott. be made to Mr. Brokenshire, the Ser, -- 67 C1//0 )®ffMay?l t'Mrl erc�Z ��o»z•6 Herbert 0. •Southcott, who for many Treas..of that Board. The urge is years has been associated with his greatly needed. W e, who are in a brother Orville in the mercantile bus- much more fortunate spot on this .,PZl17b6PCGZ DLrcdor -"' PrixCL�C (��G7a 17Z�1GZ(171C1: iness in Exeter passed away on May old planet, and in a land of plenty, 17 after .being ill in Victoria Hosp- can quite easily help those in these Member of Ontario Funeral Association ital, London for six weeks. Born in unfortunate areas, u*ho have. in many Holder Of ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFICATE Exeter, he was in his lyes'. AP. instances lost all their life savings. ter learning the businessass with J. A. If everybody helps a bit, it will soon ®k hl� OXYGEN �� i� en$ Stewart, he spent several years in make a nice amount and will do a Toronto and for some• year- a v ih lot of good. And don't forget the a 'Toronto firm as a traveller. He re- Mingo and Dance in the Camtnunit: FIOSPITAL BEDS 7 �3 RENT—INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN broils- Centre o Thursday * eve. June 1st. turned to I+lket(t and with 11i, FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED FROM MITCIIELL NURSERIEact ()lville pdrehased the husin of Lions Club News F""tt'E" WIRE ANYWI'I'ERE fir sLewart which th(; c uu: n t :rl.. Most ,of the Lions Service Club; yltl• Iving are three ,brothers, Or ]lle are giving a much needed helping; iil E. and .11el4irl ai lixet(x, iter. 1 24. Hour Service ^- Dashwood Tel. 70W• < , Oil City and t sister, .Hiss Set E hand frith donations to the Winnipeg area flood stricken ,people, who had .........�.. zit honit , The .funeral was held ori to leave their homes ,to the ravages Friday ,','itli Rev. H. J. Smell 111 Tut, e'`fl�00(ls In response to the big, a Street United Church officiating Irl- of th,: appeal Made, the local Zurren Liolis Massa+'; �stc ar�mesr, xsr :� r aceta( t stY' 3 torment in the Exeter Cemetery, _ Club at their last meeting, May 15th voted $50. for this purpose, as al. -o T h €µ (® t,� �`, s did the Exeter Lions Cluj the same Add &..E lsa -! ? 1i amount. At the next meeting of! GRAND BEND the Exeter Club, on June 0th, the alr- nual Ladies' Night will be held at the a h�Brenner Hotel, Grand Bend. Presents for 7 our. Enjoyment, tht Plan Jamboree 1. ap' Following Attractions The 31st of May, June �2 and .,rd, -- are the dates, set for the three day WUdnesday-Thursday., flay 274-2.5 jambioree being conducted by Sea - Cecil '. DeMille's Masterpiece forth organizations, under the aur SE1l�/1SON AND DELILAH 1]i•cl� of the Seaforth Lion, Club, in l° �'Ifl 'a 8 a, aid to the Seaforth. and District Me- �' � t Irl Glorious 'Technicolor ]norial Community Centre. 'file 4'(' Two complete Shows each evening 1 Centre which coat appraxinlately at 7.15 and 9.40 11.111. Ainksron Ov- $9:1,000 plus another $61,000 for ex- ___— enirvg•-: Adults 95c; child :18(! :ll'rt- tons, needs 511,:,00 to pa,y. all delfts. Nee Wt:d. at 2:30, Adult s0c, Child DON',,EY BASEBALL '33c. "Fax included. Ott the saint pro- The public aro cordially invited to MEN'S WEAR LADIES' LINGERIE gram Academy Award Winning' .•bort att,•nd the fust game of Donley AQUATIC HOUSE PARTY i,aseball ever staged in Zurich to our knowledge next Monday evening; 'j INFANTS BOYS' GIRLS' CLOTHING I+'riday, Saturdayflay 'r-'~7 spoil orad by the Zurich Lions Club. Bob Hope as As we have nev(or had the opportun- THE CREAT LOVER ity of witnessing one of these games, Rhonda Fleaning, Roland Young, but those who have, and some of ou) Roland Culver. I'lloe Boudoir 1'l:'('s localport-nreri of the Lions Club FRESH GROCERIES FRUITS That Reckless Nose,` That Fight" have participated as players in th( chin—It's All Hotpe and a Smile c,,rntest at Exeter last year, and theS Wide. Cartoon "(lector', Tlet.ti( r;tivi;,e us it i5 the event of a life. VEGETABLE�`a CURED MEATS Linc" plus two additional Stolt.' time foo Iatxgliter and full. Yrs then "White Magi(' and 3lollr�r Ilet1)� axtr it - ilial donkt y, thtitt look Irl:( DELI`@!E,��i 111.`. It r, n that Ilio runner 11111- IF lai 1:� UIt�S !'L"•D, WE - , ,t;lel b(evi,vied by the donee; +t 4^. Nonday. I u—Itiv Moy ''91.10 Ci b16vs of carry the donkey thl,re l 'Ibaulettc (;odilltrt ��lTTtlln lii,llol 1a:•t x111 :,( 1 hl_ er -,"d oil livill --------'—'." (1; (.Per lloolollw i 1 li if ' to .-et. 111i� flan. l ho oppos'll, NNA LITt V•`s•"', .1l 1)e DaA nvood 31on's Clu r l+ .1+ ''114, 1 u�11,c•lbt ,+.. 1•,)a , ', :51 r, 1„i`l 1'ilrillttS• 11.1 t���-++y'•��]r'y” y� (( FOR 1}'gyp •rt�,n.+ Z.l!', GIVE E M'� .��, CALL f'k,��s �J1.e�:`h '�I ,ISrS.a.t,., 9 ; l e.l .'? r^tl, . t)': i { i •` -iib S.:• i�l � , i• t.b l:.'1 111:1111 (t;c 'p Wr'0)]E, Rl):?(1 ibtil. fnvril ,t. Ii,j ol:01!111,a 111$ 11111, ..•..ti..:- a+.w.ws.M*,.. ...� '4 T , ll iltplllf�"•�•i'!(�cly ('l.on A ('t,.'li. Tit (,d:';, of • rain ti C. H. THIEL `' L Zuriclx Throp e �+tonl t � �bfld tl ( ai iris the roni.rt, �t will 1)e hr� Phone 140 � , llo(lt� t t,t lr.,'° ill fl1(' Arnllil. 'j �„,s��suasnasisasmesaiss 1'a1•(irrollttl �`t`ovyreel asgra>ai»ru,vaa _ NORMA ' S f RAG RUGS and CARPETS, I�E�Ai37CY SI-IOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS On a New Modern Doom, Made bg Tel. )2,23. Zurich Order — Seth 0. Amann, Zuriciii NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. Ont. Phone 128. (. Prompt Optica ervrce razi;b,i YOUR BROKEN LENSES oblue cealrM6,, CAN BE DUPLICATED For the 'world's Finest Anthracite Ask for ANY SHAPE, ANY COLOR BLUE COAL! FROM THE SMALLEST PIECE Roe's Vitimized Feeds; w Deliver half -ton and over SHELL FRAMES ALL SIZES AND SUMMER PRICES NOW IN EFFECT. LET US HAVE YOUR SHAPES IN STOCK ORDER NOW A Gi(LOCKER SERVICE; � � Jeweler and Registered LORNE E. HAY Phone '10 — Hensall Optician. ate Ed¢�0,3daa DG9i���9�6A� �ei�C�v��&t�Aaia���F� m xA& Licensed M almer and F'un.e>i al Director � Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and 'Wheelchair for Rent LQ C3WERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Days �nftgPaf SeivRfe .._. � .. Telephone: Res. 89 - Or 122, Zurichy p 4Z ZU � 4 S PR *'woc. e1 11Ty4 'We are ever at your service w_`th the best lines obtainable of g�$EA.•.jp t 7 "� r•, -, ;r+s^, � ai S1111 All Fresi3 VecyuLable,;, F oils in Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL n. 0eh zi. PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 Ch f n o ,c,lr. I PD, 11621 1 S r . Warner, Jainesway, Electric: and, Oil Brooders. Fountains, Healers,' Brooder Wafers, Broader . Pipes and Elbows. Ili .0 1711 PIONEER C ICh-,� KRUM0`1':