HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-03-30, Page 6f NE AN lio" f e /,. "Dear Anne Hirst: Th-ee years ago, my husband walked off and left us I had to have him arrested for non support I Ni X' of the children, a� •' o and he was sell- &, tensed to two years. Until a fete mo,iths ago t a . 1 heard Nothing from him. a: 4 Now he tells me that he has learned his les- son. He said he would let other women alone and would make a living for me and the children—IF I would give him another chance, "fie broke my heart once I have got accustomed to being away front hint, and raising the boys by myself. "Would you give him another chance? Just Blue Eyes." Can You Refuse? * Aren't you thinking only of * yourself in this crisis? The cu..+ptrtc wardrobe. A built- -up skirt that hangs just so, can be a date dress or .jumper. There is a regular skirt to wear with your blouses and a jacket for boilil Pitttern 4871: 11, 14, 16, 15, 20: .30, 32, 3.1, 36, 38, 40, 42. Sizc 16 jae!<ct. dress, 43,4 yards, 39 -inch 'Chis pattern, easy to Lisp, simple to sew, is tested for fit, Has cotn- plvtc illustrated iustruction�,. tient► twenty -live cents (250 in coin,. (statues cannot be--ecepted) for this pattern. E'rint plainly sire, flame, address, style uuulliei. Send order to [lox 1, ?.t F.ie}1• tec.,lh Siert, Vi- Trn•nrttr,. 011t. n Your heart broke once, You a got back on your feet. You * buried your shock and your lone- liness, and you set yourself to * bringing up your little boys by * yourself, You have succeeded. * And, as you say, you are aecus- v toured to that responsibtlityi and ► to the absence of your husband, ,4 In other words, you are getting along all right without nim. What of him? He has paid for his wrongdo- ing. It took him a long while to a realize the enormity of his of- fences against you and 'itis chil-dren, but finally lie has Burne to realize how wicked he was. With the truth acknowledged, he asks a' for forgiveness, and the chance * to prove that he is sincere, > Dare you refuse him? k, If you do, you may toss him back into the very temptations which once wrecked hien And this time, lie will have no reason * to resist thein. After his con- version to the right anal his re- solve to follow it, he will wonder r, whether the good life is worth all * the sacrifices it costs. If his wife. * the girl he once loved, will not * give him the chance to prove him- * self, what does the opinion of the j' rest of the world matter' Is arty one of us so perfect s that we can deny anothar human ► being one last chance? t If lie fails you this time, you will suffer another upheaval in w your life—but at least you will 4' have the consolation that you.did v not deny him the chance to be a * man. ax The chances might be that he will be a truly devoted husband to you, and learn to be a father to the boys whom thev can re- spect. and love, , I -low mail you refuse pini that chance? ... d: h. "For better, for worse"—often that promise is hard to live up to! Yet the wife who gives her husband another chance might find peace that lasts. Anne Hirst will help you through, if you write her at $ox 1, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto, Ont. Blood Will Tell What is claimed to be a foolproof test for drunkenness has been de- signed by scientists at Yale Uni- versity. They call it an intoxication- nleter. An individual buspected of drunk- enness has to blow into a tube, From the percentage of alcohol in 'his breath the machine calculates exactly the alcoholic content of his blood. These are the recognized percen- tages of absorbed alcohol: .05, sober; 0,5 ,to .15, a little tipsy; above .15, indisputably drunk. Paris Puts on the Dog --Paris' fashion celltre is all a -dither over the showing of its new spring collection for 1950. Don't be surprised if some of the enthusiasm bubbles over into Mom's own wardrobe., Any evening, for example, you might Collie, Home and find her lounging in the iinpisli Dalnlatialt-bound print costuine above. The spoiled slacks, topped by a black tnrool jersey blouse and an orange crepe scarf, were put together by designer Balinain. Or maybe she'll be ready to roans in Christian :Dior's onionskin taffeta afternoon dress, below left. Its enorinotts cowl collar of starched «-bite handkerchief linen CH R NI C211 -117,S I "'� 7 For the last month we aavc been expecting •Daughter home for the weekend—and every time it iq the sante story—"I guess I won't tie [lone • this week after all. I Jilqi got word that Gladys (or Rctl%, or.. joy, or Margaret, as the + else tuay be) is coining for the weekend! So that ends that --our Dail, l,ter is a very popular girl now she 'flag a house in which to entertain! And of course she loves it. One day pretty soon 1 shall be sampling Iter hospitality myself as I have not been to the city since Ne•x fear's Da) . \'iece Betty, froni La Cave, phoned us from 'Toronto (sterday —wanted to know bow we !tad put in the winter. I told her I had been making quilts, blanket, and rugs and Partner had been helping by washing the dishes.'. "Yes," said Betty, "and you set up a quilt in the bedroom and '.uv poor uncle had to crawl under it to get his socks!" "And how do you know that:" I asked in surprise "Oh, one of the girls at Gic house n e tnLOX rcation-meter tests Here gets the paper that has void will obviously not help drunks, it is colutlin in it, so of course 1 have pointed out that they will be useful just been reading itl" in clearing people who may be Soon there will be no secret,,, staggering or incnlierent for other reason. around here at all—bot at least the Fact that my friends and relations lead this column should save ore The successful marriage is usu. writing a fete letters, ally a three-ring affair — engage- 11y latest velltnre ill handicraft trent, tnarriacc- and teething. bas been knitting a rug, 1 wonder boli' many of you know what 1 nieau You use carpet warp to tout $ &.moueha at, Behold I with and in every other row, and in etgerpr�y 0 9..Itarate S3.Axeztoanhien 1 every outer stitch, you knit ill 9, mW qf`y 10• Tree exudatior 11. wa 6 Railrop+i flare slgnals -tt t�teltrut little piece of material all inch PUZZLE 113. Bird 17 School aaa(cu. 3lf, Pay out S?. Sapanaae wide and 1/ inches long. l,r� niat 1':. 1'inktiam's Vegetable Coin- men' galteaalr erial' was old socks and sweat,ts - -- - *-�-. - — ACROSS Oow 19. Dagger 21, Unit or eleutrl 39. Church oet ictal 39, Omen —the machine knit variety. So jai - 1. Before (prefix) 1. Rawaiian cal resistaaree 0. Barrem I have done one small, that hist 4. Word or native rood rapanese rnin 92. By way of 23, PYenorva 44 r1ompl*44 ecttoel g enough big h t0 tit 'in the doorway.:, sorrow 3. Invest.- 24. Black liquid 46, Mpoo9t Orcastonai d. LVord o, a (Scot.) 6. r_'ondurted &Ant 26. Kind 29, Drinking of silk 46 New teorat4►, cup form) 12, salve 6, Artl,•I» 30. Palm ililee 47, Atteta:3rt It. Fishing devlet tl++ tt vrntitato :n (trmpasrn pottua i 4 5 6 7 0 9 36. Really 1 2 3 16, Pas. 1':. 1'inktiam's Vegetable Coin- e i Is. Vase r antispasmodic efft(,tort nor, of r tommn's most important or),vnrtc, 19. Dessert 12 13 medicine helps build up resistance nervous sys teen , Pinkhatn'sCmm�otutddoctirnorr, 14 i 2n. Healing N41I1 Or gena ennY prom, 1,yalie V. PhAd,ar„ya TAIt1ETS bility, tenso eniolions•--•of ibis with at,l,led lino. LYDIA E. PINIKHAM"S Kortdesa IS IB 17 3I. Baiting E^. l'nvarying•19 go 26, Pronoun 26, Shn.ilnw 21 22 23 24 vessel v it. OccrxPled a . . chair 25 26 27 26, .Parent 29, Targe liaa.rd 31 32 31, Uke 28 29 30 33, Large tank 34, Own Ooot.) 33 34 35 3ti, Lxelamation 36, Roel, 38 3A g6 37 t9. Certain11 40, Kind or dog 41. Olsten limos 44 4i 42 42, Three -toe)! sloths _ 3. 4obliterated 44 4S d'rr, '.'It ver 46 River 9gypt T�sr!omntiva A6 d9 50 tn•toayr ,,,,,, tH.,�i.oirrsc of g 52 Osewtlere on this page, tMl.RM 4be*tn Answer and in a• hit-and-miss pattern. It is Naeahle tae way it is but yet I call snake it bigger at any time 1-o long as 1 don't add the border. It is quite possible to knit in some kills] of pattern but that way you would have to decide on the Size and colour of your mat before you Leaan; -otherwise you miglft find yo ).tself ctitl)out enough- of the Fight `colour material to rmish the Jc-b. 5iuce this was toy first attempt I settled for something easy. Yov, I have run out, of socks so 1 trust, perforce. forget lily rug-knittiug for awhile. \Parc']] maybe is just as well hecanse there are a fev Other iobs around here that are possibly more urgent. As, for in stance, housecicauiltg. 'Yes. I ant afraid housr6cauut_• time is fast approaching lot when the sun shiNes and the days lcnc;th- cn one gets "tile urge" without any trouble at all. i have heard rani• oars alicadN of some lionsewire; going into actioli with paper and paint. So ,fat the extent of u1!,• activities hay been "redding u11" one cnpboard—and I kept the fur- t;.:ce going nearly all one clay with *ghat I cleaned ort -papers, inaga- zlues and other iuuli. I also hav_ ncarlc a Inrndtsed boobs leady to pass on to a place where they will probably do morc good t:lan flet are likely to collecting dust oil our bookshelves, flow I hate to dcstro rcadimg material! The only wav 1 Call del it is, I,.% not lool'ing at Your idiil t� l.1( Period?'! Do female functional inonf,hly I ailments snake •you feel so nervous, strangely r.41:less, so tense and r�• i weak a fow days just before your Alt i pperiod?'.Chen Wish taking Lydia 1':. 1'inktiam's Vegetable Coin- e i ronnd So relieve Such symptomsl [t hassttrh,SmAlung,comfori.ing r antispasmodic efft(,tort nor, of r tommn's most important or),vnrtc, nature, jtegutlar -use of this great. Working thl out*li the sympathetic medicine helps build up resistance nervous sys teen , Pinkhatn'sCmm�otutddoctirnorr, against" such fennale distress. l rely the tr,n>ir.art's fr ort]! than reliovo mons illy pain, It also relieves pre-porio(l nervous irril.a N41I1 Or gena ennY prom, 1,yalie V. PhAd,ar„ya TAIt1ETS bility, tenso eniolions•--•of ibis with at,l,led lino. LYDIA E. PINIKHAM"S Vegetable Covd0ourrd tl,e &toff at all. Leafing through rwtga4ines to see if there is any. thing I want to keel) is, fatal, 'There $I" ays is . . .. so 'when I really leant to make a thorough job of things L steel my heart and dotl't look at thclu at all. I'liVilat the eye doesn't see the heart do;•an't gfirve for,' Well. hou�ecicarlu+h t- --o sign of approaviiing spring bili )here have air o been other: around here 'Tile other day I sant several crows, and J?artucr heard a robin chide. And 1 notice 111211% .of the younger generation seen] to be 'getting tile t: ander-lust. Strange, isn't it, that Mien one is vouug tiist;trt fields are always green but as the get: older ire realise, that if, and When. we could reach those distant fields —and look bac].—then the fields we left behind would also take ori a brighter bile. Well, globe trotting is all r151u for those who have the opportunity but I guess Partner and I mist content ourselves witli globe -trot ting by books and by radio. Right NollPartner is busy with Win'stop 'Churcir ti's memoirs, and last weel, I was reading "The ktains Came" which. as you probably know, is a stork of India. in the nlotisoou season, followed by an earthqualln and graphically written bt Loins BroliflMd. Fl e is certainly a won derful writer a.ud. as 11. C.1. ltannaw pointedout over Farm I:adio Tor- uli, the revetnle from his books bas doubtless helfied the author to also become a w'onoerful farmer. And sneaking agabi of spring : - could that be the answver to the re -appearance of ":Flying Saucers"? 11aybe our *f ends from )liars get spring -revel•, plus! HOW CAN 1.09, :By Anne Ashley Q. How can MI reshape a straw hat? A. The shape of ti straw ]tat can be chatig'ed by pouring hot water over it, and while it is still hot and pliable, bending it to any shape desired. Select some hind of bowl or vessel that will fit the crown of the fiat, and place on this while working, leaving it on the form to dry in a hot sun. Q. How can I make a strength- ening drink? A. )'feat a fresh egg until very light; stir it in a g'l'ass 'of sweet milk, sweetened to taste, and flavor with either nutmeg or lemon. Q. How can I prevent the broom froth becoming lopsided? A.. Bind an old silk stocking around the broom below the cord- ings, and this will prevent its be- conu lig lopsided. The broom will be strengthened if wet in boiling suds about once a wee]:, Q. How can I extract a stubborn rusted screw? A. Heat a .poker or rod of iron until it is red-hot. Then hold to the [lead of the rusted screw for two or three minutes, It will be easy to withdraw the screw with a screwy drivel'. tt„ Q. How can 1 relieve the dgbft- ness of a pair of shoes? A. 11'rin[; a cloth out of very hot water and place it over the spot where the shoe pinches, leo this while the shoe is on the toot, The heat in the cloth will cause th0i leather to expand, Q. How can I cause lige• she114 of hard-boiled eggs to come on easily, and also prevent the Y6110 from .darkening? A. Place the hard-boiled egg's in cold )water huniediately upon taking •f kilt From the hot witer. Q. Ilow can I blezch a garment white, when it cannot be worn be- cause of its faded color? A. lloil the garulent in crearil Of tartar. Q. How can I make a substitute for castor oil? A. Prune juice will prove a good substitute. Soak the prunes over night. Sicca them i• the water itt which they have been soaked, and when they are tender, pierce thein with a forli to tel ont the iuice. Do not sweeten, COME OUT FROM UNDER TUE SHADOW OF PAIN Try DOLCIN Tablets for prompt relief from ARTI.IRITIC and RHEUMATIC pain ... get a bottle o4 V O L L I N tablets from your druggist TODAY and join the thousands of relieved sufr-crers who by taking DOLCIN have come. out from under the shadow of pain. DOLCIN is available at all drug store► -100 tablets for $2.39-200. tablets for $3.95 -also avail- ! t able in bottles of 500 tablets. DOLCIN LIMITED. "Ibron- �; • 1 to 10, Canada. DOLCINZt . TABLETS eatentea 1949, DOLca v %, Wte reytstered ]rads, + ,r or ni, vrad„ct. Upside down to prevent. peeking. �O 5 U 3tl .9"3 �2i33N 09N3'- 37•f .1. 39 2y al- Vibi ,V -if '3 W 0 3an5 S'd39.9V1 3 1 N.1 V Nt'1.1 SV 2)01 ]NOW b 1. V. S N •V d 1 N113SIN 0 Nan d3 3 1'd NEMn "I 3 -18 J. N 3 N If21d S1D'�b ISSUE 13 — 1950 enle W# lj ;(llrrr r.. . . . . . . . . . Jame Ashley's Crown Brand Recipes F RPS Write Jane Ashley, The Conada Scarth Company Limited, P. O, Box 129, Montreal, P. Q, ca 27 f a a