HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-04-13, Page 6A t Making _. arley We Are again contracting acreage for The Canada Malting Company, Seed Supplied -- Contact Us GEO. T. MICKLE & SONS � y Phone 103, HensalI, Ont. Nights 133 r D1 ftt/trs .1+ 3 )Y4f VZ i�:> t,. ^SV ry• ` That doesn't mein we're careless. it's just that in the 'course of turning out those fine Tea -made cotton l �}' products you. know so well, we hate to buy a meat many things from all parts Of the country. We nec i packet;; c arcs and cardboard cartons, construction lumber, piper, potato and corn starches, COA. su' a- :ic ,r, id, c„u: arc sods, oars. 1131). icanes arida hundn?d and one otlivr thin;;, wliicli ive buy from fellow Canadians who grow or make them. Irl addition to this the 14,:100 nun and woaneit working in our plants, earli many millions of dollars a year in i.': es. dollars which are spent on foodstuffs from the farms of Canada, ;;rains, cattle, hogs and poultry. fish from the fisliernien oil both coasts and the Great Takes. We are alto custom, i, of our fellow-Canradi=ms just a$ they are our customer,. We're proud to hays tt part in Canada's economic life by buyinu the goods which other (::uaadi•en. ,„u;r, rn;ii:c or pracidc. CDOI'a X190fN TEUTILE COMs.,"A Y &.Q:;eITED MANUFACTUR RS OF , 3`r PRODUCTS r. f M ► GRAND BEND Veronica lieidin •er of KitcRiener, g Mr and Mrs Ed. Stelck. Mss iklary Yroe who has been in De- , called on Mr and Mrs. Louis J. Mon- went bly plane from Gode'rich at 5.9:5 droit for a few weeks holidays, has tague Tast •Sunday. u returned home. Mr. Arthur Gelinas of Alvinston, at 7.151 They report a fine trip.Wbile Mr and Mrs Roy Barto of Detroit spent the week -end with his sisters, spent, the week -end in Detroit. -were visitors with Mr and Mrs. Ray- the Misses Gelinas at the Montague Josepla and Beaver Town mord EngliJi. home. ' fir and Mrs Graham Mason of A large number enjoyed the Mid- This pat week -enol acid Easter. 34j'xeteir, visited with Mr and Mrs. nite frolic ponsored by the H. N. tro}t- 1C'rlea Desjardine. men of St. Peter's Parish Hall, and many ,vert• thus visitor:. F3.oni A considerable number -of villagers Mr and Mrs. Taylor of London, Clinton were Stuida•v visitors evith dare laid up with flu. ZI&O :Miss Overholt spent the week - able that it was EnAer Sunday that few good runs of suckers ave end with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ov- „, ” Ynao- their appearance up the river, erholt of the B. W. Highway, north. took part in both spiritual and temp- D R Y S D A 7L, is STANLEY TOWNSHIP r Mr and Nfrs Earl Dietrfen and ecblldren Eleene and Leo, -of Dash- Mrs' Ella Kaiser Moose Jaw., i< "Wood, called on their aunts, the 1491 es Gelinas, Sa.ilc., is visiting withh lice relatives, Miss Mary Swan and Mrs. C. H. Hain t afterwards spending' 'Easter Sunday with the latter's of F3rITcefielld after having spent the naents. Today the same custom exists, pat••• "Ont -R. I'VIr and Mrs. Jos. Gelinas of the winter in California and Arizona. Easter holidays with relatives in Miss Shirley Denomme who. has Uen in Zurich for Dr. C. H. Haugh, of Toronto, was different shades and different colors soma tin:e, spent Sunday with her parents, ilatr, ane, a recent visitor with the Hauch fain - ily of Brucef(eld. spent the week -end with her parents Vrs. R. Denomme, afro Mr and Mr • ',afr,rmbotse of Arnherst,burg The euchre and dance .,lponsorcd . others preferred the, beauty -flop ,pont elle holiday with their parr tits, VCr by kippen Ea,t W. I. Friday eve. last was • �tnd Mrs. Denoinme. well attended. These were 25 tablee for euchre. Hurdoch';s naked eye, but the make -tip was not iii. -s hose Aubin of T3rrltcficricl ,- I l orches- t''a furni.lhed the music :for dancir, a few days -with Reis cousin Joyce V er p esent ,pending a few days with tel f tAr .�lll'�. I.• J. �lantai'UP, "11(1. wars I alized. '' could see ' gals of all ages dressed o ( S01,17 to report that llr. Lo11C: Dul AIr and lei`s l3ei't Taber ant salol llrs W. J, Aikenhead of Kili- e(1 a position in Klumpp's Planing t nd hn.� been eolifin„d to hi, holnc leen 61 were refcently in London, way some of their years.. And also one rim(•, Idr. Jas, T. Jarrott and son, of NI. and 1fr,;. Franklin Cnrriveau, "our York spent the Baiter holiday+ had to make a more sudden escort to and c-wo sons, Joseph Charles and with his mother, llrs. Catherine Jtrr- on ? pelit..t fmv dart.•,; in Wfild-or 1•!att, Kippen. make a quick move. And we believe X, ;,and Orvil Aubin, 'Went gy Plane i �Nfrs also lrl' 1'Tr and Mrs Alex Mearer go, of rnlr, fct Bandon and friend Mia,,lmp'11rin.have returned after a trierr:o London for a few weeks has re - this community. So here goes the turned home. , .Mr and Mrs' Lorne Klei.nstiver Sault; Sit 111arje to visit Mrs, ReGreg- Easter week -end with Ili$ parents, air', mother, Mrs. J, Edwards who is Mr and Mrs Ed. Stelck. son3e better after an operation, They Mr and Mrs Wes Wolfe and Mr, went bly plane from Gode'rich at 5.9:5 and �Mrs.:Sttrart Wolfe spent Easter- a.in„ landing at 9.15 ana returned, week -end with their son Mr and Mrs. leaving at 4,15, landing at Godevich Murray Wolfe in Toronto, at 7.151 They report a fine trip.Wbile Mr a.nd Mrs Garnet: Wildfong there they, also called on other frl-- spent, the week -end in Detroit. ends. DI.r and Mrs. Milton Webb :.pi=nt Josepla and Beaver Town the holidays with her sister, Mr. andVit. Mrs. Jack Huffman at fort Colborne, The Easter Season lir .and ribs Maurice Klumpp and This pat week -enol acid Easter. fancily Spent Easter holidays in De - Sunday way a day long awaited for, tro}t- For those who are awaay, from lion -IQ Mr atter 1ti:s Harry Cook of 'W11ii- and many ,vert• thus visitor:. F3.oni `or and Mr and Mrs X. Streeo of all part: to visit their parents, reint- Clinton were Stuida•v visitors evith ivrs ,incl loved saes,, .it was notice- their parents lir and Mrs, D. Tiernan, able that it was EnAer Sunday that ler and Mrs Albert (ro(rtz of Ditch - had dawned again, and on that clay ener were holiday visitors with Mr' all nations who worship chriAlanity, and 3;Irs, R. Goetz. took part in both spiritual and temp- Mr Sana. Witzel of Toronto spent oral i'CYstivities• People centuries the week -end with his mother, Mrs. � gone by made inF rry on this cocoas- Witzel, ion. They saved their earnings tbro- Mr and INTrs Ken McCrae spent ughout the year, so that tligy—could Good friday with relatives in Mea - robe tlieniselve , with some new gar- ford. naents. Today the same custom exists, Mr and Mrs Cliff. Salmon spent it was visible, to all the I,sast Easter, Easter holidays with relatives in fair ones dolled tip in different gowns Chicago. different shades and different colors Miss Bernice Tyler of London also their hair -dos different. ,Some spent the week -end with her parents had bangs, some with rolls, while Mrs. Otto Restemeyer who has others preferred the, beauty -flop been on the sick list was taken to, St. curls, $ome wore top shantys, to cov- Joseph"s Hospital, London on 77ues- er their locks, Almo. t invisible to the day night. naked eye, but the make -tip was not ' Master Ronnie i4lerner is spending only for those in their early teens. a few days -with Reis cousin Joyce V er On this .glorious Easter rdlorn you icer in Kitchener this week. could see ' gals of all ages dressed o ( Mr. August •Scheflbuck has -accept.. La Mode in .St1y1e. But they had t:) e(1 a position in Klumpp's Planing use a .bit more make-up to Rude a- Veil1. way some of their years.. And also lir and Mrs Ward Kraft visited had to make a more sudden escort to with .Mr and Mrs E. Koehler over make a quick move. And we believe the week -end. all in all, it was to attract those old Mrs. Tillie Kraft who has been in 'bachelors that are on the drag in London for a few weeks has re - this community. So here goes the turned home. best of Iuck to theml .Mr and Mrs' Lorne Klei.nstiver motored to Chicago and spent Easter D A S H W O O D holidays. Rev. and Mrs. H. Getz and family Mr and Mrs Mervyn Stelck and are spending a week with relatives in daughter Patsy, ,orf Bradford spent Pembroke. ^ O 71hursd4y, A49ril 13th, Ino,. "THE NORTHERNAIRES" Starring on "The Northernaires" over CKN.X every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY MORNING at 10:15, are, in the usual order, Stan Wilson on: the electric guitar, Al Harvey,• famous radio comedian, Lloyd ;Edwards at the Northern Hammond., Cy Mack, well- known announcer, and Dixie Deane on the accordian.. Mr and Mrs Gordon 'Cletuas and amily of London were Easter visit- rs with Mr and Hrs T. H. Hoffanan. Mr and Mrs Louis Wolfe of Clifr- rd spent Easter holidays with their aughter, Mr and Mrs Carl OestreC- her. Mr and Mrs C. Kiniple of Ifitchen- r -,pent Easter holidays with her io-ther, Mrs. Mary Becker and Mr. nd Mrs. Amil Becker. Miss Shirley Smith of Toronto' tient the holidays at her home here, Mrs. Robt. McCrae of Meaford, spent a few days with her daughter Mrs. Currie who i'sconfined to her home through illness. Miss Madaline Corriveau of Lon.., don spent a few days at. her home Isere. ,Mr and Mrs. Graham Arthur of Exeter were Sunday visitors with Mr., and Mrs. Thos. Hoperoft. Mr and Mrs. Malcolm Doherty of; Exeter were S'und'ay visitors with NIP' and Mrs. Ken Cc-Csae. ,W en '"U ash f0jr�the10an at of M Vou- elo ul ask a FA Vo UR* E' M 4 ► YHEN the housewife cal x � grocery store S at and I the his credit supply of provisions orders as the a his groceries. grocer is to sell asking a favour , ' she u not And goods for she is bu grocer, the like the j Which she ging wants banker naturally to know ori deliver. Fill pay to that he Of bu • Y • .. purely a is matter be. paid for going sines-, that his Ioans his goods t � will So with your bank. it they fall due. be liter when business proposition is a good business. That Y ,too, is onI Inuch as the grocer Just as W Y store. hen 3'ou have ;r The grocer deals in ask for occasion to ' the banker groceries a loan, look And deals in credit waJ=, Conte to the at it this } - One as the making of los feeling that Bank, not of the princi al ns is favour, but to you have to ase: a .which his p ways b offer t • bank derives Y a sound he nianager -revenue, he is as- its which business propositi • anxious to sell vc'ilI be of x p n y You acrd to his !of Pr o both to -BANX OF A4o lvorkrrrR railb c ..d nnsrra evoty,.1Urylk d li t f% -lace 1817 Ji MYRAW i rnvnoi,I,vs \Ve published this message first for themselves, by the exp erience of in 1925. borrowing at the .Bank of Montreal the k. It was a fair statement then . , it is a full meaning of this message , , , that if fair statement now , , , and we believe yotir biro fiosrtlon is sound, there's money it bears repeating. for yore di the B of M. Hundreds of thousands of Canadians Yes, when you ask for a loan at the in all walks of life have since proved .B of .M, you do not ask a favour, 5I . F.