HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-03-30, Page 8A LOT OF FINE DRESS MATERIALS HAVE, JUST ARRIVED New Crepes at Special, per yard ....................$1.10 New Shantung Rayons at yard ................. . . 1.10 New Dress Ends, Crepes at yard ....................2.25 New Crepes, Rayons, etc. 42 -in at 1.59 to 1.75 yd. apery Goads Our Stock is now complete. See our new line of Woodland Drapery in beauti- ful new colorings of Rayon and Cotton, 50 -in. wide at 3.75 per yard. allpapers We carry Reg. N. Boxers and Watsons Foster's high grade papers in stock... Always have a large assortment to choose from... See the new super - coated and waterfast papers now available. Would be pleased to show you our samples. We have 150 different Papers to choose from be- sides ceilings. Prices range from 18c to 75c per single roll. A fetter bundle lots to offer at less than half price. 1%h V&-& g% ecials For One Week Only LADIES PRINT HOUSEDRESSES Sizes 12 to 16, Reg. 3.25 to 4.25 to clear at 1.49 Each. Print Aprons, 2 dozen at each ......... .. 29c. Print Aprons, larger size at each 59C KIDDIES PRINT DRESSES Sizes 1 to 7 at each..................................69c Sizes 8 to 14, at each ..............................1.19 %j �IScho Bros• TELEPHONE 59 ZURICH The Drysdale -Store The Store with the Best Variety of all Kind's ® of Groceries Also Rubber Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys i • 0 A fine assortment of Hardware and Electrical Appliances a • ATLAS AND SEIBERLING TIRES CO --OP. FEEDS Cured and Fresh Meats ` • o ® Your Patronage Appreciated at all Times! ! e GIVE US A CALL! JOHN DENOMY - DRYSDALE Phone 98 r 1 = • 00""e••' .. 00060066tyfCtr4 tfMi§r�'•W+Y-x6IQ►'�,te:MS"MJI"4�].. N+S'.''.GRoM'.': �E'FA't HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE Your Fuel Needs Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. We always try to supply our Customers with the most. Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early with us so we can arrange for your supply YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You "Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? . Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. We carry a ,full line of the Well Known and Tried) and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, 1 urnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinamit'N ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. TADS tz WEIDO IN +5 ZURICH — ONT. QUALITY - PRICE — SERVICE 0 ZURICH HERALD ITEN's, a COCA" � �Y`1M' �' InsuranceMr. Oscar Klopp continues still in spite of a 56 per cent majority ��� • Ho-•word'slntestinal Medicine confined to his bed with illness. store for the sale of Rev. F. M. Faist of Milverwa con- COMPREHENSIVE ducted services in the Evangelical U per cent majo•"itty. The vote was the B. Church last 'Thursday .evening. persona and Residence Mr. Ted Haberer made a rmsdn.ess inial ruling Forest must shelve the trip to, Exeter one day last week, Liability Insurance treating himself to, a new vehicle. other vote. Mr. Arthur Keller of Preston is Covers the named insured, his wife, in the hospital, undergoing an oiler- wife, members, of This Family against ertion• loss resulting from Legal Liability Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Laporte of I for Bodily Injury or Property Dam -- Windsor were week -end visitors ' In arising out of:—Premises, Per - town and at the B. W. Highway. ; somal Acts of Insured and members Mr. and Mrs. Dian Carlton and i of his household including the risks babe -were Sunday visitors with her of bicycles, dogs, horses, hunting, parent; at Arkona. Fishing, Golf and other sports. I-10,000 Coverage The Easter season will be ushered Agriculture. The Huron Go, Fed. is in next week with Good Frfaay on ; Three Year Premium ...... $7.50 Friday, the 7th, followed by Easter i Additional Res. ........ , . $2.50 Sunday. 'Further Particulars Apply.- pply.-Mrs. Mrs.Rosa Johnston and little da- J. W. HABERER - Phone 161 tighter who were at St. Joseph's Hos- f the county organizations. pital, London, returned home last - week, and broth are fine. I ARTHUR FRASER Robins, -crows and some other of, — the early spring birds have made ; Income Tax. Reports their appearance, but they scorn to i t3ookkeepina Service Etc. have missed the bus in this wintry i to the similarity betwoen the protect. weather. EXETER A few auction sales are looming! )MCE:—Corner Aam William Sts. up this :+pr•ing, Mr. Leonard t-3rom- ! Phone • Exeter 855W ette will hold his large sale on April 1 -- 12th, while Mrs. Wm. Taylor is hav- I ing• hex sale a week earlier, April 5th. ELMER D. BELL, B.A. Doctor Leaving for U.S.A. Wr,, are pleased to note that the Dr. J. G. Dunlop, who has been ill in V ict.:a•ia Hospital, London, suff- BARRISTER - SOLICITOR ering from eye trouble, returned to EXETER, ONT. hi.s home, Exeter, .Sunday last. He Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m., at Zurich i leaving shortly for treatment gat the At (New Twnp, Office) Manhattan Eye Hospital in New York before the Government. Engagement ■ Mr. Albert A. Gai--ier of Shipka, CEMENT CEMENT 1 announces the engagement of hi:,,, has been a very .succossful one for younger daughter, Elsie May, to Robert Ross Tuciwey, only son of MT BLOCKS and Mrs, Benson Tuckety;. The mar- were but the ones Oat riage to take place at 1 o'clock on mediate Delivery Saturday April 115, in the Evangelical o.ired to enter into the spirit of, tho U.B. Church, Crediton. HURON CONCRETE Mailing list Our mailing list has been correct- PRODUCTS ed up to 'March 2'5th and .have tried Phone to give everyone credit that has re- stick to measure rural opinion The newed their subscription. If you are National Farm Foruan ,recommends' in g–od standing ,your label should that the Forums organize for next revel 50 or 51, :but if it is les; than season before they close the ii " SUCCESSFUL ,out activities for this season. If during that you are in :arrears, and ' your the summer months a problem anis-Moffat of Listowel. Mr. Medd is a for es that is of vara) inl+nrest to p'otre�rner. publisher surely moul appreciate a coimnuniiiy, -your forrtm officials • ars FARMERS in a position to act. I renewal. *mac SPECIFY ARE PLANNING STATUS �r HOWARD'S At -a reeient meeting of the Grand it decided, Veterinary Lend Village Trustees was to circulate immediately a notice ve- Medicines garding incorporating of the Police Village. -On this paper .taxpayers will sig•nifiyi approval or otherwise. Gen -r - al opinion is that many favour this p � Stim-a-Tone Chick Ta'iets— measure in view of the rapid grn5�l Iva o and popularity of this lake shore re- s`� give your chicks a fighting r start— stimulate appetites-- FOREST REMAINS DRY I ��" ��` ! loo tablets $1.35 .r The town of Forest will reinam (Try in spite of a 56 per cent majority ��� • Ho-•word'slntestinal Medicine which voted for establislunent of. a GoNi-rnment d� .,, &Conditioner for Pouliry— store for the sale of ¢ - liquor. A Govt, ruling demands a 60 > has sick chicks up and per cent majo•"itty. The vote was the scratching in no time. large5t ever polled. Under the Prov- _ j\ inial ruling Forest must shelve the �� �' Howard's• Hog Wormer— que ition for three years bofore an--�. //� d Easy to administer in water other vote. or slop --a palatable and safe Federation News wormer. A. H. HOWARD CHEMICAL CO. LTD. (By Gordon M. Creig•) Toronto Ontario. The Directors of Huron County DEALERS IN YOUR VICINITY Federation of Agriculture held their March meeting in the Agr. Board Hensall District Co-operative. room in Clinton on Tues. 'March 21s, E. Schwartzin truber Blake Reports were received and a Poul-- V. Schatz Dashwood ry Producers' Organization was est- Henderson Hensall abli.shed within the Federation of Kerslake Produce Hensall Agriculture. The Huron Go, Fed. is -c­op.erating' with other Federation, Ili our cone in holding a.ineeting of AT TUDOR'S T xecutive in Walkerton later this Get ready for Easter at Tudors, Spring• to try and co-ordinate efforts See their lace trimmed slips at $P3.9 i f the county organizations. and plait straight cut at ' Letters Ar're sent to Federal Me- Tretty spring blouses at $2.95. Iiand- p > rnbe,rs o:f Parliament to secure their $2.95 and bags views on recent embargo that wart Shortiee placed against Japanese g3ods com- ing into Canada. The letter pointed - to the similarity betwoen the protect. Only 49c for an Introductory ion given the shirt and glove manu- Buffet Fork in the new April !Pat- facturer,, and .the protection. required tern orf Rogers fine Silverware. Com- l:ly butter manufacturers against the plete Service for S in a beautiful ehruip vegetable oils and fats import- chest for $41.95. See our window ed for the manufacture of margar•fne —Hdss, the .Temeller. Wr,, are pleased to note that the Government has adopted a german- RECIPES FOR FESTIVE EASTER ent 'Price Support policy for farm DINNER! produce. The Federation has had much to do with keeping this issue For appealing recipes for a festi�c before the Government. spring-like dinner, see Amy Alden'c Farm Forum activities are di•avv- "Hoousehodd Almanac" in The Ani- ing• "o a close for another season. Ti e.rican Weeldly with this Sunday',, has been a very .succossful one for Detroit Time:i. Included is a recipe Huron County. Few new Forun'i.e for a, luscious baked ham with must - were but the ones Oat and glue.. Ile sure to read The All!- ki)eratcd had good attendance and erican WCckly with this atin(fa,os o.ired to enter into the spirit of, tho (April) 2 issue'o.f The Dotroit Surt- l eetinl,' with enthusiasm and inter- (lay 1 im.cs. e it We had many good topics for this season, many w, re a good yard' SUFFERS HEART' ATTACK stick to measure rural opinion The National Farm Foruan ,recommends' Mr. W. G. Medd of Exciter, is quits that the Forums organize for next ill at present at his Thorne silfi'cring a season before they close the ii heart attack. His son .Bruce, of Nap - ,out activities for this season. If during anee was called )tome also Mrs. Thor, the summer months a problem anis-Moffat of Listowel. Mr. Medd is a for es that is of vara) inl+nrest to p'otre�rner. member of the Ontario Legislat. coimnuniiiy, -your forrtm officials • ars u.t,.e vend is well known blyl a large cir- in a position to act. I tyle of friends. Thursday, Nlarch 20th, 1950 gllllllllllllllllllllllllllll(IIIIIIIiIIIIiilllllllllllllllllllliillllllllll(IIIlllll(IiiiIIIIiIIIiIIN� r Westlake Furniture + ar" 4- Z%/ �h �/o xeduction ON ALL LAMP SALES DURING Tl MONTH OF MARCH We Carry A fine Display of all Lines + Furniture , Good Supply. of Springs and Mattres •II• Always On Hand. Furniture - Phone 122, Zurich .14 BRIGHTEN y, BRIGHTEN UP YOUR HOME with our new KEM GLO LUSTRE — -SPREAD SATIN We Have all Your Needs for Spring Cleaning Modernize your Stables with Cattle and Hog Water Bowls, Stauncheons, Litter Carriers or any other Farm Equipment can be had from Reeler Mittiebaifz as 1ardware Phone 63 - Zurich .....--.....-------�.�..�.-Wwuummuur������uWluuluullWllWt�uni—,iuyL�mumW111W11WIIIWWIIIIW e FLOOR TILE FOR The Best In Mastic Tile Floor GET 99 _ TILE - TFX ALSO CLEANERS AND WAXES iffl Manufactured by The Flintkote Company, Toronto, Ont. ffJ See Your Local Agent 9 JOHN M. TURKHEIM - Phone Zurich; 174 LAID AND MAINTAINED. Free Estimates Gladly Given mmm�nmsmtnantennnmmm��tlm�m�mmm�immm�t�iei�lnnaxt>a�wtrg .,.+.;,.; �•-1 ..3••H..•i•. .•i^dr3•-i••I••I'.•i •I.. ......•II••F•i•......•l•4^lMR 4^�� a { We Can Supply You With LUMBER MILLWORK SASH TEN -TEST: DOORS MASONITE PAINTS BUILDERS' HARDWARE s + ASPHALT ROOFING WAX, AND ALL TYPES OF BUILDING SUPPLIES t F. Ce KALB1• LEISCH & SON e Phone 69 ZURICH Massey - JTarrifiN, HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF MASSEY. HARRIS REPAIRS. ORDER YOURS EARLYI AM TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR ANY MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS YOU MAY REQUIRE, INCLUDING TRACT ORS, THRESHING MACHINES, COMBINES, ETC. "The Service Arm for Canadian Farm" Ir'el. Shop 149 Oscar KJOPP Res, 67 EVER AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FARM NEEDS!