Zurich Herald, 1950-05-18, Page 6T
fort to snake it easier for the boy;
to smack one out of the park
< "Ridiculous,"
do those things for the comfort and
cash customers."
Well, far be it from us to odubt
week of the Toronto Maple Leafs'
the word of such ail important per -
home one cannot help be-
son as a baseball mogul. Still, here
"Gussie" Gets a Rubdown—In her dressing room at the "Forum
Italico" in Rollie, Gertrude "Gorgeous Gussie" Morals, of lace -
panty faille, gets a massage before meeting French tennis ace
Anne -Marie Segllers in the Italian Tennis Champioships.
Gussie Won the match.
fort to snake it easier for the boy;
to smack one out of the park
< "Ridiculous,"
they say, "We jus!
do those things for the comfort and
convenience of our clear friends, the
!'Y 51TC.}.l 1C
cash customers."
Looking at the results of the first
Well, far be it from us to odubt
week of the Toronto Maple Leafs'
the word of such ail important per -
home one cannot help be-
son as a baseball mogul. Still, here
ing reminded,- 'somehow, of the
deathless dispatch a Washington
are some statistics which would
newspaper cori:espondent sent home
appear to prove that either the
breed of baseball slugger is improv -
after having a couple of peeks at
the Senators going through their
ing very fast or else that things
have been happening behind their
Paces in training
backs. * %k %k
„ The Senators haven't got any
On the' first Saturday in May
there were exactly nine major lea -
pitching, or hitting, or defensive
strength," the wire ran. `Outside
g•ue games played. And in those
that, they're loaded."
nine games there were exactly
thirty-one home runs belted. The
But maybe, by this time, the
only occasion on which more hom-
ers than
Leafs have taken a turn for the
that were scored in a
single day's play was back in June;..
better; in fact, that's about the only
1937, when the count was one great -
direction they have left. But it's too
bad. The advance build-up the Leafs
ed, thirty-two in all. BUT, on that
received—especially over the matter
afternoon, there were fifteen
games played, which makes quite
of Sunday ball at last—was only
a difference.
slightly less than terrific. On open-
* k
ing day, and the first Sunday, the
Just to keep the record clear, the
crowds moved down to the air
(polar) conditioned spaces of the
31 four -baggers of -fay 6th, were
divided up thusly. The American
Stadium in huge and highly profit-
League accounted for 16 of the
able numbers in a mood of eager
bumper crop with the Boston Red
expectation, completely forgetting
that neither wishful thinking or at-
SOX collecting the most, an even
half-dozen. Boston Braves led
'endance records ever tion many
hall games.
National with a quintet, and the
* ^`
Chicago Cubs—of all people—tied
And right now a few thousand of
a major league mark by busting
three of them in a single inning.
then] are wondering if the expert
observers, who accompanied those
Leafs on their Southern travels,
Yes, gentle reader, it looks very
ntuch, from where we sit, as though
mightn't have been the victims of
the breed of modern ball -player
fraud or deception. In other words,
when they asked for sun -glasses,
be undergoing vast improvement.
In fact, if the breed of Thorough -
some slicker must have slipped them
bred had been improved with equal
the rose-colored variety.
celerity, this year's Kentucky
* `
As for the babyish tactics which
Derby would probably have been
spoiled opening Sunday for so
run around 1.55 instead of 2,01
and 3/5. Maybe Bill Corum, the
many, so much has already been
written that we have but little to
new impresario at Churchill Downs
should borrow a leaf from baseball's
add. Except this. Frank Shaugnessy
has been around for
book, and have somebody shorten
quite a while;
and while he has developed a slight
the track by a hundred yards or so.
While his back
tendency to take off his hat and
bow whenever
was turned, of
course, and without anybody telling
the sacred word
"baseball" is mentioned, that is
him about it.
Probably due to his official position.
Anyway, Shag knew enough to hit
Still, on second thought, maybe
those guilty of the stalling in the
Corum had best let things stay as
they are. A home run in baseball
Orly place where your modern ball
player can be hurt. We were just
used to provide an authentic thrill.
about to write "in the bankroll"
they've cheapened them to
stuck an extent that the last
when we recalled that today's ball
quota -
tion we heard was a dime a dozen
artists carry theirs in pocketbooks
—with no bidders,
—padlock -equipment. So make that
"in the wallet" and you'll get our
His System
general meaning, we hope.
%k ic x
Baseball magnates vehemently
An FBI investigator discovered
deny that there has been any
evidence of some amazing marks -
change, that they are aware of, in
manship in a West Virginia town.
the makeup of the baseball itself,
On trees, fences, and walls were
So far as they know, the poor inno-
countless bull's-eyes, with the
cents, the apple that Ted Williams,
bullet -hole in the absolute centre.
Ralph Kiner and the rest of today's
The FBI man demanded an intro -
sluggers swing at is identical with
duction to the Dead -eye Dick re-'
dile one that used to serve as a mark
sponsible for this spectacular shoot -
for Cobb, Wagner, Lajoie, and the
ing and was led to the village half-,
wit. "Greateset shooting I ever
Those same magnates also laugh
saw," marvelled the FBI man. t
"How in the world do you do it?" !
to scorn any suggestions that seat-
"Nothing to it," deprecated the
,Ing arrangements are changed,
half-wit, "I shoot first and draw I
:fences moved and so on, in an ef-
the circles afterward." li
.Artists Without Arms --Despite the handicap of no arms, these
two painters is Delsenbofen, Germany run a flourishing art
pttblishing business and have become well. -known painters.
Bruno Schmitz-IIochburg, left, lost his arm in an accident
.30 year,y ai;o. Arnttlf krich Stegnlann, right, was paralyzed
when lie «-as two years old and never regained use of his arms,
They employ several handicapped persons in their btlsiness,
-^ WA volt, SALE .. A:IEDICAL
'n TO SELL Sam's tlalden Tractors, very UOZORQXGLES Harley Davidson, New and USl) 1'1NN'S S.E. S. Tablets, Stolut talo
profitable line. Send for literature. Gar. used tlou8h' sold, exchanged. Large stook sconce and pig scours. Cost fifty centx
den Power Tools Lturlted, West 11111, Ontario, of g'uar'anteed used motorcycles, Repairs by calf. Ten cents pig. Lastly given. Guaranteed
Driving through the country, at- - factory-tralned mechanics. Bicycles, and Calif or money refunded. Ono dollar trial sample.
SELL popular $3, fire extinguisher wholesale late line of wheel goods. Open oveninus until R, A. Finn Co, Ltd„ London, Ont,
most anywhere in southern Ontalrio, at- direct. Liberal profits exclusive territory nine except waluesday Strand Cycle & Sports, , - - -
there are few sadder sights than PHO KILLER. 6042 Roslyn Ave- Ala treat. King at Sanfnrl, Hamilton. IIIROit'1`UNt1II3 b411t ,1I.ION A"yU—IyjlAll��l '
tel ova AGENT, sell Drs•goods from, our BE A HAIRDRESSER
SOI11e of the ancient bar11S, YOU NEW ,i01-INSON Outboard motors. Canadian JOIN CANADA'S EEAUTNG SCIIOOt.
Illustrated catalogue. 6 n rromnrT ion, , (ane ('a., Peterbom Boats, Canues, Trall•
1c[7015' the kind I mean—roof Sag- liable Sales, 204 �Pa.11na Avnnue Toronto, ars, bought, sold, exchanged. Largo stook used Great upportunity Learn
ging, 110 doors, great gaps in the — U1fiY L1ftGIiS' _"--- motors. Repairs by factory-u•alued ruoubanics, Hairdressing
sidings. In fact I often think it LI 14ORNS X B.R. and Leghorne, 830,95, open until nine except Wednesday. sit, snd Pleasant dignified profession, good wages
would be a fine thing if lightning Pullets $22,95; cockerels $1.90 Barred Oxcle, FIamllton. thousands successful Marvel graduates
Exotics N.H. t B.R., L.S..L' N.II, $10.96; put-America'e greatest system,' illustrated tact:
Struck, and tire poor deserted things late $10,96; cockerels $5.90 New Hampshlees; ALUMINUA 900VIN(I—Immediate shipment logue free. write or Call
it,T. Rods $10.95; pullets $21.95; voeltsre!s -• 019" thick in 0, 7, 3, 9, and 10 -foot !d'AI:IVEL IJA1RDR10SSINO
burned to the ground.
lAlso ridert. Hatcheries, Dept.
A. Ga$3.90. Two week old pullets $5 per 100 more lengths, Price to apply .019" at $9,40 per SCHOOLS
than these prices.
square ,016" Blom St. $8.20 per souaro delivered 260 BloSt. 1v , pronto
There are lots who feel CDen sit Ontario pointe. For estimates, samples, liter- Branches, 44 (ling St. Hamilton
the Same with order., Gallt, sit attire, etc„ write; A. O, LESLIE K CO, & 72 ttldeau Street. Uttawa.
way; but we May be mistaken, at
LUMITED, 130 Commissionors St„ Toronto 2,
YU(I'LL be sorry 9f you havmn I your pens Ontario, NUItS171tY ST(DUH
that. Writing in a United States filled with laying pullets this fall, 19ggs are —
bound to he scarce and a good price, Tha I7OR SALE: Used Tractor., some almost new; nASI BU'RIttLS. strawberries, e u r r a n t s ,
farm magazine Harry R. McConnell time to make money In anything is when all mattes and models; also various other gooseberries, grapes, blackberries, fruit
hands out the advice—"take a good there ase not too ninny in it. This fall farm machines, Contact its rot reasonable trees, dwarf fruit trees, roses, hedge plants,
look at your Old barn; maybe it and winter there will not be too many wtiln prices:L'x-Spring Farms Lin Uxbridge,grad=t'ergreens, aeparagus and perennials, first
too, has years Of service left in good laying pullets. You can really rash in Ontario, se y,e 075aWil Willard, Toronto.
rio grown stock. Rurwymede Nur-
lE you buy now. Prompt tlelllets, ry Turkey
day old CHAIN SAWS AND PARTS—write for our
a specific
he goes • on to tell about or' starter]. Also older puncta, Turkey points. IIIoDOE CARRAGANA, 2.1 Inches "heir' 100,
Catalogue, Top, Notch t`hlcic Saler, (iuleplr, low prices an PTORNI.T Sawa and parts.
a specific inStallCe. $3.00. 30 assorted Perennials cls $1,26. Cramer
Ontario, we have a complete stock of Model DJ, H.J.
and D parts, new and used, lnvestlgate the Nurserle;,, white Fox�Saslc.
Biil16r prices soaring! That means more and new low priced rugged Smith planerchain all GLADIOLUS BULBS-��
Don't be too hasty with the I)Iggor profits for you In poultry and eggs. lengths. D. J. Smith Sales Co. Limited, 047
wrecking bar on that old horse Remember egg Prices go up more In years _ I00 BULBS 1'IISl'P:1T $1,08
following low winter prices, In each of the 1Voolwirh Street, GUI;I:,Pi[, untarie. _
Fine assortment o!' young healthy bulbs, All
barn—his article Starts—it may last twenty years when winter egg prices TURKEY POUTITS—We bnve available from to 1" in diameter. Each Package contains 10
have years 0f service left in it al- were low, egg prices went up the next fall one day to five weeks old, Started, Broad bulbs of 10 different varletles. Free cultural
P more than usual. Prompt delivery oil day- Ilreastrd Bronze Turkey Poulta from Gov- (Ilrect!ons with each order. All bulbs duated
though the horses are gone. old, started rion-sexed, ,pullets, cockerels. Older ernment approved stock and under hatchery for control of thrlp. Send name and address
pullets. Turkey Paul", non -send, sexed hens approval. At reduced pt•ires for a quick sale. with Money Order to:
sexed tams, Catalogue and Turkey Guide. Ti, Yank's Exclusive Turkev Farm and Hatch- WRIGHTLAND FARM,
Of. course, it may look pretty Tweddle Chick I•Tatt•heries .Limited, Fergus, ery Sub. 11, Windsor, uni, or phone 5-5964
Ontario. after 6 HARROW, Out.
tough: But if it's the right size', if p•'nn•
it's located 011 the right spot, and DYEING AND CLEANING DAIRY for sale. New De Laval equipment. HEALTHY Strawberry plants: V:ellogg Pre -
Apartments above. No opposition. Aflelhousen miler, Royal Sovereign, $o, boo; $lo, 1,000.
if the framework is good—stop and HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing at, clean. Bros. Lions !lead, Ont, Valentine $14, 1,000. C. E. Smith, Scotland,
do some figuring. Ing? write to us for information. we are TARPAULINS ANY SIZE Ontario.
glad to answer. your Questions. Limit Department IN heavy waterproofed duck, complete with PATENTS
St Parker's Dye conchs Limited, 791 Yonge tie ropes, your name stenciled on each side
That's what K, B. FIuff, agrlCUl- Street, Toronto. Ontsri" hbgeHLltS'1'UNHAUGH &'^tom any latent
tural engineer did, when he needed and delivered to your nearest station, 8x10, p
EatPLoV5mNT WANTED $8.75; 10x12, $13.26; 12x16, $19.75. Special Solicitors Established 1890 •350 Bay Street,
a poultry 110USe, sizes made to your order at ).2o per specialralare rornnto Ronklet of information an request.
,k ,k E.l'Elt1ENCED, reliable Holland immigrants foot. Please enclose money, order or cheque A. M.
LAtDLAw. B.Sc„ Patent Attorney,
available; arriving soon. Write to L, Van• with your order. All Inquiries answered Patents of invention,. 60 Sparks St., Ottawa,
denburu, Box 92, Brockville. Ont.: phone
He had an ofd barn. It never had 2554 (after 6 o'clock), promptly. ,Canvas Specialty Company, 1110
been painted, the sills were rotten, Yonge street, Toronto, PERSONAL
sagged, and'the wails were UNWANTED HAIR
the roof Sar , FOIL SALE LONELY people of opposite sexes will be
personally Introduced to each other by new -
Out Of 1111e. (4UNS—Carse assortment new and used. PERAiAA t rem eradicated with .Soca Polo. ly-formed club with navies of thousands of
8augbt, sold, exchanged. Guaranteed repairs. The most remarkable dlaeovery of the age,
Scopes, sights installed. Fishing Tackle. Hunt. Sacs, Pelo is guaranteed to k111 the roots Of men and women seeking companionship allPeroal and
.ng Equipment. Sportink Goods. Spe•ial Team any hair, and contains no druga or chemicals, marriage, Phone, write or call personally at
But Duff found that it had good FRIENDSHIP UNLIUtTEU, 72 (Queen Street
Prices: Open until line except werinesday, Lor -Beer Lab., 679 Granville, Vancouver, B.C.
oak framing, and his figures showed Strand Cycle, Hamilton. west, Toronto. Phone PLaza 4377.
that it would cost less to remodel p•ARMS FOR SAEL STAMPS
than to build a new poultry house, radio phonograph, and so forth. It 150 ACRES CHOICE DAIRY FARat STAbIFS Free to Sincere Approval APDlicants.
IN ENCELLE.\T STATE of cultivation, just Best prices paid for collections. Snowdon
is advisable to have these delicate off main road in splendid established Stamps, 6371 Clanranala, Alontreal,
First he raised one 'side of ,the and expensive .pieces of equipment Farming section near thrifty town. Two-family
foundation 'iVlth house .jacks, and brick house, large bank barn, $craze and WANTE1l
prepared for moving by a service- Implement shed. Lots of water under r•res- {PANTED -- GOOD USED RED11?,11I SIZED
nailed ,new timbers in place 16 man, but if you are accustomed to sure In house, barn. School bits, Transport threshing machine. State make, size, equip -
hauls milk dally to Toronto. Reisonlbie down ment and price. John Afae.Donald, 11.11, 2,
inches above the cid sills. Then he
sawed off the old siding caring for then] yourself, he will payment and low interest on mortgage for Elora, Ontario.
g just below probably tell you what to do. balance. Immediate ponsess!on. $10,600. For
the new 51115. k k 4 further particulars write or phone J. E.
:k t * -
Caller, Realtor, 2575 Yonge St., Toronto. WAKE Give the telephone and electric 11AC Mohawk 3676. U p YO U
Next he dug a trench, 3 icer Wide 58 AC.nF.e, clay: clone to school and church
and 2 feet deep, under the, sills. In Companies ample notice of the 3 miles from highway; good house, hydra;
the bottom of the trench, directly n10Ve. Patton,
between Barrie and Callingtvood. Tom LIVER BILE --
k * * Patton, few Lowell, Ont,
under the walls, Ile dug a footing If you have a freezer, arrange HELL' WANTED
trench, 14 inches wide and 6 inches with the locker plant to store the UoTimir5 HELP. No cooking. Duplex, live Without Calomel—And Youll Jump Out of
deep. 's * * food during the move and utilize AT n. 6ie4:60 a week. 82 Burnaby, Toronto. Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Gd
He filled this 14 -incl] footing with the time it is disconnected to de- The Liver should pour out about 2 pints of
concrete,. and then laid five rows of frost. In normal weather food can MEDICAL bile juice into your digestive tract every day;
concrete blocks to bring this new If this bile is not flowing freely, your food may
be moved long distances in the POSTS ECZEMA SALVE not digest. It tray just decay in the digestive
foundatiotl within an incl] Of .,the Ba.ni0l the ferment of dry eczema rashes and tract. Tben gas bloats u
freezer without dams e, if the bot get const! p your stomach You
new Sill, g weeping akin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve � pared. You feel sour, sunk and the
k k k
is kept shut. You can speed settling will not disappoint you. world looks punk.
Itching, scaling, burning rezeins,, acne, It takes those mild, gentle Carter's Little
operations if you'have frozen meals
by 12 -inch bolts ringworm, pimples and athlete's foot, will Liver Pills to get these 2 pints of bile Bow.
He cemented a's
and sandwiches available. respond readily to the stainless, odorless olnt_ Ing freely to make you feel up and up'=
every six feet in the foundation, * * * ment, regardless OE how .stubborn or liopeless Get a package todayy. Effective in m?,let+.
then lowered the sills and bolted they seem. bile flow freely, Ask [or. Cartes s Little Liver
Start collecting. pasteboard car- PRIDE $1.00 PER JAR �• 354 at any drugstore,
them down, tons and 'newspapers a month in Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price
advance. You may be able to bar -POST'S REMEDIES
Then Huff raised the other. side iso Queen St. E., Corner of Logan
"row mattress containers from a Toronto
of the barn and built a similar local store. Have plenty of heavy CRESS nwitowN TOT_AIL SALi'E. Here it is!
The Best Paint Value
foundation. The old barn already string and rope on hand. Your Druggist sells none better.
looked better, * * * DIXON'S REMEDY In Canada Since 1939
Prepare an emergency box con- DIXON'S REMEDY—For Neuritis m
The walls still were out of line, taingin screw driver, hammer, scis- and Rheumatic Pains. Thousands®� pa��� Co.
though, so he used jacks with hes satisfied. ar
1'Y cors, thumbtacks, shelf paper, MUNRO'S DRUG STORE Offers you the kind of value you got
timber extensions to force them into needle, thread, tape measure, Band- 335 Elgin Ottawa BEFORE tiro war—remember^—Gist-
line before nailing and bracing the Aids, washciotll and towel, tea $1,25 Express Prepaid ening paint that flawed on smoothly
barn, He pulled the gable ends into p p eolourd solidlyyear!! stayed bright and
towel, cold drinks and cookies. colonrfal for ,•ears! Qaalitr• paint or
line with a set of woven wire stret- Quality enamel at the sane low price.
chars. Power From Sound
* * *
.(el_ -
He put in a good stairway to the ;v $ loft, which is the poultry house It's said that 6$ -year-old Georgepart of the' building. On the ground Constaltinesco, the man who invent- 3.75
ELI floor, lie built a garage, stalls for ed the device for firing through the PER GALLON
some cows and a horse, and star- first world war, believes it may one t Wants your own call
day be possible to run the world b our. There aro 35 to
age rooms for feed, hay, and small- Y choose from. Or send
er farm tools, propellers of aeroplanes during the ,� for colour chart.
* * AO'`�ue
Sold. FREE --Paint Brush
If you have an oId barn, Huff At present he is busy in his work- "
iFCTORT PRF(E Sneainlly matiC for ileac Point Co.,
says, take a look at its possibilities,,,: shop .vy Lake ;Coniston developing I'h to 3 H.P. these thick, smooth, long -bristle paint
Huff's total Cost Was $1$00= but brushes are used by master
sonic motors. He claims that by deaarators Ihroughout Can -
he wound up with exactly the'all- transmitting power by sound -waves FULL LINE OF oda. Value at X1.50
round service building he needed With each 5 gallas order
he can can .factories, heat water and BALANCED a IMPLEMENTS Send today for a 5 gallon trial anter.
on his small farm. Your old barn drive ships. TRACTION o SEND For Complete Cash with order will save C.O,D,
]nay Have sante life left in it, too! "Bui," says Constantinesco, "per- Information TODAY charges.
haps I am a little ahead of m ° HOME PAINT CO.
What To Do Before time. T'rn sure this development will 1000'S OF CHIEFS USED DAILY 313 RUSHTON ROAD
sooner, or later." DISTRIDUTOit:
Dealer Enquiries InvitecT ISSUE 20 — 1450
Moving — whether done from COOK (General)
:1loice or of necessity—is a pretty
miserable business. However it $no Per Month for pleasant woman
> under 45. Good cooking essential; v
Onletinles has t0 be done, like it downstairs work. Charwoman, nurse-
r not; and the following hints as maid employed. References required.
Central location. Airs. Beattie, 93•
o what should be done BEFORE Ardwold Gate, Toronto, telephone
."HE MOVING MEN COME ai.Idway 2741.
:lay save you a lot of bother, work10
nd, possibly property damage or
Important papers should beuaeauapgd for
laced in the bank or elsewhere for
8fekeepfng. Papers are one of the Tr�#L�TE'S �Q S
lost frequently lost of household S�R�s u 131RNS
ems, It are apt to be needed in N ELT�Q
Make a complete inventory of
ousehold goods and note the valueMc
each grouping or important in ' HOME.
vidual pieces.E I E f e
Ask your electrical dealer what •�•.,�, Sweet as its name�
do to protect your refrigerator,
eezer, range, sewing machine,
You. _ .t..
You. _ .t..