HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-05-18, Page 4ZURICH ONTARIO
A S„� WO O D
12:15 p.m. Bnntarn Baseball. Exeter vs. Dashwood
1 :30 p.m. Calathumpian Parade, led by the New
Dundee Clown Band. $10. for best Entry
2:00 p.m. Exeter vs. Dashwood
Starting Pitchers: Bauman, for, Exeter; Yelle, for
1954 Season will be Officially Opened by James
Millman, London, Vice President of the Ontario
Baseball Association; assisted by Thomas Pryde,
M.L.A., and Andy McLean, M.P.
Parkhill vs. Dashwood
P.A. System. Refreshments on Grounds
Admission: Adults 50 cents. Children 25 cents
Caretakers Wanted
The Exeter District High School Board will
consider applications from persons interested in
either of two ways:
(a) A tender for Caretaking Service, applicant to
hire his own assistants and assume responsibility to
l'# the Board for the care of the buildii-tg. Tender
should indicate the cost per month.
(b) Applcations for employment in the caretaking
' duties of the building. Three employees may be
required, two of whom should be able to fire the
boilers. State monthly salary.
sj Duties to beging September 1 st, 1950
Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
Letters should be addressed to the Secretary,
E. D. Howey, Box B, Exeter, Ontario not later
than June 3rd, 1950. -
Housework is
much Easier
with a
Plenty of clean fresh wat*r
at the turn of a tap ... with a
Every Farm can be
modern NOW!
DURO. PUMPS are designed
to meet farm requirements
... in the house ... barn
. . . truck garden . . . cow
stables and fire protection
as well for all your buildings.
Fixtures and Fittings
Working in an
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bathroom and
yI laundry is a
pleasure ... Pro -
i tect the health of
DURO your fancily . . .
WATER SYSTEMS add t0 cite COtn-
`�- of daily
i l y
$111.50 F.O.S.
London, Canada
See us
t0hdorf Hamillon - Toronto - Sudbury - Winnipeg valnoavli'r
cof�nry U11=10n - vancouvee
D A $ H W O OI U The Misses ,Marion and Edna B
dard -of London, spent the past Sui
Mrs. Harcpy, hof Ingersoll land Mr. day with their parents on the BIL
and Mrs. Fred Rickbeil and .d'aughter. Water Highway.
Mrs. $chute of Worthington, Minnes- Mr and Mrs. Leonard Jeffrey t
ota, and Mrs. Phoebe Marrow of San Goderich wero vitiitors with their r,
Antonio, Texas were visitors with Nir latives in this community ion Sundt
and Mrs, Wesley Wolfs last week, last.
Dr. Eunice Oestreicher and Dr. and Thin. Cyril Ducharnie of WimUo
Mrs. D, L. O-estreicher of Liondon, who is a (stationery engineer in tl•.
were Nveek-end visitors with their Purity Dairy, spent a few days wit
parents, Kr ad Mrs. A. E. Oestrei- his wifet and family in this neigilbo.
cher. hood visiting the formers parou
'Mr and Mrs. Carl Go•stre:icher were and other relatives.
week -end visitors with her parent:, Miai Lucille JoIrrey of (leave.
ill Clifford, town left on ;Sunday last to sper
.11n. ;and Mrs, 1). Snider are spend- spend a few weeks,
ing a few days with friends in Loll.. Mr. Bob 1lfernorvidg'e of Detrol
`don. was looking, over business concernin
lin•, and Alia. Keith Wildfong o': his cottage tit Ducharmo'a resort of
London, spent the week -end with his er the week-rnd.
parents, Mr and Mrs. G. Wildfong. Miss Madeline Papineau sof Win,
Ales, S. P. Currie who uncrerwent sor and girl friend were week -en
an opeirati(on in London Hospital, has visitors with their uncle and aun
returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sararas o
Mr and Mrs. Lloyd EdighofCer and that Burg.
two daughters and lir. George Edigh miss Doris Jeffrey. of Detroit wa•i
offer of Mitchell were Sunday visit- Sunday last visitor in Beavertowyi
ors with Air. and Mrs. E. R. Guen- with her mother and iother relative
then. Miss fherese Cantin ,and Mr an
Mother's Dvy was observed in the Mrs. Eugene Cantin all of Detroi
Evangelical church last Sunday and were St, Joseph, visitors over Sunda
during the Sunday School• last with their :parents.
Mr and Mrs. B. Carr and family Mr. Leon Beidard who ,was nc
wetre presented with a .bill fold and feeling his self the past few day:
a sum of. money. from an attack hof lumbago, is now o
Miss Lois Hay of London, spent the mend. We hope the warme
the week -end at her home here. weather will bring about relief t
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Fraser of Ex- those affected from the reisults e
eter were Sundahy visitors at the cold and damp weather.
home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thiel. -Comment—Well, Sunday last wa
Mr. and Mrs. Joe; Bank -of London X)their's Day and from all parts o
spent the week -end at her parent's the Country children had made pre
home in town. parations to pay honor to their motl.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoffrnau ers and .on Sundaly last it was not:
and son Bobby 'af Galt, spent Moth- cible ii n the .little French 'Settlemen
er's Day at her Home, Mrs. W. I.. the many who had made :great effort
Siebert. and as well sacrifice to fulfill that de
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Schilbe of Lon- sire. They approached their mother
don, were Sunday visitors with his with gifts, and some of thein wer
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milfred valuables and with it they extende
' ,Schilbe. their (best wishes, and ,greatly a]
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Gingerich and the mothers accepted ,those tribute;
children of London, spent the weetc- this love and respect in a mother'
end at .the home of her sister, Mr. way. This Mother's Day festiva
and Mrs. Carl Thiel. dates :back to the early )years of thi
Mr and Mrs. Thos, Smythe Iof Lon- cgntury and the spinster hof that da,,
d'on speint a few days with her Par- had little -more to offer to her moth
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Steinhagen er (but greetings, on that May Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bruce of wind- day nearly fifty ;years ago, and si
sor spent .the week -end with her it is • today, and may this affection
mother, Mrs. Hayter, "continue for all times to come!
Mr..and Mrs. Ken. McCrae spent C. W. L. MEETING
'the week -and with hisarents in R 4„
'p St. Joseph, Ontario
Meaford. The inaugural meeting of the
Mrs. Herman Zimmer of Windsor Catholic. Women's League, • of St
visited with relatives here over the Peter's Pariah, St. Joseph, Ont.; ww
week -end.. held -on . Sunday May 14th, 11,950 al
BLAKE 111 a in. Rev. Father W. Bourcreau
introduced the guest speakers; name.
The W.M.S. -Met at the home of Uy,; .Mrs. Dlorland of Stratfora, dioc-
Mrs. Clarence Parke on Thursday, esan organizer, and Miss- Alice Daly,
evening, May 11, . with Mrs. Fred SeafoAk; Diocesan president. The
Bancroft presiding. . The Auxiliary meeting was conducted under the
{ celebrated the 25th ann'iversailM since chairmanship of ,Mrs. Dorland who
I Union, so a programme was prepar- opened thei meting with the reading
j ed by Mrs. H. Finlay. The opening of the league prayer. Mrs. Alvin
service of Worship Part I and hymn Rau was appointed Secretary for the
194 was sung. The Scripture reading meeting- Miss Daly, in cher (own in -
John 17 was given by Mrs. H. Finlay imitable way, :gave .a very mterest-
Prayer in unison followed by the ing and instructive talk on the good
Lord's !Pralyer. Growing with the work Which is .'being done by the C.
Years, -was taken by Mrs. Sam Hey W. L. all over the world.
and Mrs. Bancroft. Part III Grow- The following officers were elect-
ing with the years in Our Auxiliary, ed for the raoming lylear: President,
was taken by Mrs. Finlay. In a Mrs. Remi Denomme; Vice President
record of years past it was learned 1st vice, Mrs. Gus Roche,; 2nd vice,
the Auxiliary. was started July 31st Mrs. Hector Laporte; 3rd vice, Mrs.
1,895 .by Mrs. C. Fletcher. • Mrs. Hey Kenneth Etue; Recording Secretary,
gave the secretary's retport of 192.5 Mrs. Lloyd Etue; Corresponding Sec.
to '1.950. Also the roll call 1925 and Mrs. Alvin Rau; Treasurer, .Mrs.
1950. The offering was taken and Peter Masse. The election of sire
Rev. Miss Reba Hern then sang a councillors will take place at the
solo dedicating to to Mothers' who next monthly meeting. A number of
have passed an in those 25 years. A C. W. L.. members will :attend the
in -memoriam service of eight deceas- League Convention which will be
ed, members was conducted by Rev. heild- in Goderich June 22nd to 27th.
Hern with little Miss Emma Jane and The meleting adjourned after the
Mary .Finlay presenting a flower in reading of prayer.
a vase for each of the members del
parted. Thq 'business was then taken H E N S A L L
It was decided to withdraw the June
meeting at Blake and join with the —AT TUDORS—
Varna Ladies at their meeting on Tudors' in Hensall have the grand -
June 9th, in the Varna church at 3 est stock of Summer Dresses at tlne
pm. Also that Mrs. Bancroft be lowest prices in lyears. See the fam-
head of Miss Emma Dinsmore's group ous Shan Ray„ and Sryses aha Cot -
for the preselnt. Part 4 Closing Lit- tons priced from $3.95 to $5.95. See
anLy .of Dedication to advance, Hymn them now at Tudors' in Hensall!
402, closing prayer. A dainty lunch
was served' -by the committee in Hensall School Board gives notice
charge and 'a vote sof thanks express- that all children beginning school in
ed. All taking part and to Mrs. September -must have reached their
Parke for her hospitality. sixth birthday Ion or before Dec. 31,
Mr and Mrs. Leonard Jeffrey and 1950. Parents of these children are
family of Godielrich visited with his asked to register them with the prin-
parents, Mr and Mrs. Leon Jeffrey: cipal before June 9th. The four tea -
Mr and Mrs. Win. Oesch and fam- chers have been re-engaged for an -
illy visited (Mr and Mrs. Rudy Oesrh otjier term, namely: Principal, John
and •IVIr and Mrs. Menno Martin. F. Blackwell; assixs. Mrs. R: Cools,
M'r and Mrs. Fred Bancroft and Miss Reta Avery, ,Miss Winnifred
daughtem visited Mrs. Hamlyn in Gray.
London last week. The LO:O.F. and Amber Rebekah
Misses Hope Hanilyn of London, Lodges have been invited to attend
and girl friend Kathleen Farris, Ot divine 'service in Knort Presbyterian
Harrow, visitei during the week -end Church, Goderich, Sunday evening,
with .Mr and Mrs. F. Bancroft, May 1211st.
Quite a number attended the auc- " Mr and Mrs George Hess spent the
tion sale of Mrs. Jas. Love near Hills week end with their daughter and son
green ran Monday, in law, Mr and Mrs. L. McCloy, in
Plisses Betty Parke and Jean Mc- Toronto.
Kinley attended a shower for Miss V. A Bingo will be held in the Leg -
Tudor in Varna, Thursday evening. ion Hall, Saturday night May 20th
Mn Menno Steckle and brothers under the auspices of the Legion
are busy sawing logs now. Ladias' Auxiliary, b3 commence at
9 P.M. isbarp. 1.5 rounds of regular
5t. Joseph and Beaver Town games, speoial prizes and door prize,
N O T I C E admission at popular prices.
St. Joseph 'has entered -a team in Mrs. Mannas, who has been spend-
W.O.A.A. Softball and are inviting ing the winter months in Toronto,
players to try out, Practice nightly, has returned 'home,
beginning May .2-2. Opening
ted . Joseph
e r 11, w
ll Club. I M n- weaNy eks with
s Itpd Geiger and
Mr, and Mrs .Leonard Masse and famillyl in Mr 'T'oronto.
family hof London spent the week -end Mr. J R. McDonald who reside;:
calling on their parents in this via soulrh of Hensall Xiio, 4 highway, ob-
inity, )sewed has. 94th birthday o, Wednes-
Thursday, May 18th, 11.' zo
Building For Sale
The Exeter District High School Board invites
tenders for the orae -room frame building located on.
Public School property on Victoria Street and
known as the "High School Anex."
Disposition of property to be made known at
the time of sale
Tenders should be addressed to the Secretary,
E. D. Howey, Box B., Exeter, Ontario, not later
than June 3, 1950, and marked "Building Tender".
day 17th. The event was spent qui- of St. Catharine.%
etly at his home. Mr. 'McDonald al-
Mrs. James Bell returned home
enjoying fairly goocT :health.,
Li confined to his room.
Friday last after, spending six months:
at Oakland, Calif.
At a reception .held for Mr and
Airs., Jack Cooper, recent bridal cou-
I Mrs. Alda Simmons returned home
plc:, held in the town hall Thursday
last Friday .after wintering in Call -
evening .51111th, for which event the
hall was packed. Mr and Mrs. Coop-
Rev. R. A. Brook, Minister of
er were presented with •a well filled
Hensall United Church, has accept-,
purse hof -money.
, ed 'a call to Bluevale Urnited Church,,.
A Monster Blue Rock Shoot, sp-
' to take effect the end of June. Mr.
onsored by the Kippen Rod and Gun
Brook who has been popular mfniste,t•-
Club will ,be held Wednesday, May
of Hensall and Chiselhurst churches,.
24th at Ki'ppen. Shooting starts at I
underwent a major ioperation recen--. .
p.m. 50 .bird event for Ven•nor Tro-
tly and felt that owing to his thealth
phey'at 16 ,yards. All entries for
he could not cope with the heavy dut- .
Cup .Shoot must The in 'bhy 2.30. Han-
'les of both churches. Before coming,
dicap event 05 birds. Classes for all
to Rensall Ilii. Brook was Winistehp -
shooters, Options on all events. Shells
of Blyth United Church.
and Rocks supplied. W. R. Cooper is
J Christian Family Day was o'bserv-
president of the Club, and John An-
derson, secretary.
ed in the United Church, Sunday„
Hensall District Co-operative ship..
: May 14th, the church filled for the. .
ped 170, hogs last week to Burns Pac-
occasion, scholars of the S. S. occu<
pying the front seats. Rev. R. A.
king Plant,Kitchener, this is the
Brook occupied his !own pulpit assist -
largest shipment made in one week
ted by Jack Corbett, superintendent
by this ;firm, each hog would weigh'
of thei S.S. The infant children Of:
approximately 220 Jibs. .
Mr 'and Mrs. A. E. Munn, Mr and
'Visitors with Mrs. C. M. Hedden
Mrs. Clatence Smillie, and Mr and
over the week -end and Mothers'
Mrs. Kenneth Elder received the rit--
Day were Mr. and Mrs. Alex Short-
es of baptism. The choir rendered 2v
house and daughter Gwen; Mr and
anthems, the junior choir also sang.
Mrs. Harry Shorthouse, Mr. and Mrs
Rev. Brook delivered an inspiring- -
Russell Hedden, Miss Joyce Hedden,
message in keeping with the occas --
Orville, Liolyld and Vern Hedden all
S N1111.,II-
OU& 1K&
I �r.
When you take over the farm,
BID one of these days, you'll want
°""" to talk to him. You can discuss
your affairs in a friendly way, as F
have done. And you'll find he knows a lot.
He knows we farmers need bank credit --
sometimes to put in a crop, sometimes to
take off` a harvest. If we need market
information, he can get it for us.
Remember when we electrified the farm?'
Our bank manager made me the loan.
He's backed us up that way for years,
helping us to improve our suck, increase
And that's what our bank manager is there,
for—to help you and me to manage. '
He's a good man to know.