HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-03-30, Page 5ZURICH - ONTARIO
Thursdalp, March 30th, 1950
Put Your 'Walrtt, For Sale �-BREAD
,f►utharzed as second class mail, •• •
Post Office Department, uttawa, Lost. Found. Etc. Adis. In this I Comop. hStarter
Column, Sorry to report that Mr, Harry G. on the tableI►
Hess is iii at his home in town.
Messrs. Gideon Koehler and 1108bFOR STRONGER CHICKS
BUSINES CARDS NEUHAUSER CHICKS Johnston motored to London on Tues-
cHlcics CHICKS, CHICKS Mr, We Also Have a Large Stock of Peat Moss
Mr. Leon+ard Prang was at London J
Government Approved chicks in 20 the past ,week, taking -advanced advanced stud r`
John W. Orchard Breeds. Day old and started. Somre ie,f on mechanical automotive nvoxk. AVAILABLE AT
OPTOMETRIST 2 weeps odd, Thousands of little Miss Barbara Ann Gaseho is tak
cockerels available every l.uesday ing a po,4ition 'in the local branen of
Hensall Dist. Co -Operative
1 Maim Street - Exeter and Firiday. Now is the time to get the Bank -of Montreal. x '
Open Every Week Day tliern.. Miss Norma Sturgeon of the Snac1>.Y I iENSALL and ZURICH
Except Wednesday Neuhauser Hatcheries, 81 King St„
Shoppe was a wooer -end visvtor at t �«<:v w, '
Phone 355J London, Canada. her home in Boydeld.
�....... Mrs. Henry Volland of G.derich, L i .
FOR SALE was a visitor the pat week at the elle meat MS ready! WE'RE READY TO HELP YOU
home of leer sister, Mrs. L. Schilbe
V,ICENSED AUCTIONEERS Building Lot in 'Zurich, for sale• and, brother, Mr. John Albrecht. � No meal is complete without plenty o
Good locativii. Apply to T. z,. Wurm ' Mrs. Conrad Keller why bad been of delicious wholesome bread. And + '
—� stayingwith her son Arthur at fres- CASTY-NU tarts good and is g000 r A s
AL`%IN WALPER FOR SALE ton, is spending some time rat that hearty food for you. Every slice >
Chevrolette Coach, dark tblue, has home of Mrs. Emma Block. lice of enerr
licensed Auctioneer 5 .goo+d tires, correct mileage a little Miss Betty Mousse.au, nurse in Buy an extra Loaf today --start
-Specializing In
training at the Stratford Generril now to serve more bread at ever)
- over. 9,OOp +mi1e.7, in Al condition, Hos Hospital, is s• endiri a few days at meal. Get your TASTY -NU Bread YOUR CAR rep,resentsamajor Investment.
aifm and P>trebred Live,tock Sales Henry M. Wiliert, Dashwood. c p p g at the Tasty -Na Bakery or at your It deserves the best of care—and that's what we're
_ her home here.
..Berviee That Satisfies" Mrs. Hugh MacKinnon of local Grocers. ready to give it. Whether it's a complete lubrication
PIGS FOR SALE von Rass were job or just a battery check, we really try to give good,
sae 57x2. R. 1, DASHWOOD A quantity of -choice mixed Hay, St. Thomas, and baby thorough Imperial service --the kind that will keep you
baled. Apply to Earl Gingerich, Ph. guests cd' Mrs. M. MacKinnon all of TC�aC1� N a�y g p p
90 r 7, x last week. Returning home with Mr, PHONE 100 — ZURICH corning back.
E. F. CORBETT Hugh, -on Saturday. _ We'd appreciate a chance to show you
FOR QUICK SALE Mr .and Mrs Cal ton Bossenberry what u e can do.
Y okin� until such time contributory'
l<,.10ENSED AUCTIONEER A Nordheimer piano, 2 full bed- and Mr. Bert Bo,senberry -of Detroit pensions come into effect.. he refer- Hector Fortier
00 room suites with dresser and wash Mr and Mrs Charles Bcssenberry of red to the struggle many aged per tnrealai
Fww Reasonable, Sat'„siaction �° F
stands, some odd -chairs, variety of Kitchener spent. the week -end in cons wdiose savings were small are 5T. JOSEPH SERVICE STATION n
Guaranteed dishes, some bedding, rugs and other Zurich, with their cousins, Mr and having meeting the high cost of liv- COR. No. 84 & 21 HIGHWAYS
EXETER, R. R. 1 fltoor oaverin•gs, -and many other ar- Mrs. Len Wagner. ing today. ? F.4 = = H e
Phone ,- _dick 92rtitles. Prospective buyers to come The Ontario Govt. had given great
on Saturday and Mond r from 10 a, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Steinbach
Mond* assistance to education and farming.
m. on. —Mrs. Rose Brawn, Zurich.* and son Ronnie of London, were Grants have enabled school boards
V E T E R 1 N A R 1 A.N week -end visitors .at the home of the to pay better salaries to tcacners and SAVE—St. Joseph Service is prepared to save you
FOR QUICK SALE former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I-IV, many schools in the province would
Steinbach, and brother, Mr and Mrs. have been cl•os�.d for want o?' teachers some Money on your Tractor and Implement Tire
A quantity of tray, baled or loose Ted Steinbach, had this assistance n ;:t been given. Needs. Compare our prices and allowances on your
�•` W B� COXON, B.V. Sc. for sale—Edmund Becker, Dashwood In Huron attendance at secondary old Tires!
Would take in a few tread +of cattle Mrs. Barbara Snider if Waterloo; schools had increaser 50 per cent in is
VETERINARY SURGEON till pasture time. Good ensilage and Mrs. Orville Martin o:a: Hatwkesville, the last four years. There were 24
Main Street, rough feed—Noah Gingerich, R.R.3 Mr and Mrs. Nelson. Weber ant fam- bus routes opec•ating in his riding, o
O$lee with Residence, Bayfielld, phone 98r3 Hensall. * ily of Conesboga, we -,e recent- visit- and carrying MS pupils 1,600 miles Spring
'��i YIN
� � P � ��
Opposite'Drug Store ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. a day to and from school. Expansion 8 •r.-�
ZURICH FARM FOR SALE Alvin Gingerich, Bablylone Line. of Hiyfdro services to. many thousands
of people on the farms was lauded by We Suggest you visit our Store and see our New
Consisting of 100 acres, being Lot -Mir. Russell Broderick -of near the member. Rural Hydro was one gg
IBU T C H E R S - 4, Concession 12, Hay Township. Close Hensall was in drawn Monday, he is improvement, which is heiping to Spring Footwear
to Highway and Canning Factory, holding an auction sale of farm ma- keep young people on the farm.
• alar brick house, H1y;dro, ,bank barn, good chine, +etc. on Aril 3rd .on his LADIES—A new assortment of Suedes and Calf,
y, p Mr. Phyde suggested the Provincial
Znrxebs POp stabling, straw shed with running fine farm ju:,rt north -of Hensall, on Government should take a hand in which take the eye of the most modern Dresser
water in shouse and barn. Apply to the Highway No. 4. Mr. Broderick regulating daylight saving time in
RKET Mrs. Wm. Taylor, R.R. 1, Exeter. has purchased the coal business of the province. Last year ehoatic Gond- GROWING GIRLS—Black, British Tan, Navy
Mr. H. Beierlin at Exeter, and will iitions existed in the province because
g, � and Bur and in various St les.
Let Us supply You - with the SEED FOR SALE spend most of his time at that bus- of the action of Toronto city council. g y �'
Recdnt cancellation .of British food BOYS and YOUTHS-IS—Scamyers at a very Yew
eery Cho ice of Fresh and Cur" for 1LtSuitable fortma tin Barley Also mess. Back to Winter contracts may have a farreaching
$olodrlas, Sausages, x effect -on the income of Canadian Price.
led Meats, fl some spring wheat. The weatherman was real kind on
s on hand- Kept Hilton Truemner, Phone 85 r 11 farmers, citing his own riding, noted MEN ---A complete line of Valentine -Martin Ster-
ic,, alway Saturday and Sunday .by igivin'9 us for its: egg production -as one area P
fresh in Electric Refrigeration nice warm and sunny weather, which feeling the loss of United Kingdom ling and Hydrei City Work Shoes to chose
FOR SALE was greatly appreciated, and brougi.t markets. He adv�;cated that everyone
y g r d took away the big , would eat more eggs and tell their from, See our new Hydro City Arch work
Highest Cash Prices for Durham Caw, carrying 3rd calf, the robins an
banks a snow, and we were of th friends to doe so. Shoe.
due April • 15th. Also some'' small , c:
Wool, Hides and Skins pigs. Sol Gingerich. copinion that spring warj here for This Government has a sound pro
' l1�11�17�11�t & Sn� sure, but today, Wednesday .morn- grana which will keep the wheels of DR. SCHOOL'S Arch Supports; Cann and Bunion
ff.FARM FOR SALE ing •we were greeted with �a blanket 1ndirstry in motion to, create employ- Pads, 'Pedicreme, Foot Balm, Foot Soap,
100 acre Farm, half mile north of of snow and old king winter was a- ment for ,our people and with a re- Bunion Reducers, Etc.
PRODUCE Zurich, iGoshen Line, known as the gain upon us. Some thunder storms m1ting demand for the food produc-
August Koehler Farm. Has good Visited these parts on Sunday night, ted on our farms. That is the cycle
we wish to create and within it we'tore
buildings, all wired, water in barn, Attended Fun -rat 4vi11 have, •prosperity and contentmentin Wr
good fences, well drained, in high brought about by self reliance and Oesch Sho r 0 state of cultivation, 9 acres fall Among those who attended the fun- independence. Ontario will then have, i
wheat, 45 acres fall plowing none, 35 eras of the late Rolland- -Geiger, last gone far t> help build a strong Can
T acres seeded down, 2ara .ares of Tuesday .were: Mr. Noah Geiger, IVIi. adian nation. A few days ago Iva
�AIRiIES bush land. Possessioan this spring, and 1•Irs. Truemner, and Mrs. Gettels heard quoted that good Jd Pre,by- '"' ' �r� ."�'M o�►�. s ►'.
J.�i.� on day of Sale, announced later. A of Pip.,cn, Mich; D.r. 'Xilton Geigc x terian hymn "Lead Kindly. T�i;h', '
Crib Market for Cream, Eggs fine opportunity to purchase a very of Cres +well, Mich; Mr. and Mrs• which seems to sum up the diff rence �"a ,
choice farm in A-1 condition. Henry Gruen, of Sebiwaing Mich: in attitude of each side of this Ron e O �F9.�° ,�v C VGA"u1, Hardware Needs
.and Poultry Leonard Gera+matte, lunch. * --optimism on the one side—gl• ori • —
r�Tr and Mrs Levi Snider and Mr. I'i •
E vin Eckstein of Pi eon • Mr and Mrs on the other side. •
Graded on g • From Our
}dive Your V, r,
LeRoy O'Brien, Manager
(hone 101 Zurich
Zurich Creamery
Your Home Market for Cream
Eggs and Poultry
I fthest Cash Prices paid plus
• premium for delivered cream
We are equipped to give effi-
cient accurate service. Egg
`amd Poultry department in
charge of Mr. T. Meyers.
Chas. Minshall, Proprietor
Western Farriers' Mutual
Weather Insurance , ca.
Amount of Insurance at Risk on
December 31&• 1946
Total Cash in Bank and Bonds.
Renes1'q,.I✓Oon/ Applicattion�/7
E. F. PP"•'
Also Dealer in Lightning Rade
4 all kinds of Fire IWurance
A number of small pigs. Apply to
Lennis Gingerich, Phone 84 r S. 1
A Farmall 93. H. International
Tractor, Row Crop, with scuffler. In
good ciondition. Also some spring
wheat seed, Redman. Apply to John
Ostrom, Varna, Ont. "
A reliable girl to work in store and
help with housework; foe all summer
season, to begin now. Good wages.
Apply Rol. Grenier, B. A. Service
Station, Grand Bend.
I have taken over the business of
General Trucking and would apprec-
iate your business. Please apply to
Clare Masse, Phone 1126, Dashwood• e
Arrangements can be made
Bill Watson
Dashwood — Phone 35r19
Mr, Art Haist returned home from
St. JoseVills Ho-pital, London, very
much improved in health.
Mrs. Piffer has it-Aurned to her
home after spending the winter with
her sons in Chatham.
The men who have been survey'ni •
on the Townline have completed their
Nvoak and have m:ov:,d awaly. Hope,
are that this road will be paved the
taming suinnier•.
Held March Meeting
Agriculture was the theme •of the
,March meeting -of the G. B• W. T.
4Irs. Wood convened the ine'ethig and
gave interciMng• talk along agricut-
ul,al lints. Mrs, Emery 'Desjardine
eoinmented on the motto "Time Mar.
ches On" The roll call was answered
by an ii islr joke Mrs. Ra;yinoin I Kad
trig; Airs. Rmy Morem and , i,. Mev
Turnbull w.,ve earned !t committee to
l,vosent a slate of ofce1,s ab the Ari -
Ernie Pfile and Mrs. Teopfer of De-
H I L L S G it E E iR
• `
troit; 'Rev. Roy M. and Mrs. Geiger
of Fort Erie; Mrs. E. Bender and
A Good Supply of Shelf and Heavy Hardware
.son Edwin of Tomonto; Dr. William
Miss Margaret McAllister
always on hand, also
Gefp-r of Waterloo; Mr. anti MTQ.
Miss Margaret NIcAl�lister, well
Cliff Belytnon of Ingersoll,; besides a
known and highly esteemed resident
Scarf's Endurable Paints, Enamels and Varnishes
large number of relatives and friends
in the immediate community
passed away at her h. -me following
and the New Almatex Plastic Paints
a heart attack she suffered while
In Lighter Vein
11-rforming her housework. Horn on
For your heating system we recommend—the Good
I hear you hurried your wife last
the Parr Line, Hay Twp., she resid-
ed in Hen•tall for many 1years, winere
Cheer Furnace, or the well known Coleman Oil
week," A member observed to Lord
she was engaged as a dn.•essmaker.
Chumley at hi- London Club, " Had
She was an active member of ,C•armel
to", replied Lord Chumley. "Dealt,
I Presbyt Tian Church, anember of the
For your Household needs we carry Beaty Wash •
(y.)u know.)
W.M.S. and a very a-rdent workerin
Machines; National Electric Stoves; Marconi Rad- •
The New Look—Pray wear this
the Red Cross rooms -during the war
ios; Heaters, Electric Irons, and Toasters, Enamel -
ring because I want your folks to be
my in-laws.
8urviving is one si_ter, Mrs. William
McAllister, cf IIensall. Funeral ser-
ware Pyrex and various Kitchen Ranges.
vices were held from her late resid-
;ince conducted by her minister, Rev
Reliable Plumbing, Furnace work, evetroughin^ a
k r ?
P. A. Ferguson. Interment was made
and Tinsmithing. Our Aim ,To Serve and Satisf3 ' a
i ?
E ,
rn the Hillsgreen cemetery.
' e
•.....,..u�....a.Lo..t`n`•v::...v.:tks:2'•H,.•.... w:.,.a....u.:.•'a'�6
.Thomas I-iydc, M.L.A. for Huron,
ad; orated on Friday, March 3rd in
thr+ Throne Speech debate a sy,tern
of contributory old age pension; in
Canada and uniform Tlaylight .Saving
Time throughout the pr•:vhice. 1Ir.
Pryde expressed the hope tlrat Cin
a would, in the riot too far di,;tkiive
act on the problem of pensions for
the .i;ed, That limr,,mv adwinieti:rt-
•ori in thr care of Id p oplc, wide
irked and motherNvill be 41-
mTXd,,v wdwwlif n elm
Belong to the throe pebple of CBC,
Toronto, who are responAble for the
jazz concerts which are pre ented on
the CIIC Dominion network at. 9.00
p.m. every other Monday. Theiv sire
.gleno, Mead, the, producer, Dick Mc-
Dougal, the announcer; and Jack
Barkley, the technician. The three
wore snapped in the control froom
drtrrng reherga; i11 the 11,11
rehni a1 •Por a rer+ Ht vlio .%
ale p ctj'•iitorl r•wwv fort-
night, the next 4beini; April 110th.
Main St. Hardware Store Phone 213 a
FOR GOD — The Lord of Eearth and Heaven.
SO LOVED — And longed to see forgiven
THE WORLD — In sin and pleasure mad
THAT HE GAVE — The greatest Gift He had
HIS ONLY SON — To take our place
T14AT WHOSOEVER --- Ohl What grace
BELIEVETH — Placing simple trust
IN HIM — The righteous and the just
LOBI), Help my unbelief! Give me the peace of faith.
To rv,,,t with child -like tru-st on what T1rg Crospr•1 saith:
TUNE IN—Hear CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Lost Angeles,
STA' IMI Cl4iiM-__10i'r0, Toronto, Sundays 9. to 10. A.M.
WCAR, '1.130, . Pontiac, Mich_ Sunday, at 12 to 1.00 p.in.