HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-04-20, Page 45•�
Bar ey
Wo are again contracting acreage for The Canada
Malting Company.
Seed Supplied Contact Us
+ Phone 103, Hensall, Ont. Nights 133
r. ,;
R4 M_
JVveryone knows that Dominion Textile Company
Limited sells fine cotton products.
But we buy th!jigs too. We're customers of other
Canadians right across the country.
As a company we purchase luniber,ypaper, corn and
potato starches, chemicals, transportutiop services
and a hundred and one other items from
different parts of Canada.
And the 12,500 employees in our plants, drawing
among the ltiglt2st textile wages in the world, spend
many trillions of dollars a year on Rour from prairie•
wheat, nicht from Alberta cattle, fish from both
Atlantic ;aid Pacific coasts, homes made with the use of
B.C. lumber and outfitted with furnishings and
appliances from all provinces and other goods and
services provided by fellow -Canadians.
D A S H W O O U Miss Audrey Heimrieh of .eta W
returned Monday to the Blake sole*
Mr and Mrs Keith Wildfong of after a .pleasant Easter hoiiclay' a'
London spent the week -end with his her home. A few of the se'Itol ars
-Parents, Mr and Mrs. Garnet Wild- away yet owing to ;bath eolds.
Fong Mr and Mrs Lloyd Finnigam ars
tended the family of Chesiey visited with Mn
Several from here attended
funeral of the late Rev. ,B.: theyer Clarke and Will over the week -end
Mrs. Joseph Martin was takers t+
in Rodney* on Sunday.
Mrs. Lucinda Mcisaac w`i.o has the Clinton Hospital last week in ter
with her son mire- interests of her health of w1itch i
spent the
trait hti: raetur home. very serious at 'present. Her man:
Mr and Mrs Jack Raschke and sons relatives and friends inept for th
Bob and Donnie and Mr and Airs. !best.
Gail Bosch of Detroit, `Mr and 'Mrs. their
and Mrs. Sant Gingerielt move,
Kitchen- their household effects y. their nem
Elgin Merner and Joyce of
er and Col. and firs. E. E. Tie -man
in Zurich recently. We ar
o£ London, visited friLnde here over sorry to, see thetas leave Blake.
Mr and Mrs Maxime Denomme
the week -end, also attending the I Mr and Mrs Louis Denomme wer
i•ieman - Schilbe nuptials at Zurich', visited by relatives from Detroit
on Saturday. I Easter week.
Miss Carol Faber of I�ippen spezr
Death of Mrs. Sadie Restemeyer Easter week with her parents, Mr
Mrs. Sarah (Sadie) Restemeyer; f and Mrs. Rudy Oesch.
wife of Otto Restemeyer of Dash- l Mr. Norman Jarrortt and Mi;
wood (lied Monday in St. Joseph's Beverley Dick of the Parr Line, vii
Hospit-M, London, after a brief ill- ited with Mr and Mrs Harold Finle
nese. She was -born in Stephen Twp I and family Easter week,
daughter cnf the late Ronald and 1Iary I Huron County Health unit corm(
14IcI,aac and resided in Dashwood forto the Blake School on Tuesday, Al
37 years. Surviving besides her hus• l ril 25th for Immunizatim clinic
band are two sons, Hubert and Don- I Children of- 3 -months to school sge
ald and a daughter, Mrs. Martin Me- may be brought to these clinics.
QTrenere all of London. A brotlicr,
Angus Mack, Detroit, a sister, 'Mrs.
Joseph Vernon, Detroit. The body;
is resting at Donohue and Weber STANLEY TOWNSHIP
funeral home until noon Wednesday
when it will be removed to the fall'- Council Meets
ily residence, Main Street, Dashwood Stanley Township Counert held!:
l.,quieni High 'Nina, will -be sung; at regular meetiimg in the Tonvnsly
Our Lady of Mount Carme't' Church, Hall, barna, on Monday, April .31-
ron Thursday at 10 a.m. Burial in I I%eeve E. Webster presided need s
Mount Carmel Cemetery. members of council present. rl
minutes of the last meeting 'Nei
read and adopted.
The Clerk was instructed to retui
A splendid attendance -of the W.M. all unpaid taxes to the County Tr
S. ladies held their Easter ThankolT'- asurer.
•ering meeting at the home of'Mrs. There was only one tender for tl
Roy McBride, on Thursday afternoon 'Corin gravel contract. This -was t
April 13th. at 2.30 p.m. Mrs.Q R• to the Lavis Contracting Co. 'Te
s14Tcl;ride's group being in charge of 1 der price was 70c per cu yd. for tl
the proglrainnte• A dainty lunch l east aide of the Twp, and 54c for ti
-'was served at the close of the meet -
in All who, can 1 west side.
g•. go are requeti�cc! •
to attend the Presbyterial mcetsns;'s i The request from the Clint(
4reing held N Clinton on Tlnn'sday, Spring Fair for a grant was table
April 27th ain ,and p.mn iu.ntil next meeting. The road Your
ier for $l1�,967.(19 was passed and o
Betty Parke or Clinton Col- { dewed paid.
It'gratr 1111(1 I'll;; il-Z ;.R!Bride of Bruce ` Tlme following goner a oun
lir ld I chool, spent 1%jster holidays at hhvvere ordered paid: Mustard C. $2
their res1wcdw homes li(,re, 1 Worknion', Compensation Ild. $0; I
3Tiss holm flamlyn of London. ac- Sehww—tventruber $79.96; J. `.C, M
,c,nmpanied by Nirs. Hamlyti and Mrs. Ash $4; Convention expenses �e
10iod Nwvroft and daus;liter NTtnrs:- RM. Chuter $5:
.tri^-:p;.n1 1,111" hfysierr holidays tottriii ; Council ad,journe(I to meet 4V'r.
,,don;; biko F,) -le polilt • 1, at 1"10 P.M.
•s•"bTn.:. r •
7%ursdi y► .11►Prjl 20011295
Mr, and Mrs. Arthur JaTaist free
Betty Die sof Gxand Bend, are very" THERE : ,
Tate Rev. R. G. MacMillan, presid- happy to announce the arrival of MONEY
nt, presided'at a directors' meeting their son, Peter Arthur, on April 3,
sf the Huron Co. Children's Aid So- at ,S,t, Joseph's Hospital, London. IFOR
:iety, Goderich, It was decided to
nake an urgent appeal for cletin, Grenier -- At Mrs. Batten's nurs-
ised clothing in good repair for chit- ing home, Exeter, on April 9th, to
lren up to 18 years. Mr -and Mrs. Roland Grenier, of
PROBLEMS OF OUR LADY Grand Bend, •a daughter.
DIPLOMATS at the B of
Like football, world dlplomacy rad AUCTION SALE
been. considered a man's game until Running lg stbec of feed? averDon't ke read p
Perle Mesta, Eugclnie Anderson, Ruth Ali Auction .Sale will be held on fall' tea Iowa because you haven't the
cash, Talk things over with. your If of off D•fl
Bryan Owen and Daisy Harriman the farin' of Wilfred Mack, Lot 7, manager,
proved that women are naturally suit` Concession 9, Stephen 'Township, 1x/4 Remember --when you ask for a loan, 1A
ed to the, subtle art of diplomacy utiles west of Crediton and one mile'. BA
y the B of M you do not ask a favour. If youa
Read about their problems =and lady south, on s M �11� can plats repayment from your farm ineome,.
diplomats have plenty - as.'told by ( LDA#ya10k A#4wNs al,er¢'s, money for you at 'My Bank". An(b
Austine, in the American Weekly FRIDAY, APRIL 211st. that for seed and fertilizer, too. � � g
with this -Sundays' (April 2'$) issue The sale consists of Cattle, Horses, �
of The Detroit Sunday Tin es. pigs, Fowl, :Farm Implements and a BANK OFMONTRE'At
LOW PRICES BLAMED Massey Harris Tractor and 1935 64aee;d"7"8411
Ottawa — Canada is hitting the Chew. Coach. Also a small quantity
old snag again not enough' bacon to Zurich Branch: C. C. McE:achern, Manager,
fill the 'United pingdom contract. °'f ho ale Cd furnishings for stile. 1 lensall Branch: John Irvin Manager.
Sale 'Co.nnaences at 1 p.m. Manager
However, it was questioned whether Terms—Cash Crediton Branch: Charles Parkinson,
the lack of Canadian bacon Yves any Frank Taylor, Auctioneer. (CQpen Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday)
real factor, in the scale of British _
ration. Some sources took issue with Dashwood (Sub -Agency) : Open Mon., Wed., Fri.
a -statement by Food Minister M. AUCTION SALE ' WORKING WITH CeARAt &ANS 6@t EVERY WALK OF ttre S±tM.'CA 1817
Webb who told a press conferenc•; in -- A010%
London that one -ounce reduction to
four ounces weekly in the bacon rat- Of Household Furniture and Miscel-
ion was due in part because suppli•• laneous items. On the Premises in
es from Canada have fallen well I)_ the Village of Grand Bend.
U ded Auction er has
low the program.
The n erstgn ,
been instructed to 'sell by public
Ottawa — A. D. Dunton, chairman
Auction on
�"' •
of the CIBC Board of Gove4•nors, in-
a liced that if Canadians are pay
1.30 sharp
immunization � cs
television w
a license ice for television it will a-
Commencing at p.m.
dollars. These dollars provide food, clothing, medical care and, other
Trained lE>,nels
-which contribute to our security and high ng h standard of living. y �' i „•
Ontario ti�•orkers know they can earn ,•
mount to about $10 a year.. It will
Household Effects — 3 -piece Ches-
of a steady supply of trained workers to industrial plan:ts.'l.'Imese workers
and enjoy a higher standard of livin'9
will operate mmebines which are important to our way of life.
in direct ratio to the skill„ they ac -
cost from $35 million to 50 million
terfield 'Suite in good ,condition;
dollars to establish television net-
this does
Chesterfield folding daybed, like new
�2 sin'gie+ beds with springs and mat-
a 'i he Huron County Health Unit will be holding
work in Canada. However,
not -have to be established in.mediat-
tress, doulw le bed with springs, var-
Immunization Clinics in the schools as follows,.
ely. Individual stations could be es-
ious rocking chairs, high chair, din-
tablished across the country and ser-
ing room and kitchen ,chairs, small
viced with llms and recordings from
cupboard', stand, lawn chairs, porch
the proposed main production cen-
swing like new, ice box, 2 hot plates
tres in Montreal and Toronto.
like new; small meat grinder, 2 -bur -
ner Coleman gas stove, baby -crib,
9.45 a.m. - S.S. No- 7 Stanley Township,
Tall( about winter lingering In the
lap of spring this year, it's not the
baby buggy, boy's bicycle, tricycle,
lawn mower, 6 gal. hand pump sera-
a10 15 a.m. - USS No. 9, Stanley
only time the old fellow was guilty
of the same indiscretion. Balowyou
Iyer; Kitchen sink, new 'kitchen bas -
in with taps, Quebec Heater like
11:00 a.m. - USS No. 1, Stanley
will -find his record of 1885: Marcie
113,24 degrees below zero; March 16,
new, 5 gal. crocks, wash tubs, boiler,
Half-wh.p. electric motor in first class
11:30 a.m. - SS No. 1, Stanley
13 .below; March 17, 14 below; March
18, 6 ^below; March 19, 15 below;
condition, wheelbarrow, shovels, var-
ious woollen blankets and bedding.
1: 15 p.m. - SS No. 4E, Stanley.
March 210, 22 below; Mrch 23, 23
many articles too numerous to men -
Infants and pre-school Children who started thm-
below; March 24, 16 below; March
25, 5 below; April s1-2, excellent sl.ei-
NOTE — Anyone desiring to have
immunizations at previous clinics may attend.
ghing; April 13, 14 and 15,; excellent
skating and sleighing; April 22, 76
articles sold at this sale, kindly notify
the proprietor or auctioneer no later
Smallpox vaccinations will also be given.
degrees in the shade; April 28, heavy
fall of snow; May 9th he fall of
than April 25th, if possibl.e
snow; March 24th, two feet of snow
Herb Pfile, Proprietor.
in level.—Exeter
Alvin Walper, Auctioneer.
. earn nBusiness Practice
�"' •
�N Ontario sire wheels of industry turn for diebenefit of every single
..................................... •.
one of us. Our lathes, dynamos, drill presses, farin combines, •tractors,
business machines, etc, are hrodaciug goods and services which earn
Onr �d:>iy of ,Life ltcw:erd�i ;
dollars. These dollars provide food, clothing, medical care and, other
Trained lE>,nels
-which contribute to our security and high ng h standard of living. y �' i „•
Ontario ti�•orkers know they can earn ,•
Every'single one of us, therefore, has a very personal interest in the flow
more, have executive responsibility ;•
of a steady supply of trained workers to industrial plan:ts.'l.'Imese workers
and enjoy a higher standard of livin'9
will operate mmebines which are important to our way of life.
in direct ratio to the skill„ they ac -
We should a ;!reciate, then, •alae co -opera -trove efforts of �overmnent,
quire and the way the make use
9 ' " y Y
of them. That's ahvays
industry and labour it, sire field of einployee .ranting. sdiools and to
factories our workers, our aticl old, are given the ole ortunity to develop
y' g p
true in a free economy
new ant,, specific skills tit every field of business and industrial aetivity.
—that's whyour com
etitive system will '
For instance, every effort ori the part of office workers to become pro -
P y
fieiem.t in typing, filing, shorthand and secretarial work, evil! !racers
l ,.
continue t o an a 1: a ,•'
sttEWi continue
Canada and a t
reat.er business effrcien'e will help to ural( Ontario a finer lace i
g y— p p
y great
1$0u A great place in whicli
which to live and !tion:.
eTAlplo to live. ,
��".A. ,,.JJ Jd,.��..✓L�L \��.L VU.��
+ a ..se•a ..e.iitli�f.M.ar ..oe... .+