HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-05-18, Page 5ZURICH - ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD AU&orized as second class mail, "oat Office Department, Ottawa. BUSINES CARDS Jahn W. Orchard OPTOMETRIST t Main Street — Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday Phone 3553 (LICENSED AUCTIONEERS ALVIN WALPER Licensed Auctioneer -Specializing In - ilratm and Purebred Livestock Sai46 "Service That Satisfies" V%ene 57r2. R. 1, DASHWOOD E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER NEER berms Reasonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER, R. R. 1 Phone L_'ich 92r7. VETERiN1ARIA.N Uri, W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON office with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store VIMO. -96 ZURICH BUTCI-IERS Zurieb s' popular MEAT MARKET t4t Us supply you with the Very Choice of Fresh and Cur- od Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins H,. Y_ uuablut & San PRODUCE Silverwood DAIRIES Cash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry Have Your Eggs Graded on our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Manager Phone 101 Zurich Zurleb Creamery Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry Highest Cash Prices paid plus IR premium for delivered cream We are equipped to give effi- t lent accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. Chas. Minshall, Proprietoi INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK VHE LARGEST RESERVE BAL Al`iC'E OF ANY CANADIAN MUT VAL COMPANY DOING 13USIN I SI w, OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO . Amount of Insurance at Risk or December 31st., 1946 $73,699,236.00 Total Cash in Bunk and Bonds. $444,115.39 Rates• on Application ' IL F. KLOPP-- ZURIGH A.ORNT ,leo Dealer in Lightning Rod 4knd J kinds of Fire invirancl Put Your Want., 'For Sale Lost, .Found, Etc. Ad& in this Column – FOR QUICK SALE I.R.C.A. Victor Car Radio, like new. Also a hot water car 3reateb like new. Apply to Herb Turkheim, Zurlch. FOR SALE Large sized Tricycle in good con- dition. A child's spring coat, size 4, light green; 1 Grahamette Electric heavy duty range, used only ,one y ear. Can be seen at home. Eari Gingo °- ich, Phone 90 r 7, Zurich. NEUHAUSER CRICKS Thousands available fior imnledialo delivery. High quality chicks from our. .best ibredders. Twenty breedo. Government Approved. Hundreds of started chicks in .our brooders now. All breeds and cross-breeas. Come in and see then', ror telephone Mneaif 7482. Neuhauser Hatcheries, 81 King St., London, Ontario. FOR SALE A quantity of Clipper. Beans for seed. Good ,yielders and stand up well in wet season. $4.00 a bushel. — Georg, Armstrong, Phone 92 r 25, Zurich. FOR SALF One National Cash Register, nearly new. Two Toleda 30-1b, weigh Scales. Good Condition. THIEL'S GENERAL STORE, Zurich Dead Stock $2.75 Each. Prompt— Service' for Lifting.—Jack Williams. Call Phone 214 r 4, Crediton Central. -el -5-'50 FOR SALF 11,949 Mercury DeLux Two Door Sedan, fully equipped, in excellent condition, only 14,000 miles. This mileage is correct. Charles Thiel c FOR SALE A fine young orchard of 150 choice apple trees, located in Zurich. Ap- ply to W. A. Siebert. FOR SALE 1949 Half -ton Trailer Hitch and rack, slightly used. Apply to Roger Bedard, St. Joseph. Property For Sale 7 room house with, 3 -piece bath town water. Excellent garage and work shop, 20x30''. Large garden. —Henry Gackstet'ter, Zurich. NOTICE I have taken oyer the business of General Trucking and would apprec iate ,your business. Please, apply to Clare Masse, Phone 1126, Dashwood. c NOTICE WHITEWASHING & CLEANING Arrangements can be made Bill Watson Dashwood — Phone 35r19 1.01 , At the F:arwe.'ll Nursing Horne, Zurich, Ion 111.-1 1.401, to 11Ir. and Mrs Edmund Becker., Dashwood, a daugh- ter. GRAND BEND Mr and Mrs. Ware. ,Beer and Miss Mae Skinner visited a few days in London. Mr and Mrs. Roy Miller Who have bought Mrs. W. A. Mollard's room- ing house, have moved in. They cause from Mitchell. ,Mrs. John 'Mouss.o visited for a few days in London. „Mr. Goodfellow of London has pur chased what is known %as the Coffee Shoppe and has taken possession. He is improving the building with a coat of: paint. Mr and Mrs. Gilbert Statton of Sarnia and 'Mr. and iYrrs Gibb Stat - toil of London were visitors Nvitli 111 and 'Mrs Walter Statton. Mrs. Gus Latta is at present in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, quite ill. Farm House Bruns A house on the farm of \I. Haig, meier, Kbondike Road, two mire: south of the Bend, was conipletelN destroyed by fire, The home was tc llavq been occupied soon by a coupe about to be anarried, and all their fur niture was lost. It is believed no in surance was carried. The fire ' startec at S p.m. and Grand Bend fire true', in change of chief Fred Jackson, wa, called, but was hampered by bac roads, Although unable to render ail to save the building, they prevente: thin flames frora spreading to oche: premises. The cause of the fire wa. not determined. Mang cars wm stranded N the bail r'o;i& tll� ing t trlielr, LOCAL .SEW 6 I wBREAD Mr. Jahn E. Gascho -made a blis-' iness trip to London on 'T'uesday. r_ The officials of the Hay Fire Tr- h suranee 0.r. met at Crediton on Sat- urday for the May meeting. � Mrs. J. Copeland and infant spent " ,�` a few days at the home of her par- r '! entti, Ileal' St Marlys. Mr. and Mrs. 1),.rn Charlton and 1 babe, were Sunday visitors with re- a lative at Ariwi;a, Mrs, Arinie liar t and Mrs. Tiin,., s � r of Crediton wore v,.ators at the hon -to m M. r of Ilr. and itlrs. Chri;;. Hai;t ot'townl Oil d,, Mr. a.:d 'Q1,;. aicifrc. tr•oit were Sunday visitors at tl,,! i f'he meal is ready i home of the formers mother, MIs.( . C. Ayotte. No meal is complete without.plenty 1111 and Mrs. Ed. J. Datars and of delicious wholesome bread. And friends attended the ceremonies TAS'T'Y -NU tasts good and is good hearty food for you. Every slice b of their daughter, Anita, as Queen slice of energy - of the May at the Stratford N,rrmal Buy an extra Loaf today—stari School last Friday. • ' now to serve more bread at ever; During- the last few warmer days, meal. Get your TASTY -NU Bread the leaves on the trees are coming 1 at the Tasty -Nu Bakery or at your out nicely and pushing along, in au- local Grocers. other week, we can muster under the shade if Tasty -Nu Bakery we like. Many of the villagers have -been PHONE 100 — ZURICH quite hussy these days getting in the ---- annual garden, which alwayv mearis so much to the family table. The Property For Sale earth worked up wonderfully nice Desireable dwelling property in this spring. Zurich, furnace, hot and cold water Mr. land, Mrs. Kenneth M. Breakey on tap, is insulated, new hardwood and son Richard, and Mr. and .Mrs. floors, modern kitchen and new H. Mousseau, all of town were Sun- bath installed. New_garage. For daiy last visitors with Mr. and Mrs. further information apply to Herald M. T. Corless, •Clinton, 'Mrs. Break- Office, Zurich. ey's parents. Mr and Mrs. Win. Zinkahn, Mr. Mr. (Reuben Getz of Dashwood was and 'Mrs. Otto Schreiber of Kitchen- a :business visitor in town on Tuesday er, Mrs. Myrtle Krue.gcr and daugh- *Mrs. Henry Volland of Goderich, ter, Miss Nola, of the 14th Con., were visited ;with her sister, Mrs. Louis Sunday guests with Mrs. Henry Schilbo, a few days last week. Krueger at Dashwood. Misses Jean Krueger, Dorothy Mc - Mrs. Hardly, of Ingersoll; Mr. and Clure, Barbara Williams and Mary Mrs. Fred Rickbeil and' daughter Mrs Beth Reeves, all Reg. Nurses of Schute of Worthington, Minn., and London, called on the formers moth- Mrs..'Phoe.be Marrow of San Antonio, er, Mrs. Herb Krueger on Sunday Texas, werei visitors in town one day evening. last week, calling at the Williams STANLEY TOWNSHIP home. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Beattie and Mr. McCrae, assistant general family of Wingham spent a pleasant manager of the Bank sof Montreal, week -end with her parents, Mr. and of Toronto, gave the local Bank a Mrs. Robt. 'McBride, Kippen. friendly call on Thursday, while pas- On May 1212hrd the Elimville W.I. sing through this part, he just drop- will present their play "Coveralls" in pejd in on the local manager, Mr. C. the Kippen church, sponsored by the C. McEachern. Friendship Circle. The death of Samuel R. Reid, who The' Bingo and Dance put on by passed away at his hinge, Clinton, the Hockey Club in the Community came as a shock to his many friends Hall last Wednesday evening was a and relatives..Born in Stanley Twp. big success, the proceeds will be used Isle was in his 72nd year, and fwas the to defray • expenses of the injured son of the late John -and Eliza Reid, players which was a bad break fur his father being treasurer of Stanley the local team. for 31 years. In 1923 he was married Lawn mowers can be heard hum- to Charlotte Elliotte, who passed a - ming around town these days. Th,. way in 1949, 'but is survived ,by a grass, really has made wonderful sister Mrs. I. Menary, Bayfield, and strides in growth, as well the annual la brother, Geo. F. Reid sof Sask. Far- dandelilons. We just seem to have ming was his only occuption, and he laid away fhe old snow shovel, nov; retired in 1946. Was a member of we are pushing the lawn mowers. Ontario St. United Churon, Clinton, also a member of the Bayfield Cern- Our Next Holiday etery Board. The funeral was held Next Wednesday is the old trodit- I from Clinton, with interment in Bay - Next (field Cemetery, with Rev. Woolfrey Tonal holiday, May 24th. Which we officiating. still observe as a National Holiday. Death of Mrs. Mabel E. Howes This holiday was many years go i The deatH occurred in Hamilton introduced when Queen Victoria 1 General( Hospital of Mrs. Mabel E. ruled In England, and we here in Howes, formerly Ma'beI E. Clark, Canada seemingly have thought so born 53 years ago on the Goshen much of this fine old Queen that we Line, Stanley. She attended Seaforth still observe the anniversary of her Collegiate and later served as a pub- r-.am1.l,.in..• Were On Radio Miss Audrey Heinn•ich, of t:)wn and teacher of S.S. No. 9 Hay anis Stanley, known as Blake School, with the school children and sour; of their parents journeyed to 1'vingllanl on Saturday last at 11:15 a.m. and gave a spocial program over the Radio Station CKNX, accompanied by their music teacher, ,lir. Sheldon Baxter of Goderich. The group and the sob•ist did very find singing for their first radio broadcast. ;Alias Heinrich is to be congratulated on her efficient efforts in inaking up this fine pr•o- granlme. Lerm6 in nay 1 w'vy '171"A I4- a .•s Arthur.'In,h 1923 she -was united in marriage with Ephriam Howes, of Arthur who predeceased her in 1940 Since her marriage she resided in Ridgeway and later in Pt. Colborne. Surviving is a son,- Garfield Howes, ,f Port Colborne and two 'brothers, Wm. J. Clark of the Goshen line, Stanley and Clifford G. Clark of Hamilton. 'The funeral was held in Port Col'bourne from Central United Church of which deceased was a Faithful member. Interment was in Ridgeway cemetery. Relatives pres- ant at the funeral included thosf`from Stanley. REHERSAL FOR BRAVff VOYAGff Lockerbie, who plays the role of Hel- en Maiming, young school teacher in The day -time radio -drama serial, was a small Ontario city; John Scott in progress when this picture was (centre) who plays Gordion Marsh, taken at the Cllr"'s Toronto studios. her husband and a prominent fiction This fat moving ,tory of Canadian writer; and John- Drainie, heard as life completes its first year on the Kit. Wylie, a young painter. Brave air on "1'rirad^iys. Seen hent' Erre three Voyage is heard Monday to Friday �,f the Irrincipals in the cast. Heir, at 2.00 par, on the network. a 0000P FOR 'T'hursday, 'May 18th, 11,950 Chick Starter STRONGER CHICKS We Also Have a Large Stock of Peat Moss AVAILABLE AT Hensall 1)ist. Co -Operative HENSALL and ZURICH YOUR CAR represents a rnajor investment. It deserves the best of care—and that's what we're ready to give it. Whether it's a complete lubrication Job or just a battery check, we really try to give good, thorough Imperial service—the kind that will keep you coming back. We'd appreciate a chance to show you what use can do. Hector Fortier 4rnPERIAL ST. JOSEPH SERVICE STATION COR. No. 84 & ?i HIGHWAYS �[ALCR A SAVE --St. Joseph Service is prepared to save you some Money on your Tractor and Implement Tire Needs. Compare our prices and allowances on your old Tires! Spring is Now Here We Suggest you visit our Store and see our New Spring Footwear LADIES—A new Assortment of Suedes and Calf, which take the eye of the most modern Dresser GROWING.. GIRLS—Black, British Tan, Navy and Burgandy in various Styles. BOYS and YOUTHS—Scamyers at a very low Price. MEN --A complete line of Valentine -Martin Ster- ling and Hydro City Work 'Shoes to chose from. See our new Hydro City Arch work Shoe. DR. SCHOOL'S Arch Supports; Corn and Bunion Pads, Pedicreme, Foot Balm, Foot Soap, Bunion Reducers, Etc. Oesch Shoe Store C Otte Your Hardware Needs From Our NEW HARDWARE STOCK A Good Supply of Shelf and Heavy Hardware always on hand, also Scarf's Endurable Paints, Enamels and Varnishes and the New Almatex Plastic Paints For your heating system we recommend—the Good Cheer Furnace, or the well known Coleman Oil Heater. For your Household needs we carry Beaty Wash Machines; National Electric Stoves; Marconi Rad- ios; Heaters, Electric Irons, and Toasters, Enamel- ware Pyrex and various Kitchen Ranges. Reliable Plumbing, Furnace work, evetroughin• and Tinsmithing. Our Aim ,To Serve and Satisfy' Datars & O'Brien, Main St. Hardware Store Phone 213 Is Christ Your Ark of Salvation? � ",FOR WHOSOEVER SHALL CALL UPON THE NAME OF THE LORD SHALL BE SAVED." Romans 10:13 ,,WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN HIM (CHRIST)' SITALL R.E- CEIVE REMISSION OF SINS Acts 10:43 "FOR BY GRACE ARE TE SAVED BY FAITI-I, AND THAI' NOT OF YOURSELVES; IT IS THE GIFT OF GOD, NOT OF WORKS LEST ANY MAN SHOULD BOAST." Ephesians 2: 8, 9. "'1'11h:SE THINGS HAVE I WRITTEN UNTO YOU THAT BELIEVE ON THE NAME OF THE SON OF GOD; HA'T' YE MAY KNOW THAT YE HAVE ETERNAL LIFE AND THAT YE MAY RELIEVE ON THE NAME OF THE SON OF GOD. I John 5:13. i TUNE IN—Hear CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Lot Angeles, i STA'T'ION CHUM -1050, Toronto, Sundays 9, to 10. A.M. WCAR, 1130, Pontiac, Mich., Sundays at 12 to 1.00 pan,