HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-04-06, Page 6P . .. .. ............. .. .. .. n A I n V F 11T I S I N G Tut FARM F NURSEIM -STOVU FOR SALE D.4aiv 001CAS, o6Q=sell. Ile Davideon. Now and NURSERY STOCK p RIONKTON UN)CH19--c' t MOTO" I LEII 'T`exj!hnrgod, Large stick Six fruit trees 8-0', '2 upPleO haat. Uon't used ,)sw old, z pears, 'cycles -Jely list � 10ree our 00111 - Brooding Quality, one, of the and cata- t guamutelid used motol Itepalre by Plums, $5; any yai ed guess, be cortain, Wi to' 13100M -ated catalogue oil IvUlt and Or- logoo. monkton Poultry Farina, 0xvila factory ton, Oat, trahlo$,I� rueculanleg. Bicycles. and 00112 pleto jiluBtl 4Z Plote line at wFleel Goods. open evenings until .--- t LI stock. Sena today for the bl�rf. passed c d --g-C-1-lummfP, CRICICS except VV,d111esaay Strand Cycle & "Orls. Niagara Nurseries, St. Oatbarhim Ontario. J ust about a year ago 3OVERINMPNT aPPI`Oyed, TOP Quality- Free nine c. Is a, On,""" tilts colulnu at sanfnrl, 0 CHUMP GLADIOLI BULBS along to reader-., 6f �ataloguf, and Price list explain details. and used, 7i iner's Quality Ylat'llery. LIRIVOOd, Ont,. GUNS—Large assei,tinent new IN AlIXTIM11) M75 Pi�r 100, In separate I —Large flews (if d repairs dollars, Good Bought, sold, sixclla��lred, Guarantee 6 per 100. Iviallp,l c.o.D, Money N W -blek dalla the linitter of feeding skila or g Willi T&WIle. RUnt' eop your c colors 4).1.2 brve(lillic, goo,1 feeding and good Inann90- Scopes, Bights installed.",1,11a back '" potiiiatlaripa, villy Ducher, c*/O Mr. Spe. jai Team 111ilk to voting itomato neat all affect Profits, but Of tile three, ng 0101PI11011t, Spurting Gooda. 1. Mayer, Dennis 110, "It. powdered breeding is by fill' OIA 1110,11 ceononiloal to 17r1inis. Open until Ulli� except Wednesday. BHAJI,,rJFVL DAULIA8­01011 liobt- plants. I'll $0 (101119 1 unintentionally 1%ider itulay's (-auditions the 11.0,1'. Strand Cycle. chicks means more tlifin. Paid eash With ortlev. A gricud assOrtinellt laid m3lself open to .;,)me of tile- label on your I,g Notors, Can I Oxtra largo tubers. ever before. Many of our pure breeds are NEW JOHNSON OutbrU r of Rolland grown dablium, L a 5 different varieties. 6 different colors. '"roll 'needling' I have ever ex sired. Prompt delivery, day old, Vanoo Co.. Pelorbaro Boa finest tV11 . .. ...... well worth twice the Price - _r, t r 2 weel< to 0 weelcm, older Pullets, ors, bought, Bold. exchanged. Large stock derful selection. --and I that, till Len motors, Repalro by 'Ile 1-1olland nib 1 Nursery Company. Queen turkey Free catalogue, perienced "light I. in my tinie, I have beel, needled by Rey pOlIRK. Irilted. open until nInt IM S Van pilliz, hfiwaynnk,.o. port t1rodit, OntL,_ Twedille 0111"k llat011"I'li?s 14 Sli,,IIVB now fop Spring Delivery—Ch 11606 Flergus, Ontario. cycle, Hamilton RE 4�_ if R- i P_v p e r t TCT 0 1 —to ir—sit, a N�y will grow 1! feet first year Ti7il;ilfl l3r. s(.,),0if pelts are not Tractors Win Hedco for 20 feet (12 to 20 inches filled with loving pullets Ills suninier and PARTS for all pardsoll kind lrord Plants sufliolent re, right. high $4,fie The Iviliole trouble was—Well, YOU ligrs Lind rioulim- lileat are bound to 1017-1060, Past Service, 11"IVO R r all busby) $2 93—neeallngs L2 Inches fall, We can supply tiarts and or - 100 (plant 0 inches apart)—Glant IllxbIbl- anal number of per know the old Scots saying about be high Ili price. BUY YOUP u floy, I')dV15 TjIp)ItVd. 23 Cork tion peonies Ili colors r,14, white or pink. 8 and ricer now, Prompt delivery on Ford Products. chicks . St., Guelph, Ont. —Apple trees 3 feet 111911 In Varieties coy old, mtnrtod, older pullet SY shoemaker us, 3 for $1,98—Plum V for $1.89 the children of the busy Also Norley DR'� UMS , Mclotniiii. Spy, Dellelf, always And I bad penile. Broad 13MIRSU'll Manse, Whitt, 'I"- BAGS, BARREfd ank and running barefoot. lands. BoliRvIlle While, nota -sexed, sexed bens notion flour tyces 3 feet high in varieties Burb ;ed wine. free ("Italuittle. Bleached sugar and Maur bags, Loniballd. 4 for $2.08 vree Colour Garden 23c One)'; 0 COTTON sugar ))ago been �;o busy preaching tile Possi- t.e. bags, 21e. Gueli'll, Ontario. 270 oneh. I)IIIP(y valul 1110111$6,1,1 1), -Guide with Ovory Order. B"0014'rile—KIP99- Top Notoll 01110C Sales, bilities of milk -fed tomatoes to N -jes. Bowmanville, onttrlo Z iii,se, Itru lir. IM each. 46 gallons, Open drum. $U.40 each. Way neglected to do and money III. r others that I clean 111',117ket ii June is 'thfg 111.0 tion Varieties Swede Auto—To be Oace(l 01, the kN _UFFER to e y Inventai—(.fat t Inven, 0,13. 'Montreal. C-0-3). PEONMIA. Choice RxIIII)l rpBol Reg'(], Dent. A, 940 Xalpa 'd from Rolland. ouo ench. Brilliant anything about my own. ar. The vehicl Is clesigne tions and full Invormation Beni The accepLed. Jos. ru e 371 r pe Red, j)ep pillic, while, Itoap. Special offer, 3ic ilc IN low-shing, low-pricett Swedish niotor c ,ensay Co..I .. 979 VIller", Uoiltreal 10. ,Registel-ed Patent All a I t Q I !'I (T�7.14 A 1. 1; 4 large routs Of tilese oarden Champions for liesome dc- Claes Allande'r, left, tries out the runabolit' wilh a friend in Ball -Street. Ottawa volt But why go into &rr NEW Holland Baler. Tightly Boiled, $2.50 Postpaid, orwli with Orde ' r. 1101- 1000 land, Bulb end Nursery Company, Queen tails. Last Sunniter, in my part of Stockholm. The car will sell for about $386. 1 Ell 0 1) M ENING $1,860.00: 1—New Holland Balor, Balekl are A, It, Tractor lglizabotli way, Port Cro-lit. 'P.O... Ont- r1_AV10YoiJ__&�jt_hinr needs dyeing or clean- Balea $1.500-00; I—JOhn Or our fail- province, it wa,;n't very Ing? Write Tp us to, larormatinn. We are like new_$1,000.00. R, Lou Black, Alf"MOY PATENTS favorable to stuff such as tomatoes. g12d toanswer Your Questions Department Harris - Dealer, Essex, Ont. ftP, firker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Verge CATALOG of Mon rE13.JERST0NHAVGI1 & Xompany Patent And it seemed that the neighbors street. Toronto, oniarlo treat area, ready for doilvory, Town &I S"Ilcitors roptolillshed I890 260 A" Street, formed a habit of le,,ning over the Montreal, rorrinto HnnklAt III Inform n I. Imi'mi' reauslift COUatIV Realtles. Nvestilloullt, fence and peering much too in- is EltIP1,11 yii, ripi., iii-al,1111111D —Fa—tentAttornei. IT— _T1_ — __ Quebec.. AW, TI -Sc., le 7r�l I� .d rella Tlirrilsrauts HORNET SAWS—SALE Patents of Invent[On, (36 Sluieks..:�­ —Otlawal. featly toward my straggly and to L. Van- avallablei oi-tving" soon. Write Oat.: phone AJODEL D.J., I -MAH., $219, f -0-b- Guelph, denburg, Box 92. Brockville, 'it( -_ --j;_ — — starved -looking vines, As they pped with 1.61', 20' or 24" %tt -.hmLtits. SALESMEN WANTED 6N -4 A9TEBr 2664 (after 6 lack), equil NLIV AND (,,L;ARANTZ10D. SALESMEN AND QfALESIV W turned away I could almost hear Sales tax extra. n d V a tbroughour. Ontario for the, sale, 7 felt SALE D_j. i$mIth Sales Co. Lttl,, 647.Woollyiell St., I iatri t of them saying to theinselV-e "Milk- by a simple and convincing demonstration, viffage of Lyrijen, 15 Guelph. Ont. amlito - Excellent _-2ii _03AVETTI-Ifirt Power tramor aWrubl;er. a money -saving household article needed In fed tomatoes--PH00061iry.. n, 40 intleg Toronto acreage T8 Its Ilew, Gordon M. all homes. Apply In' letter to Dept. A., Alcit onalles ng. ikinali Mechanically, any, . CryBtal Bea,*If, Ontario. I veg�table growl y good Sales comp I 1C '-,ra and strakvberrles�, bank barn 42 x Thornton, Bvmml)tOV,, 011T- r -R- I. V- -7 IV ries garages, verillig 6 Sy FA—SCADP, WHEAT-=.��e w b[gh—i7liFd4�9—soft 4V A Nrm)" But things have a way of a' BITC 2, �Alcl;en house, Implement dbod� 3 garn UL�ru a piece bath- bushel 7 real', frame house. spring wheat. Certified No. 1, $3 00—Weasel, themselves tip. As a pal of mine ritom, Hydro, Plenty of water. 2 minutes to Hal-l.y stating, Henrall, Out. $111P Lis . furs. Minks UP to $4ii used to say, ,You'll go along for high School, railway, $4.60-111uskrats, 44.60 Muskrats with ohurch, public and Boo anuset)—Secrets' with $5.,,000 down Day- OTOR minks weekly on tee with (G just as bad That very en,11iieilt -guardian of hves of the Ji;ving tllc�d thd graves bus. Price '$10,600 w Lynden, Out. SPRAYERS for orvhard (engino'lina tractor free., Trappers Assriclati011 Baleville Yam. a spell thinking life is -arry WIL11t. Apply 11 Wald, --would like .6­pa� driven), Nov crops, (traction), weed. ata-Que. . T;I. 17NII. I c —e' Infer stile spraying, and then, all of the ling, whitewashing. c, as it call possibly be; hockey t%N'il)e, Mr. Wil!iiam of the dead, we BAT gar- fit 'WANTED a sudden, it Will take a Cha -Age Durna the Mbritreal Canadiens,: hirn' our mjed� oi-Arititilket Just how $11,000, _ 145 acres, 10 ellp e '11ting; farm wagons, Shallow Well titention o r"� I' to g -g . o doing is •ra-ther. xln land. 7JOIX36' steel barn, brick house. f 1,TlrA" (Fog Applicator); *CHINCHILLA has n' Of ce " ' " - t I e- best with hydIrb, modernlcoiiverilences, spring creek, rr asure 83,steins; —and get worse." Anyway, within nnoun d his i 0 about. d Portable Irrigation Systems with aluminum HIGHEST CASH PRICES UP TO 4 YEARS -,f --* '040, 'b'Pt 11 try, 1 milez from village on pave cDowell CqUP- the last couple of weeks I've run tire at the .end bf the present sea- difficult to I RA I Buckner Sprinklers, V, .W.1 ioad�- sbopld be seen to be appreciated. Wil- Pipe, Free catalogue-, , IN"rite today. sora- P.O. BOX 144�, HATA1LT9-N,,,9,NT-. across three people who tried out soa-that is;%-,4_i.Tot1�ey seasons ever III 1*. -0'* , -, .. ., 'a'"or by,. R.rt.' N6. 1. WoOlelanaeYork qt., London, Ontario. SMALL hospital Ili. attrtLed'Ai, mbrtheft -. motor Ltd., 1000 the milk feeding—and are most come to an end, which we some- Well, -it d f d r-. _111ANTIM APPLE TREES, )'Onl-9. 11111133, Cheiirles. rte town requires 'R�glsfqred Nurses 'for 0, - aches, Bush Fruits. strawberries, ' Shrubs, ta, - I Duty. Salary $140 per month plus about it. times qVely doubt. if lloWed ' hVc!k0' Genera Ile will.. 6' body W110A hasV or CAJ>ARLE pErLqol; for small i�io�ern ante. Po crith usiastic Ropep,.I,orennials. .Lowest prJees In years. maintenance. Excellent living -conditions .. .... bl�lt. *for hiii !I) CIO all-nost since the days 61, Whitmore Ave.. TorouLa. catalogue free. -Norfolk NurBerY, Simc0e, Cull mata of Nursd�*. !�ndjj, to., wk,'� fairly cl Api,ly: superintendent I I 1� .11 - leily hope that lJA1r&' f --W So here it corries again, just as sake, 'we -when. LIsier Paffik]16i �ind,l his. Ontario. Hospital, Cochrane, Ont. published last March or Wilijain will stick firmly to his. brother, 71rLi-`K, in,,vented,,iit�­fd a2mit',I MANOR it was !—a 2�6-. Klo dike -.1y.ory Beautiful. Accurate, Fascinating. April. I haven't had,word of allyl. rescillhitioxv.".". 'It e. -C that therl :%r;o playess-to&Y Write for free prospPOLUS (0: �w,,Nxvr-ACTURIGRA HERCHANDIS]ING even beglni't 'AUA o,tot3;pEtreii)k6th soma trying the treatment on onions is be- "06 body tryi (CAN LIMITED, urnan makes no bones about his Pf our heo� ivor 7 Stanley Street, montreal as yet, �V'tftg turlv6d into jeNvelry at Dawson, reasoll.,.for, quittiug, f�a.,11dF,,stat •y CHOICE WALIMR, fox hound anips, ��Wr have' heard of'A'ch"' ihat'%��'Nvciuld prefei 'to endjii§� IV "Yukon -Territory, by two craftsmen• anteed hunters, males sis.00, . females W I . — Most of us ha' e'fil marbles 11 ell i twA colvIes-4ionifiler� utdocb and ],)ick.,Dimeiit. $10.00.. Cecil Grainger, (lorrie, Ontario. things as celery-fed4- ducks' and;! ifi, Ir d�61F'wIf f, ' it 's In 11 la;�I&�I610e6aesi,` - - -� SHEPHEIRD COLLIE—Si—PU-119• — ­­aIsO jh_0io intact. ung over I W comes from the worked- Fekin Duck eggs. Rose comb Black and a bygone day, corn -fed blondes; c ,'df., -'iuch asi Golden Sebriubt Bantan, stock and eggs. but 1. must confessr-:Ithat milk -fed -fed `t�e` play ifowaday§' ViZl the kind"diggings" of "the Klondike McMaster, Greenfield y Apps, T. dnr' Ken4W I N over, Choice stock. John J. I . I .. E -thing new.—ia:t -J!, Pgq*c1*I e ji -1 ?4� 1 . gold,,rush. of Box 60, Ontario. tomatoes are something 11 War costo M." f8q8_wb&e $.300,000,- rs elititely J, I to receive, his is a rather.nd dupt was found. NIED10,A1. Least to me. However, that's what d the. of.,*jjc.9i " -b el p n g i a g harder task. than rno�ny :onfbdk#rs- oric- they're saying —,, feeding milk to our gei3erit' -,0AJodern dredges are now w DON'T Every Offerer of jo�.J. past.Q try even begin to suspect, -mrtf �, ., iii rheumatic phins or Neuritis should t young tomato plants is not only youngster it 1h and.. Okktkis 'around again, recovering . .11 . 1. 11 1 . , . caped tlij hVirrieA. min- Dixon's Remedy. profitable as P .&AJJ70,, possible, but highly well. Goal- tend i ii -g, - undeg 1).pmnt co— 'C'yclone W�$mgqf.50 years' a ago. And the dredg- MUNRO'S DRUG STORE �!,�on�, 'uryi, rryig'!' e historic 335 Elgin Ottawa al',�r Dutch Ig'- 1I)o j&i1ri;q.uPn4y unqover 131 - is 's d"redged re- A1.25 Express Prep aid. Fr - ik -�vbl.-! btAineig as thefoftl lady; --ffi "'The• stars of 't q;pi According- to ''Prof. an ry galli . - dredged Last POST'S ECZEMA SALV E Harrington, who is head, of horti- 11—c t FIQ�A. iiii gravel Ped ic ce yqel( : "to, be rescue from a bu s S' .12 Bantidi the torment of dry eczema rasbet culturg research at Montana State after her re "Aw., we tell hill I Z .14 q and weeiiins skin torment, Post's Eczema building. Your own players tend- on a' 14 h&lt.es across at the College fee �thougll solve -will not disappoint YOD ache ring• e the mill, ding will . not .4$ 1 1 ,.to back iii on you. and blocs. Yeur.�- .4se. tchiric, scalins, buin na eezerna, only make the tomato plants.gvow.,. pimples and atblete's feet. Will rokpand 1 1. . ' " '.h INfurdoch "- stainless. odorless ointment, Stop wort in about beiiiii'los't'! earlier; thii vines ew s6 that you never 'have: a q wont these, Messrs. readily' to this -V�� Al They'll mature half: fate' that" But the, truth 'is mighty- an t-cati Apake*jtundreds of regardless nf linw stubborm ')T. boveleso they .1 we've g6t to do is find a tree, glimpse ov0,, sooner or, later, and Dimen Will be sturdier; th8 root sYs*tems hurled yquir. way..-uli.til. they. bolund to lyre s souvenirs for 906 to the tourist seem. pR1(,,E $1.00 PER 3 1 AS With moss—and that'll show 50176 bigger at transplanting time; And if the aforesaid junior were north!" hit you or land in behind you. Op - and at harvest -time the tomatoes to. come ul will be big, solidIY7fleshed, with posing forwards play "inside home" you Ito' estly ever see a better POST'S REMEDIES on you.. Ili .• a manner that woulidli't -"Did 839 Queen St E.. Corner of Local) -I Durnan we �r,49ht oronlL few seeds. have' bden. tolerated in the-pall�i4ist g6altender.tha). learn n L -,D HEADC#LD ave VnR A lean; li'aw for ia e FOR SINUS, HAY is NEW, t ... e'd' be' 3 NAMELESS Cold Remedy, a days of fl�ld­]lacrosse. o'ne As for thei yield tered and brui tl�e end w —that from the bumped, bat sed as . those Nino have never used it, (4onvincinir dow.' and say that ive*iId\1er had. trial, $1.00. Aadrezo PurltY Products. Exeter, -fed plants will be about double. e milk - well as�, be -devilled by the type of A farmer's barn was burned and In fact the milk appears to i6i veryAbe agent forcorn- Ont the insurance co loud -month' that loves to., cdngredPE much the same as some of''the new gate in back of the nets. In fact, In our time, wq• have looked at patty duly turlied .up and told him. ryUF growth -stimulating hormones. we it's a ~yonder that, after. a few sea- . 'alid adrriire4 a lot Of high-class that, his firm would build another C. C. 8, B. TONIC, TAI)LETS 'Georgbs for low vitality and general debility. top ah hear so much about, sp;is.. of 'modern big�iime hockey, minding. Names' like barn. exactly like the destroyed one At druggists. one Dollar. 4oy of paying *the claim in ift6st of the goalies aren't walking Vezina, Chuck - Gardiner, I instead _4 _CAIorCIVS Set r-llei- around like punch -goofy fighters, Worters, . George H.aiuswfl Nth, each. Druggists sell Cress Bullion salve, too, for In charge of the Montana expert- amazing relief. 10� ments was I)x. Leon Johnson. He talking to themselves. Lorne Chabot, Harry Holmes, and urious. "If that's come to mind The farmer was f Wrlij�NITIES Volt MEN AND IVO -11 half a dozen others the way your company does busi- OKPO dissolved powdered milk in water mixture and So, although his absene.6, will there irsl-a I 'G SCHOOL till it formed.a soupy tol!key fanning ness," he roared "you can just BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADIN i:. poured about -one-third of an, ounce leave an aching void—especially in bee. cancel the insurance oh my wife! arent opportunity LenrD Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession. around each 'new plant the first the region of the Montreal nets &(led wages ..X::,: week it was up. Then he increased "W'entirily applaud *tffl burnan's But while mie 'shay. Have- sedn thousands successful Nlarvel graduates resolve to get out when the 4etiffig more brilliant single -gime ex1libi- Ameron's greatest system, Illustrated cats the amount one third of an ounce logos free. Write or Call weeks. He also is good. And because—as the p6ei i1*01IS than ever saw WARVEL HAIRDRMSSTNG each week for five 't's better to decorate Durnan put on; wheal we Pictuke SCHOOLS the used buttermilk and skim milk in 350 Bloor St IV Ilurunto Bill over the whole span of Branches, 44 King St Hamilton the same manner. & 72 Rid his National Hockey' League ca- eau street. Ottawa, 1616 fertilizes 100 young. plants in. pots, r6er, we are afraid we'll have" to • HAVE CAPITAL to assist Ili marketing your idea Or Invention. All Information kept in As for the actual results—plants 0.0, %Aot4 q and will take care of even more if admit that if he wasn't the best that Send particulars that hadn't been given extra plant "" "' X .. . ito strictest confidence. , ::, , 5, 0 "I"' :::'' :� *! 3 grown in flats. Johnson believes ever stood between 'a pai Fortier, 1006 Pierre Ave— Apt, 3, NI-lildsor: r 'Of' food of any sort produced at the Ontario. that milk -feeding .toinatoes - will hockey uprights, he'll do to. tie' to per acre; those recei-Ving'�kim milk 'WRITWI"Al Author of more than hit, rate of 6,829 pounds of. tomatoes If ontctfcal for both home gar until , the 'top man - comes along, lished stories now 0 fforg permonal ails ance deners and commercial growers. Maybe that'admission is a sure sign to beginners. write for particulars. C. V. ISSUE 14 1950 alone yielded at the rate of -.9,814 that age is softening us up, but here Tench, 11.0. Box 580, yancOuvOr, B -C - pounds; while plants receiving both skim milk and ammoniated phos- And after the •milk had made it is: phate averaged 12,374 pounds. such a startling showing on toma- III toes, Johnson tried it on young Bill Durnan was tile outstanding One pound of powdered milk onions—and with, similar results! perfo�jner in a highly difficult and nerve- . wracking profession, and we wish him all the best now that he's 911 size for lambs decided he has had enough. 13" 5!ze*for rams and calves $18.00 By ftiold 'Arnett 19' size, for bulls and horses $18.00 HO�Ar a . ise Be DELIVERY PAID 77 Fconadian Co-opgrative wool Growers Scottish ' couple ware 1,1mitefl, Dept. w.w.. om Billy street, Toronto, -Oat. Ill w;IlifliIii, listening io a broadcast. gervicii, the Till. i,;:1, LADDER husband sitting back smoking his rieftse Send me pair(s) of If. ill followlMI; I Ill! Ili jl1Tl11i:i pipe, his wife in deep 'contempla- BURDIZZ0, 11INCERM In tile PAD size or.-.Izes, ton. Half an hour �-passed in sil- ence. Then, iuddenly, the old man Of .......... -a... A SECTION money UN laughed. for �-,vllicll J enclose t0".......•....'elleflue, or WITH illili!ji!�! 1! MM 2 TUBE "Sandy," exclaimed his wife,orae., for $.................... ............ iiiiiiiii SAMUST OR ",by this qerriment oil the Sah- "Ah," said'Sandy, "the pars—s 11 "SHAVINGS MAKES bath?"caan ...... Sweet as its name! R PAD announced the collection and ADDIMSS ..... ....................................... FOR CARRYING just LADDER. PAD here I am safe at home," - FILE HANDLE HOOK POINT ON YANG HOLDS HANDLE OF FILE. 0 -RIND TAN& To SHARP POINTP HEAT AND BEND TO FORM POINT, IS N 11xv.-w INSIDE OFMIL.1. - 'OUFORD jusT reTTiW Some WATEst WHAT ARE YOU97APIA7TCE9 1�71 'DOING, SOUFORD. I n A I n V F 11T I S I N G Tut FARM F NURSEIM -STOVU FOR SALE D.4aiv 001CAS, o6Q=sell. Ile Davideon. Now and NURSERY STOCK p RIONKTON UN)CH19--c' t MOTO" I LEII 'T`exj!hnrgod, Large stick Six fruit trees 8-0', '2 upPleO haat. Uon't used ,)sw old, z pears, 'cycles -Jely list � 10ree our 00111 - Brooding Quality, one, of the and cata- t guamutelid used motol Itepalre by Plums, $5; any yai ed guess, be cortain, Wi to' 13100M -ated catalogue oil IvUlt and Or- logoo. monkton Poultry Farina, 0xvila factory ton, Oat, trahlo$,I� rueculanleg. Bicycles. and 00112 pleto jiluBtl 4Z Plote line at wFleel Goods. open evenings until .--- t LI stock. Sena today for the bl�rf. passed c d --g-C-1-lummfP, CRICICS except VV,d111esaay Strand Cycle & "Orls. Niagara Nurseries, St. Oatbarhim Ontario. J ust about a year ago 3OVERINMPNT aPPI`Oyed, TOP Quality- Free nine c. Is a, On,""" tilts colulnu at sanfnrl, 0 CHUMP GLADIOLI BULBS along to reader-., 6f �ataloguf, and Price list explain details. and used, 7i iner's Quality Ylat'llery. LIRIVOOd, Ont,. GUNS—Large assei,tinent new IN AlIXTIM11) M75 Pi�r 100, In separate I —Large flews (if d repairs dollars, Good Bought, sold, sixclla��lred, Guarantee 6 per 100. Iviallp,l c.o.D, Money N W -blek dalla the linitter of feeding skila or g Willi T&WIle. RUnt' eop your c colors 4).1.2 brve(lillic, goo,1 feeding and good Inann90- Scopes, Bights installed.",1,11a back '" potiiiatlaripa, villy Ducher, c*/O Mr. Spe. jai Team 111ilk to voting itomato neat all affect Profits, but Of tile three, ng 0101PI11011t, Spurting Gooda. 1. Mayer, Dennis 110, "It. powdered breeding is by fill' OIA 1110,11 ceononiloal to 17r1inis. Open until Ulli� except Wednesday. BHAJI,,rJFVL DAULIA8­01011 liobt- plants. I'll $0 (101119 1 unintentionally 1%ider itulay's (-auditions the 11.0,1'. Strand Cycle. chicks means more tlifin. Paid eash With ortlev. A gricud assOrtinellt laid m3lself open to .;,)me of tile- label on your I,g Notors, Can I Oxtra largo tubers. ever before. Many of our pure breeds are NEW JOHNSON OutbrU r of Rolland grown dablium, L a 5 different varieties. 6 different colors. '"roll 'needling' I have ever ex sired. Prompt delivery, day old, Vanoo Co.. Pelorbaro Boa finest tV11 . .. ...... well worth twice the Price - _r, t r 2 weel< to 0 weelcm, older Pullets, ors, bought, Bold. exchanged. Large stock derful selection. --and I that, till Len motors, Repalro by 'Ile 1-1olland nib 1 Nursery Company. Queen turkey Free catalogue, perienced "light I. in my tinie, I have beel, needled by Rey pOlIRK. Irilted. open until nInt IM S Van pilliz, hfiwaynnk,.o. port t1rodit, OntL,_ Twedille 0111"k llat011"I'li?s 14 Sli,,IIVB now fop Spring Delivery—Ch 11606 Flergus, Ontario. cycle, Hamilton RE 4�_ if R- i P_v p e r t TCT 0 1 —to ir—sit, a N�y will grow 1! feet first year Ti7il;ilfl l3r. s(.,),0if pelts are not Tractors Win Hedco for 20 feet (12 to 20 inches filled with loving pullets Ills suninier and PARTS for all pardsoll kind lrord Plants sufliolent re, right. high $4,fie The Iviliole trouble was—Well, YOU ligrs Lind rioulim- lileat are bound to 1017-1060, Past Service, 11"IVO R r all busby) $2 93—neeallngs L2 Inches fall, We can supply tiarts and or - 100 (plant 0 inches apart)—Glant IllxbIbl- anal number of per know the old Scots saying about be high Ili price. BUY YOUP u floy, I')dV15 TjIp)ItVd. 23 Cork tion peonies Ili colors r,14, white or pink. 8 and ricer now, Prompt delivery on Ford Products. chicks . St., Guelph, Ont. —Apple trees 3 feet 111911 In Varieties coy old, mtnrtod, older pullet SY shoemaker us, 3 for $1,98—Plum V for $1.89 the children of the busy Also Norley DR'� UMS , Mclotniiii. Spy, Dellelf, always And I bad penile. Broad 13MIRSU'll Manse, Whitt, 'I"- BAGS, BARREfd ank and running barefoot. lands. BoliRvIlle While, nota -sexed, sexed bens notion flour tyces 3 feet high in varieties Burb ;ed wine. free ("Italuittle. Bleached sugar and Maur bags, Loniballd. 4 for $2.08 vree Colour Garden 23c One)'; 0 COTTON sugar ))ago been �;o busy preaching tile Possi- t.e. bags, 21e. Gueli'll, Ontario. 270 oneh. I)IIIP(y valul 1110111$6,1,1 1), -Guide with Ovory Order. B"0014'rile—KIP99- Top Notoll 01110C Sales, bilities of milk -fed tomatoes to N -jes. Bowmanville, onttrlo Z iii,se, Itru lir. IM each. 46 gallons, Open drum. $U.40 each. Way neglected to do and money III. r others that I clean 111',117ket ii June is 'thfg 111.0 tion Varieties Swede Auto—To be Oace(l 01, the kN _UFFER to e y Inventai—(.fat t Inven, 0,13. 'Montreal. C-0-3). PEONMIA. Choice RxIIII)l rpBol Reg'(], Dent. A, 940 Xalpa 'd from Rolland. ouo ench. Brilliant anything about my own. ar. The vehicl Is clesigne tions and full Invormation Beni The accepLed. Jos. ru e 371 r pe Red, j)ep pillic, while, Itoap. Special offer, 3ic ilc IN low-shing, low-pricett Swedish niotor c ,ensay Co..I .. 979 VIller", Uoiltreal 10. ,Registel-ed Patent All a I t Q I !'I (T�7.14 A 1. 1; 4 large routs Of tilese oarden Champions for liesome dc- Claes Allande'r, left, tries out the runabolit' wilh a friend in Ball -Street. Ottawa volt But why go into &rr NEW Holland Baler. Tightly Boiled, $2.50 Postpaid, orwli with Orde ' r. 1101- 1000 land, Bulb end Nursery Company, Queen tails. Last Sunniter, in my part of Stockholm. The car will sell for about $386. 1 Ell 0 1) M ENING $1,860.00: 1—New Holland Balor, Balekl are A, It, Tractor lglizabotli way, Port Cro-lit. 'P.O... Ont- r1_AV10YoiJ__&�jt_hinr needs dyeing or clean- Balea $1.500-00; I—JOhn Or our fail- province, it wa,;n't very Ing? Write Tp us to, larormatinn. We are like new_$1,000.00. R, Lou Black, Alf"MOY PATENTS favorable to stuff such as tomatoes. g12d toanswer Your Questions Department Harris - Dealer, Essex, Ont. ftP, firker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Verge CATALOG of Mon rE13.JERST0NHAVGI1 & Xompany Patent And it seemed that the neighbors street. Toronto, oniarlo treat area, ready for doilvory, Town &I S"Ilcitors roptolillshed I890 260 A" Street, formed a habit of le,,ning over the Montreal, rorrinto HnnklAt III Inform n I. Imi'mi' reauslift COUatIV Realtles. Nvestilloullt, fence and peering much too in- is EltIP1,11 yii, ripi., iii-al,1111111D —Fa—tentAttornei. IT— _T1_ — __ Quebec.. AW, TI -Sc., le 7r�l I� .d rella Tlirrilsrauts HORNET SAWS—SALE Patents of Invent[On, (36 Sluieks..:�­ —Otlawal. featly toward my straggly and to L. Van- avallablei oi-tving" soon. Write Oat.: phone AJODEL D.J., I -MAH., $219, f -0-b- Guelph, denburg, Box 92. Brockville, 'it( -_ --j;_ — — starved -looking vines, As they pped with 1.61', 20' or 24" %tt -.hmLtits. SALESMEN WANTED 6N -4 A9TEBr 2664 (after 6 lack), equil NLIV AND (,,L;ARANTZ10D. SALESMEN AND QfALESIV W turned away I could almost hear Sales tax extra. n d V a tbroughour. Ontario for the, sale, 7 felt SALE D_j. i$mIth Sales Co. Lttl,, 647.Woollyiell St., I iatri t of them saying to theinselV-e "Milk- by a simple and convincing demonstration, viffage of Lyrijen, 15 Guelph. Ont. amlito - Excellent _-2ii _03AVETTI-Ifirt Power tramor aWrubl;er. a money -saving household article needed In fed tomatoes--PH00061iry.. n, 40 intleg Toronto acreage T8 Its Ilew, Gordon M. all homes. Apply In' letter to Dept. A., Alcit onalles ng. ikinali Mechanically, any, . CryBtal Bea,*If, Ontario. I veg�table growl y good Sales comp I 1C '-,ra and strakvberrles�, bank barn 42 x Thornton, Bvmml)tOV,, 011T- r -R- I. V- -7 IV ries garages, verillig 6 Sy FA—SCADP, WHEAT-=.��e w b[gh—i7liFd4�9—soft 4V A Nrm)" But things have a way of a' BITC 2, �Alcl;en house, Implement dbod� 3 garn UL�ru a piece bath- bushel 7 real', frame house. spring wheat. Certified No. 1, $3 00—Weasel, themselves tip. As a pal of mine ritom, Hydro, Plenty of water. 2 minutes to Hal-l.y stating, Henrall, Out. $111P Lis . furs. Minks UP to $4ii used to say, ,You'll go along for high School, railway, $4.60-111uskrats, 44.60 Muskrats with ohurch, public and Boo anuset)—Secrets' with $5.,,000 down Day- OTOR minks weekly on tee with (G just as bad That very en,11iieilt -guardian of hves of the Ji;ving tllc�d thd graves bus. Price '$10,600 w Lynden, Out. SPRAYERS for orvhard (engino'lina tractor free., Trappers Assriclati011 Baleville Yam. a spell thinking life is -arry WIL11t. Apply 11 Wald, --would like .6­pa� driven), Nov crops, (traction), weed. ata-Que. . T;I. 17NII. I c —e' Infer stile spraying, and then, all of the ling, whitewashing. c, as it call possibly be; hockey t%N'il)e, Mr. Wil!iiam of the dead, we BAT gar- fit 'WANTED a sudden, it Will take a Cha -Age Durna the Mbritreal Canadiens,: hirn' our mjed� oi-Arititilket Just how $11,000, _ 145 acres, 10 ellp e '11ting; farm wagons, Shallow Well titention o r"� I' to g -g . o doing is •ra-ther. xln land. 7JOIX36' steel barn, brick house. f 1,TlrA" (Fog Applicator); *CHINCHILLA has n' Of ce " ' " - t I e- best with hydIrb, modernlcoiiverilences, spring creek, rr asure 83,steins; —and get worse." Anyway, within nnoun d his i 0 about. d Portable Irrigation Systems with aluminum HIGHEST CASH PRICES UP TO 4 YEARS -,f --* '040, 'b'Pt 11 try, 1 milez from village on pave cDowell CqUP- the last couple of weeks I've run tire at the .end bf the present sea- difficult to I RA I Buckner Sprinklers, V, .W.1 ioad�- sbopld be seen to be appreciated. Wil- Pipe, Free catalogue-, , IN"rite today. sora- P.O. BOX 144�, HATA1LT9-N,,,9,NT-. across three people who tried out soa-that is;%-,4_i.Tot1�ey seasons ever III 1*. -0'* , -, .. ., 'a'"or by,. R.rt.' N6. 1. WoOlelanaeYork qt., London, Ontario. SMALL hospital Ili. attrtLed'Ai, mbrtheft -. motor Ltd., 1000 the milk feeding—and are most come to an end, which we some- Well, -it d f d r-. _111ANTIM APPLE TREES, )'Onl-9. 11111133, Cheiirles. rte town requires 'R�glsfqred Nurses 'for 0, - aches, Bush Fruits. strawberries, ' Shrubs, ta, - I Duty. Salary $140 per month plus about it. times qVely doubt. if lloWed ' hVc!k0' Genera Ile will.. 6' body W110A hasV or CAJ>ARLE pErLqol; for small i�io�ern ante. Po crith usiastic Ropep,.I,orennials. .Lowest prJees In years. maintenance. Excellent living -conditions .. .... bl�lt. *for hiii !I) CIO all-nost since the days 61, Whitmore Ave.. TorouLa. catalogue free. -Norfolk NurBerY, Simc0e, Cull mata of Nursd�*. !�ndjj, to., wk,'� fairly cl Api,ly: superintendent I I 1� .11 - leily hope that lJA1r&' f --W So here it corries again, just as sake, 'we -when. LIsier Paffik]16i �ind,l his. Ontario. Hospital, Cochrane, Ont. published last March or Wilijain will stick firmly to his. brother, 71rLi-`K, in,,vented,,iit�­fd a2mit',I MANOR it was !—a 2�6-. Klo dike -.1y.ory Beautiful. Accurate, Fascinating. April. I haven't had,word of allyl. rescillhitioxv.".". 'It e. -C that therl :%r;o playess-to&Y Write for free prospPOLUS (0: �w,,Nxvr-ACTURIGRA HERCHANDIS]ING even beglni't 'AUA o,tot3;pEtreii)k6th soma trying the treatment on onions is be- "06 body tryi (CAN LIMITED, urnan makes no bones about his Pf our heo� ivor 7 Stanley Street, montreal as yet, �V'tftg turlv6d into jeNvelry at Dawson, reasoll.,.for, quittiug, f�a.,11dF,,stat •y CHOICE WALIMR, fox hound anips, ��Wr have' heard of'A'ch"' ihat'%��'Nvciuld prefei 'to endjii§� IV "Yukon -Territory, by two craftsmen• anteed hunters, males sis.00, . females W I . — Most of us ha' e'fil marbles 11 ell i twA colvIes-4ionifiler� utdocb and ],)ick.,Dimeiit. $10.00.. Cecil Grainger, (lorrie, Ontario. things as celery-fed4- ducks' and;! ifi, Ir d�61F'wIf f, ' it 's In 11 la;�I&�I610e6aesi,` - - -� SHEPHEIRD COLLIE—Si—PU-119• — ­­aIsO jh_0io intact. ung over I W comes from the worked- Fekin Duck eggs. Rose comb Black and a bygone day, corn -fed blondes; c ,'df., -'iuch asi Golden Sebriubt Bantan, stock and eggs. but 1. must confessr-:Ithat milk -fed -fed `t�e` play ifowaday§' ViZl the kind"diggings" of "the Klondike McMaster, Greenfield y Apps, T. dnr' Ken4W I N over, Choice stock. John J. I . I .. E -thing new.—ia:t -J!, Pgq*c1*I e ji -1 ?4� 1 . gold,,rush. of Box 60, Ontario. tomatoes are something 11 War costo M." f8q8_wb&e $.300,000,- rs elititely J, I to receive, his is a rather.nd dupt was found. NIED10,A1. Least to me. However, that's what d the. of.,*jjc.9i " -b el p n g i a g harder task. than rno�ny :onfbdk#rs- oric- they're saying —,, feeding milk to our gei3erit' -,0AJodern dredges are now w DON'T Every Offerer of jo�.J. past.Q try even begin to suspect, -mrtf �, ., iii rheumatic phins or Neuritis should t young tomato plants is not only youngster it 1h and.. Okktkis 'around again, recovering . .11 . 1. 11 1 . , . caped tlij hVirrieA. min- Dixon's Remedy. profitable as P .&AJJ70,, possible, but highly well. Goal- tend i ii -g, - undeg 1).pmnt co— 'C'yclone W�$mgqf.50 years' a ago. And the dredg- MUNRO'S DRUG STORE �!,�on�, 'uryi, rryig'!' e historic 335 Elgin Ottawa al',�r Dutch Ig'- 1I)o j&i1ri;q.uPn4y unqover 131 - is 's d"redged re- A1.25 Express Prep aid. Fr - ik -�vbl.-! btAineig as thefoftl lady; --ffi "'The• stars of 't q;pi According- to ''Prof. an ry galli . - dredged Last POST'S ECZEMA SALV E Harrington, who is head, of horti- 11—c t FIQ�A. iiii gravel Ped ic ce yqel( : "to, be rescue from a bu s S' .12 Bantidi the torment of dry eczema rasbet culturg research at Montana State after her re "Aw., we tell hill I Z .14 q and weeiiins skin torment, Post's Eczema building. Your own players tend- on a' 14 h&lt.es across at the College fee �thougll solve -will not disappoint YOD ache ring• e the mill, ding will . not .4$ 1 1 ,.to back iii on you. and blocs. Yeur.�- .4se. tchiric, scalins, buin na eezerna, only make the tomato plants.gvow.,. pimples and atblete's feet. Will rokpand 1 1. . ' " '.h INfurdoch "- stainless. odorless ointment, Stop wort in about beiiiii'los't'! earlier; thii vines ew s6 that you never 'have: a q wont these, Messrs. readily' to this -V�� Al They'll mature half: fate' that" But the, truth 'is mighty- an t-cati Apake*jtundreds of regardless nf linw stubborm ')T. boveleso they .1 we've g6t to do is find a tree, glimpse ov0,, sooner or, later, and Dimen Will be sturdier; th8 root sYs*tems hurled yquir. way..-uli.til. they. bolund to lyre s souvenirs for 906 to the tourist seem. pR1(,,E $1.00 PER 3 1 AS With moss—and that'll show 50176 bigger at transplanting time; And if the aforesaid junior were north!" hit you or land in behind you. Op - and at harvest -time the tomatoes to. come ul will be big, solidIY7fleshed, with posing forwards play "inside home" you Ito' estly ever see a better POST'S REMEDIES on you.. Ili .• a manner that woulidli't -"Did 839 Queen St E.. Corner of Local) -I Durnan we �r,49ht oronlL few seeds. have' bden. tolerated in the-pall�i4ist g6altender.tha). learn n L -,D HEADC#LD ave VnR A lean; li'aw for ia e FOR SINUS, HAY is NEW, t ... e'd' be' 3 NAMELESS Cold Remedy, a days of fl�ld­]lacrosse. o'ne As for thei yield tered and brui tl�e end w —that from the bumped, bat sed as . those Nino have never used it, (4onvincinir dow.' and say that ive*iId\1er had. trial, $1.00. Aadrezo PurltY Products. Exeter, -fed plants will be about double. e milk - well as�, be -devilled by the type of A farmer's barn was burned and In fact the milk appears to i6i veryAbe agent forcorn- Ont the insurance co loud -month' that loves to., cdngredPE much the same as some of''the new gate in back of the nets. In fact, In our time, wq• have looked at patty duly turlied .up and told him. ryUF growth -stimulating hormones. we it's a ~yonder that, after. a few sea- . 'alid adrriire4 a lot Of high-class that, his firm would build another C. C. 8, B. TONIC, TAI)LETS 'Georgbs for low vitality and general debility. top ah hear so much about, sp;is.. of 'modern big�iime hockey, minding. Names' like barn. exactly like the destroyed one At druggists. one Dollar. 4oy of paying *the claim in ift6st of the goalies aren't walking Vezina, Chuck - Gardiner, I instead _4 _CAIorCIVS Set r-llei- around like punch -goofy fighters, Worters, . George H.aiuswfl Nth, each. Druggists sell Cress Bullion salve, too, for In charge of the Montana expert- amazing relief. 10� ments was I)x. Leon Johnson. He talking to themselves. Lorne Chabot, Harry Holmes, and urious. "If that's come to mind The farmer was f Wrlij�NITIES Volt MEN AND IVO -11 half a dozen others the way your company does busi- OKPO dissolved powdered milk in water mixture and So, although his absene.6, will there irsl-a I 'G SCHOOL till it formed.a soupy tol!key fanning ness," he roared "you can just BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADIN i:. poured about -one-third of an, ounce leave an aching void—especially in bee. cancel the insurance oh my wife! arent opportunity LenrD Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession. around each 'new plant the first the region of the Montreal nets &(led wages ..X::,: week it was up. Then he increased "W'entirily applaud *tffl burnan's But while mie 'shay. Have- sedn thousands successful Nlarvel graduates resolve to get out when the 4etiffig more brilliant single -gime ex1libi- Ameron's greatest system, Illustrated cats the amount one third of an ounce logos free. Write or Call weeks. He also is good. And because—as the p6ei i1*01IS than ever saw WARVEL HAIRDRMSSTNG each week for five 't's better to decorate Durnan put on; wheal we Pictuke SCHOOLS the used buttermilk and skim milk in 350 Bloor St IV Ilurunto Bill over the whole span of Branches, 44 King St Hamilton the same manner. & 72 Rid his National Hockey' League ca- eau street. Ottawa, 1616 fertilizes 100 young. plants in. pots, r6er, we are afraid we'll have" to • HAVE CAPITAL to assist Ili marketing your idea Or Invention. All Information kept in As for the actual results—plants 0.0, %Aot4 q and will take care of even more if admit that if he wasn't the best that Send particulars that hadn't been given extra plant "" "' X .. . ito strictest confidence. , ::, , 5, 0 "I"' :::'' :� *! 3 grown in flats. Johnson believes ever stood between 'a pai Fortier, 1006 Pierre Ave— Apt, 3, NI-lildsor: r 'Of' food of any sort produced at the Ontario. that milk -feeding .toinatoes - will hockey uprights, he'll do to. tie' to per acre; those recei-Ving'�kim milk 'WRITWI"Al Author of more than hit, rate of 6,829 pounds of. tomatoes If ontctfcal for both home gar until , the 'top man - comes along, lished stories now 0 fforg permonal ails ance deners and commercial growers. Maybe that'admission is a sure sign to beginners. write for particulars. C. V. ISSUE 14 1950 alone yielded at the rate of -.9,814 that age is softening us up, but here Tench, 11.0. Box 580, yancOuvOr, B -C - pounds; while plants receiving both skim milk and ammoniated phos- And after the •milk had made it is: phate averaged 12,374 pounds. such a startling showing on toma- III toes, Johnson tried it on young Bill Durnan was tile outstanding One pound of powdered milk onions—and with, similar results! perfo�jner in a highly difficult and nerve- . wracking profession, and we wish him all the best now that he's 911 size for lambs decided he has had enough. 13" 5!ze*for rams and calves $18.00 By ftiold 'Arnett 19' size, for bulls and horses $18.00 HO�Ar a . ise Be DELIVERY PAID 77 Fconadian Co-opgrative wool Growers Scottish ' couple ware 1,1mitefl, Dept. w.w.. om Billy street, Toronto, -Oat. Ill w;IlifliIii, listening io a broadcast. gervicii, the Till. i,;:1, LADDER husband sitting back smoking his rieftse Send me pair(s) of If. ill followlMI; I Ill! Ili jl1Tl11i:i pipe, his wife in deep 'contempla- BURDIZZ0, 11INCERM In tile PAD size or.-.Izes, ton. Half an hour �-passed in sil- ence. Then, iuddenly, the old man Of .......... -a... A SECTION money UN laughed. for �-,vllicll J enclose t0".......•....'elleflue, or WITH illili!ji!�! 1! MM 2 TUBE "Sandy," exclaimed his wife,orae., for $.................... ............ iiiiiiiii SAMUST OR ",by this qerriment oil the Sah- "Ah," said'Sandy, "the pars—s 11 "SHAVINGS MAKES bath?"caan ...... Sweet as its name! R PAD announced the collection and ADDIMSS ..... ....................................... FOR CARRYING just LADDER. PAD here I am safe at home," - FILE HANDLE HOOK POINT ON YANG HOLDS HANDLE OF FILE. 0 -RIND TAN& To SHARP POINTP HEAT AND BEND TO FORM POINT, IS N 11xv.-w INSIDE OFMIL.1. - 'OUFORD jusT reTTiW Some WATEst WHAT ARE YOU97APIA7TCE9 1�71 'DOING, SOUFORD. I OF _--i — __ MV CAR. fN'T 115E NOW W HV 5 401.0 THAT JUG; USETliL USE THE TEAKETTLE WHEN , TEAKETTLE. )( THIS 15 JUST — -v--' AS- -% q