HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-05-18, Page 1CHESTER l.. aMITH, PU31,13H)914. Established 1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 18, 1950 $ 1.76 a Year in Advance, $2.00 in U. S. A., in Advance. ,� N O R M A ' S IRAG RUGS and CARPRT ST. 'PETER'S � ...... r 1 L E I L W G A b I N O e '� ~----. -_._ .,r BEAUTY SHO]P]PE _ Evangelical Lutheran Church G R A N D B E N D��', / On a New Modern Loom, Made a FOR APPOINTMENTS ZURICH — oNTARIoOPENING — WEDNESDAY, MAY 24th ,, -- j4 .� Tel. 1223. Zurich Order —Seth 0. Amann, zuri %9V. 1E, W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR Dancing to a ® = - - _ . NORMA STEINBACH - Prop.. Ont. Phone 128. 10 a°aa.—Divine Services. BOBBY DOWNS and his ORCHESTRA 1" 0 - a Much housecleaning as well as - - 1.16 a.m. --Sunday school. DANCING EVERY SATURDAY yard cleaning has been rd'one the past' 7.80 p.m.—Divine Worship. May 2th - Bobby Downs and his Orchestra w few weeks, and it makes not alone p 3' one's -property look .better, ,but it also Prompt `3tiEverybody Welcome to all Services. .June 3rd - Bill Howe and his Orchestra. r makes a town and •community look 111111 June 1 Oth, June 17th, and June 24th to Labor Day better to have things in order. NEIL McKAY and his ORCHESTRA On Fishing Trip Mr. Ward Fritz of Town, accomp- Optica Servrce allied by Stanley Smith of the B. W.EMMANUU a4r Highway, were on a fishing trip to .MVANGELICAL U. R. CHURCHI age NOTICE their Island in the ParrV, Sound Dis- A.1don ..entre The local Hydro will be off• for the trict, and while there they did some "blue coar, following dates: May. 20th 1 m. to extraordinary fishing, as Ward claims YOUR BROKEN LENSES Zurieb — Ontario GRAND BEND 3 a.m. D.S.T., and •Sunday 27 :t, 8^:30 to have hooked an enormous pike, a.m. to 10.30 a.m. Kindly ovezn Mich was three♦ -quarters his Iegth. For. ills World's Finest REV. H. E: ROIPPEL Presents for Your. Enjoyment. the yoursellves accordingly. He immediately called Stan and the CA.N BE DUPLICATED Following Attractions two with gaff hook and what was a- Anthracite Ask for MinisterHYMENEALvailable, made an awful effort to get ANY SHAPE, ANY COLOR BLUE COAL! this "big one" out of the water, and Mrs. 'Milton Oe" - Organist Friday, Saturday 3 -lay W-20 Hendrick- Hunkin by the time this was accomplished Roe's VitimiZed Feeds; Wil] Rondolps Scott, in one of the fishermen found himself FROM THE SMALLEST PIECE Sunday Services:— ' xei1 'The D,00lins of Oklahoma The a7orne{ of the bride's p�ts, in the icy water well up under the Deliver half -ton and over 10:00 a.m.—Divine Worship. at Thames Road was the scent of the arms. For a while it was a question SHELL FRAMES ALL SIZES AND SUMMER PRICES NOW IN _ John Ireland M marriage of Eleanor Mary, daughter whether the fishermen would get the EFFECT. LET US HAVE YOUR 11°00 am.—BibleSchool. George Macready Louise Allbritton of Mr and Mrs. Alfred Hunkin, and fish, or the fish get the fishermen. i ORDER NOW 7:30 Ia.m.—Divine Worship. Shoulder to Shoulder they Foughtas Hugh Turnbull Hendrick, son of r Rowerev, this is one of the 'big ones SHAPES IN STOCK Outlaws—Fanned for the Fighting and Mrs. Samuel Hendrick,{' Blue that did' "not get away." LOCKER ,SERVICE, Welcome at all Services— `Coarse Blood they Shared Water Highway, Hab* Township.. Rev thou with us and we wird do tkee Cartoon "Two Lazy Crows" and a William Mair (officiated under an m HESS CROWNED QUEEN OF MAY L®RNE E. SAY good." Num. 10:29. "Candid Michouhone" arch banked -with spring flow6ts and Miss Anita Datars, 18, daughter of decorated in pink and white. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Data's of Jeweler and Registered --- Hensall Mondays, Tuesday May 22-23 Wilfred Hunkin. sang -and 5vllss Ag- Zurich, was crowned Queen of the Phone 10 Qrtes Bray played the wedding music. May, at the annual ceremonies at Optician. f Doctor and The Girl The bride wore a gown of white satin Stratford Normal School last Friday with orange ;blossom -trimmed tucked afternoon. The crown was placed on 470��®��o���oe+��®®��w��ari� Glen Rord Gloria DeHaven yoke, lily pointed sleeves, and;: lane- her head by J. Fred Edwards, of Pal- `' Janet Leigh Charles C•o1'burn paneled skirt ending in a long, train. rnerstoir MLA, for Perth. Leonard There are many Beautiful V7oinen A pearl beaded flower headdress heal ? ' �1e You Sues Ftt�m o Swatridgey of Stratford was valedic- ,, j15ti'N1 in the Life of -a Handsome Young the full-length veil appliqued ;with Swatrand Dr. H. Bowers, principal Doctor. And here is the Strange satin, -and she carried a fan of Better orian the school, who presided over the e• " " "�— Headaches? Compelling Love Story of one :of Times Roses, ceremonies introduced Mr. Edwards. Them. Mrs. Arnold Lindenfield matron Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director U dao, Have your Y Zxsmined. with r The 1Vlaiq; Q'ueen's attendants wee Paramount Newsreel and Cartoon of honor, and the bridesmaid, 'lies, Gladys McEllistrum, Waterloo; And- Private Car Ambulance Service t at "Goggle Fishing Bear" Mabel Selves, wore similarly <ty1ed the Latest Methods and Ilt�il®ipn� gg b ray Jervis, Clinton, who is a grand. gowns in spring tones of )yellow .and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvanus Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for bent A. L, C" E, &0. Coming, May 24th and 25th. Cecil green, with matching headdresses, Witmer of Zurich; Shelia McLaren. B. DeMille's Masterpiece and carried sheafs of sweet pertS and. �° FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS OPTOMETRIST a� OPTICIAN � carnations. Elgin Hendrick bl othc)r Sr^ l4 d El Marilyn .lute', Kitchen- f ' er, and Elsie Schell, ood'stockw We� ' �,� and Night Service GOD108I Oma SAMSON AND DELILAH of the groom, was•,best man. i 2e- 9oin the many Zurich friends of Anita 3' g ception was head .at Club Mo ietta, in congratulating her on this fiiiie In Glorious Technicolour Exeter. Ror the wedding -trip 'to the g Telephone: Res. �9 or 122, Zurich Good Glasses at success. United States, the bride chose a navy suit and ink and navy accessories Miscellaneous Shower sear®gal:®�+a��®�®������ e and 'gardenia corsage. Mr. and, Mrs. c1 co ©ffM669j, Cgi117Vera Z �oane fe�nndricBtsill resWats ©.on the Highways, onand have the 'best wishes of a large circle Tumerab DLrector° --• Pri,vabe, Cc�r �Q�tzUr�LcL�zee of friends. Member of Ontario Funeral Association Double Ring Wedding Bolder Of ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFICATE double ring )�cere m Mcony air officiated which united Portable OXYGEN Equipment in marriage Lorraine Mabel, daugh- teir of Charles Little, Exeter, and HOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT—INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN John Robert Cooper, son of Mr and Mrs. ,Morley Cooper, of Kippers in FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES Thames Road United Church parson - WE WIRE ANYWHERE age. The bride's gown was of double net over satin, with satin 'bodice. Mrs 24 Hour Service --- Dashwood Tel. 70W. Melvin Kastle, Sebringville, was mat- ron of honor for her twin sister, in a floor length gown of +pale .blue ny- �� Ion. The 'best man was the groom's 94 brother, Lloyd Ciooper, of Kippen. A I reception was held at the Club Mon - T11 i i etta, Exeter. For the wedding trip to the United States points and Sault `Ste. Marie, the bride wore a navy i,blue gabardine suit and accessories° The douple will reside at Kipper. e 'S O P Federation News a..�� (By Gordon Greig) �. On May 9th a meeting was held in Committee Rooan ;21, in the Ontario A good attended supper meeting dhP Parliament Bldg. Toronto, to dis- was present in the Doaliinion (louse�,cuss the setting up of a Soft Wheat 'r' on Mondaty evening, and there wasa 'Marketing scheme. A good repressn: lot of ,good peppy singing on the pro- ation was present from Western On- gram• The locals were favoured with tario Counties, the meeting was jot- some real hartnon.y ,by members of ntly sponsored by The Federation of the lluronic Choir who have formed Agriculture and the Agricultural Co- a Barber Shop quartette, the person- until Mr. Win. Dale of Clinton re- /Varner, � MEN'S �,TEAR. LADIES' LINGERIE Fell are: Pat and Mike Sltinnerr, Norm. �xl�aes0�'ay, Electric ai�,el I'1iI Brooders. presented the Agric. Committee of Walper and Wm. Cochrane, who Huron County Council and the writer were introduced by Lion Alvin. The Fountains, Heaters, Brooded Wafers, Brooder INFANTS BOYS' GIRLS' CLOTHING Was the representative for Huron ,boys sang songs from the Sunny 'Pipes and Elbows. Federation of tlgriculture. It was dc- South with their touch of jubitancy, tided that due to the experience rho to the real -pathetic negro spiritual. wheat'Producers' dead last fall, when At the close of their rendition, Lion the price of wheat droppeu r"•om x•10 Victor expressed a vote of thanks to as low as $1.60 in a few short for these splendid numbers. The "" FRESH GROCERIES FRUITS. weeks, we should have an organizat- nominating coantnittee read off their ion to speak with one view for tiled slate of new off"icors for the c:omill" I N E thousands of farmers wlvo are dir- fiscial )year which will be voted oil VEGETABLES CURED MEATS ectly interested. The organization is in due time. Lion Bili, who has STAR - known as "The Ontario Soft Wheat, been the Club's efncient secretary PIONEER CHICK I�,RUMBIJE".s AND STAI- ED, 'WE DELIVER. Producers' Association... and it has since the Club was ort allized, am, IF' REQUEST I'D director in each county. In liuron to bel relieved of his oflicc', and ,wvs 'PERS, Chive These a Try! County in 1049 we had 38,600 :Lcres a,•t'placed by the present year's Presi- of fall wheat, yielding 1,158,00 bush• dent, George, Lion John Tuikheini, els of grain valued at 2,003,300-00- 2nd vice president the past y(ar, ask- FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND It was pointed out that 95 1).c t tll^ cd to be relieved of his office. A r()nt ,oft wheat € rown con1E} frOln ��•;L1lAl1 ot nlapll' tiy'l,`Ltp d011:tted 1)y GIVE US' A. CALL FOR SERVICE! arvo. Huron County ranks eihtil '' I,ioll l�usaell was drawn for, asld the number of bushels of wllutt Lion Ferd held the lucky ticket, Oil- ...... il- � �. .. growat in 1949° The executive will ly two ,m'ore ineeting for the year, }Phoiae �1-97 C. I I. THIEL - Zurich meet again on May ' 2nd, to try antl after which two tnoiltl> ' holidays and E. ScI73�Yart�erltA°1x1�r, �'rID�. �I1dne 1 - draft a marketing scheme to present then the new officers will take av^r•min 11 Ito the Minister of Agriculture- 1