HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-04-20, Page 18900 . - ONTARIO, -----_D--Y _-ST. PETER'S &1don Theatre ­10MING EVENTS.- %-vang,elical Luffieran Church GRAND BEND ZURICH — ONTARIO Presents for Your. Enjoyment. the N ',REV. E. W. H91MRICH, PASTOR Following Attractions MAKE IT A DATE! 10 am.—Divine Services. Friday, Saturday April 21-22 On 11.15 a.m. —Sunday School. Lucille Ball William Holden Janis Carter James Gleason TUESDAY, MAY 2nd,, 7.30 p.m.—Divine Worship. MISS GRANT TAKES RICHMOND Dancing to the Music of �Eysrybody Welcome to &H Services. Romance and Laughter, and Rollick- Casa Royal Orchestra in.g, Heart Warnaing Comedy. 10 Pieces, featuring FIAMANLWJ.. and Harry Vonzela in "Radio Riot". At the EVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH Monday, Tuesday April 24-25 New Community Hall "BROKEN JOURNEY" IN ZURICH Zurich — Ontario Phyllis Calvert Francis L. Sullivan Admission $1.00. Dancing^ 9,30 to I Advance Tickets may be bought f REV. H. E. ROPPEL Margot Grahame 75 cents at Willert's Snack ShopoIr p The Unlucky Thirteen Aboard a. or Yungblut's Butcher 8hop. Minister Plane that Landed in the Midst of All Proceeds for Community Centre. Mrs. Milton Oesch - Organist N,dwhere Soaring in Comfort above The Alps, and the Next Minute Sponsored bly the Community Centre ;Sunday Services-, Roaring to a Chash-Landing on a Board .'10:00 a.m.—Divine Worship. Paramount Newsreel and Short Don't Miss -ILOO am.—Bible School. 41 Tropical Masquerade" 7:30 p.m.—Divine Worship. .1 FARM FORUM NIGHT.. Welcome at aH Serviem—"Con". CARD OF THAINKS MONDAY, APRIL 24th. Vood.vp Num. 10:29. Hafing sold our Coal, Feeds and At 8,30 p.m. Locker Service in I-rensall it is -with sincere regret we sever a business ol In the amost eighteen years duration. We New Community Centre - aur -many custoniers for the kind and Hall, Zurich ithis generous support -given us during time. Particularly through jjl� SONGS — READINGS — PLAYS Are You SUf&lift FAM war years when Government regu- This promises to be one of the best Programs by Hay Town - lations, ineager supplies, and the ever put on quality not always the best. ship Foruma. - Headac6sT I recommend to iytou our successor, EVERYONE WELCOME 12 ao, Have your Eyeg Examtasd with 'with Mr. Lorne E, Hay who will carryon ' the same high quality fuels that LET'S FILL THE HALL! rA we always endeavored to obtain, and Admission, Adults 40c. Children 20c -trust A. L COLE, %O.._ you -will favor him with your PUBLIC DANCE WILL FOLLOW. continued patronage. '"Thari-k-lifg; you again, Proceed,-, for Ogminunity.Centre NOTICE Yours Truly, 'Good Glasses tit RemommWe ftcap W. R. DAVIDSON of a GIRLS' SOFTB-AJL TEAM will be held in the Arena on Thcrs- person,,; interested are urged to be 4W V NOTICE litbav­cd DbTw;top- — -Private CCU- �47abulwteo All persons who played hoelkey I this past winter are requested to tUrn Member of Ontario Funeral Association in their Liniforms and any- other epuipment to Herb Turkheim or Ivan Holder Of ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFICATE YungbTut as soori as possible. —Zurich Hockey Club. Portable OXYGEN Equipment HOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT—INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES Having disposed or our CoaT, 170 --dA WE WIRE ANYWHERE and Locker Service busive.qs, all outstanding accounts 6-c -now due: 24 Hour Servke — Dashwood Tel. 70W. Those who have Locker Bo\(..,s in short term Rentals, Please bi-Irgrthem - up to Date noNv. W. R. DAVIDSON, Hensall, Ontario. T H I E L'S The Voice of Temperance I br-oke an old tradition. Instead of i�or- t ving liquor to its guests it served t u p re r i o r Stuuu fruit juices and dates. It's about tiin�l i that sorne one challenged the tyraivi'Y c that alcohol has lirposed 011 socloty. Intoxicating beverages have dein0l,"Rli- zed too many social gatherings turn- ing them into lond and loog� drink- ing sprees. It would go a 10119 way towards the solving Df tile probicin '0 T I C C of alcoholism if all social gatheril'93 in 'high places were non alcohlic. Ally WE ARE CONTINUINGOUR SALE To the Citizens of Hay Town- o: ship and Community In January, a second Canvass was For the Present- made to raise a sum of money to complete the Bay Township Memor, ial Community Centre., About one - DUE TO WEATHER CONDITIONS. MANY third of this sum was received. The Board is at present plannill­" PEOPLE HAVE BEEN UNABLE TO TAKE to have all work completed in can­ nection with the Building. A further ADVANTAGE OF OUR BARGAINS THE sum of $3,000 plus balance of Gov- ernment Grant made available on PAST MONTH. BE SURE TO COME IN completion of Building is required, We would again appeal to ffto$e canvassed, or peoplt who were not WITHIN THE NEXT MONTH. who had expressed their willinvnes4 to make a fureller donation, to �W S', GENERAL STORE. ),"'W' "' �e Bank of Montreal, Oil M.Pletion f Building, we hope to H. THIEL Zurich of the Centre, V �