HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-05-11, Page 5ZURICH oI� - -RIO ZURICH HERALD Put Your Want, For Sale Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa. Lost, Found. Etc. Ads. in this Colurnrl. BUSINES CARDS FOR QUICK SALE I.R„C.A, Victor Car Radio, like neve. Also a hot water car 7ieateh John W. Orchard hike new. Apply to Herb Turkheim, Zurich. OPTOMETRIST FOR SALE Main Street — Exeter Open Every Week Day Large sized Tricycle in good con - Except Wednesday dition. A child's spring coat, size 4, Phone 355J light green; 1. Grahamette Electric heavy duty range, used oniy•one year. Can be seen at home. EarT Ginger- CENSED AUCTIONEERS ich, Phone 90 r 7, Zurich. NEUI CAUSER CHICKS ALVIN WALPER CHICKS — CHICKS — CHICKS Licensed Auctioneer All breeds 'available now. Chicle -Specializing In - days Tuesdays and Fridays. Thou:- ands of started chicks in our brood - Farm and Purebred Livestock Salrs ers now, some 2 and 3 weeks old. "Service That Satisfies" done 57x2. R. 1, DASHWOOD •HY-.LINE CHICKS First chicks bred like hybrid corn. Thel newest thing in chickens. Prod- E• F. CORBETT uced by crossing inbred lines. Eggs laying 'champions. Hy -Line Chuclio LICENSED AUCTIONEER cost more than standard .bred chicks, but they are worth it, and they,bring Irw= Reasonable, Satisfaction you new opportunities in Poultry Guaranteed raising. Tqy) them on .our recommen- EXETER, R. R. 1 dation. Phone ::_Ach. 92x7. Neuhauser Hatcheries, 81 King St., —• London, Ont. Phone Met, 7482. VETERINARIAN Dead Stock ,. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. $2.75 Each. Prompt Service for Lifting.—Jack Williams, Call Phone 2.14 r 4, Crediton Central. -c1-5-'50 VETERINARY SURGEON o$!ce with Residence, Main Street, FOR SALE Opposite Drug Store pp ZURICH ,1949 MercuryDeLux Two Door "me. -96 Sedan, fully equipped, in excellent condition, only 14,000 miles. This BUTCHERS mileage is correct. Charles Thiel c ' �a x� ell: ' popular r FOR SALE MEA, ����T E1 T � A fine young orchard of 150 choice apple trees, located in Zurich. Ap- Let Us supply you With the ley to W. A. Siebert. very Choice of Fresh and Cur- FOR SALE bd Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc., always on hand. Kept Shorthorn Bulls of serviceable same; Sired by Robina's Royal, by Lambert fresh in Electric Refrigeration Templer (Imp); out of W. Douglas' Caledonia Herd; from well bred cows Highest Cash Prices for App4y, to Ross Dick, Phone 88 r 2, Wool, Hides and Skins Zurich. H. ynn o lut & Son FOR SALE -- 1949 Half -ton Trailer Hitch and _ PRODUCE rack, slightly used. Apply to Roger Bedard, St. Joseph. Property For Sale Silverwood 7 room house with, 3 -piece bath town water. Excellent garage and D AT D JES work shop, 20x30'. Large garden. —Henry Gackstetter, Zurich. 'ssh Market for Cream, Eggs FOR SALE and Poultry Three-piece Chesterfield suite, F!kve Your Eggs Graded on organ, ideal for summer cottage. For information apply to Herald Oflice.c our AUTOMATIC FOR SALE EGG GRADER General Electric Hot Point Stove, I.,eRoy O'Brien, Manager 4 burner and oven, in good condit- ion. —Apply at Herald Office. Rhone 101 Zurich Property For Sale Zurich Creamery hesireafble dwelling property in hot Zurich, furnace, and cold water - on tap, is insulated, new Hardwood Your Home Market for Cream modern d new floor,bath sinst Nkat legaragehen . For Eggs and Poultry further information apply to Herald Office, Zurich. Highest Cash Prices paid plus -- --a ------ apremium for deliveredcream NOTICE We equipped to give effi- I have taken over the business of are General Trucking and would apprec- trient accurate service. Egg iate your business. Please apply to and Poultry department in icharge of Mr. T. Meyers. Chas. Minshall, Proprietoe INSURANCE Western Farmers, Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK III8E LARGEST RESERVE BAL- A 'GE OF ANY CANADIAN NUT VAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESE 4. OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO - , Amount of Insurance at Risk oz December 31st, 1946 $73,699,236.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds. $444,115.36 Rate,. on Application L F. KL.OPP---ZURICH A G E N T Also Dealer in Lightning R.od, did tall Latwds of Fire Insuiauca Clare Masse, Phone 126, Dashwood. c NOTICE WHITEWASHING & CLEANING Arrangements can be made Bill Watson Dashwood . — Phone 35r19 BLAKE Looses Good Citizen In -the (passing of the late iVlaxime Denomnie on April 27th the commim- itly looses ,one of its most valued cit• izens, a good neighbour, and always willing to lend a helping hand to any one in need. He will be greatly mi;> sed not alone by has companion, bitt by las many neighbours. He passed this life in hitt 80th year and is ire- reft besides His sorrowing wife„ tilt -rormer Rosa Durand, by five sons: Edward, Stephen Twp; Theophile and Richard of Detroit; Lorne sof Pt Edward; Louis of (•Eery Twp: also E; daughters: Mrs, Alex (Lily Aubin of Brucefield: 'Mrs. Fred (Odella) Re;;• ler of Zurich; ;Mrs. Victor (Marie) Huyzhebaert, T)etroit: Mrs. Geon;" irout iC;,,n. Cnnt.ai, Ann, Calif ?Ver, Marren (Veronica) Asinui, Detroit %it;hree sisters and 17 grand cnildren. ZURICH -HERALD L0t;AL NEW : -BREAD Mrs. Russel 'Pieman , nee Doreen Sehilbe, of Dashwood was a caller � table �� in town on Tuesday. Mr. Hugh MacKinnon of the Ont- ario Highways Department of St Phomas, was a visitor with his snot -'1 leer, Mrs, M .MacKinnon. ~ } ' Sorry to report that Mr. Andrew i 0: Thiel who just passed the 90th mile stone, is not enjoying his usual •gooe10 l` ;S Vl health., •. Mr, F. J. Wickwire who lives on No. 4 Highway, south of Exeter, waw in town ton Friday; and gave us a� friendly cal]. A former printer of I. .:>,;;:M:..,,,;,,;;;�;✓.- Ilensall and Zurich. ,Irs. (Nelson Masse, a former resi- i�� ��� fS ������ dent of Dr r.qi .l and. who spent th:s i . winter months in Windsor and D, No meal is complete without plenty tr oat, called in toren on Saturday. of delicious wholesome bread. And Mrs. Ala se moved her effects to the ; TASTY -NU tasts good and is g000 home of her -on in Windsor. hearty food for you. Evory: sl.,:e e The many Zurich friends of MrQ dice of energy - J. W. Horner, a former resident or Buy an extra Loaf today—stare town, now staying with her "daughter, , now to servo more bread at every Mrs. E. G. Krueger, 14th concession, meal. Cet your TASTY -NU Bread join in extending congratulations 4-0 at the Tasty -Nu Bakery or at your Mrs. Horner, who on Sundaly cele- i local Grocers. braced her 90th birthday. May sI'lU Ir Bk grand old lady live and enjoy good' TaSty-uary health for many more years to come. PHONE 100 — ZIIRiC14 Dust Problems? With the few hot and dry days the i _�-- past week, and the winds .blowing to such an extent, there was again the don- 1 cot quilt, bably clothing and big dust menace in our 'village, and , fruit cake were given to the i-loIland we hope our Village Trustees "Llama family in our community at Christ - not forgotten to order our supply of mas time. Cards, wreaths and flow - dust prevention for the streets. When ers, continue to be used as an ex.. - in these windy days they are needed pression of our good to tare sick and so badllyn. We trust they have not shutins. On several occasions pres- overlooked this matter acid th;,,t in entations were made in recogni`.ion due time our streets will rr^eive the of services rerdernd. amount of treatment it needs to sat- isfy Mr. ratepayer! A display of bat, made from kiic- � then articles was a feature at two Evanaellcal CI":i1rc11 meetings. 'Prizes were given for the Next Sunday being Mothers' Day, j best and funniest 'lot before the bat:; the occasion will be observed in the , ware sold. Lunch was sold at an local Evangelical U. B. Church by a auction sale. combined Worship and Sunday, We helped with a Community ban - School service at 10.00 a.m. The' quet, the proceeds of which wer, to Junior Choir will be in attendance ' be used to equip the kitchen at the and a number of children will be Community Centre. We also cater - baptised. Any parent who is inter- act to a 11'Iasonic banquet. A guilt ested in the baptism of their child was pieced and donated by one of ren should consult the Pastor before our ,members, and quilted by memb- hand. BECOME ORGANIZED ers of the Institute, as well as other i ladies of the community whose assis- The Zurich Ladies' Softball Team known as the "Lumber Queens" hAs inn ave tante recently become organized for the other years appreciate yemuch. we appreciate w the talent of the young people of the season of 1950 with the following community as they assist with read - officers: iPresident, Ivan Kalbfleisch, ings and music, and to those from Vice President, Ivan Willert; Sec. other towns for their c,)ntributions•to Treasurer, Pauline Hess; Manager, our .programs. Herb Turkheim; Asst. 14lanager' Spelakers throughout the year in - Marie Willert; Coavh. Claire Bedard; ;,eluded, Mrs. Oliver, Society Editor of Captain, Shirley Fairbairn; Bat BoY,'the Women's Page in the Lond,)n Free Pat O'Brien. The team is looking press. She related some of the inter - forward for a big season, and the esti.na activities connected with the public are' asked to give them every publishing of this paper which cele - support possible. I, l brated its 100th anniversarly in 1949, ANNUAL REPORT I When the Free Press originated it had 6 people on the staff and .500 Womens' Institine I su'bscri'bers. FOR 1'949-1950 Rev. J. H. Getz of Dashwo.;,d spoke on "Recollections of a school teach - The Zurich W. 1. with 28 memb- er" telling some of his varied exper- ers held 8 regular meetings with all ienc-s as a school teacher, and how average attendance of 15. A special, Womens' Institutes have as,i,t^d iii meeting was called for extra busin- many ways toward the, advani•enlent ess and a ,public meeting was Mid— of education in rural schools. ucted by workers from the Chi'ldrens' )Mr. Elgin McKinley Spoke ole Aid Society, at which we sold lunch. "Agriculture and Canadian Iridus- Several men-lbers attended a short ' try." Two speakers from Clint.,)n course at Grand Bend, entitled "Oven were our guests. hiss Nora Cunn- Meals." Five of our ladies enjoyed ingham, supervisor of nurses and Air a bus trip to the Rgyal Winter Fair Gibbons, Sanitary* Inspector for Hur- in Toronto. Two of our members went" on County, explained the public to the Officers' Conference at Guelph! Health Unit. It is their duty to make A few of our members enjoyed a, clear to the people in the County the picnic at Bayfield. A special paper work and purpose of the Health Unit was given on "Mothers". Valentine Their main aim is the presentation stories included the "Orgin of Saint of disease and the promotf:n of Valentine" and "Mail f.;r Susie." health. Victor Dinnin spoke on "Tire Historical accounts for our Two- Relations of the Parents to the edsmuir Village History included: schools. The History of the local Evangelical I In closing I feel we can truthfully Church. The Mennonite Church and say we have had a very profitabic the Village of Zurich. !year. Let us go forward into the Donations .of $85 wero given to year ahead remembering that Can - the following: $'110 to the Emergency ada's greatness- lies not in her bank fund for Britain; $15 to the Child- clearings alone, nor in they fame of ren's Aid Society at Goderich; $10 her statesmen, soldiers, scientists to the Unitarian Service Committee; and medical men, but also in the $50 to the Community Centre. f quality of the citizen that lives in Five hospital quilts were sent to the Canadian home. the War Memorial hospital in Lon- —Mrs. Newell Geiger, Sec. Treas. EMBROYO ANNOUNCER Iiob;by Taylor, 13 year old Vancouver radio and ifilm actor, singer, pianist' and ,, vophonist, has long cherished an ambition to be a radio announcer, And -because he feels that an announcer should also be capable of taking over the controls, he often works in a little engineering practice in the con- trol room~ at the CBC's Vancouver studios between rehensila for drama lbroadeasts. Here lie is in front of the turn -tables, complete with earptloll- a as, loarii:rrg 14OW Lo start A rCCOr(L M Thursday, .May 11th, 1950 _ _ Comop. Chick Starter to FOR STRONGER CHICKS r We Also Have a Large ,Stock of Peat Moss AVAILABLE AT Hensall Vest. Cry -Operative HENSALL and ZURICH WE'RE READS TO HELP Y Ut si W T Y YOUR CAR represents a major investment. It deserves the best of care—arid that's what we're ready to give it. Whether it's a complete lubrication job or just a battery check, we really try to give good, thorough Imperial service—the kind that will keep you coming back. We'd appreciate r. chance to show you what we can do. Hector Foy cier IMPERIAL ST. JOSEPH SERVICE STATION kr COR. No. 84 & 21 HIGHWiAY5� DEALER SAVE—St. Joseph Service is prepared to save you some Money on your Tractor and Implement Tire Needs. Compare our prices and allowances on your old Tires! Spring is Now ffarol'l We Suggest you visit our Store and see our New Spring Footwear LADIES—A new Assortment of Suedes and Calf, which take the eye of the most modern Dresser GROWING GIRLS—Black, British Tan, Navy and Burgandy in various Styles. BOYS and YOUTHS—Scarnyers at a very Iow Price. MEN ---- A complete line of Valentine -Martin Ster- ling and H-dro City Work Shoes to chose from. See our new Hydro City Arch work ` Shoe. DR. SCHOOL'S Arch Supports; Corn and Bunion Pads,-Pedicreme, Foot Balm, Foot Soap, Bunion Reducers, Etc. Oesch Shoe Store Reliable Plumbing, Furnace work, evetroughing• and Tinsmithing. Our Aim ,To Serve and Satisfy' Dattirs & 0`04"Brien Main St. Hardware Store • Phone 213 Is Christ Your Arlo ®I Salvation? "FOR WHOSOEVER SHALL CALL UPON THE NAME OF THE LORD SHALL BE SAVED." Romans 10:18 "WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN HIM (CHRIST) SHALL RE- CEIVE REMISSION OF SINS Acts 10:4.3 "FOR BY GRACE ARE YE SAVED BY FAITH, AND THAT NOT OF YOURSELVES; IT IS THE GIFT OF GOD, NOT OF WORKS LEST ANY MAN SHOULD BOAST." Ephesians 2: 8, 9. "'T'HE'SE THINGS HAVE I WRITTEN UNTO YOU THAT 13ELIEVE ON THE NAME OF THE -SON OF GOD; HAT YE MAY KNOW THAT YE HAVE ETERNAL, LIFE AND THAT 'YE MAY ,BELIEVE ON THE NAIII, OF THE SON OF GOD, I John 5 :1 J. TUNE IN -Hear CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 133, Loa Angelos, STATION CHUM --.1050, Toi:onto, Sundays 9. to .10. A.\t. WCAR„1130, Pontiac, Mich., Sundays at 12 to 1.00 p.m.