HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-04-20, Page 8U .. „ • Thu yi:iy April 2Qixt 19EWA„utCH OIclaU-R,. ` —IIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIiit�IIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIiIiIIIIIIWiIIJIIiIIIiIIiIIIIIIIIIIY�` • OF LOCAL iNTEMIT Rev. J. H. Getz of Dashwood was Insurance + n Q Q a in town W,�dnesday afternoon. _. � + Wa-P. l FH nif e r p h AirlleW All IV 6*j" and Mrs. Joseph Druar, o,f `I WHAT EVERY FARMER' • � • Dublin, were • in town on Tuesday. �• :. Mr and Mrd Wm. S. John ton NEEDS I + y were Thursday visitors at London. ' I. 4 B LOT OF FINE DRESS MATERIALS HAVE Mr. Reuben Gates of Dashwood, Blanket Farm Liability Policy + Senonable was a business visitor in town on S .JUST ARRIVED Tuesday. $1D�000 Inclusive Limits coverage. Q ta'Fund—A ring with three keys at- premium $9.00 per annum per farm V _ qQ New Crepes at Special, per yard ..............".....$1.11 ched. Owner. can have same at the not exceeding 350 acres. .+ D Herald Office. + WE HAVE A. FINE DISPLAY OF ALL. LINES ..1.10 y s. Elizzie What Does it Cover?' 0 Q New Shantung Rayons at yard ..................... The entire family of Mr :�. .: Hey of town were at home. for the OF FURNITURE 4 0 New Dress Ends, Crepes at yard ...................2.25 Easter week-end. Operation -of unlicensed tractors and Q Q Dr. Brady of Seaforth made a I farm machinery; Strayed Animals, + 't 4 New Crepes, Rayons, etc. 42-nY at 1.59 to 1.75 yd. .311 ••'Pxafrssion l: calfi iri kown on Frl- Farm Premises Risk, Personal Acts A Good Variety of Linoleum, Congoleum. wird day,- calling on Dr. T. Keast. and Activities. 0OQ Mr. Bill O'Brien•, of the .Bank of g , �Q ®ds Axmiwiister Rus Etc. Montreal staff is �onfi�ned to the Optional Coverages '� QOD house this week, lAnimal Collision $20-0. limit on any + All Lamps are: Reasonably Priced! 0 Our Stock is now complete. Mr. Elmer Etue of Toronto, visit- l one animal Prem. $1.0.0.. Products Q ed with his parents, Mr. ;ind Mrs. Liability. Custom Farming and + C ® .. John Etue B •i- We also carr a o0 See our new line of Woodland Drapery in beauti- Blue Water .north over4Machinejqy+i rented to others. I, y, good supply Of Springs and Mat- the week-end. Employers' Liability. + ful new colorings of Rayon and Cotton, 50-in Wide 0' r Mrs. William Thiel was a holiday Voluntary Compensation- tresses,, such as Beautyrest, Airfoam, Etc. at 3.75 per yard. visitor fora few days at Wingham ; For Further particulars, Apply. + Q visiting with her daughter, Xr apd ' •II• Furniture. Store Phone 122 - Zurich Q .Mrs. Earl Heywood. I J. W. HABERER - Phone 161 QQ Wallpapers OqQ Mr. and Mrs. Baxter and Mrs. Roy 'I' Residence Phone 89. Rea. N. Boxers and Watsons Foster's 0 p Howard, atthehome of London were. Mr and Mrs. � „Q We carry Rem 4Q� AR. TH��. � �EI� Illllllllllllllllllllllllllilllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll;�lllltllllllllllillllll� Wm" Thiel of town, high grade papers in stock... Always have a large -- • _ _ Q assortment to choose from... See the new Super- Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel .Koehler of Income I cxx Deports �Q coated and waterfast papers now available. Detroit spent the week-end 'with the 3ookkeepina Service. Etc. former's relatives in town over the 4QG Would be pleased to show you our samples. week-end. E X E -k_ E R i We have 150 different Papers to choose from be I and daughter ]Sirs. Mr and Mrs Morley Witmer and FFICE:..._C�,: r• r Jaz?, Will7am Sts. #Yuui ar re Store � X100 sides ceilings. son Kenneth Phone: 1xet*7 135lw ♦ • • Prices range from 18c to 75c per single roll. Rauph Macum and her daughter, all • A few bundle lots to offer at less than halt` price. .of Detroit, were week-end visitors at ® • �, ELMER D. BELL, E.A. ; BRIGHTEN UP YOUR HOME .._, the home of Mr. and Mrs. arsv Thiel and other relatives. _ t • • Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Geramette BARRISTER - SOLICITOR with our new Sple;cIals who resided on the Koehler farm just ♦ — • R ': EXETER, ONT. north of town, and who had an au,_ e Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m., at Zurich : KEM GLO LUSTRE SPREAD SATIN tion sale last Wednesday, on Satur•- e • 17 day moved to Detroit. Their many* At (Naw Twnp. OfFice) s 4 4 G warm friends of the community will -_ • Q 10 Dozen Weldrest Nylon Hose. 45 gauge in - regret to loose this fine family., • New Summer Shades at $1.25 a pair. Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Roppel, and CEMENT E ® We Have all Your Needs for Spring Cleaning Mr. and Mrs. John E. Gascho atter- 0 0 led the funeral of the late Rev. }�`. Modernize your Stables With Cattle and Hog � 5 Dozen Sub Standards in Regular 1.60 line L s • At 1.10 a air B. Meyer at Rodney on Sunday at'- p 0 Q ternoon. Owing to Rev. Roppel's ah- Water BOWLS, Stauncheons, Litter Carriers or any i sence there was no service in ,;h^ Immediate Delivery s .• G local Evangelical church, e Sunday + other Farm Equipment can be had from 000Gas--ahoBros. 40Q evening• HURON CONCRETE TELEPHONE 59 ZURICH 400 y DIES AT CH.ESLEY ' 4 -- PRODUCTSRider ittlabitz Hardware Mrs. Elsie Truemner, 56, wife of phone 634 SeaEortli ° Dr. J. E. Truemner, dentist, who Phone 63 - Zurich died on April 16th at Chesley, was __ _ ..... _ .....____.. o a former resident of Crediton. She a •Drysdale Store +we l ye Ghesley in 1919 anti for saw- ,Skinny men women er,l years took an active interest in I i�. i�f�I�II�fQQI®Il@lI�1V1110 �• 0 the public library and served as a ' gain 5L1®,15 lbs. FLOOR TILE _ ___ • member of the board. Surviving oe- • sides her husband are one daug99 hter, ® The Store with the Best Variety of all 1KyrIrIS a Jean; two sisters, Pearl Gaiser, Tol- bet Now Pep, ��. fA F ® R ® of Groceries 9 edo; Mrs. Wilkie McEwen, ienfie'.d, W"l ■ tin+ Boar umbe tm Opt • and three brothers Emer} Royal aD' ■set ■o i �r gars�vD� ao'S The Best In Mastic Tile Floor ® anrreb, daffy - Ir' boY Also Rubber Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys = and Borden Gaiser, Crediton. The �womm m peynow ® G E T funeral was held Tuesday with inter-aeaebawcebegoea.lawu • mart m Chesle Cemetery. wnte,www, mwu m TILE - T EX A fine assortment of Hardware and Electrical • y Inen, .lwmla H • .salam..nrto-b 1oo4 ip •ppDetite andeetlon q OWN- yw ■eacg trenath sad nour1W9ent' at cfaeh on bin Appliances ® Womens' Institute irwn'ttearIteer we sat. neetramyoun pp w�. s+, 1D ld or 40 Ib. sea negQ soe no�..� � ALSO CLEANERS AND WAXES • :off Volts little. vo°°anZm.•�i•�t.�a°"' ATLAS AND SEIBERLINGr TIRES The annual meeting and election Manufactured by The Flintkote Company, • • of officiers of the Zurich Women's � TOYOritO, Ont. • CO--OP. FEEDS Cured and Fresh Meats Institute was held in the Zurich Town � • See Your Local Agent ® Hall on Tuesday evening, April 11th OPEN SEASON � g' ® Your Patronage Appreciated at all Times! ! The meeting opened with the open two JOHN M. TURKHEIM Instit- ute The trout season will o y- Phone Zurich 174 •• Ode, following .by the Lord's 90 GIVE US A CALL 1 • prayer in unison. datvis earlier this year so that anglers LAID AND MAINTAINED. Free Estimates Gladly Given • • A short business discussion Baa:; may get in an extra wei~k-encs of • c fishing, the season will open April .JOHN DENOMY .• DRYSDALE Phone 98 r 1 held which included the election oa. g> A two local members to attend the W. 29 instead of May 1st. The daily limit; I. Conference, at Guelph, Maly 12, 13 will be 15 fish, instead of +10 as ill .3•. •I••'. ....•!f•4.. rd'••i:•4.•F••b$•Z•.+F•i+r>F4f� •• ®a�s�®rp•� • and 14th. The yearly financ,°al report other seasons. The pike and picke.rcl j ¢, was given .by the Sec. Trews., also seasons also will open earlier on Cleanest Sa-,- �anp@} venetian blinds brief summary on past year's actio- urday, May ,1% instead of Nlaay 7.:i. 4- CV HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE ities and achievements by the vagi- 4 YOU EVER OWNED -- --- -- ous committees. Exeter .District High School, r Mrs. Elgie, of Kippers, District The April meeting of the Exott r MADE OF F L E X A L U M YuurUU1 Needthe election o£ officers. sPresident of the W. I. presided at 1(��,• , District High School Board was hold Down with dirt-catchers in the Board Room on Tuesday even_ These satin-smooth ,slats actually discourage dust—it rolls right Following are the list `f office:-$ Ing, April 4, -at. 8.30 p.m. off! Cleaning so quick with this amazingly flexible aluminum. for the .year 1950: President, Mrs. It bends when you brush, snaps back into perfect shape! A. Roche; 1st Vice P. Mrs. Wm. For- Absent: Jas. McAllister, C, S. Mc- - Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. rester; 2nd vice P. Mrs. L. Prang; Naughton, K. H. Johns. So easy to operate! Sec. Treas., Mrs. N. Geiger; Asst. Mr. Andrew Dixon interviewed the Lightweight I9;;xalum is only third the weight of.' old-t'awhioned We always try to supply our Customers with the most Sec, Trs. Mrs. D. Meyers; Pianist, Board regarding plans for arra.ng- blinds. Operates silently, smoothly, even, on wide, wide windows firs. H. Neeb; Asst. Painist, Miss K, ing• the grounds and landscaping. The This beauty's for life! Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to Hess; Press-Corr., Mrs. L Willert; Agriculture, Department of the scr,o-- Flexalum won't warp, break or bend out of shape. Plastic finish Dirt. Dir. Mrs. M, McAdams; Audit- of would need a barn, and a tractor won't chip oir crack. Fireproof, rustproof, weather-proof, insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early ors, Mrs. M. Oesch, Mrs, E. K1;+pp;. is desireable• wear-proof. The committee in charge. resided 1 yl� yp� y" V gt7 �`��q g•' p • y l 1 11 1.>t � L 1J11 � V SON lel With us so We can arrange for your supply The minutes of the meetings o„ by Mrs. E. F. Klopp, opened the e programme with a hymn "Oh God, March 7th and 14th were read avid YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT discussed. Phone 69 - - - - Z,t�RICH Our Help In Ages !Past," followed Have You Looked Over YOUY Heating Equipment? by two. accordian renditions �y Xiss Per A. W. Morgan and E. Chara- �R"+44tar.•>Ma.�»a•a�•>r•���!•�->I•� le•�.•r..k•�•��•�•�•�»�••�•�•�•�•��•.�••�•�^•�. 1i. Hess, "Sweet Smile Mazurka" bens that the 'budget .be reiconsidered Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention, or Prob. and "Over the Waves. at the next meeting of the Board. ablyYou Need a N:ev One. Let Us Look These Over _Miss Eleanor Hay favoured memb- Carried. 0 rrs with two vocal solos, Ali! Sweet The minutes Were then adopted. Harris ifor you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best e, .l'lystery of i,ife, and "Whispering Per E. L. Mickle and H. Walper�VIaSSe .. Hope" accompanied at the piano' by that a contract be prepared to be eJ Advantages. Mfss Hess. Mrs. Elgie; guest speak signed by organizations using the er, gave .a humorous reading "An building. Carried. We carry a full line of the Well Known and Triecl Old Plan's Version of The Wornens' The Co rrespon.d,oenee was react anti - --- ---•- — -- and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints Oils Varnishes Institute." and chose as her topic tabled. Also flick Drying Enamels and Varnishes' Floor Wax w 'lighted bC o+i1 vy". early Eslgie. settlers, h- plans for theal H.,e7L. Sturgis discussed HAVE RECEIVED A L ARGE SHIPMENT OF mASSEY- Q y g h t school year. HARRIS REPAIRS. ORDER YOURS EARLY! early type of life, combining the or- Per A. W. Morgan and E. L. Mir.,•• OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS lig-in and history of towns and viilag- kle that the Board accept Mr. Stu.r- AM TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR ANY MASSEY HARRIS r; in Huron County, and many other gis' suggestion and advertise for 3 Plumbing, furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmit`-� l a, teresting facts. The topic obosen teachers, Carried. IMPLEMENTS YOU MAY REQUIRE, ,INCLUDING TRACT- ing our Specialty, Full line of hew and shelf Hard- i� to be entered in the "Tweedsmuir Per H" W'alper and E. Chambers heavy ° ORS, THRESHING MACHINES COMBINES ETC. Book of History", being edited by that the Board banquet the Basket- ' ware always In stock. the W. I. in the near future. ball team which this year won two Mrs. Klopp thanked Mrs" Elgie for W+OSSA chanmpionships. "The Service Arm for Canadian Farm" her interesting talk and for her as- her E. L. Mickle and A. J. Kalb-W' I STADE &Do sistance in conducting the election fleisch that the Capital Accounts and of officers, also thanked Miss I`lrss Current Accounts be, pain as react, Tel, Shop 149 Oscar Klop� R.R. �� i s i�v 15 u R j �"� ® �-, and Miss Hay for their entertaitiing Carried. QUALITY ,-„ PRICE � SER�Y�i selections. riiogrzmtne closed ivlthl Adjournment at 2,15 a.m. per L' ,EVER AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FARM NEED31 the singing "Faith Of Out Fathers". i L. Mic'kl.e. Lunch and Social hour foil•owed. E. D. Howey, ,Secretary.I i r