HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-04-20, Page 56 xul4c orirwrew `Mur�d Apr;l20th, 050 ZURII-IA.I'i _ - -.... ...-.....--r/.Y••o•�u-.. .-^.•.-......!Oi:..:: .''.^i+'^+++d,rM�.•:.•.^..-.-�n•..^••�r.-..•r.•+.^.!wwi�Yn+ .. .. ... ..'. u. ',. ^.. ,•. .M1..r .', iii .. ... ... ..... .. .. .. ... ......._. ,. . - ....... • .. ZURICHHERALD -BREAD H Put Your Want,. For Sale r.� „ AL kbwo 1j taM► o ee, as second class mail, Found. Etc :ids. in this Comop. Chick tarter Column. ' Office Dep�rtntent, Uttaws. Lost, Column.Mr. and Mrs. Gid Koehler were at om #he' table' o bl _ Bayfield Sunday afternoon. , �•` N T I C E Miss Ruth Church was a. Monday FOR STRONGER CHICKS BUSINES CARDS visitor at London. W Mr and M:rs'. Ward Fritz were vis - a Also iso Have a Large Stock of Peat Moss l FOR QUICK SALE itors in Toronto over the week -end. Mr and Mrs Will McAdams .made John W OrchardRegistered Scotch Shorthorn Brills• a business trip to London on Mon- - AVAILABLE AT a rs. pply tot Fred Brown, Phone r 31 r day. OPTOMETRIST ' 4 Crediton Ont. � �� �• �`y, �• y � Mr. Lawrie x+'ow]ie of London was ' � � � `,��. H�11$il�l li�• �O`^O�i�r� �. Main Street --- Exeter FOR SALE holiday visitor at the home of his • Open Every Week Day sister, Mr:;. G. Koehler. HENSALL and ZURICH Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Cowen and �"� ��..•.% Except Wednesday General Electric Hot feint Stove, family of Mrs, were Sunday via- Phone 3553 4 burner and oven, in good comfit- it ors —Apply at Herald Office. r• groin at d Fs. home in town. the meal /S Peady'i WE'RE READY TO HELP YOU :1'Ir. and Mrs. Len Hoist and 1rIrs. Q i WE'RE G ILI+CENSED AUCTIONEERS HOU5E FOR SALE Les Trentbl•y of Detroit, spent the t tveel�-end at the home of Mr and No meal is complete without plenty ,� y ,� r of delicious wholesome bread. And Desireaible dwelling property in Mrs,. Earl 1unoblut. � e e ALVIN WALPER Zurich, furnace, -hot and cold water There will not be an evening ser- TASTY foo fortasgood and is good on tap, is insulated, new Hardwood vice at St. Peter's Lutheran Church hearty food for you. Every slice s floors, modern kitchen and new on April 23rd, The Pastor and slice of energy- day—start R - Licensed Auctioneer bath installed. New garage. For members of the Luther League will Buy an extra Loaf to .Specializing further information apply -to Herald attend a rally at Wellesley. now to serve more bread at ever) In w Miss Elizabeth Gainer of Dash- meal. Get your TASTY -NU Breac; YOUR CAR represent tsatnxjurinvestin ent. Office, Zurich. rum and Purebred Livestock Sales wood is practise teaching this week at the Tasty -Nu Bakery or at your It deserves the best of cart and that's what we're "Service That Satisfies"at the Bronson Line School No. 1, rota) Grocers. ready to give it. Whether it's a complete lubrication NEUHAUSER CHICKS under the supervision of Mrs. Menno ,lob or just a battery check, we really try to give good, "10" 57r2• R. 1, DASHyy00D White Leghorns crossed with. Bar- Oesch. Tasty -Nu Bakery thorough Imperial service --the kind that will keep you red Rock to produce large quality Mr. Burchell and staff of London, PHONE 100 — ZURICH coming back. CORBETT eggs. Fast feathering and Fast De- who are taking down the old town _ We'd appreciate a chance to show you E. F. veloping Chicks. Some started cement water supply tank are anout what we can do. through with their big job, as theY TOWNSHIP OF HAY • AUCTIONEER Chicks in our 'brooders now. g g J , Hector F®y.CteY. ' LICENSED Neuhauser Hatcheries, 81 King St., have the base Practically all down �Y TENDERS FOR BRIDGE Hector �`+r�reH+ac this time. We understand they will e, 'teems Reasonable, 5atsiaction London, Out. Phone Met. 7482• be taking down part of the Ibig +brick SEALED TENDERS, enclosed in ST. JOSEPH SERVICE STATION k s Guaranteed stack at the Coop mill, which is o` the prescribed form and addressed to COR, IV®, 84 & '-9 HIC,HWlIYS EXETER, R. R. 1 the Township Clerk, will .be received. o t i e a NOTICE no use at present. Phone _11th 92x7. Was Guest Soloist until 12 o'clock noon, at the office of Anyone interested in purchasing Mr. T. Harry Hoffman, ,baritone,of the Consulting Engineer N A R I A.N FUESDAY MAY 9th 1950 ♦/ ET E R Giant White Pekin Ducklings from Dashwood, was one of the 'guest so- SAVE --St. Joseph Service is prepared to save you the famous Uxbridge Farms, kindly goists at a special presentation of a For the construction of an 80 -foot J p p p some Money on your Tractor and Implement Tire contact Thos. Meyers, or Clifford sacred cantata, "Olivet to Calvary" concrete rigid frame bridge, with a Pepper for further particulars. All at Calvary United Church, London, 20 -foot roadway, Lot 3 and 4, Con- Needs. Compare our prices and allowances on your BCOXON, B.V. Sc. orders to be in by the First o -f May. Friday evening last. cession II 'and III, Hay Township. old,Tires! W B. HURON JAILER PASSES IP!lans and specifications will be is - VETERINARY SURGEON FOR SALE Governor of Huron County Jail, ,sued by either the Township Clerk, James B. Reynolds of Goderich, a or the Consulting Engineer, on derT - O. with'Residence, gain Street, A quantity of red No. 1 clover • w611 known sportsman, died in the posit of a marked cheque for $15.00 Spring 1 s Now e e Opposite Drug Store seed. Also some white sweet clover Victoria Hospital, London, after a which will be refunded without in -i x•.-96 ZURICH seed (dwarf variety) Priced Reason- long illness. He was 65. terest on return of the plans and able.—P. Deichert, Phone 94x2• . * Easter Holidays Over specifications, when the bid is sub- We Suggest you visit Our Store and see our New BUTCHERS - — School re -opened after the Easter mitted. Spring Footwear FOR SALE holidays, and now it will be the Lowest or -any tender not •necess- grind of the completion iof the year's ariltyJ accepted. LADIES—A new Assortment of Suedes and Calf, �C�1R� popular Two second hand panel doors 3x7' work, by ending up with the summer C. C. PARKER, which take the e e of the most modern Dresser '�11rZ in good condition. Also a pair of holidays, but first comes the day of Consulting Engineer, y Collie pups. Apply to Sol. Baechler retorting, namely the exams., the 63 John .St.. South, GROWING GIRLS—Black, British Tan, NavyMEj AT MARKET Phone 97r14 x one thing no one is so happy about, Hamilton, Ontario. but it is the barometer of the year's H. W. BROKENSHIRE, and Burgandy in various Styles. Us supply you with the work. Township Clerk, wCry Choice of Fresh and Cur- FOR SALE Had Benefit Dance Township of Hay, BOYS and YOUTHS--Scamyers at a very low Sausages, 1' Good Cheer, ivory enamel range A successful dance sponsored by ZURICH; Ontario. Price. id Meats, Bolognas, in good condition. it enamel Coleman the Zurich Hockey Club for the ben - Etc., always on hand. Kept gasoline range, 3 ;bursters with built efit of injured players was put on ill FOR SALE MEN --_-A, complete line of Valentine -Martin Ster- ion the new community centre last Thurs A fine young orchard of j50 choice ling and Hydro City Work Shoes to chose fmh in Electric RefrigeratPhone 82-14, HensAlex. Ciera , all. day night. The Syncopators orches- apple trees, located in Zurich. Ap tra of town played. A large crowd at- .ply to W. A. Siebert. from. See our new Hydro City Arch Work Highest Cash Prices for tended with good receipts. Mr. W. A. Shoe. Wool, Hides and Skins _ Farm For Sale or Rent Siebert, of town 'won the door prize;, 1 OR QUICK SAL.F H. which was drawn by James Hayter, DR. SCHOOL'S Arch Supports; Corn and Bunion Yjlll�lut &Son 150 Acres of grass land. North coach of the Dashwood Hockey teani. 68 feet tiix13i4 oak and beech half of Lot 27, and Lot :28, Con. 8,Wdtile it is understood tongue and groved flooring at half Pads, Pedicreme, Foot Balm, Foot Soap, "Hay Township. Apply to Fred While NEED HELP price. 3 black w Waldenalnut halt trees, Ila Bunion Reducers, Etc. PRO -DUCE derstd nearly 5Q , Forest. Phone Thedford 'hooks, at $1.75 each. .Webster Air 144F. people in the Seaforth area are in paint Sprayer outfit at half price. 1 receipt .of unemployment insurance, garden wheelbarrow with wheel $1.0. district farmers report it is most ,I can)pTete set Gabardine slip covers i Oesch Shoe Store Silverwood FOR SALE difficult to obtain farm help. In one (used) for 42 to 48 Ford; 3 1bel rl- 4 case a farmer after interviewing ectric motor; line shafting, beltil,5 more than,ten persons, was unable to - A quantity of Irish Cobbler potat- and mist. pulleys; fanning mill pul- TERMS obtain one who would agree to w:ii k oes. Call Clifford 'Pepper, 1100 r 15, legs, Etc.—AplxUyi Ivan Willert, on hi.. farm. � -2t(. s Zurich. Phone 10. • Married at London Coz,�r &gs Market for Cream, Eggs 11r and Mrs. Frederick Lawrence _ WHEAT KING CROWNED Y � � Your �� '" Needs and Poultry FOR SALE Smith, wllcse marriage was solemn- Harry Strang of Usborne, for the • Have Your, Eggs Graded on � ,pure bred Tamworth boar, a- ized Saturday in Trinity Lutheran second consecutive year the wheat • From Our 011r bout 1250 lbs. Papers available, Church, London. The bride is the king -of Huron County, was ctowned i p former Ann Marie Schroeder, daugh- at Clinton Friday last in a ceremony = NEW I-l1�Rl�WARE STOCK • AUTOMATIC priced to sell.—Dioug. ,. Robinson' ter of Mr and Mrs. William J. performed at the annual Farmer;' A Good Supply of Shelf and Heavy Hardware ECi�i GRADER 1 Phone Hensall 97-2. Night banquet of the Clinton Lions ! always on hand, also Schroeder, Dashwood, nd her Itusb- F O R SALE and is the) son of Mr and Mrs. Will- Club. The crown was placed on the Roy O'Brien, Manager lam F. 53111th, Sarnia. They are head of Harry Strang by Dick Jacob = Scarf's Endurable Paints, Enamels and Varnishes 30 Zurich honey=mooning in the Northern States who was himself county wheat king • Phone 101 Chevrolette Coach, dark .blue, has and will reside in London. in 1948 and was dethroned by King and the New Almatex Plastic Paints 5 good tires, correct mileage a little over 9,000 miles, in Al condition. Holiday Visitors Harry in 1949. • r h Creamery • For our heating system we recommend—the Goo- ZurieY Henry M. Willert, Dashwood. .11r. Ross Johnston and his mother, NO MORE HYDRO CUTS • y v - ttir . Wellington Johnston motored Toronto, — Robert H. Saunders, • Cheer Furnace, or the well known Coleman t�:l PIGS FOR °_SLE to Rochester, N.Y., the past week- chairman of the Ontario Hydro -El, e : Heater. frour Home Market for Cream - end, and «ere accompanied back by ectric !Power Coinmission, predicted • i A quantity of choice mixed. Ha} , p ; For your Household needs we carry Beaty �''a: t as q Y I the formers sister, Mrs. Ernest there will Ibe no ower cuts in the Eggs and Poultry baled. Apply to Earl Gingerich Ph.' Province for a lone' time to tonne. 11 b � �, I CTenitlting ails family, staying Iter.,: a • Machines; National Electric Stoves; Marconi Race- � 90 r 7. for the week, and returning home an No cuts are anticipated next fall or • ios• Heaters, Electric Irons, and Toasters, Enatne.l- Highest Cash Prices paid plus Su„day, 14Ir_ Gemming of Rochester, winter o,r for many years to come. He , FOR QUICK ��� ware Pyrex and various Kitchen Ranges. 0 motoring -over for ]tis family. While said that the recent agreement sigh- � • u premium for deliveredcream parsing tlu•ough Fort Erie, the for- ed by Prime Minister St. Laurent and • A quantity of hay, baled or loose Reliable Plumbing, Furnace work, evetroughir. mer called on Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Premier Frost granting Ontario all- • • ►4i%e are equipped to give effi- for sale—Edmund Becher, Dasll�vomi Sewell, farmer zuricll residents, and ditional power facilities was oaf tre = and Tinsmithing. Our Aim „To Serve and Satisfy ' who conveyed greetings to theirmany me:ndous importance to the future & 0 �� • ds development o£ tower in the Prov- ® • tient accurate service. Egg SEED FOIA. SALE 7,urich friends, p I � ince. gl �►nc] Poultry department in A quantity o:f: 14Io•ntcalm 73arlep Real Spring Weather There is no question about it ,hut `K„• �r ��' �'-0 • Main St. Hardware Store Phone 213 for seed. Suitable for malting. Also • �+ ” here the fine balmy ?I;,h,:'x • _ R -charge Of Mr. i . Meyers some spring wheat. sprig; is surely ;,<,• ._?,. Hilton Truenlrter, )'hone i ci r 11 weather over the week -end really' • . h” r.R� . �-n .fiv��.Y i/=rw.... .Ts...w.—... r.am .�..a..r�T^_.—...—...'7.`.:. —. ... .:. Chas. 1Vlinshall, Proprietor - chased out old King winter, and } xis FOR SALE birds are singing and the traditional e w I N S LJ .R A N C E frogs are doing their singing most, �j� �T 16 Durham Cow, carrying 3rd calf, of the night as well in day t7me. The :: j 1171 —� -- y due April 15th. Also ;ogr(small nice warm rain on Wednesday was P19 s Sol Gingerich. c welcome and will greatly help to give Mutual p g „• the finer Plants such FOR GOD The Lord of Eearth and Heaven. Western Farmers Mu Q ~��_ tltinrs a start, SO LOVED —And longed to see forgiven MAID WANTED as teras. art fall wheat. Fainters v�ill be starting the spring seeding in THE WORLD —In sin and pleasure mad Weather Insurance Go. a few more days of this ever Wel­ THAT HE GAVE —The greatest Gift H• hoed A reliable girl bo work in stare anti come nice going. HIS ONLY SON — To take our place 'OF WOODSTOCK help with housework; foa• all suntnler THAT WHOSOEVER —Ola! What ;race setason, to begin now. Good wages. ELEC'i•F1) PRESIDENT il'HE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- Apply Rol. Greiner, 13..A. Service ;,ussell Hopper, of Exeter, .fas el -act st trust 13ELIEVETH — Placing 'mple t t ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN ,MUT- Station, Grand Bend. ected presiden+; of Western OnSario — Th righteous and the dust - District Funeral Service Assoclati0n f ' D NOTPERISH— Lost in Sin. 1N HIM UAL COMPANY TIDING BUSINESS NOTICE fifiE,?i SHOULD at the annual meeting of the crape- ; , n;:r s BUT HAVE ETERNAL LIFE IN I31M — In Him. OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO .. iation at Hotel London. Guest -peak .Amount of Insurance at Risk on I have taken over the busies r of: e1, of rite evening, Rev. Geo. Goth, of LORD, Help my unbelief! Give me the peace of faith. December 31--k, 1946 General Trucking and would 1A Metropolitan United Church, who KEYBOARD ARTIST To rest with child -like trust ort what Thy Gospel with: $73,699,236,00 iate your .business. Please apply to told the audience, one of the rmport- Total Cash in Bank and }fonds. Clare Masse, Phone r12G, Dashwood. r, tent 'things in our age is the develop- Doris Veale, young Toronto organ- " THAT W,I30SOI;VI]R WILL Ii1:T.II.VE $444,115.39 nlent .of personality. He said cle]. int who is heard frequently over the* Sll ILL EVERLASTING T�II+`I: xtECEIVI;. Rate,,; on Application tied) u,. common. Son1e fall down be- Veale \V1,1 or electric �! NOTICE and funeral directors have wn great piety bwrit 0-rgarl. Doris , res and Performs back�i o- E. F. KL.OPP-_-LURIGH round mu,ic for 1 ottratt TUNE IN—Hear CHAS'" E. 1FULLER, Box 17.3, Los Angeles, WHITEWASHING & CLEANING taus•, thmy c+tn'i will then w ] STAT1O v ("•Hl;1t tU iO, Toronto, S undaYs 0, to 10. A G E N T Arrangements can be made the hearts of the peoplo they aer�:e, seleetions ort tlu" piano, nnvacllnrl, WC�AR, '.1'l 0, Pontine, Mich., Sundays at 12 to 1.00 P.m. Bill Watson Yours is merr than l a `ta,1. burying told music for numerou, C"l3C" net- — T Also Dealer in Lightning Rods Dasltwoad I'ltone 35x19 the departed, your; i a task of coni-:Inc•tttm l:, rens) calla cl�mpo,c, .end 11 -ii -1, surance � x: r-,,-,;�•>� f.;rti,,. tt, !ivinl:, Ile Said. work prograllts. o,nd all kinds of Fire in :.72