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Zurich Herald, 1950-04-06, Page 2
You will be delighted with this fragrant tea ffs A, IALAD 0MAM@z "Dear _ l-,ne Hirst: Nine years It can tear a cwoinav apart, Are you ,ago, I married a Haan eight years t` willing to invite all that again? younger than I. He comes from "' Will you decide that hesc lit - a nicefamily. tle excursions of your husband's " He is good to are innocent? That they nierelY me in so many satisfy his desire for an evening trays even help- e of dancing, a few drinks with a r�ing me clean '" calnpanionable partner, aird no- • and irott,. He is " thing more? That they are not a so thoughtful, R sufficient reason to deprive,your- never forgetting self of a husband who more than birthdays or any satisfactory in every other way? afx other annivers- It is up to you. -But- Your Imsband .pro±n'sed • to "Even, once in a while, he goes cherish you. Cherishing•a person means being :tthoughtful nd kind, out with another woman. `'He assures nae it doesn't mean � Protecting her from any avoidable anything. He says he Ioves ane, and suffering. Your husband #iii•• always will -but lie iup st wants to ing You in this. Have you ex - have fun• ained to him bow his behavior hurts and im6rtifres yeti? Are "I don't dance or drink, and air you sure he'icalows bore irucll? not very strarg, oil account 0.- a serious opera.ior.. Until you entirely recti CF you} "Just now, he is taking another normal strength, aren't there ,rvonaan out once or twice a month. ways and places to spend all pour 1 told him I knew about it, and I " eveningfrs togetber so you could -would leave him. He tells me he bo'tia.nd pleasure in thein? You willgo, olid I could have ti:e'heu e.. R two have inany tastes in cominoin,' L,,Ily not count -thtrn ov el•:, •and "I have a boy by a previous mar- F. ,. I;age No boy, could have a better e ex ' your ingenuity -t6 :ar- father Haan nay husband i- to,bim. a rapga hiore` o`oportunities to en - He is a good bey, - ith n_a±az�e>-S, joy lhttna t Theatres, movies, and much of his training ;s due to " spectator "'ports, dinners' away my husband. , �:, e from hokie,- evening..5 span`€ with.. "'What shall s' do== .? ;'ell ,;�>'-� " frfEnds' t fam't you • satisf} your, , to go? Or to stay. "a`"fifl;1�9r>�'Rr>�a' these t i Ibti •short b ante to 5 'lits. J.; '' d.• e• wean' him a c a3 eom i1rClC of aer .worn - A Crisis t :Gita Tiir*i�t: gt 4s er •eaitiily- and 't Apparently, you have 11:aae uta "try ago n.' •He.*seen a to Ane too your mind that you will not putgood atnaia to lase. kin up with your husband's tag: +' x r' any other woman out. He is as ) If you have a good husband, hold ' determined, I gather, to persist all to him. Use all your charm and in the habit, His assurances that tact and common sense to keep 'r these women meati nothing to him happy at home ... Anne Hirst him, you evidently will not ac - has had long experience in strazght:'. 'n rept as true. ` ening 'out family difficulties. She' * Do you believe your isusband will help,you, too, if you write het - is being unfaithful? at Box 1, 123' Eighteenth Street, I suppose you know Haat in- New Toronto, Ont. fidelity is very difficult to prove -and you would have to prove t it, to get a divorce, .�li1St6h DIC�.II t 's You now must decide if you �� �1PSL want to live with your husband y ' as he is, or leave hill and' live alone. You faced such a period Long before Britain's - war -time ' of loneliness before, after your Prune Minister incorporated these first marriage, You know- how it words into his impassioned chat,: lenge defying the then conquering hordes of Hitler, they were used by the Rev. James E. Fililey in ficon- tnection with an earlier concept of human liberty, •` ° a In FinIC •' y s autobiograpl.y out f o aaaa e ° print generations ago, .' a find he has written, page 11% "In the fall of 1796 my father set all bis slaves Con-free. He had been for °years vinced that it was wrong. to hold his fellow men in bondage. and thus deprive them of their natural and i� rights; h g e was particuIarlr iia -- pressed with the belief that there ;Y %/%/ `� /y� could be no civil regulation author- / izing the. possession of human be- ings as goods and chattels. Haat would justify a wir.!ster of the Gos- i Pel in living upon the SN'i EA7 / i•: / AND BLOOD AND TRARS of t, his fellow beings. cvas a fool whey, I rried %iangrily, "Yes, o, ' o cou." said Urs. Brownlei h, //.� a �, `les, darling, but I was in love and didn't lic,"ce replied her husband. 4740 stns 12-20; 40 For the pretti"t gfaut'aiC, file loveliest wedding guest, tl••.• girl lie loves to date! It`s tate � weetest, simplest dress you c•vc.•r sewed. v;itb deep -cut petal necklnte, and sleeves; graceful skit! Pattern 4746 ar7Ps 1:, 14, tr", 18, 20. 40. Sire 16, 3• a. yards 35- incl•. This pattern, easy to lice stfilple to sem', is tested Sul' til, Hio, telt'. plete illustrated ia,<tructiot s. Send twenty-frtc riots i'Sc) coins (stamps cannot bt. Fxcellledi for this pattern Pririt Pi, my ire, al:+lne, address. style number Send your order to 1), • 1, 1 ,r T"ighteentli Srrect, \cn 'i Orc,tit.(a Ont. 1"SSTJE 14 -- 1950 Ne.w AM, Use U1 New Egg Beater • Itylpn, used for pinion gears in new egg beater. No sign of wear after 500 hours' coritinnal opera- tion, says maker. Has chrome - plated die cast frame, drive wheel, plastic handle, stainless steel blades. Greaseless Popcorn y ` �o grease, butter, oil needed ±cite rev; type popcorn popper, sac 'ina- Iccr. �Vith heating element totally enclosed, resting oto four legs, pop- per has upper round popccrl) sec- tion ' with automatic rottion• of agitator 'in bottoul. For livng-roon: r: e. Iron Rest Hot irons calx be stored f±nnie- diatelY after use oto new hamgine. iron holder, eliminating standing iron bn• end to cool with danger of tipping. Detachable fireproof • rest fits flat on ironing board, allowing •resting iron without.liftiug Cord wrap-around part attaches to door, wall for space-sav :tg stor age. says maker. :speedy Power Saw Speedy, east•, tree -felling, cut i:rig claimed with English power saw. "Revolutionary" in design, portable, weighs 42 lb., cuts 24 in, diameter in 42 sec., says maker. Run{ by one man, has 4 la.p. two- sfrbTce engine said to have Iong-life featin•es for polar, tropical ordin- ary weather, Gives double cuts Up to almost 60 in. Flame Guards Self Explosions front rc-ignition in o:l; gas -burning furnaces after fail- vt6' of flame said impossible with new robot control. Small direct cur - vent flows through flarie itself operates relay unit controlling elec- tronic fuel supply valve. Tf flame dies, fuel cuts oust iristantai couslt. ,raker says, Pet Parking :\e -.v "Park -a -Pee" portal.le tetii- crni; device for dogs, etc.. is said humane, preventing animal from being hart in lunging to end of Icasia, getting tangled up in leash. Plate has corners digging intu grout;d. witli leash attached to rod with w gular pull: special recoil spring lliakes for give wi,tu lead, yanked near its full extent 9y��r •�qa� t U. Rock 38. Dootrio* ROSS 6'� 11 P er.rtrarS*d 15. Yale psi bele 35.tLe.fl .38 1 e'ovr 38. UngTchidisl, tea PUZZLE stn. Stat of tea ,n9, 3fohammeda,± 4{e, Statement of - iud&'e belief AP r e%S$ 6. Point SI. biftcreact 4L Great take between the 43. Fragmentx 1. Brag 4, Cease solaraad 4d.Impleanont• 6, Patrt 6. Braperorm Iunar Year 4", Asablau 1e. Exists 6, ueeome vietble Is P'lowering seagort 2g, Lea"s th-m 7. Abel'a brother. ant 46, 5rntili bi d stage 8, Strike Ed.Twitohiaw 61. altall(Soot,) 1kX. Discharga x S. Man's 86. Jtrme btag 58. Bleat debt n teknaxn* 2S. a,oCl: ot"3kair 55, Plural endinjr 14. RXclamation 14. Style of 70. Part of n 52, Mustoal mots 25.i�xtfntstblyd arcliitaetlue flower x 16, Mine n. Girl's name It. Cubic conti- meter (ab.) . Smooth the feathers 21. Wind spirally 28, Bead covering 25. Mineral sprint" U, Move merrily V. Mtge entra.n oe !. Mallolous burning . hind of told 8S. Man's u.rzme $7. Preclude from testifying Tal. Century p lau t 40, Deep 'tilt 4. Cerea'''gmna 15. Auger 41, operates 47. Permit 39. While lie, Age 51. Bustin 6w:. Sphere 54. Perforin $5. Uniform 54. litre 0. Along 96. Chanted 41, Sloes -moving xtih"0t DOWN 1. Ld1KfgL `.AliswciiTsew"neeA crii't to gado, MLE LA" 0 0 L SSON By Rev. R. Barclay Warren 'The Power Of The Resurrection" I Cor. 15:1-8, 20-21, 57-58 Golden Text: "Thanks Be To Clod; Who Givetla Us The Victbry- Thronglr Our Lord, Jesus Christ." Of all the miraculous events in the annals of ' history, by far the lr,ost outstanding in the Resurrec- tion of Jesus Christ. .hien had been brought back to life before. as in ,the days of Flisba and during the ministry of Jesus Christ oil earth. One. man, Lazarus, had been dead four days when he came back at tete Saviour's call. But all these en- countered death again, and suc- cumbed. Then Jesus Christ Him- self was nailed to a crass, and He died, too. But oil the third. day, the unbe- lievable happened. Without assist- ance from the outside world, Jesus Christ arose. He laid aside the death garments and went forth from the tomb. The Rolnan soI- d+`ers, on guard to prevent His life- less body being stolen by His disciples. thetaaselves became as read leen, "Death cannot keep his prey - Jesus, my Saviour! He tore the bars away -Jesus, any Lord, Up from the grave He arose Z'ith a mighty triumph o'er His foes; lie arose a Victor from the dark domain And He lives forever with the saints to reign. Ile arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose!" His rising frow the dcau is the pledge that we, too, shall rise. This :s a great comfort when we bid farewell to our loved ones in death, We shall rise again and the future life will be glorious if we welcome the Savour into our hearts now. tie who has strength to t,vercolne death can deliver us frolu the poccer of sin in this present life, Tbrou>al, Christ, we can be con cquercas. They Knew Him } hate cru3rc tv join my bus., band," said stirs. Smith, arriving at the Golden Crates. ".Delighted to lnret you, ma-alrn,' replied the hent er, ''ti'hat Iva., your. 1,11; hall d's naarae ", "Josept�i Smith." "I'm afraid that will not be su*., ficient for us to identify him. Yors see. we have c!uite a lot of Joseph- Siniths up here. Are there any other lnieaus by iviiieli I call identify kiln " "li:ell, before lie died, he told line that if I ever kissed another man, he would turn in his grave." "Ola! I know the chap. [gip here ewe. call 1riul ""birliug Joe!'," WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILL Without Csiomel-And You71 dump Out of Bed in the Morning Harin'to Go �TD±d river ehouid pour out about 2 pinta of It takes those Wild. gentle Cetter'e Litild laver Pills to got these i; piste of bile Bow- ing freely to make you feel '"tip and up." G if package todap, Irfitotive fn m=k bile floe) freely. Ask for Carter -A Little Bret Pills, 35f at ahY drufstoro. L�" . 's (3wQ,t)_dolt�e P. Ct6xke There is no sign yet thet "spring them, In every garage we pas"sed„ is just around the corner," and yet cars were lined up, apparently with there is a different feeling in the the same trouble. It was good to air. When the sun sh!=res, the see Ginger Farm again, even if the robins and crows are our looking lane was plugged as tight as a for it, although there are h%ge drifts snowbank. There also was washing in every direction and many farm flapping noisily on the line, coated lanes are stili impassabit. Ours Mill snow and ice. I had washed would be, too, if Bob hadn't plowed that morning, thinking it was as :t out. But maybe the snow won't good day for the job! " last much longer as the weather- By the way, there is a most it, - man promises us a high of 35 for teresting discussion going on in a today. We hope it won't waren tip bi-monthly farm paper. f wonder too suddenly as that means a lot how many are following it. One of work, digging and shavOliug so reader says there are just as many that the melting snow call find its opportunities today for young way down to the creek without couples starting to farm as there flooding the stables and ce.ax. That were 30 years ago -if they are is a job tha` has always fascinated ready to hake sacrifices. Two me. Time was when I used to love young farmers, in answering the to get out with a shovel ---and rub- letter, say they are quite willing to .ber boots -and by Bigg:ng here and make sacrifices and are ready to there, help Partner divert .he water take on a run-down farm -.to rent, into its proper channel, and watch buy, or work on shares ---if such a it gurgling and churning through faun can be had. The editorial the fast melting snow. asks, "Where are these farms?" Well, last week, I ma -2e a trip Well, that's all for clow. Next to the city as I had been l r onnisfng week, I expect to tell you about our myself. In fact, I went twice, Oil June Bug. June Bug , , , in Marchi" the first trip, I was away i wo days, Yes, but that's next story. staying overnight with Daughter. And just iniagine--i hardly spent Upside down to prevent peeking. any money at all. For one thing, 1 didn't have much money to spend -7 g N S 9 and I didn't have much titne, either, G V 3 7 N 3 A 3 0 This was strictly a visiting trip, b O Q a That meant spending, half illy time O -1 S N in the street cars as lny friends seemed to live as far apart as the 3 2f I b 4i tm t/.Ff poles. So I went from Parkdalc 3 iC1 7 b' to Richmond Street; from Rich- L $ 3 N ti 3 3. B bF 8 mond to Forest Hill; Forest Hill 5"f p S a rr 1 1 g) to Moore Park -and finally to the j 30 N I© y .g F H Bay Street bus terminal. There T a 0 found Daughter waiting to see me N A 1` 6 Voff-which I hadn't expected. "Well � � � J. � � � --It 6 � 8 Mother," ' Daughter -remarked, "I must say you cut things pretty � J � � ' fine!" You see,, I just' hart three minutes to get my ticket and taunt the bus. But then, how could I help -it-the T.T,C. wouldn't hurry��. itself on my account: t)1%bile in the city, i had one experience that was entirely new. I t i y;sited the City Hall to pay a park- ing fine. Oh no, it wasn't mine -it was just a little memento the city police left a friend of mine. and he asked m e toa 't fo r a 1 iln top ay n So help me, the revenue from, parking• tickets should be almost enough to finance the City Hall. It was earl >: W y in the day and yet there was one <>' continual stream x of men hurrying r up o t the a ulcet with their tickets and payixng $1, $2, or $5 as the case might be. And please note -I said ::•>;:z: is i` <>':> , .. men 1 I didn't see a woman at all. i�•i;:<! '::`�: Maybe women have mule sense ';>?":``•' '' `'`:; than to take chalices on a ticket. 1 ��1'�V� know it would burn me ep to pay iN p out good money and have nothing Irryl to show for it except a receipt for a parking fine. c Daughter was looking tired. I And the " think I was her sixth visitor inside of two weeks, While there, I RELIEF IS LASTiNG learned some of the joys of living For fast, prolonged relief from in a rooming house. After we had headache get INSTANTINE. This gone to bed, one of the *roomers" prescription -like tablet contains not talked for a solid half hoar on the just one, but three proved medical 'phone. That was 11.30 pm, -and ingredients that ease the paid fasts the talkative one was a man 1 Who says women do all the talking? And the relief is, inmost cases, lasting; Of course, I was taken up to see Try INSTANTINE just once for pais the "Bubble Room," and, in spite of relief and you'll say as thousands do the bubbles, the rooms were so that there's one thing for headaches bright, clean and cheery [thought i : • its INSTANMirIEI would not hind air .apartment And try INSTANTIN£ for other !lice that myself. Daughter assures aches, too ... for neuritic or neuraWe us that an even nicer apartment pain ... or for the pains and aches than that is available for Partner that accotnimnyacold. Asingle tablet and l any time we want it, That's usually brings something, anyway because none of prompt relief. us can tell what the future holds III store. Get lnstantine today Later in the week,Land 1 and always a� y,�•h, keep it handy ±K ere out on a business trip to the n'tMe I; ingsway, 'And what a trip that cvas! it was all right when we tl► +tasted, but after a while, wet snow started falling, driven by a high wind. Coming home, it era- almost impossible to see the tracks, and the 12-Tobtet Tin 25¢ of indshield wipers wouldn't wot`ic Economical 48 -Tablet Bottle 69{ Properly for the ice tllat coated t v;t ;�}LY `v:h F•. 1c:+ca• \. M � M .A. '•fit..; r' .•y.,