HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-04-06, Page 4itllx
'Q�XTARIO ZURICH HERALD, 1. Thursday, April 6th '1.9511
. . ......... .... .. .
q. V-*Qtne and grandmotItgr Mrs. Sel Calves; Vliurlkalri beifer calves; 1
Ims at Woodham.white
+ 6 months old; All young
V Mrs. Win. Brown and Carol visited cattle vaccinated. Herd was offic-
Malting Barley for a few day., with the Eformer's !ally T. B. tested, No, Reactors. This
+ parents, M-r and Mrs. H. Neeb, in is an outstanding herd, of,-Akade cat- Maehinery Foi Sale'
Tavistock. the. A
+ All in t9he, 'best of condition,
'We are again contracting acreage for The Cahada
+ Had Lwit Dance Hogs --Registered Tamworth+ , lire the boar, 1 year old, 3 Yorkshiresows
+ T4e.,I.Ast 1��,c� and oq of .
+ Malting Company. *. 9 . - h' - euchre day mith litters at, foot; 4 'Yorkshire 2, 1949 Case VA Tractors, Reduced to clear.
+ season held in the town bull PIrl
4- 81st sponsored by the 'Kippen Bait sows renentl�y bred carrying third
litter. New Fleury, Bissell Harrow
Contact Us +
Seed Supplied Cori + Women$' histitute . was a decided
+ + success, the hall being -filled for the Poultry and Collie Dog — 10 large Used Massey-Harris Pacemaker Tractor on rubber
GEO. T. MICKLE & SONS + event, $111,00 were the door recei- white and -colored ducks, 4 drakes;.
+ a, real 1944 John Deere Tractor on
.9. + Pts. Winners .for euchre were: Lad- black white Collie Dog. Wath cultivator
+ ies; f' angster; 2nd Cattle and watch dog., I
Phone 103, Hensall,' Ont. Nights 133 + - - "10t, Mrs- S' Used Massey-Harris. Side Rake.
+ Mrs. Wilton 'Lavery', Hensall; Gents. Implements — John Deere B. R. i
New Case Farm Wagons on,ru,4r.
Tom Xyle, Heniall; Mrs. M. �Chesney model tractor on rubber, starter and
Used Case Manure Spreader.
Ki en door -prize, a.bAf;ke.t of gro lights, pyactically. new; T-videonnick-
1938 Hart Parr Tractor ' in Al Shaipil`e`'.
celst w"t Ap-1, lftr. Woods, Dearing 6-ft. doil-ble tractor disc;
4�ckls Or"cliestra furn- McD. 8-ft. tractor culti-Vhtor;,'McD.
New Case'Tractor Seed Drill on rubber.'
�ii:4�!c f the dance. 2 furrow tractor plow; McD 6-ft. cut r kl
DASHWOO*D"' fects of,the late 'Nelson M !'shed the'
Tractor on ste
bir and Mrs. G. Wildfong., were :?and the I binder; 1937 Case C.'Trac
e largely attended fam McD 6-ft. cut mower, McD.
10-ft. dump rake, 2-drum steel. Ic control.
week-end visitors, with frien-6 -in blie tdece�itsed attended from r. 1950 Case DC 3 Tractor with hydrauli
t aTid .other points.
London,;, Detroit roller, McD =-run -disc fertilizer l -with hydraulic,cdrt.
C te�;t - week's Items-) drill, Winnipeg all steel rubber tired' New Case VAC and D Tractors
Glen Haugh of Waterloo spbntthe Mr and Mrs. 'F. Ducharnie STANLEY TOWNSHIP wagon,, hand made -rubber tired wag- 1949 Case VAC Tractor. Reduced to clear,
week-end with this parents. and
Mrs. Otto Restemeyer is on the Mr tand Mrs Avila Ducharme all of on, steel tired wagon, 2 complete 16 1944 Cockshutt 70 Tractor on rubber.
-sick list. We hope for a speedy re- the Blue Water Highway were i;un- foot flat hay racks, M-H. grain ,grin- Used Cockshutt Seed Drill
, -covery. day visitors with Wr and Mrs. Kuno der like new; Fleury root pulper with
Mr. Jonah Kessel who has been ill Hartman of the Goshen Line south., Mr and Mrs. E' . McBride of near pulley ,for motor; 2 2000L1b. capacity New Fleury-Bissell land packer.
at the home of Mr. H. Ford was tak- Mr. and Mrs Jacob OVerer of De- Kippen were recent viators'at Wind- scales, truck and platform type; 3 New Case 6-ft. one-way Disc.
en to St. Joseph's Hospital in Lon-!trait spent the week-end in this vic- sor. walking plows,' 2 selts bob sleighs, New SC Case Tractor on rubber.
-don on Tue.;day. inity. Mr and, Mrs. Elmore.Gackstetter McD double bean scuffler; McD. Used Irish Fordson Tractor on. steel.
Mrs. S. P. Currie is confined to On Wednesday last the' Estate and a4d f4inily of Exeter and .'Mr. Ed- single scuffier; Fleury riding plow,
Used English Fordson Tractor with.xieW
lifer home through illness. household effects of the late Leon wArd GAckstetter iof Zlifich were 3 sets 4-sectilon diamond harrows, 2
Mrs. � 04d. Ste] ck is also on the sick Jeffrey of Beavettown was sold. Mr Sunday Wt visitors with Mr and Mrs wheel 84t. trailer with solid oak Used Oliver Plow - 2 furrow
list. Alphonse :Masse, being the purL:iaser A. Gackst6tter. stock rack like new-, Fleurly, steel Used International team disc.
Mrs. Witzel who has been oti the for the property, and possession will Mrs. Brownlee of-Dregbil, USA. is wheel manure spreader, circular saw,
be given according to teKai wagon ;box, 125 cedar end-posts, new Used International 4-row Corn Planter.
sltl, li,t for some time is improvin.-, (DelaYid in last Week's visiting her �rqthei. Mr.: 1�enry Tvi- 50-ft. 6-in. endless rubberbeilt, 50-
.61,owlly. I., .� .. mail) so�� Joan W, Kippers. ft. 1?44nch rubber belt; 1600, 41-in.
'BLAKE meeting. 4 the Varxia tile, roll of -snow fence, 20 bap cem- SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY!
W.X.S. was. NI& in the -onage,
'Me Mex?W Bhotherhoo-d of the Well, we, have just emerged from
the lost lkp--ol I the winter, the pr . dd- Mrs. Watson Webster 6ptnfng tbo enc, brand new water heater, water
Zurich Evang'elical Church had their meeting *ith the theme "Ye are not tank, 05 gals enolases 2 chop boxes, 1948 Pontiac Coach, clearl'inside and out, onty
annual meeting at the hoarse of Mr. ictio.n.-df •-Candlemass. pay, w1hen the back band double harnes, third horse
your Io*n after, *hic�t �& hymn and
of 'great i4akesi.-his annual win- "t $6,50
Newell Geiger, with Rev. Getz Mrs; . Wbbiter led inprayer. .. Mrs. hainaw, -Chime bells, Q4a&ham farm-
Dashwood in'
period re. a, striobire. .. All
hog who 6�.Wlie had charCe:.',.,*f -*e woishi�. ting 'Mill complete 'with sieves; bag
Dashwolod as the guest speaker. The ter prediction; the' famous ground- F 1940 Ford Coach, one i5f the nicest.
8rotherhood decided to visit - the his proph truck, various hay..)cnives, 3 sets of 1947 Studebaker -Chib- Co UP'e.
County Home at Clinton so�he time esies, and tgue;. to Ahii'litter we hiJ sling ropes, 2 extra strong extension 1
xxfeniberN(-.,j6i the prx"r, ;of dedicat- 1937 Chevrolet Sedan.
in April. A much enjoyable evening the'&,omisto six weeks of wint�r. ladders 26'and 34-St. long; various
ion Mrs. Ge-o' . lWid- their took charge
vas spent by all. At the close f This is speakirgg for this particular X6, other- ladders, stone -boat, 2 wheel- 1837 Ford Cou'pe.,
o . . rueglbers"616� in a minute of
-the a-heeti a deliscious luncheon part. Citizens have' found themsel- I barrows, to chains; 1-ton chain 1941 Plymouth.. Se&n
silence memory �f a WNS mem- U
in for.,days, 4aneways be
'1vas �)erveil. ':fr' viaii stnorwed - tClyniofit. Minutes o
Mrs. Frank Ylolifig ' has returned filled, post', hi end to add to-.! all, Z Violet M fall; -gravel box, -road scraper, glen- 1940 Plymouth Coach -with, ne'W"' 'm9tor-
1 11 .".t - ti tlty� •bcf lumber, 7 864b. milk caps;
'gateways we , * eid�wtpr@o nV'4z;6d,.,1Lnq..,#dopted. 1948 Chevrolet Coach, tailh.
from a 'vi-sit with her sisters in Goa- re Jamillea tight . many ;-- �arl6wj milk cage 14,950.
Cal for I � to ans,�V. -pails, - 2. -tons cob� torn -
i f ". pri
verieh and Brucefield feet-. hikh, _�y.. the modorn Avilow acra- - �yI.#n""Eimter Thought.'.' corn crib 25x6x4 feet; new - catti, 1949 Austin Sedan, ' :$415 do".
rs. .,Wh -travel to and fro,
1, dehoitrner;, drain scoops; various White
Mr and Mr.- L1#yd,'9Mnnigan from pe P would and fro, 1947 Ford- Half-ion TrucL
'ee noith, Xr. andMrs."Atridge' of n,fb_t.-;and,�dR)l pr4mumably to - acc".' Residoixt Paisse ash tongue�s, 2 dross :cut. saws,;, 3 OW-
JGoderi,ch, were visitors with the I . _ gfylitUi dii -:' ':&& 1942 Fargo'Half-
IDT W titf,-60 t the lucky There pas�&d away hT Clinton Hos- ckeff� she hooks, � d ie- ton Pick-bp.,
4ters; can't oub)
rest c;uld not be 40ayed ill 'res- piW' Miss 'k�ancis Sharp in 1h 82 treeP, cle shelters,
pails, forks ana . man- Monarch Sedan in A-1
CA 1948
-zies' -mother, Mrs. E. Clarke. er y sh
d- chJng.his dav;tlni�14ou d-a stroke and was articles too numerouis, to mention.
smore is spen Ing To A* Orem
Migi� Emma Din ' ". :-A. ., , . - ' 1939 Plymouth Coaches (two)
-H anuar7 *N�re; All" irt', iw` ` -e 'r
same time in London. I 40kma by taki4n to. oapite! in J It pra.. tv Ally. new., 1946 Hudson, Se
W fin lig their iij. a second, strake� in � JK
and Mrs. Thosi Dinsmore e" 10tw eN&y._;;-!e 4rc� Hay and - Grolli :-quantity of good ..n4,
V I!
moved. from-,
I J946'Do— '-'th' t "t
-at ifyde Park atteiiiiiing -t�i 'funeral _e .11 4'ray. alfalfa and clover'hay,,300- bush s wi aw -at
their, .4*0 "A.66t. whe44'd �aigA* peneeftl dge Coach;
_X Y , _7
'liv f choice mix A
zof the late MTs. Ed. Douglas, it nd %anat the She m
e'd gralh; -is '.and'
er y Galore �A-rle
Oldimobile ecla'i'
wlii4�. Mrs.. Douglas Ba*. oivt e man
are an '94 d B184#mith: 'V Uilinient --i Anvil,
4&M t4ljul `�fTiA
top, I. ileiV
, ".. %, . 1947 Chf" i�dxlr
a triemb4-of ille Catnie family !, %. .
t.1 q
Wo ne forge'iwith. .,full got o'f'.e"' oach, lind Coupe.
. quJilinent; 1937 Fotd-C
tfie 'Bronson n kine, Stanle
'thur 'Sreenan w:k*,-sffie*i f-Amil XJjtW -A sof Mew calking ':gun, full 6f,,large
r - P�"i. 104 e1iil , . Wn.
Mir. A 1937 DeS6tb C�6m $165, do
Hos pital,l.# and amall wmnehes, sledges, hhm- 1949. -Ford i S"n.
ver istz. t; Wirm of
-taldiig tri�nts, - h �eiiti7i� S4 both died : n -.1945 and'
as to*�,porta;ble vice' onlegs, etc. etc.
* ityr.4moyance, idster,�If*,& A' Chevrolet Sedan; clea
-lis honie, and his friends are pleased' , _ _ t� Articles--Serv;l electrolux 1946 Chev -4,
0 RWICld, n
to learn that he. is 60ae'a daily feeling n�� to". v t 4 some Yek"789V- cul,ft. rafrig4katbr, ysed,2 years; 1948 Dodge Sedani'like a
-�iene e-. Ab P new inside !4 U
is iter. e'manber* th" trA*eupi�y
g�icaw -Chuich on ed #iitho like now,, Carl- 101,
46 '.Dodge pick-up., "e,
ea '•oto"9xEt'e'lieEi "been* a combined Goshen'Line'mjtCi oii� radio
mixture re. an rg 1-com inati 1936 Ch,�vr.A4 Sedan,''$145
i. M!
d rain, an4 wx +kng1ic9n'..Q11g and 75,w
very 'Z�,
_1�i qr Xvs elvi&-f� "'Ir"m �'=N` 11�,:Ao(�e �ablee pild, &a.iiig, Co�fter%
4?r Is. *11 ' 1941 Ch'
Am good The elect e,, fnacMne,. launft eVrolet Coach, "flese in
'. q . in
-daugl1tarj- Mrs. MI'ddletbi, have",rt b.e,ai'vomlwts` the,ne#�;-q -One I u Side ami out.
tuzed to tlji�ir home thing. ii,.cerWn I:` tubs, --'-*Qew $2-gal. pressure tank 1946'Ford 2-ton - here. ne'V" funers condiieUd her., niin-
• r ;.Put th
-for th w" c"" Bayfield; iron bath tub,_�and_toilet set, 8,cases P
t e istm. FW, 4L.Jr At dum •62 wd h6k.
oyd W�,stlalf�_of,.the 0 hlaan�i organ of
is earl opDrying A` 'in4-ent�im hayfield -ee- of milk !bottles, 1939 DeSoto
d re-ma
-?-rov. Polite dat Mdunt Florest spent Iabde *eather Oh 1 'd�'meter
:tile isci�e e1i 50,bags Potatoe4, 2
-here. hlog., vriab;lk is -model --lboygi 11�icycl
-a -few days at his home 106 Terrepl�fie�
DeLu�L Sed $145 down
d b4loon tires"".
' k girW!��hfcy6le like *nl&;
Mr. Chas, I left for London '. dee� TE 'Cbmpl�te -Fargo 24611�-'Tiuck,- of co I nd
,�erry An Ap,,Wimte� .. ; 1947_01damobile".8
where he will; make'his, -home. best,*& cdh doje.t��'. syrup equipMent,
it- m.�L.EARINd
1945, e,4n, in til
Mr. Fred Turner, of'GoAe�rich vij-' tfe tiene aij a-'J* wild fare we 9. and sPilosv `81n,gle barrel .1932 Chevrolet
12 346igundbubl
will gauge 4 -barrel . 12
When the April showergi AVCn0N 'SA --SedAn,.
lei's son Mr aild Mrs Grant Turner. .$95
Mr. 'George' Weston left for De- l3ring eorth,.. ka gg,shat (047 Dodge Cozich.
',.�,h6ir t gur�, e bavrel 121'
tr1oit where ers. 'V poli(:6 !Cold nickel
re he will spend a few w :.1 fi I—— I
f P Imitate I 'k, .1 Special
Real 12 oc , fmpleni, plated ieolve
-Hay 3 45-ga-l'barrels, 2 Many other makes d
Mrs. R. B. Johnsbo ents,. Hay' Household
n returned to Eff, ... . ... Lt:8-9&1, barrels, various apple crates, an modd., to ch
Mrs. &0m.
vacat- oIin' 12, Hay Townghip,_ Half mile, single cord. hardwood, etc. etc.
flier home after�,a two weeks' %, on -the premises., Lot. 24 4 ton chestnut
'HEN-SALL and stove -coal, 30
Ian in Florid-a M1.8 north of Zirich. WE HAVE TERMS To SUff YOU.
with her sister, I
-T Stewart and Mr Stewart of HaTiI'- The undersi6led Auctione- Everything- .111 first class condition
1 Ir and Mrs A..L. Cease have,,rc
Mr. Johnston who had been a h Instruct6d to,� er has been 9xd will be sold withlout reserv.-ation'
"Patient in Clinton Hospital for the turned "'er speddi ' bg the :fit. ?ill lay public auction on This be#ig an extra large -sale�'301-
3past two weeks;; returned home.
Mr;.' llew4e" in Florida._f WEDNEADAY, APRIL 12th. lffig.,7ili start at VAO-sharp. McGregor Motor Sales Ltd
an Mr4l-, Xred Smallecombe
Mr. Harold Scotchmer spent a we- Terms—Cash.
and dallght�r of Guelph�wexe recent At il,�!,30 p 1P. . . I
-ek-end in the village he left with visitors .711. Sha Leonard Geromette Proprietor. Phone 174
'�Iis family for Winn! 'With the former's Iliir�Ats, Real Estat FOREsT, oNT.
of 11 Earl W�ido, Cle�k."
Winnipeg, where lie Mr and Mfr - rje& S�nalj�a 6"�c6n, DO
n on which is Altu
senior livestock penb& 'la, -4oar Alvin Walper, Auctioneer.
lias been appoinf6d aerd of c Y
fieldman for the Federal Depaxt Mr ,fir Mrs- Win. Parke. werefated, a mode�-flill1�.--equlpW
ent of Agricultur'�. M- 'visitors -Athrefixt-Rres in Toronto: I 'InIg, lltul) 01-,1an-k-..Qrn- 75X-55,, ne*'-
�ifi�-'J%011'Stiftor of sly in,; allZ. I&I.
Mr. G atham 't
, iq I. er carrier. and . water
George Howard -of'Regina, ar- Visitfli* "with her mother, .Mrs. 'A. pr�ssure. sygte,
:rived -here to, spend some time with Covworth in Ill'baim. ;Al,�o heti
lis sister,house
Mrs. Fred Baker. , P19 P611, giiWge and,tooi sl�op.
Jack Murray of Owefi Sound
is i "V sited Hydro through-6`6t.-, i4gs United •Nations to Classto
acres of
ith her cousin Miss Mable Selveiln hardwood bush;, onts
'visiting his sister, Mrs. W. J. MC_� 55 a
Drei3 plowed, 35
1jeod. acre� seeded
�dOwn, q acres -of fall
Mr and Mrs. Leroy P wbeat, remaind�ei in pasture,
oth and Ron. i
mie, Kitchener, visited Mrs. Poth ilonallY -well drailied and fenced. rnis
R. JONV-; subject, to a reas-
Parents, Mr and Mrs. Wm. faTm -oil] be so)'.
ett. onAble.reserved ibid. Lly
If not previous
The BaYfield River' eT went out very
quietly over last NVkk-end without -7'-.1938 Dodge De-Lux
any iflaoding.
4Aoor Sedan, nevi'
rp 4 new
Mrs. L. McMillan, Who has been tires plus 2 qnow 1�
res and car chain's
in ill-health for some weeks, under� ,,4ew -spring� and pain
t job, equ'iped
'went a Major operati;n in Clinton �Ith Ph l0o Radio;ihd heater. All
�?ublic Hospital. In good condition.",
Mrs, Mary NeXenzWs family gat-
Horses--l3af mare rising 110 yea
liered at her home in Bayfield for old�'Grey.- l'b:rpheroi
idinner, March 28th. The happy. g-1_ ea�s,,Dfj �. .., n Mare rfarng,10
thering was Pit
in honor of her 8441 11� •
4birthday.. Sol, 90M.. Cattle -�L R�-ister e*d
a - White Durbarn
Second Fire Truck Bull 3 Yrs. old,.. - �,A -
cO v;lnte Yourself by
BaYfield Fire Iseeink, 11S
hig' stock; -.jb,,n Dftrbilli Cow
-e 3ri
gaae will soon
ri-9ilig.A Yedrs old; dile middle of June
have two trucks in operation T-hC1
?No red Durban, caw •rising', 5 yirs, ol
'company bought a 3,000 lb. Army d,, du
truck -and members are fitting it up -iIijddle of June, part-
'Rete-ford ald
4rham cow 4 ' I
P - n J
rIsIng 7.
'd, due
with a 500-gallon tank ai�d an auxil.' oi
'%arY Pun).p on the back ;tb use
second week i
at; a -May; '�Eik Herefora K-1,; A4
m4 Durham do* rising 5 Years VuPPlY tb�,the pressure tarok on the
first tru&fresh
at f0t; ,part &r,
St. J6sdiph and Be.
e Durham.cow itismg 7, milk-
v6k Town! j(1g, br6d Dec. 13; Moan Durham and
!Vfl' and Mrs Regig JJ6dard of 1 'Hereford cow, rising' 7,,due April 15;
Windsor were woek-end visitors' I
with relative.,3 in this commilility. 1%)STt Hereford. and Durham heifer,
Nfl,"," Vqlr-,Ilia Cantin and )Ir �*]k'ng, carrying secoind call, br6d
'Cantin of I)etroit �qpent. Jab 10; roan Durham . heifer, milk
ng, bred Jan. 26
J. end with thoir parents it, white Durham the -,Nreek-�
Film stpils are now bei
�Qw ri.5ing 8 Yrs. old, milki 9 sea by, t"'
Fred. Tur" ng,
----------- 77-�
i. __,
1�y of
I an(i bred spealte Organisation. 31arch rs as One Of the Most practical ways
-M!" Ln.0 4�11 of Lo-d ?,Jn. Calf ___an,Durham heifer with! telling ihe story of the Lrilited of thIft 9000 copies of thes;6
arenow 'A use ift 62 countries at foot' black Hereford helfer, I
th-, ivf�ok-oml xitIl the, audiences, The IU,AN Nations to their use of ill S In the five official
Carrying. Ill. . Department of public Infor- e U-N.—Chinese, English, French,
4'"' iv, St. Josepli, st calf, bred O.ct. 28th; 11 'ttion has released 15 differentsubjects explal Russian and Spanish. Here a class Of to -
r6d, Durham heifer carrying Orst cal I M-
7 I)Urhftl'n open Ile1f. � .0
Of V11cl f'r bred Vliov. 28, f In* Old children 11
HERALD OFFICE) Local yrs, old, 4 Durh= bull{ Ing t�lle A1111s, I structure and Work of the W rill 011e of the tystell and look as a teacher sito-wp
Erin strips mentioned above,